KR08/KR Movie

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KR08/KR Movie

Post by DLAspider » Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:34 pm

My opinion is that KR08 potentially delayed a KR Movie due to conflicts between the two occurring simultaneously, and if KR08 is not revived, the likelihood of Glen Larson launching a movie increases ( when he is free of other projects). On the other hand, as an example, Smallville has not affected the possibility of a Superman movie(other factors are preventing that). But, the producers of Smallville are limited to certain characters and storyline developments, and it does not seem likely that the cast of Smallville will have any thing to do with a Superman movie. To sum up, Justin Breuning probably won't be in the KR movie, nor will the KR08 version of KITT and Val Kilmer's voice.
