More close to the original series than people think !

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More close to the original series than people think !

Post by davidknightrider » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:06 pm

I'll admit,

i wasn't really a fan of a mustang as KITT, and was suspect of the intentions of the writers and producers,
But ever since the adverts and the hype has gone on, i've got really used to the mustang as the new KITT.

Sure, its not to everybody's taste and its not sleek like the Pontiac used to be.
And sure, people can say its a Ford commercial.

But nevertheless, i think we should thank the producers overall for this first attempt.
After all, they weren't obligated to keep anything from the original series, let alone any concrete links.
They could have just as easily tossed out any mention of the old series, yet they've managed to discreetly put in some of the key factors which we all remember and love about Knight Rider, without most people barely noticing.

I think they have done well to be honest, given the difficult task of creating a continuation.

1. We have references to the Foundation,

2. KITT has got a voice modulator and has some good humour. (sure, the interior of KITT doesn't look special, but hey, maybe they can change it if it goes to series!)

3. MIke is a like an updated version of Michael Knight, same tall, witty, wisecracking guy, except he is a hard ex marine who can fight !

4. Sarah is like an updated Bonnie, an intelligent clever woman who is going to help KITT.

5. Charles is like a Devon type character. (Sure, we can debate over the legitimacy over his part in the creation of KITT, nevertheless, he is still a reminder of an old Devon type character)

6. KITT drives on his own, has got most of the gadgets (ok, we didn't see turbo boost,oil slick, ski mode,etc but hey, maybe we will get it in the future!)

7. KITT reversed out of a plane (sure its not a truck, but still almost the same thing !)

8. KITT's red scanner (Sure its not the same as the old kitt, but it does like bloody awesome and its a nice new scanner and is iconic)

9. Michael Knight's cameo shows the producers at least had the courage to show respect to the main character of the original series (maybe if it goes to series, Michael Knight will return !, the cameo sure suggested it !)

10. The Knight Rider Theme (ok, its a cool rendition of half of the original theme, the other half not so memorable, but still , maybe they can redo the whole of the original theme this way, and not just give us half of a cover version)

Surely these points listed are more than enough to satisfy us older fans of the original series ??
I think we should be grateful that the producers gave us this much familiarity of the old series.
I've seen other series totally turn their backs on the original shows. At least this movie/pilot allows the original Knight Rider story to continue.

Sure, its a different cast and different car, but the mission remains the same, One man can make a difference.
Sure, some of the acting and dialogue was a bit poor, but i think as a first attempt at bringing knight rider back, it did fairly well.

I believe Justin Bruening is a terrific piece of casting, he reminds me so much of Hasselhoff in just a short time in this movie.

I believe with Justin as Mike and Val as the voice of KITT, this new series can go places !

I'm glad they didn't remake this series, the contination was the right choice !
Sure, its never going to be as good as the original series, but i think having a new knight rider is better than having nothing at all !

Now for Glen's movie, im fine with that being a total reboot, since thats going to be a theatrical production and with a bigger budget.

I think this new Continuation is a good start, i say bring on the series. :karr:

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Re: More close to the original series than people think !

Post by GN_WS6 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:26 pm

The whole above post was basically one big excuse..

"Sure, it was basically a big turd, but it wasn't that bad..." :roll: :lol: :kitt:
The real KITT was born a Trans Am.

lucid hysteria
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Re: More close to the original series than people think !

Post by lucid hysteria » Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:25 pm

Boy, there is just about nothing as negative as a group of Knight Rider fans...

Look, the truth is, it was a lot more like the original than most people are giving it credit for. My biggest disappointment was the plot, but let's not pretend like Knight Rider was some great masterpiece of story-telling, either. It was a fun, cheesy show about an awesome car.

And for all those complaining about acting, I have two words: DAVID HASSELHOFF. The end. One of the most laughable actors of our day. And we still somehow managed to enjoy the original.

There were a lot more nods to the original and palpable attempts to continue the tone and even some of the familiar stylistic choices. The occasional cut to KITT's scanner when he's talking to Sarah alone on their way to find Mike. The casino setting, also definitely borrowed from the tone of the first show. And even the familiar helicopter shots of the car speeding down ambiguous desert roads.

There was a lot there that has potential for a Knight Rider series - though we're definitely going to need more plot, and if the little lesbian bit and the waking up with two girls bit are any sign, then Michael Knight's implied lack of sexual conscience (which has always bugged me) pales in comparison to the garbage we are supposed to swallow as morally acceptable now days.

This is my biggest disappointment with the show.

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Re: More close to the original series than people think !

Post by Stinch » Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:39 am

GN_WS6 you pop up on every topic moaning about the new pilot!
I would just give up and lock yourself in a room and watch your dvd boxset!
Because all your moaning is getting on my nerves if you don't like the new version thats fine just dont bother watching it!

I loved the original and think they did a great job at paying respect to it!
I hope it gets a new generation into Knightrider and makes them watch the original!
The laws a double edged sword and you've been sitting pretty on one side for too long! Now your gonna feel the other side, the side that cuts!

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Re: More close to the original series than people think !

Post by Niggle Snoosh » Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:48 am

I too was not overly fond of the Mustang as KI3T, however i have warmed upto it since my original disgust when i saw a picture of it on the internet and all the F'ing and blinding that immediately came out of my mouth. :)

However after my intial reaction i was willing to give it a chance and i was pleasantly suprised with what i saw, it pays some tribute to the original although while being different enough to stand on its too feet, its basic premise is still kept the same.

I think what has allowed me to enjoy it is that its a continuation not a remake, KR happened, Micheal Knight still exists and in my eyes KI3T is not KITT, they are two seperate cars/cpu's and the fact they can both be easily seperated as such means i can embrace KI3T because he isn't KITT and can accept the new look because again he isn't KITT. However if and when it goes into a series and they write a backstory saying that they are one and the same i will throw a super large geeky hissy fit and probably boycot the new series altogether
Michael: "Devon, someone tried to kill me last night!"
Devon: "I have an alibi"

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Re: More close to the original series than people think !

Post by Crumbling Down » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:50 am

I feel the same way about the movie, yes it has it flaws like any pilot episode would but I enjoyed the references to the old KR. I think michael knight was a pretty good fighter in the original KR but sometimes he would get ganged up on and knocked out. If this comes to series I hope they show that the new michael is not perfect nor was michael knight and sometimes the bad guys get the best of him.
Booonnnnnzzzzaaaaaiii!!!!!!!! As michael turbo boosts to score the extra point. His face is so funny when he yells this and when he hits turbo boost his eyes get huge and he flies back into the seat
