KNIGHT OF DESTRUCTION: Karr and Michael come face to face

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KNIGHT OF DESTRUCTION: Karr and Michael come face to face

Post by cstingray » Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:31 am



The screen opens up in a military base somewhere in Iraq, during operation desert storm.
Over the loudspeakers Michael is paged

MP: Paging Michael tracer, please report to main office, mike tracer to main office.
M. TRACEUR: (Grumbling) What now? And who did I piss off this time?
M. TRACEUR: (as he arrives at the main office and addresses a secretary) who needs to see me?
Secretary: Sir come to the back of this building there are 2 MPs who await you please get in the humvee with them and you will be escorted to your meeting.
M. TRACEUR (Grudengly) All right (follows orders and sits next to one of the MPs in the back of the humvee)
D: After about 1 hour’s drive they arrive at this abandoned looking warehouse, and the driver blasts the humvee’s door twice, and mysteriously the door opens. There isn’t much inside, just 4 guards armed with machineguns, dr graman, agent Torres and the silhouette of a mustang under a tarp.
MP: You get out of the truck, this is your stop
MT: Ok
D: The 2 men in the humvee leave.
TORRES: (Salutes Michael) Come forward soldier
MT: Why am I here?
DG: Michael you are here because you’re going to take part of an experiment with a new weapon
MT: Um doc, what are you doing here?
DG: Yes Michael, I’m the project lead so I chose you because you hold a special place in my heart
MT: Umm.. thanks?
TORRES: What you’re about to see is… well classified, no one outside this room knows of this marvel...
DG (butts in) it’s called the KNIGHT AUTOMATED ROVING ROBOT, KARR for short (as he speaks the soldiers uncover the same shiny GT500 and the scanner suddenly lights up)
KARR: Nice to finally meet you…Mike!
MT (Spooked) ok it’s a car, its talking and it knows my name, you mind telling me what the heck is going on?
DG: Mike we want you to drive it.
MT: Do I have a choice?
TORRES: Let’s just say you owe us, see tonight your platoon which are well, the only people know of you beside your mother, father and the doc here is going to get ambushed tonight they will likely get wiped out if you don’t help them, so we bought you here in time to let the battle get started, now go… and see if you and karr can stop the carnage before it’s too late.
MT: (Runs towards KARR, gets in and orders karr) KARR plot a course towards my army base as fast as you can
KARR (Leaving in a smoky burnout) Course plotted
KARR: We will be arriving at your base in 10 minutes, when we arrive please say ATTACK MODE so that I may transform into my military mode of function.
MT: okie
D; The moment they arrive, it’s obvious this was worse than he thought, the base is well almost leveled by RPG fire, judging by the strewn corpses dressed in US fatigues a good chunk of the platoon is dead, and then….
KARR: Hold on Michael
D: Out of the gt500 comes the droid body machine guns blazing at the ambushing party.
MT: KARR aim for those with the heaviest weapons.
KARR: Agreed
D: Karr begins to annihilate pockets of men with RPG, and the battle is calming down to where the remaining soldiers are safely retreating to what’s left of the base.
MT: Good, not everyone is dead, Karr do a scan of the area and see what can be salvaged from the base
KARR: The base is well mostly…destroyed; there are 3 humvees with Gatling guns mounted atop of them, 1 Abraham’s tank, 1 cobra helicopter, several hundred rifles, about 20 boxes of ammo, enough to last till tomorrow morning if this keeps up.
D: Then out of nowhere two RPG rockets are fired off towards KARR, unable to react in time one of the rpgs shears off one of karrs machine guns, when suddenly

KARR: I will not allow for my termination, Michael, protocol Delta Echo Sally Tango Rally Omega Yale, I’m sorry Michael but you must go.
D: Michael is forcibly ejected from Karr landing hard on the ground, breaking his right arm.
D: Karr fires off a barrage of rockets at the intruders and in anger begins to turn on the US soldiers, by now the last of the terrorists are either dead or fled, but KARR has different plans.
KARR: I will never be terminated; it is because of you soldiers I was nearly destroyed; now you will all die!!!
D: suddenly a small group of soldiers passing in the distance back towards the base in a humvee is gunned down by Karr, and the same faith is met by a nearby group that was just recovering from all the madness, and without notice. Two black GMC YUKON denalis roll in, and the first to get out is Doctor graman.
KARR: Doctor graman what are you doing here?
DG: Here to stop you, initiate transformation to stealth now!
KARR: Doctor I apologize this is a flaw in my programming, won’t ever happen again, no, please don’t shut me down.
DG: You left me no choice..
KARR: Before you do I need to check on someone
D: Karr heads over to Michael who is still laying on the ground reeling from the pain, and gently picks him up and places him in front of doctor graman
KARR: He will need medical attention I ejected him from his seat, he has a broken arm, and a possible rib fracture.
DG: KARR Initiate transformation
KARR: Yes doctor graman.
D: Once back in the GT500 body karr begins to realize he is about to be shut down for good, and tries one last time to plea with graman
KARR: Doctor graman, please don’t shut me down, I will look over my code and we can fix this, the error won’t occur again.
DG: KARR open doors
KARR: Please doctor graman, don’t do it
D: Graman gets in the driver’s seat, and speaks
DG: Karr, manual override
D: A set of pedals, and a cue ball shifter wrapped in leather come up. Graman, removes the orb’s door, and reveals KARR’s ai chip.
KARR: please doctor graman, please, pleeeassse----fades as graman removes the ai chip form Karr.
DG: Torres, have the FBI store this in a safe place, and well meet to decide KARR’s faith when we get back into the states.
MT: Hey what about me, I just broke my arm and rib here
TORRES: MPs erase his memory
D: Two military policemen hold down Michael as a third belts out a syringe with a yellow substance and proceeds to inject Michael, in pain Michael shreiksss.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. He doses off, and awakens in a daze

MT: What the heck did you do?
TORRES: Nothing Mike, you just had an accident and will return to the states tonight, full honorary discharge, Purple Heart and all, well done, well done.
D: Graman gets into the now disabled KARR and follows Torres and the 2 SUVs out of the base, as Michael is put on a humvee onto the nearest airport.

Back in the states, a meeting is going on in the SSC, present is TORRES, RENNING, and SARA GRAMAN

TORRES: Graiman both the FBI and DEA realize Karr’s failure, but the U.S government would like to pursue a different avenue to fix this little set back, we want you to perfect the AI, start from scratch and begin work on a new project, dubbed KNIGHT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, the U.S government holds a 50% stake on it, we run missions with the perfected Ai, to make sure we don’t fumble again and if perfection is reached KARR will be releaunched, you get to keep the product of this project, the us government takes over KARR, and relaunches it once the new ai Is deemed stable and safe.
DG: Agreed
SARA G: So what am I doing here?
TORRES: We analyzed KARR’s skin and found weaknesses in it, so we bought you onboard because you’re a nano molecules expert, so you’ll be working on this project too.
D: the agents leave and the screen fades.
