Wow, what a last few days we've had. We hope that everyone was able to ride along with us in covering the San Diego Comic Con events for Knight Rider!
We owe a huge amount of thanks to the good folks over at NBCUniversal (you know who you are) for hooking us up with the level of access required to deliver like we did. We also want to thank all the cast and crew that spoke with us over the two days, but specially Gary, Deanna and Justin for spending alot of time answering our silly questions and going the extra mile to make us feel confident in the series that lies ahead.
We hope you all enjoyed learning about the new changes and tidbits (insert spoilers here!) of what the show will be like as much as we did. Hopefully it can hold us over for a bit!
I know we sound like a broken record, but this really is an exciting time for Knight Rider. It's only going to be getting crazier from this point forward in a very amazing way. We have a lot of exciting things planed, so I hope we have shown you where you need to be for all things Knight Rider
In case you missed it, here is a listing of our coverage on the day of the event it took place on. (which may vary from posted date just due to scheduling)
Pre Comic Con - Thursday, July 24th
Internet Teaser [Video]
Knight Rider Series Panel - Thursday, July 24th
NBC's Comic-Con 2008 Panel Footage [Video]
Knight Rider 2008 Panel [Photos]
Interview with Bruce Davison [Video]
Interview with Deanna Russo [Video]
Interview with Gary Scott Thompson [Video]
Interview with Justin Bruening [Video]
Interview with David Bartis [Video]
Knight Rider 2008 Panel Transcript [Text]
Attack KITT Reveal - Friday, July 25th
Justin, Deanna and Gary at Attack KITT Reveal [Photos]
Attack KITT Reveal [Photos]
Gary Scott Thompson Explains Attack KITT [Video]
Justin Bruening at the Attack KITT Reveal [Video]
Deanna Russo at the Attack KITT Reveal [Video]