what did you really think?

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what did you really think?

Post by divalover159 » Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:14 pm

what did you really think of the show last night? hold nothing back. i think the show did really well. i really liked it. i think the show has a VERY GOOD CHANCE of going really far. :good: and who is this woman?
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Re: what did you really think?

Post by RafaelLOJ » Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:34 pm

Angry Hispanic Woman... approach cautiously :)

Just seems like so much show & little content... there's so many things happening at once, its like someone with ADD directed it...

(No offense to any Hispanics (which I am) or people with ADD)...

I'll keep watching, but it's a far cry from what made the original KR a winner...


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Re: what did you really think?

Post by PHOENIXZERO » Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:58 pm

I know I was thinking "why would a woman that attractive get such an awful tattoo and in such an awful place?"

Would have been a lot better just to have put it on her arm too instead of where they stuck it.
The new and again improved evil's advertisement is currently too long and too badass to display here. But let's just say that with now 50% more evil, this **** is great! :twisted: :skar:

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by T.A.H.O.E. » Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:50 pm


loose the attack mode.....rules of ASIMOV APPLY ! ( law of robotics )

For a ratings bolstering idea- borrowed from the movie....a 3 parter with Bonnie, the orig KITT having a make appearances as did the Hoff....( & Not just a T/A under a tarp fora scene or 4 )

I'm still withholding opinion for at least 1 full - half season , if not a full season b4 I bring my opinion forward to all of us fans whom loved the original series ( KARR, get ready...we gotta get ya a wax job ! )
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Re: what did you really think?

Post by T.A.H.O.E. » Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:55 pm

O kay, Deanna Russo is cute...as is the latino- Hispanic babe in black with the tat....

BUT.....Ms McPherson/ Dr. Barstow still gets my vote...after all ,coveralls, boots, lab coat, or a conforming body huger dress & fixing KITT / KARR is a feat beyond .......( yeh , she did fix KARR & tried to sabotage him too - in self defense. )& YA CAN'T GO WRONG THERE...
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Re: what did you really think?

Post by LoneKnight » Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:00 pm

Well, might as well get into this (and this is quite a long post)...

I wanted to avoid this new series. I really did. Everything that I had seen up until I actually watched the episode did nothing to stir my interest. If anything, it was detracting any resolve that I had for wanting to give this new KR a chance.

Having said that, I decided to watch.

Overall, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Don't get me wrong, it was bad, but not "Catwoman" or "Ghostrider" bad...

Here's my observations (even though I don't post on here that often and my opinion is just another voice in the crowd, but here we go anyway):

First off: KITT. Please, please, PLEASE get rid of Val Kilmer!! The guy could no more act than Michael Jackson can be a normal guy who likes beer, cars, and hot women! It sounds like he's simply reading off the lines from the script with zero personality and zero ambition. Call me crazy, but I seem to recall that William Daniels did inject quite a lot of personality into the Knight 2000. He joked (and he was funny), he expressed concern, he expressed worry. I'll borrow a line from Knight Rider 2000 to describe Val's performance: "It lacks KITT's humanity." Light a fire under his arse, or get someone else. It's an easy change in both real life and the show. If Sarah can turn KITT into a Transformer (I'll cover that later), why can't she 'tweak' KITT's voice?
2nd KITT gripe: Attack mode. Yes, yes, yes....the K2000 had Super-Pursuit-Mode that most fans (myself excluded) could not stand. Well, the K2000 didn't need blue LEDs, Pep Boys bolt-ons, and a makeover from a redneck who had the worst idea to 'rice up' a muscle car. IMO, KITT was about subtlety with power. This flashy new 'attack mode' seems to detract from, not just the original premise of the K2000, but on the Mustang. I don't see function...I see "Pimp My Ride" gone crazy on acid. Mustang is all about beefy drop-your-nuts-if-you-got-'em power when you so much as tap the gas pedal (especially if it's in a Shelby GT500 KR). Adding onto it with a triple-barrel blower, overly-massive side scoops, 'park bench' spoiler and electrical tape on the headlights and taillights does not scream "POWER!!!"...it screams, "I don't know what I'm supposed to be!"
Subtlety. Make it bad-ass...but don't flaunt it. The K2000 never needed to. The K2000 also didn't have cheap product placement in the first 10 minutes, either (was it necessary to show the 'Cobra' badge transform?).
3rd KITT gripe: So once again, you could use the whole "SPM" argument to say that KITT was a stone's throw from turning into a Transformer/Gobot knockoff. However, I must again disagree. This overstepped the line when it came to a massive plot device. SPM was a campy plot device, don't get me wrong. But, consider that when you're watching a car that can turbo-boost over an entire building and land without so much as bottoming out the entire suspension system, you could almost accept SPM as being slightly plausible.
The K3000's new "transformer mode" was introduced too soon, too fast. Matter of fact, it should have never been introduced at all. Once again, my point of 'subtlety' and some form of believability come into play. I could believe that a 1980's Trans-Am can be sprayed with a chemical compound designed to be virtually indestructible. I could believe that the same car can turbo-boost over chasms, houses, buildings, cars, THROUGH them even...and still retain its function. I could believe that the car could reach speeds of 300+mph, even if added body panels were introduced to achieve this. However, a TOTAL...not just partial...but a complete transformation of the ENTIRE vehicle....I don't care how advanced nano-technology is, in this case it just DOES NOT work. If Michael Bay and the creators of Transformers haven't filed an injunction against the show for using this, I'll do it on their behalf...for free (I'm almost not joking, either).
And for the love of God, enough with the product placement! We know KITT is a Ford...we know KITT is a Ford even after he transforms. We know KITT is a Shelby Cobra...and whoever thought that putting the "KR" initials on the undercarriage, was an idiot.

Moving right along:
Generally, Justin what's-his-name needs to act better. He wasn't terrible, but I fear that the only reason he got the job was because they (the producers) wanted a pretty boy. Fine, but get a pretty boy that can act. Granted, The Hoff was a bit campy at times in the original series, but at least he exhumed some personality...which this show is sadly lacking.

The comic-relief 'smart people' at the computers? They need to go. For the love of all that is holy, they need to just leave. Have them hook up, get married, go away on a Honeymoon and never return. I don't care...they're going to be what Jar Jar Binks was to Episode I of Star Wars (FYI: It's 'nerd boy' who watches porn, and his female Asian counterpart).

Things in this first episode moved a bit too fast. We're hit with an action-packed scene within the first 15 minutes that included KITT going into attack mode followed by a turbo-boost, transforming into the truck, Mike beating the crap out of every guy with a gun, two half-naked main characters...and we get a brief breather when Mike and Sarah have their 'talk' before it's all on again. KR doesn't have to be all about action...it's nice, but not all at once.

Some plot-holes and a lot of 'why?' moments were in this. For example: if the new KITT can reach speeds of up to 377mph, how is it he couldn't outrun the missile, or catch the other car with Mike's mysterious lolita? Furthermore, why did KITT spontaneously transform into the truck the second time (subway scene)? Call me crazy (and believe me, I've been called worse), but if the nano-technology can change the entire car, couldn't it just isolate the drivetrain and wheels to provide the needed grip for driving on tracks? Or is that kind of thinking too smart for the show?
Ok, that got a little technical. Overall, yes I am comparing the show to it's predecessor, but isn't that kind of the point? Seriously...we did it with Knight Rider 2000, Knight Rider 2010, and Team Knight Rider....and seriously, this isn't nitpicking to it's fullest degree. Several people I've spoken to have cited the same issue with the whole 'speed and not catching up/outrunning' issue....

Does it completely suck? No...and that's why I saved this for the last part of my extremely long post (I do apologize, but I had to vent). The show does have some strong points: for the most part, I'm actually liking the story arcs they set up. Mike Tracer, the mysterious driver of KITT, having no recollection of most of his military career, suddenly being confronted with ghosts of his past. The FBI keen to find out just who Mike Tracer is, all the while possibly showing some 'ulterior motive' on the bureau's side. KITT becoming more and more curious about his partner and associates, which leads us to suggest that he just MIGHT take some initiative of his own at some point.
The technology, aside from the 'Transformers' moments, seems somewhat believable...IF it can get to that point. Nano technology is still quite complicated, but understanding the basic concepts of it, and I can see why the show went in the direction with nano-tech.

To sum up, the show has a chance to improve. Much like other slow-starter shows, it has an opportunity to get better, and I sincerely hope that the producers use every chance to build on what they have. I was actually glad that I gave this new KR a chance, because ultimately I can look past the 'transforming Mustangs' and cheap product placement to see a show that has the potential to be really good, really entertaining, and maintain some of that faith the original KR instilled in us fans. Good story, a few supporting actors, and some decent action is better than nothing. Lose the product placements, kill transform modes, write-out the Laurel & Hardy Geeksquad, and inject some personality into the leads. It's not perfect, but it will be MUCH better.

Agree...or disagree. It is again, just an opinion. I realize this show also intended to recruit new fans. Fine...but leave the transforming cars to Michael Bay.


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Re: what did you really think?

Post by KnightINSTINCT » Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:13 pm

I can't stand by this show, not the way it was done with the premier episode. I think the story was good, but the way it was directed was EFFING HORRIBLE.

Let's reflect on the fire scene: Billy had a theory that if KITT reached 377 MPH, the flames would extinguish. So, with that said, we see KITT race down a street for 2 seconds in normal mode, and then we see Billy scratching his head thinking where did he go wrong. I'm wondering, did KITT speed up?? He had just argued to Dr. Graiman that he wouldn't because that would jeopardize Mike and Sarah's lives. My conclusion: BAD EDITING/DIRECTING.

Who wants a darker Knight Rider? I do!! People are bitching and moaning that we can't have campy kiddie fun with watching Sarah getting dressed in her room. Or a thumb that we never seen get cut off.. The critic reviews I've read are about as unfair as Bill O'Reiley is on politics. So, I say just make Knight Rider more dark. They won't bitch, and we get to see a real "updated continuation."

People, I've read all the comments on these boards about the new Knight Rider, but I don't really see what 60% of you really want. You're blanketing yourselves from the actuality of what is obvious, the way the first show was done SUCKED to watch. Pretend to be a brand newcomer to the world of Knight Rider, and think about the probability of the show maintaining a full season or two (if we are lucky). It's bleak. This speedy story telling direction and over the top use of CGI on handling the image of the show is going to kill our nerd pleasure. It was bad story telling. PERIOD.

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by Knight Racer » Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:30 pm

The girl is the same woman who played the girl next door in Harold and Kumar go to white castle and Harold and Kumar excape from Guantanimo bay.I watch way too many movies and recognized her instantly.

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by Faithful Car KRO » Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:22 pm

What did I really think?

Dont change a thing guys, it's spot on with the original, even a little better!!
Good job KR Staff!
"Michael, I agree with your earlier assessment, back-up plans suck."- KI3T
Put the word out!
WATCH THE SHOW!!!: Wed at 8:00pm on NBC.
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Re: what did you really think?

Post by knightprobe89 » Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:51 pm

the show wasn't bad action wise , the things i didn't like were, the dash needs to be done over, they need a gullwing type steering wheel, the half steering wheel from the pilot was pretty cool, i dont know why they went with a round stock steering wheel. the voice modulator is kind of weird it has too much glare from the glass ball you cant see the voice modulation too good. i didn't like that they had gt 500 kr labeled on the front seats. and most of all what i didn't like is that kitt transforms into a ford pickup truck, now that totally rediculous.
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Re: what did you really think?

Post by Kaine » Fri Sep 26, 2008 3:56 am

LoneKnight wrote:Well, might as well get into this (and this is quite a long post)...

I wanted to avoid this new series. I really did. Everything that I had seen up until I actually watched the episode did nothing to stir my interest. If anything, it was detracting any resolve that I had for wanting to give this new KR a chance.

Having said that, I decided to watch.

Overall, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Don't get me wrong, it was bad, but not "Catwoman" or "Ghostrider" bad...

Here's my observations (even though I don't post on here that often and my opinion is just another voice in the crowd, but here we go anyway):

First off: KITT. Please, please, PLEASE get rid of Val Kilmer!! The guy could no more act than Michael Jackson can be a normal guy who likes beer, cars, and hot women! It sounds like he's simply reading off the lines from the script with zero personality and zero ambition. Call me crazy, but I seem to recall that William Daniels did inject quite a lot of personality into the Knight 2000. He joked (and he was funny), he expressed concern, he expressed worry. I'll borrow a line from Knight Rider 2000 to describe Val's performance: "It lacks KITT's humanity." Light a fire under his arse, or get someone else. It's an easy change in both real life and the show. If Sarah can turn KITT into a Transformer (I'll cover that later), why can't she 'tweak' KITT's voice?
2nd KITT gripe: Attack mode. Yes, yes, yes....the K2000 had Super-Pursuit-Mode that most fans (myself excluded) could not stand. Well, the K2000 didn't need blue LEDs, Pep Boys bolt-ons, and a makeover from a redneck who had the worst idea to 'rice up' a muscle car. IMO, KITT was about subtlety with power. This flashy new 'attack mode' seems to detract from, not just the original premise of the K2000, but on the Mustang. I don't see function...I see "Pimp My Ride" gone crazy on acid. Mustang is all about beefy drop-your-nuts-if-you-got-'em power when you so much as tap the gas pedal (especially if it's in a Shelby GT500 KR). Adding onto it with a triple-barrel blower, overly-massive side scoops, 'park bench' spoiler and electrical tape on the headlights and taillights does not scream "POWER!!!"...it screams, "I don't know what I'm supposed to be!"
Subtlety. Make it bad-ass...but don't flaunt it. The K2000 never needed to. The K2000 also didn't have cheap product placement in the first 10 minutes, either (was it necessary to show the 'Cobra' badge transform?).
3rd KITT gripe: So once again, you could use the whole "SPM" argument to say that KITT was a stone's throw from turning into a Transformer/Gobot knockoff. However, I must again disagree. This overstepped the line when it came to a massive plot device. SPM was a campy plot device, don't get me wrong. But, consider that when you're watching a car that can turbo-boost over an entire building and land without so much as bottoming out the entire suspension system, you could almost accept SPM as being slightly plausible.
The K3000's new "transformer mode" was introduced too soon, too fast. Matter of fact, it should have never been introduced at all. Once again, my point of 'subtlety' and some form of believability come into play. I could believe that a 1980's Trans-Am can be sprayed with a chemical compound designed to be virtually indestructible. I could believe that the same car can turbo-boost over chasms, houses, buildings, cars, THROUGH them even...and still retain its function. I could believe that the car could reach speeds of 300+mph, even if added body panels were introduced to achieve this. However, a TOTAL...not just partial...but a complete transformation of the ENTIRE vehicle....I don't care how advanced nano-technology is, in this case it just DOES NOT work. If Michael Bay and the creators of Transformers haven't filed an injunction against the show for using this, I'll do it on their behalf...for free (I'm almost not joking, either).
And for the love of God, enough with the product placement! We know KITT is a Ford...we know KITT is a Ford even after he transforms. We know KITT is a Shelby Cobra...and whoever thought that putting the "KR" initials on the undercarriage, was an idiot.

Moving right along:
Generally, Justin what's-his-name needs to act better. He wasn't terrible, but I fear that the only reason he got the job was because they (the producers) wanted a pretty boy. Fine, but get a pretty boy that can act. Granted, The Hoff was a bit campy at times in the original series, but at least he exhumed some personality...which this show is sadly lacking.

The comic-relief 'smart people' at the computers? They need to go. For the love of all that is holy, they need to just leave. Have them hook up, get married, go away on a Honeymoon and never return. I don't care...they're going to be what Jar Jar Binks was to Episode I of Star Wars (FYI: It's 'nerd boy' who watches porn, and his female Asian counterpart).

Things in this first episode moved a bit too fast. We're hit with an action-packed scene within the first 15 minutes that included KITT going into attack mode followed by a turbo-boost, transforming into the truck, Mike beating the crap out of every guy with a gun, two half-naked main characters...and we get a brief breather when Mike and Sarah have their 'talk' before it's all on again. KR doesn't have to be all about action...it's nice, but not all at once.

Some plot-holes and a lot of 'why?' moments were in this. For example: if the new KITT can reach speeds of up to 377mph, how is it he couldn't outrun the missile, or catch the other car with Mike's mysterious lolita? Furthermore, why did KITT spontaneously transform into the truck the second time (subway scene)? Call me crazy (and believe me, I've been called worse), but if the nano-technology can change the entire car, couldn't it just isolate the drivetrain and wheels to provide the needed grip for driving on tracks? Or is that kind of thinking too smart for the show?
Ok, that got a little technical. Overall, yes I am comparing the show to it's predecessor, but isn't that kind of the point? Seriously...we did it with Knight Rider 2000, Knight Rider 2010, and Team Knight Rider....and seriously, this isn't nitpicking to it's fullest degree. Several people I've spoken to have cited the same issue with the whole 'speed and not catching up/outrunning' issue....

Does it completely suck? No...and that's why I saved this for the last part of my extremely long post (I do apologize, but I had to vent). The show does have some strong points: for the most part, I'm actually liking the story arcs they set up. Mike Tracer, the mysterious driver of KITT, having no recollection of most of his military career, suddenly being confronted with ghosts of his past. The FBI keen to find out just who Mike Tracer is, all the while possibly showing some 'ulterior motive' on the bureau's side. KITT becoming more and more curious about his partner and associates, which leads us to suggest that he just MIGHT take some initiative of his own at some point.
The technology, aside from the 'Transformers' moments, seems somewhat believable...IF it can get to that point. Nano technology is still quite complicated, but understanding the basic concepts of it, and I can see why the show went in the direction with nano-tech.

To sum up, the show has a chance to improve. Much like other slow-starter shows, it has an opportunity to get better, and I sincerely hope that the producers use every chance to build on what they have. I was actually glad that I gave this new KR a chance, because ultimately I can look past the 'transforming Mustangs' and cheap product placement to see a show that has the potential to be really good, really entertaining, and maintain some of that faith the original KR instilled in us fans. Good story, a few supporting actors, and some decent action is better than nothing. Lose the product placements, kill transform modes, write-out the Laurel & Hardy Geeksquad, and inject some personality into the leads. It's not perfect, but it will be MUCH better.

Agree...or disagree. It is again, just an opinion. I realize this show also intended to recruit new fans. Fine...but leave the transforming cars to Michael Bay.

no reason to fight here...
i fully agree with everything you said about the show regarding KITT's design and the technical stuff. loose the product placement! if Attack mode has to be there just use it when it's absolutely necessary plot wise! and try to keep the show believable!!!

i didn't have a problem with Val Kilmer's voice work though. i also don't have a problem with Justin Bruening's acting. both were okay and i'm sure they'll improve as the show goes on and they become more comfortable with their surroundings.

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by trissybabes » Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:48 am

divalover159 wrote:what did you really think of the show last night? hold nothing back. i think the show did really well. i really liked it. i think the show has a VERY GOOD CHANCE of going really far. :good: and who is this woman?
Well, from what I gather, I certainly wouldn't give her the thumbs up...


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Re: what did you really think?

Post by divalover159 » Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:38 pm

i agree with all what you guys said. the ford truck thing sucked BIG TIME!!!!!! i really feel that the show has a chance to go really far. but if it stays the way it is it will not last. the reasoning is because i like a lot of us here are die-hard knight rider fans. we should be takin' seriously. The comic-relief 'smart people' at the computers? They do really need to go. but with what everybody said i see great hope for this show. just as long as it is takin' seriously by the producers & directors that is behind this show. if that happens then we have a very good and very long series here. if not then it was a VERY BIG waste of time by all involved with this new knight rider project.

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by madmanmalk » Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:12 pm

Paula Garcés :good:

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by Evad » Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:23 pm

Hi Guys,

I would have to agree about the bad editing / directing on this episode. It was rushed way to much. But again, its the first episode. I'll hold judgement.

What really bugged me about the episode was the chase scene. I do not like the fact that they used this chase scene to build on the plot about Mike's past. I mean really? Here we are chasing this lady at high speeds dodging traffic and what is Mike doing? He is talking to people at HQ. It totally sucked out all of the emotion that scene could of had.

I know in the old KR's Michael communicated with FLAG but, not during a highspeed chase.

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by TheGHOSTMAN 007 » Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:09 am

Greetings all. This is the first time I posted anything but I have been reading here for years. Just wanted to say that I am a HUGE fan of all things Knight Rider. The only show I disregard is "Team Knight Rider" even though I still watched every episode that aired and would have continued watching if it wasn't canceled.

Anyway, I am VERY pleased that Knight Rider is back! There is a few things that were very poorly handled in the premiere but I hope everyone will continue watching the show. I do not want to see the show end up being canceled just because the first episode wasn't as great as it could have been. I have faith that the producers, writers, actors and everyone involved will improve as the show continues. Please have patience, but still continue to voice what problems you have with the show so that they can hopefully improve those issues.

The only problems I had with the first episode were the sfx with the first transformation/Turbo Boost but I know this can improve. I also thought they should have had a few clips from the TV movie and then stated 7 months later for the people that may not read up on all things Knight Rider. I also hated the sfx for Michael Traceur jumping out of the back of the KITT Truck. I do not know the actor that played the "Package" but I did not care for his acting here. No disrespect to the actor as he may be good in other roles or even this one with more screen time. Same thing with the guy who plays Billy but I KNOW he is a good actor so I know he will improve.

Overall I am extremely happy with the new show and I am one of the few that was very happy to hear Val Kilmer as the voice of KITT. Everyone that was in the premier movie improved in every way.

Sorry for the long post, I could go on even more but I am actually at work and must get back to work.

One other thing. I also don't like the KITT truck. I read someone's post (sorry, I forget who) that said that maybe KITT just takes the shape/size of the truck and not the MASS of the truck. In the TV Movie there was a line by Sarah Graiman that there was no limit to the size or shape of the nanites but they could only assume the form of an object of similar mass. If they would put a line or two in the series about the truck only having the appearance of a truck then I would be ok with the KITT truck. I however would not want them to use it more than 4-5 times per season and they already used it twice in one episode.

Ok, gotta go now.

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by elle » Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:18 pm

Ijust finished watching the first ep and I have to say that I was so disappointed I need to find a forum to actually discuss it!
I was a huge fan of the original KR and was so excited about the new series. But I'm beyond disappointed. And I don't want to bash the show or anything like that, but I want to vent honestly. It was terrible. And I agree with all of you that the Truck morphing has to stop! This is NOT Transformers! Kitt is a car. Technologically advanced yes, but not a shape shifter.
I think could grow to like Mike, but honestly - the majority of the acting was terrible!!! Of course the terrible acting wasn't helped by really cheesy lines and plots. The directing...not good. The entire episode sped away before it even started & really overall just felt plain kooky. I felt like I was watching one of those "I guess we'll pick up this show as a filler" programs. I know that there is a lot to live up to, but frankly this didn't just disappoint, it was an embarrassment!
I know it's just the first episode and I sincerely hope that the producers and writers actually take a look at the various message boards and take the advice of the fans that have loved the show for so long. Knight Rider has SO much potential that it's very frustrating to see what they've done to it. Here's hoping it's only a bad start to what could be a great show...

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by weeezl » Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:58 pm

elle wrote: I think could grow to like Mike, but honestly - the majority of the acting was terrible!!! Of course the terrible acting wasn't helped by really cheesy lines and plots. The directing...not good. The entire episode sped away before it even started & really overall just felt plain kooky. I felt like I was watching one of those "I guess we'll pick up this show as a filler" programs. I know that there is a lot to live up to, but frankly this didn't just disappoint, it was an embarrassment!
Well frankly, I think thats a bit harsh.

In my opinion they did very well with this episode, I can only imagine how difficult it is to make an appealing TV show these days,especially remaking one with a following like KR.

OK, the acting had flaws but I really cant remember the orignal shows acting being oscar worthy.

The action was full throttle and the episode seemed to be over far to quickly but it makes me think about Devon saying "he was showing off for you" from KOTP, The same goes for this episode, they were showing off, it doesnt mean they made the right decision but for pose factor alone it cant be faulted.

They had a lot of ground to cover in 42 mins, overall they did an excellent job and Im itching to see more.

Youre right about Mike (Justin), He makes for an extremely credible Michael Knight Jr and after watching this episode 15 or so times now, I personally could'nt imagine it being anyone else.

I know Ive said this before but wait and see a few more episodes and then decide, its far to early to tell where this show is gonna go.

Everyone here who wants to see Knight Rider carry on is rooting for this new show and are not going to decide the shows fete after only one episode, we all want this show to succeed.

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by goldbug » Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:00 pm

I really enjoyed it and thought it brought a sense of unforgiving cheesy fun that has been missing from television for years. Frankly after the depression-fest that was "Bionic Woman", this was a relief. I thought the action was exciting and the characters have a very good chemistry considering it's the FIRST episode. Most shows need several episodes before things really gel, and I think in that respect they're ahead of the curve with KR08. :)
"One man can make a difference." - Michael Knight (2008)

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by PHOENIXZERO » Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:38 pm

I'm glad I'm not the only one that found the new Bionic Woman depressing. Along with that it was seriously lacking any sort of fun.

What's wrong with having an hour of fun, somewhat lighthearted, action filled escapism these days? People need to really stop over analyzing stuff, granted we're guilty of it too but that's because we obviously feel strongly about Knight Rider but the average person that does it sometimes makes me think how unfun it must be to watch anything with them. Not to say this new show is perfect, hell not even close but with only one episode in there's still a lot of room for improvement. Wednesday night will be very telling as to where things will be going with this show but even still, that won't be enough to accurately gauge it.
The new and again improved evil's advertisement is currently too long and too badass to display here. But let's just say that with now 50% more evil, this **** is great! :twisted: :skar:

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by goldbug » Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:57 pm

PHOENIXZERO wrote:What's wrong with having an hour of fun, somewhat lighthearted, action filled escapism these days?
That's where I often differ from other people in opinions on entertainment. I'm of the mind that entertainment should be larger than life and take me away from my every day. "Knight Rider" does that, as do other shows I watch such as "Transformers" and "Chuck". It really makes me shake my head when people go on and on about "realism" in a show that was based on a car that had artificial intelligence in the EIGHTIES and could doing a jump over things without smashing its nose into the ground all managed by ONE technician in a semi truck. I mean, if we can accept conceits like that, why not a transforming car? But again, you have to be willing to let your mind accept these things to enjoy a show, and not everyone is able to do that.
"One man can make a difference." - Michael Knight (2008)

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Re: what did you really think?

Post by bill0754 » Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:22 pm

Actually, I didn't think it was all that bad. Like most of you, I didn't care for the truck morp. Also, they do need to tone down the attack mode. It is just a little too rice-burner for a Mustang. The also need to get rid of the plasma ball on the dash...it looks older than the old LED's in the original. Val Kilmer is a little flat, but maybe in time he will gain more personality as KITT learns.

The 1st episode was good, for a new show. The only blooper I caught, which I think was rather funny, was near the end when Mike and KITT are driving back and Mike looks at the file on the passenger seat. The shifter lever on the Mustang was in Park! Gee, if KITT is this fast in park, I can't wait till he puts the car in gear.

Let's hope that the writers continue to fine-tune the show by listening to the feedback.
