Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by AzBat360 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:26 am

What a bunch of whiners. Personally, I love the new KITT and all the new ideas they shared. I can't wait to see what they have in store. Mr. Thompson, keep your head high, it looks like you have done your best to appeal to both the fans and critics while also help pull a bigger audience that may not otherwise watch it. I'm sure it wasn't very easy. I'm sure once people finally get to see it that they will like what they see. So keep up the good work! We'll see you in September! I can't wait! :D


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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by epc1122 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:58 am

PHOENIXZERO wrote:If they're gonna stay I think it'd help if those rims and the pipes were black and shiny... Keep the silver or whatever around intake and exhaust openings, but everywhere else, black. Did they even toy with the notion of making them black to give an idea what it'd look like? If I had any talent with Photoshop I'd do it... I do think it's an improvement over the last one but things still could be improved, obviously they're restricted by the limitations of what they can do with a Mustang body but it's just not there yet... Oh and lose the Shelby emblem on the back, nice the other ones aren't there but that one on the back gives me the feeling that we'll be getting a lot of shots of its rear...

VK also raised a good point about the doors and sacrificing a logical practicality of things for the "cool factor".

I dislike the "we'll fix it in post" attitude, so many shows/movies are getting too reliant on CGI that at least IMO opens things up to be sloppy and lazy. I really would like to know why they did next to nothing with the interior, especially in the attack version. Adding neon lights doesn't cut it...
epc1122 wrote:
i can definitely understand where you're coming from. as a superman fan, i know this all too well. some fans just are never happy with anything, and we all have our own interpretation of what "should" be done with a particular franchise.
Are you referring to Superman Returns? The backlash of that film has nothing to do with "never being happy with anything" and more with Singer and his writers not having a clue about how to write Superman and taking things from the old Donner movies in some weird pseudo sequel to those films or a "tribute" or homage or whatever to the first movie. Superman isn't a complex character, the basics of his personality are extremely easy to access and writing a Superman story for film shouldn't be a hard thing to do. Bryan Singer and his writers just doesn't get Superman and tried to make him something he's not in a poor attempt of "Marvelizing" him and latching on to ideas that hadn't been relevant in 20 years.. it probably didn't help that he took the Burton approach in completely disregarding the source material. That in of itself is a huge difference between the approaches of Singer or Burton and Chris Nolan, who took much of the inspiration from the source material and adapted many ideas from it to film.

I'm sure that if Singer would have got off the whole excessively absurd tribute to the Donner films and didn't think it below him to look through some of actual Superman comics and a much needed reboot it might have been a better film, hell even with much of the story elements. I think the final domestic box office results with it barely making 200M domestically (even with the competition it faced) after people waiting nearly 20 years for a new Superman film reflect some huge disappointment, even with whatever positive reviews or ratings it's had. I know that the 270M figure listed for its budget likely includes all the other failed attempts at bringing it back, but that also just goes to show that the wrong people are in control, that goes double for John Peters. If that didn't include all the failed attempts from before one would have to wonder where the hell all that money went to. Before it gets brought up, the lack of action (or good action) is the least of the films problems. It wasn't all bad, the plane scene as well as the scene where he was shot in the eye was kind of cool. :lol:

Wow, I wrote way too much about this...
alrighty, since this is a knight rider forum, i don't really want to get into this. while you make a lot of good points, across to superman forums, there are many fans who are split with superman returns. there are many people who like superman returns while there are those who detest the movie. but in general, there are so many different interpretations that people like, and there interpretations that people dislike. depending on what era you grew up with, factors into what superman interpretation. there are some fans who deem george reeves there superman. as far as a new movie goes, some want welling, some want a new fresh, some deem brandon routh as there superman. some people want a huge "s" shield, and there are those who want one that is small. i'm a huge, huge superman fan and can find something to like about any version of superman. from lois and clark, to superman the animated series, to the superman from "the batman".

i'm going to bring this back to knight rider, since it is a knight rider forum. the same can sort of be said for knight rider. we have quite a few different version of this show. we have the original, kr2000, team knight rider, 2010, and we have this new show. now personally, i can find something to like about each version, but of course i have preferences. i do like how the new show is turning out to be, but i am a bit disappointed with the new "attack kitt". but the show seems like they are willing to adapt the show if they feel it is necessary. kitt from the original show kept adapting and modifying throughout the series, and i believe that is what gst plans on. he knows they are in the beginning stages of the series, and is hoping it continues to be strong in the ratings as the movie did so well. but for the series to do well, there needs to be a general audience that comes on board. i think he knows that the original fans are going to at least watch the show, especially in the beginning, and hopefully with a strong story line, action and humor, the original fans will stay on board.

again, there are things i dislike about the new car, but it isnt the end of the world. and yes, i think us knight rider fans can be picky, much like the superman fans are. this has nothing to do with superman returns though, just in general, we all have a different version of how we feel the series should be done. they seem to be taking the approach of respecting what came before, but wants to move on with their version. (and hopefully bring in the ratings and money that goes along with it). after all, to them it's a business, but to us its the mythology.

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by King2000 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:06 am

This looks like more of a joke than the original Attack, I'm speachless. What the @&^# is up with the magic orb in the middle of the dash? The drag strip design? NBC should pull the plug now, cause it sucks already.

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by Sue » Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:09 am

Here are some more totally awesome things. :D They were handing out these bumper stickers to the crowd that was waiting for the unveiling of KITT.

Here’s a close up of my signed avatar that you saw Justin holding yesterday.

And here’s a signed T shirt that they were throwing to the crowd. I’ll never be able to wash it. :D
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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by 1982 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:34 am

After seeing the pictures that were first shown and then taken down, along with the unveiling pictures, Turbo Boost, as everyone knows it, is looking like it will be a reality rather than all CG. :D

I wonder if they will use frontal airbags underneath as well to cushion the landing :twisted:

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by d_osborn » Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:47 am

wow.... i'm shocked, to say the least.

when i first saw the spy shots on set... i was thinking it would be some sort of one-off "disguise" for a FAST AND FURIOUS-style drag racing episode. ...but they actually announced it as the new KITT ATTACK?!?!?!?! seriously... that has BAD design all over it. i would LOVE to hear the reactions of the Ford design team that worked up the new Mustangs and Cobras.

from my perspective, it looks like this show runner is relying way too much on gimmicks and flash instead of decent writing. viewers are desensitized to CG effects. we've seen it all. WRITE SOMETHING GOOD! WRITE SOMETHING PLAUSIBLE! i know, i know... the old show had terrible writing... but everyone said the same about BATTLESTAR GALACTICA...

this show won't make it past the first season. "gritty, hyper-reaslism" is "in" now... THE DARK KNIGHT, BSG, CSI, etc. the KITT CAVE won't fly.

FAIL. us KR fans lost out big time. i REALLLLLY doubt glen larson's feature will ever see the light of day after this trainwreck.

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by sarfraz » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:37 am

Well you never know with Larson. Theres nothing like bad publicity as they say.

Oh and for the record, I absolutely loved the Tumbler when I first saw it. That thing had functional written all over it. The Attack mode KITT is setup as a dragster?! well as you can see from the spyshots, they had to raise the whole car making the entire thing look ridiculous!

I just keep looking at the pic on the nbc website and it looks like a Hotwheels car. Thats the only thing that I can describe it as. I'm sure I actually had something very similar when I was a kid.

Skav, I was trying to figure out how to describe Chav's to our American cousins but couldn't think of an analogy :lol: but your right, they'd lap this up with their souped up Vauxhall Nova's!!!!!!

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by Solid Snake » Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:27 am

Personally I think the car is looking good, there are 2 things I do not like. They are, the rims and the silver mesh grille (should have been black). Otherwise this thing will look great on film I am sure of it.

To ask the people that attended there, was there a big crowd interest for the new car? Also could you people poll the reactions?

Oww, and also from me a big thank you for your hard work and great updates to all of you!
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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by Solid Snake » Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:53 am

Actually as you guys said, they did not want to show the interior of the car and I think I know why. This I think is not the picture car... well from the outside yes, but the inside it is not. As you can see in some of the photo´s there are all sorts of switches inside of the car to operate the spoilers and lights, the switches are done in a way they would be done in an action car... you know the car meant for actual driving on screen. The switches have simple lables pasted above them to identify the function of them to the stunt driver or Justin. So I think this car is really only meant to show of the exterior and not so much the interior because of those "stunt" switches.
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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by KITTfan » Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:51 am

I guess this new attack KITT is designed to get new generation fans for the show. If this is what's necessary to have their attention, it's ok.
Sounds like us old school fans get something too since it was said there's no reason why the old and new KITT couldn't appear side by side or something to the effect and if David Hasselhoff appears again as a Michael Knight.
I'm still very much looking forward to see this new Knight Rider tv-series :)

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by FX23 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:13 am

jesus, what a pile of *?$#

was it designed by a six year old?

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by Skav » Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:27 am

sarfraz wrote:Skav, I was trying to figure out how to describe Chav's to our American cousins but couldn't think of an analogy :lol: but your right, they'd lap this up with their souped up Vauxhall Nova's!!!!!!

Sarfraz, I think it's plain to see that they are marketing it toward the rap generation to be honest. I was looking at the pics again today and I figured the things that bother me the most are the wheels. I could deal with everything else if they just have the wheels black and then perhaps I could bare the turbo thing on the hood. (lol, for a KR fan, i'm not much into every day cars, thus I don't know what that thing is actually called).

Since we are all posting on this forum, we are all going to give our own opinion and ideas from a Knight Rider Fan point of view as we all grew up with the show. Thompson is also trying to bring in a new audience so I guess we won't be open to that general public perception that haven't seen much of the original.

The sad thing about that is, NEW fans of the show may decide to check out the old show if they like the new one and then think the old show sucks because it's not chav enough/not in our generation of souped up Fiesta's and Escort's with blue lights underneath haha.
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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by PHOENIXZERO » Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:00 am

Yeah, I do think black would've certainly helped. Though I think I've mentioned that here several times already so I'm just repeating myself in agreeing. :lol:

I think it's looking more geared toward the "Fast and the Furious" (thanks GST) influenced street racer idiots. Speaking of which, last Sunday when I was going to see The Dark Knight, I had someone pass me driving a Impala with a cheap, crappy looking spoiler tacked on it... :roll:
The new and again improved evil's advertisement is currently too long and too badass to display here. But let's just say that with now 50% more evil, this **** is great! :twisted: :skar:

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by Cobra » Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:47 am


This thing is a monstrosity! I seriously didn't think they could do any worse but again, they surprise me. Harald Belker is truly an idiot and hasn't helped his case with this horrid design of "Attack KITT." If you are reading this Mr. Belker, let me be the first to assure you that you should be fired. You have no understanding of KITT's legacy and no comprehension of simple things like functionality when it comes to designing vehicles. You have traded class and function for flash and trash and for this you deserve no right to have a say or even lead the design of anything related to Knight Rider. After all, you were the same individual who commented that you are thankful you didn't have to watch the old series which speaks volumes about your "craft" and methodolgy of going about learning the design, art and history of a vehicle that carries such prestige as the original KITT. Lets examine some things about this horrid design of an "Attack KITT." I mean silver pot rims, hot rod engine, huge rear spoiler, low front, lambo doors?! What were you smoking when you came up with all this?!

I have been a very loyal fan of the old Knight Rider, and have always looked forward to anything related to the Knight Rider legacy. I remember as a kid playing with a KITT toy car that I had and my friend had a Pontiac Trans-Am toy car that was black and very similiar but had a huge hot rod engine sticking out of the top of the hood. I would always comment on how the hot rod engine ruined the body of his car. The fact that this nightmare has become a reality on a car already lacking KITT's sleek design is a rude wake up call that these guys really don't know what they are doing. Forum members here can do a better job with their photoshop skills than some "expert" designer who has no consideration or even comprehension of what made the original KITT so popular.

I know some people are trying to be optimistic, but everytime I look at this "Attack KITT" I realize I am not really dreaming and that some imbecile actually came up with the idea that the "Attack KITT" should look like this and was given the green light.

I was shopping in downtown on Thursday after work and caught a Lamborghini Gallardo slowly cruising down the narrow downtown road. I noticed the sleek design, the purr of the engine that was subtle yet gave you the realization that this wasn't just a beauty but a beast made me realize how far ahead the original KITT was in its time. It carried with it these traits and was an instant success with the audience so much that it is still mentioned more than 20 years after its airing. This box on wheels with silver pot rims and hot rod design and oversized spoiler more suited on a "ricer" than a futuristic car is a joke at best and an unforgiveable sin and nightmare to the many loyal Knight Rider fans.

For some reason I instantly remembered "The Homer" car unveiling scene from a SImpsons episode when looking at this "Attack KITT."

@ VK

The more I read your posts, the more hope I get that you guys will do a fantastic job with the movie. I am not saying this for the sake of brownie points, but I truly feel that you have a hawk eye for the smallest details and a true understanding of things KITT should and shouldn't have. I feel that if this series does fail because so far they are doing a bang-up job of destroying what little hope is left (with this new "Attack KITT" and whatnot), that it will be a good learning experience for your movie as you will have current feedback from the fans and new audience on what they truly do NOT want and won't forgive, and what they hope for, what they expect, and things the new Knight Rider series never gave them. I am not kidding when I say that your movie project is now my only hope that Knight Rider's legacy will continue with the same class that the original series had.

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by weeezl » Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:02 pm


Please bear in mind I did this just for fun :D No offence to anyone and if any of mods dont like it, feel free to delete it.

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by sarfraz » Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:14 pm

Skav wrote:
sarfraz wrote:Skav, I was trying to figure out how to describe Chav's to our American cousins but couldn't think of an analogy :lol: but your right, they'd lap this up with their souped up Vauxhall Nova's!!!!!!

Sarfraz, I think it's plain to see that they are marketing it toward the rap generation to be honest. I was looking at the pics again today and I figured the things that bother me the most are the wheels. I could deal with everything else if they just have the wheels black and then perhaps I could bare the turbo thing on the hood. (lol, for a KR fan, i'm not much into every day cars, thus I don't know what that thing is actually called).

Since we are all posting on this forum, we are all going to give our own opinion and ideas from a Knight Rider Fan point of view as we all grew up with the show. Thompson is also trying to bring in a new audience so I guess we won't be open to that general public perception that haven't seen much of the original.

The sad thing about that is, NEW fans of the show may decide to check out the old show if they like the new one and then think the old show sucks because it's not chav enough/not in our generation of souped up Fiesta's and Escort's with blue lights underneath haha.
Blasted, had a long reply before my connection crashed! Anyway, nutshell, Yep agree. Like you and many others, I just don't believe Knight Research couldn't think of something better than those wheels. I understand they want the attack mode KITT to have an impact/presence on screen, but so does an icecream van in the Nevada desert!

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by knightofthephoenix » Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:17 pm

weeezl wrote:Image

Please bear in mind I did this just for fun :D No offence to anyone and if any of mods dont like it, feel free to delete it.
HA HA HA HA!! :good:

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by blowersho » Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:32 pm

It is quite clear to whom GST is catering to, zit faced teenagers who drive around in their civics and integras with chopped springs and fart can mufflers thinking they are the coolest things on wheels. I hope the real KR movie will be for a more mature crowd who can appreciate the more subtle things in life and don't need in your face crap to enjoy something.

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by knightofthephoenix » Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:58 pm

AzBat360 wrote:What a bunch of whiners. Personally, I love the new KITT and all the new ideas they shared. I can't wait to see what they have in store. Mr. Thompson, keep your head high, it looks like you have done your best to appeal to both the fans and critics while also help pull a bigger audience that may not otherwise watch it. I'm sure it wasn't very easy. I'm sure once people finally get to see it that they will like what they see. So keep up the good work! We'll see you in September! I can't wait! :D

Whiners? :roll:

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by d_osborn » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:17 pm

It is quite clear to whom GST is catering to, zit faced teenagers who drive around in their civics and integras with chopped springs and fart can mufflers thinking they are the coolest things on wheels. I hope the real KR movie will be for a more mature crowd who can appreciate the more subtle things in life and don't need in your face crap to enjoy something.
I'm pretty sure they missed the "rice burner" fad by about five years. I honestly don't konw who they're trying to "cater" to with this thing. This show will be laughed off the screen.

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by AzBat360 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:01 pm

knightofthephoenix wrote:
AzBat360 wrote:What a bunch of whiners. Personally, I love the new KITT and all the new ideas they shared. I can't wait to see what they have in store. Mr. Thompson, keep your head high, it looks like you have done your best to appeal to both the fans and critics while also help pull a bigger audience that may not otherwise watch it. I'm sure it wasn't very easy. I'm sure once people finally get to see it that they will like what they see. So keep up the good work! We'll see you in September! I can't wait! :D

Whiners? :roll:
Yes, I've never heard so many people complain about not getting exactly what they want. First, you wanted a Knight Rider show, then once you got it you complained about every little detail and the show hasn't even been aired! It's a surprise that NBC even considered bringing back the show in the first place with how ungrateful some of their fans are. If you don't like it then go watch the old show on DVD and let us people who are genuinely excited about the show watch it in peace.


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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by Sue » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:09 pm

Yes, But…. :wink:
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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by weeezl » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:33 pm

AzBat360 wrote:
knightofthephoenix wrote:
AzBat360 wrote:What a bunch of whiners. Personally, I love the new KITT and all the new ideas they shared. I can't wait to see what they have in store. Mr. Thompson, keep your head high, it looks like you have done your best to appeal to both the fans and critics while also help pull a bigger audience that may not otherwise watch it. I'm sure it wasn't very easy. I'm sure once people finally get to see it that they will like what they see. So keep up the good work! We'll see you in September! I can't wait! :D

Whiners? :roll:
Yes, I've never heard so many people complain about not getting exactly what they want. First, you wanted a Knight Rider show, then once you got it you complained about every little detail and the show hasn't even been aired! It's a surprise that NBC even considered bringing back the show in the first place with how ungrateful some of their fans are. If you don't like it then go watch the old show on DVD and let us people who are genuinely excited about the show watch it in peace.

Everyones entitled to their opinion if they want to voice it, it doesnt mean they wont watch and like it, what fan of Knight Rider wont watch a new series of it. You can bet you bottom dollar everyones who`s said the cars awful/ott/tacky or whatever will still tune in and see. I personally found the new Attack Mode a little bit much to take in all at once, shock can make you say some outrageous stuff, Im still in shock a bit myself. After lookin some more at the preview, it does appear agressive/fast (I was gonna add furious) and that is the point of what GST`s tried to achieve to appeal to a younger audience. I dont wish the show to fail at all, as a huge KR fan I would love to see this go a few seasons, I do appreciate what they are trying to do. There is no way this show would succeed if it was solely catering for the fans of the original. Not everybody is going to like all the choices they make and they will make mistakes but this early in the game its easy enough to change some stuff If they have too. I have faith in the producers of this show to turn out some good TV. The Attack Kitt was by all means quite a statement and its bound to get some quite controversial responses.

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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by Solid Snake » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:43 pm

AzBat360 wrote:
knightofthephoenix wrote:
AzBat360 wrote:What a bunch of whiners. Personally, I love the new KITT and all the new ideas they shared. I can't wait to see what they have in store. Mr. Thompson, keep your head high, it looks like you have done your best to appeal to both the fans and critics while also help pull a bigger audience that may not otherwise watch it. I'm sure it wasn't very easy. I'm sure once people finally get to see it that they will like what they see. So keep up the good work! We'll see you in September! I can't wait! :D

Whiners? :roll:
Yes, I've never heard so many people complain about not getting exactly what they want. First, you wanted a Knight Rider show, then once you got it you complained about every little detail and the show hasn't even been aired! It's a surprise that NBC even considered bringing back the show in the first place with how ungrateful some of their fans are. If you don't like it then go watch the old show on DVD and let us people who are genuinely excited about the show watch it in peace.


I could not agree more! I know some people would be dead happy if Streethawk would come back... even if it was a Harley Davidson... (which would be a similar change), but I guess it came down to complaining even before the show was given a shot... which is unfair.
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Re: Attack Mode KITT - The Live Unveiling

Post by weeezl » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:53 pm

Sue wrote:Yes, But…. :wink:

Beggars can't be choosers. :wink:
Sue your very right but Its always the major fans of TOS who say the worst. Some cant handle changes as well as others and make there opinions very vocal. I am guilty of such crimes but at the same time its light hearted, we ALL really want this show to be successful so we have a new KR legacy to talk about and have a forum just like this in 25+ years time for the new generation.

