Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by cloudkitt » Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:34 pm

It was infinitely better than the other pilot I think. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I thought the opening bore more than passing resemblance to the '82 pilot. I like the old scanner affect, and I actually didn't notice the old KITT VOX, I'll have to look for that. I liked the mention of KITT learning, the nod to Michael Long, etc.

I really liked it, and I'll have to watch it again. Some caveats:
I get that the plane is useful, modern, and even kinda cool. However, wouldn't a truck be more useful in areas where you CAN'T land a C-130?
The Turbo Boost could be a little less...fake, but I realize he was jumping from a standstill (and I actually liked that they show how he does it), but hopefully when KITT's moving it'll look a little more convincing.
The driving scenes were still a little lacking, mostly due to all the story going on between them. You can tell they filmed from stunt driving bits and pieced them together as opposed to the old KR's clearly choreographed car chases. I realize they had a lot of story to get through in an hour, so I'm hopeful future chases will be a bit more involved.
As someone else said, how the hell is Mike driving while looking at all that? lol.
Also as someone else pointed out, how did he not get thrown from the bed of the truck in the subway scene?
I liked the Zoe/Billy thing, but I agree that it could be toned down a notch or two.

2 semi-related questions: Fuzzie, how did you dl it from Amazon? I got this Unbox program but I still can't figure out how to do it.
Also, why the hell is this up on the internet? It doesn't air till next week, right?
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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by neps » Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:51 pm

Looks like iTunes is nearly ready. The SD version is up - but the HD version has nothing to DL yet: Scratch that HD version is live too!

SD (501.8MB): ... =290983429" onclick=";return false;

HD: ... =290983426" onclick=";return false;

If you have the means - download iTunes version, the quality is stunning compared to Amazons.

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by manlai » Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:54 pm

Hi everyone, long time reader, first time poster...

The show was horrible!!!! you're all losers!!!!! ...

Just kidding. :wink:

Anyway, I thought I would join the conversation seeing as I just finished watching the episode. Here are some of my thoughts:

First, regarding KI3T car: I was giddy, just like most of you, over the classic scanner sound. The HUD was amazing. I would've liked for them to have kept the pilot's single screen below instead of the stock buttons. The pilot dash gave that nice advanced less-is-more future feel to it. The first Turbo Boost was a bit drawn out but they just wanted to make a splash with the first one, can't really fault them for that. The stock Shelby seats kinda sucked (despite my giant hero-worship of all that is Carroll Shelby, it didn't belong in KI3T). Hated all the cobra logos, but I will learn to ignore them in time. Attack and Truck KI3T were fun, hopefully they don't use those features as a crutch like some of TOS season 4 episodes. You know what? I liked the snow globe, sue me. :mrgreen:

Secondly, KI3T the AI: I saw a lot of views back and forth on this. No offense against the 2000, but I really felt like they missed out on an opportunity to explore some growing pains with the original KITT AI learning to be a functional being in society (rewatching the series as an adult of course - didn't care about that so much as a young lad). KITT was basically dropped on us fully grown (with some unfamiliarity with slang and whatnot, but still fully grown as a personality). I liked that this one will give us a chance to explore that potential, and any missteps along the way. Val can certainly play a more dynamic personality, so I'm happy to give the show some leeway on that point before I assign any blame to Val's acting or the writing. I can understand and to a point agree with the sentiment that KI3T's voice should sound more mechanical and put through a speaker and such. On the other hand, we have sound systems so good now that they make people sound like they're actually in the room. Moreover, the AT&T commercial with KITT certainly promoted the idea of more pleasant sounding computer voices. Overall, I'm ok with the voice effects.

Thirdly, Michael: I liked him, a pretty well conceived character played by a nice actor.

Fourth, Sarah: One word - yum. Ok, guy impulses notwithstanding, it was REALLY difficult to concentrate on her dialogue with those eyes............. OK, I'm back again. I am glad to see she's not just a damsel in distress character.

Next, supporting characters: Bruce Davison is a real pro, liked him as Graiman a lot. And BTW, THANK YOU KI3T for referring to him as DR. GRAIMAN! The "Charles" thing with KI3T just really bothered me for some reason. Everyone else was ok, mostly seen and forgotten just as quickly. I did chuckle at the "I watch tons of porn" line, it was nice that he owned up to it proudly! Kudos to the writers there for going a little different route.

Finally, the story: So much action that they ran out of time and really didn't get to tell it in between all the action and the chases and all that. Overall, it served as a nice setup and it left me optimistic for the future. I personally liked the flaming KI3T part, long parts and all - after all, they were slowing cooking in there, had to give it a little screen time. The end was rushed that it kind of lost its sense of time. Carrie told him he was dead, but he really didn't have an issue with sullying his family name, which I thought he should have had a little problem with considering the events of the pilot. He presumably went home for a short time (which is why Carrie beat him back to the cave), but they didn't show that so it looked like he just drove off the plane and heading straight for the cave. Overall though, I see the potential.

In honor of the return of Knight Rider, hopefully for a long long time seeing as I've lost both Stargates in the last 2 years :cry: , I'm building an HTPC with the KITT voicebox in it. Hopefully it'll be done by the time the next new episode of KR airs.

P.S. I want to give props to the PTB at work here at KRO for keeping the dream alive all these years. Keep up the good work in getting the word out about KR! Peace.

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by daroga » Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:16 pm

All I can say is bravo.

It certainly wasn't without its faults (what isn't), but it was 1000x better than I was expecting. I just watched some season 3 Knight Rider last night and vibe of the original that was missing from the pilot is here in full force I'd say.

Is it wrong that I was giddy over the scanner sound... each and every time it came on?

I love how KITT really is like a little child. He knows nothing of decorum or how to talk to people in different situations. I think that's part of the dryness of Kilmer's delivery--it's very purposeful, and I'm excited to see how he changes it as we go on. I have to admit, KITT listening in on those conversations though kinda freaked me out. I have to not watch Knight Rider and the Sarah Connor Chronicles so close together. ;)

I'd give this first episode a solid A. I love that we have an over-arching plot mixed into the episodic nature of the story. It's a lot like The Closer in that way, which is one of my favorite shows currently on the air.

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by bige12 » Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:45 pm

If you have a iTunes account it is kind of neat I'm actually downloading it from iTunes right now. The neat thing is that you get the standard Def & the High Def versions of the episode. Has anyone else seen that?

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by GarthKnight08 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:12 am

Are you able to download it strait to your hard drive or is it only availible online & is the amazon & itunes version free & what format is it?

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by knightny » Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:14 am

Loved the pilot.....hated the series premiere. Awful awful awful!! :(

Let me first say what I enjoyed. Hearing the old scanner sound and seeing turbo boost flash on KITT's windshield brought a tear to my eye (not really, I was just happy). Justin's acting was better than I expected. I'm intrigued by the storylines. Why is KITT spying on his creators? Why does Mike have a past he cant remember? Is Charles Graiman evil too? What were they searching for? I'd love to learn more and find out what else happens. But......

-Now where do I begin on what I hated. Transforming into a truck? Where does KITT find all the extra parts to add-on for pickup mode? Is nanotechnology involved?

-Zoe and Billy, no need to listen or watch their poor acting and dialogue.

-The directing and pace of the story were far better in the pilot. In the premiere there was far too many cut scenes, unneccesary zoom ins and too much music attached to the scenes. The directing was horrid. A great director can always take a bad script and turn it into gold. There was a good script here but it was ruined by the directing.

-Too many sexual innuendos. I get it, the writers love sex. I dont need to see it mentioned or hinted at every 5 seconds. (Sarah stripping in the car, Billy loves porn, mystery women dressed like a slut, Sarah caught by Mike half naked)

-KITT on fire went on for too long. Should not have lasted 2 commercial breaks. Why not use the time to spend on Michael "dying" or finding out more about "the package"?

-How is KITT not able to catch the chick in the convertable? Ever heard of MicroJam? Or is the convertable faster than KITT?

-And speaking of her, does she have to be georgeous and wear that kind of outfit? Made the character silly rather than serious.

-KITT on the train tracks was believable but then watching how Michael jumps off KITT onto the platform ruined any believability. The awful CGI didnt help.

-So Agent Ravai appears in the subway station and shoots Michael. Tells him in the plane that he's "dead". Michael leaves the plane with KITT and heads back to the cave and there she is playing basketball with Zoe and Billy......what? It all happened so fast. They could have split the premiere into 2 episodes or made it a 2 hour premiere. Again, the directing and editing just plain stunk.

After watching the pilot I was thrilled. I couldnt wait to see how they improved upon it and whether or not they would bring back things like turbo boost. I'm hoping that they are still working on this epeisode over the next week and that this early premiere was more like a rough draft. I hope I see a better version of this episode next week because in my opinion, if this is what they will present as the new Knight Rider I dont think this show will last a season...... :cry:

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by FuzzieDice » Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:18 am

cloudkitt wrote:2 semi-related questions: Fuzzie, how did you dl it from Amazon? I got this Unbox program but I still can't figure out how to do it.
I'm not sure how that all happened, but I signed into, got to the show and when you hover over the part that shows the movie, in the lower left is a download button to click. Do this in the web browser. Then fire up Unbox and it should appear and right click and download I think. I dunno. Somehow just trying things, I got it to download. I'm going to try to get the HD version on iTunes though at least to see if my computer will view HD (I think it's capable).

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by ShadowKnight006 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:45 am

OK I have to give credit where credit is due! Everything I thought I was going to hate about the new show, I love. The truck, the "snowglobe from hell" voice modulator, transformation, etc...All done RIGHT. Maybe a few slower episodes would be nice but it is off to a rocket start out of the gate.

I even appreciate the fact that they put thought into the weapon fired at KITT.

Everyone who watched the online premiere please remember to watch it on tv as well as that is the ratings that will get us more episodes.

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by BlueChaos » Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:55 am

For those who have downloaded the iTunes HD, is it 720p or 1080p? I'm not going to waste my time downloading a 1 gig plus 720p, if it's 1080p then it's okay. If it's 720p, better stick with the SD one.
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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by Michael Pajaro » Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:42 am

I give the premiere episode:
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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by davejames » Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:01 am

I thought it was decent. It's no classic KR, but it was a big step up from the lifeless pilot movie (and lightyears better than TKR). lol

The biggest problem for me though is KITT's dull, monotone voice. I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt after the movie, but in this episode you could really see what a hindrance it was-- the show was trying really hard to be light and fun and breezy, yet that dull voice constantly sapped all the fun out of it. In the original, you could really feel that Daniels was putting himself in the scene with Hasselhoff, and KITT would sound more urgent or excited as the action warranted it.

Kilmer's KITT on the other hand just sounds completely disconnected from whatever is happening on screen, which makes it a lot less fun.

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by KnightINSTINCT » Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:06 am

-The directing and pace of the story were far better in the pilot. In the premiere there was far too many cut scenes, unneccesary zoom ins and too much music attached to the scenes. The directing was horrid. A great director can always take a bad script and turn it into gold. There was a good script here but it was ruined by the directing.
Man, didn't they just shove our faces in it? Let's all just pretend like this isn't going to be the trend for the rest of the series........yeah..

-How is KITT not able to catch the chick in the convertable? Ever heard of MicroJam? Or is the convertable faster than KITT?
You know, to be honest, I believe KITT is going under the direction of Michael, and he was more interested in talking to his windshield. C'mon, you know KITT would've caught her EASILY. The world of Knight Rider: where ignorant drivers are paired with super cars...kind of makes me believe the Knight Foundation believes in equal opportunity.

-KITT on the train tracks was believable but then watching how Michael jumps off KITT onto the platform ruined any believability. The awful CGI didnt help.
Yeah, the WORST editing I ever want to see on this show. Reminded me of the crap ANGEL had. I would like to see a made up blooper of that scene where Mike just flips way ahead of KITT when he reaches a complete stop. Science fiction has it's limits :good:

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by calhoun24 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:12 am

A few more more things I forgot to mention upthread:

- Deanna Russo - very stunning and very beautiful. That, and things change now that we know she was Michael's fiance.

- How can the Knight 3000 not be able to catch that convertible? They should have gone to Attack Mode earlier.

- I know the Cobra thing is probably Ford's doing, but if you want to really impress KR fans, change the Cobra into a Knight logo. This is one of the things that really bothered me about the new Attack Mode. Since they went froma Cobra to...another Cobra. To me, that's lame. Also, to have it on the basketball court wall is not only tacky, but overkill. They need to get back to a Knight logo as soon as they can! (I can't believe I'm saying this but at least TKR had a thought out logo for FLAG. They need to do the same here.)
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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by knightriderfan80 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:01 am

Hello all, I am new the to boards.

As a die hard original series fan, I was disappointed by the 2008 Pilot Movie earlier this year. BUT with that being said I was very excited and happy to see some of the changes and some of the old series things implemented into the new series so far. There are however a few things that I hope are changed...NBC pay attention they are:

1. First and foremost the background music has got to be cut back dramatically! It is WAY too much and there are moments when things being at a dead silence are way better than hearing music blasting or even just being there at those moments. It is more REALISTIC when like in the old series KITT and Michael would talk to each other, or when Michael was investigating asking KITT to analyze tire or oil tracks, everything is silent except what is being said. Just cut it down a few notches thats all.

2. Secondly, The scanner sound is awesome, BUT it is way to fast and does NOT sync with the scanner itself. Sync it.

3. Turbo Boost... Good start, but cut back the CG and I sure hope the glowing "KR" on the undercarraige is gone after this episode, that is VERY cheesy. And when KITT starts Turbo Boosting in high speed chases, the CG effect showing the Booster starting up needs to go and KITT's Boost needs to be instantaneous and not delayed.

4. Transforming KITT is one thing, but leave the pickup truck out of it, seriously KITT's capabilities should be well within range of riding tracks without the need of being a truck.

5. On the INTRO, show more of the desert, possibly like the old side shot of KITT traveling on the desert.

6. Lastly, make KITT and Michael more personable with each other. The chemistry between them just isnt there. KITT sounds too monotone and Michael doesn't crack jokes with KITT like KITT occasionally does with Michael and they need to look and feel like the old Michael and KITT.

That is all for now, everything else is looking fantastic! Can't wait for Episode 2! :good:

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by BlueChaos » Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:38 am

I wonder why no one has noticed this, so here goes...

Look real close at the RPM meter in the dashboard (the actual one, not the digital one) and you will find that it stays at the exact same position (12 o clock) during the ENTIRE SHOW. This just takes out the realism of the car driving. If you're going to show everything on the HUD, then make sure you blank out the things you're not using, doh. The actual speedometer and RPM-meter in the car also got blue lights in them, so I think the designers know about this issue all along when they made this episode, and I just wonder WHY did they leave it like that. At least leave out the light so it's all black, or replace it with something...

Don't know about you guys, but it's distracting enough for me...
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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by JJSoCrazy » Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:39 am

Another thing that I enjoyed was the background music, very good to hear the theme tuned a little different here and there especially in the beginning, like the earpiece, and I noticed the voice modulator similar to KI2T that everyone is talking about, but why is it fainted and there is a ball towards the left of the sphere, maybe his eye lol?

BTW I am hoping they talk about FLAG and The Foundation by the next episode!


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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by Cam KNIGHT » Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:35 am

I saw it with ultra surf and amazon and alla i could sazy is :

Knight rider is between Great Hand ,n it rocks ! GST , VFX team , val Kilmer, actors like justin, deanna(so beautifull ! :D :D ) are really genius !

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by JimmyPSHayes » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:06 am

I loved it!!! I'm really warming up to Val Kilmer's voice, I thought the action was great. Can't wait to tune in every week...........and good Lord Deanna Russo is HOT!!! :mrgreen:

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by Alex » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:45 am

"Michael Pajaro" I give the premiere episode:
But that special effects! 8)


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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by neps » Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:58 am

BlueChaos wrote:Look real close at the RPM meter in the dashboard (the actual one, not the digital one) and you will find that it stays at the exact same position (12 o clock) during the ENTIRE SHOW.
I asked at one point why the redundancy in the HUD and the stock dash. It was explained that in the case KITT needs to shut down - they can use the stock gauges as backup. So when KITT is active, and the HUD is engaged - the stock gauges are offline.

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by Solid Snake » Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:04 am

You know what... I saw it too!!!!!! *Le gasp!*

The Good:
*Great action... fast, fun and well choreographed.
*KITT was awesome! Looked great, sounded great (Val Kilmer came through big time, he just hit the nail on the head for this KI3T... suits the car very well, makes you feel like it has a warm personality)!
*Chemistry between Michael and Sarah... was good (though they should slow the romantic feelings down a little bit, because if they already start kissing and holding hands by the 3rd show... what will you do for the remaining 10).
*Special effects mostly looked great, transformations looked nice... HUD was great.
*Hot ladies... Deanna... I love you! She had the looks and the character!

The Bad:
*They wanted to tell to much in a 45 minute show... it should have been a 2 hour show... That way the Michael shooting could have been better "explained" and "built up", same applies to the code and the package aspect... what was that about? Sure we will see about that over the rest of the season, but doing it this way makes the show feel rushed.
*Footage looks to clean... almost digicam like, they should add some more grain to the footage to make it feel more sophisticated. But I can properly judge after I see the TV version.
*Visuals were great yes, however, some green screen stuff was very sloppy... KITT turns without Mike actually turning the wheel? If possible they should use actual drives like in the old days to do the dialogue. Also Mike jumping of KITT... without seeing how he got in the truck bed? Yes... that's just bad... looked sloppy too (in the online version of the show).
*Though I am glad they used more OST tracks... rather than generic pop music... they should compose more music which has the Knight Rider feel... instead of a bad house, dance trance CD.
*Fun was great, humour was good! But do not "over cheese" the show... Cheese is good... but keep it modest and only where it fits the story... rather than every single scene.

Also... to the people not getting why the Cobra transformed, if you pay some attention you will notice that the changed Cobra is actually the Knight Research Cobra... not a Ford one... as KITT leaves his stealth mode to enter attack mode he essentially changes from a Ford to a Knight Research vehicle, hence the other Cobra.

Small tip for the production team: KITT looked great... the action was great... it was fun, before I knew it 45 minutes were over! BUT... try to give the show a bit more "realism"... you claimed the show would be a bit more dark. I did not see that yet... Sure the original KR was a bit cheesy, but not the whole time. Try to find a balance between; realism, drama, emotion, fun and humour. Also if possible... try to give KITT a bit more mystery (people being surprised, amazed by the car in a way they did not expect).

other than that... I really had fun watching, nice work! Knight Rider is back! My score 7.5 / 10.
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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by PHOENIXZERO » Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:37 am

Just finished watching it a fourth time, this time HD version off iTunes, I sucked it up and installed it... Unfortunately I have a feeling we'll be seeing some of the same annoying complaints coming about again, especially after it airs from the super uptight people/nuts regarding the "pornography" just because they had the main characters strip down to their underwear while they were about to be boiled alive, the exchanges between Billy and Zoe, the girl who took "the package" and how she dressed and showed her tattoo and the mentioning of porn. :roll:

Anyway, I realized and forgot that it wasn't a Cobra under the car but the Knight Research initials which is even dumber, as well as the cobras all over the place, not counting the Shelby emblems, some character must have a major snake/cobra fetish.

It was fun though, hopefully the next episode slows some things down a bit because there was way too much packed into a mere 42 minutes. Some stuff certainly had to be cut. Like I said before, it would have been nice to see the decision making into taking the "Knight" name and how he came to the conclusion of taking it. Since the show takes place six months after the pilot there's a lot of stuff in there that we've potentially missed out on seeing unless they go with flashbacks at some point. Shame NBC wouldn't go the "limited commercial interruptions" route because this first episode certainly could have benefited from an extra five or ten minutes. Oh and yeah, the music does need to be taken down a few notches and just eliminated in spots..
The new and again improved evil's advertisement is currently too long and too badass to display here. But let's just say that with now 50% more evil, this **** is great! :twisted: :skar:

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by Mango19 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:43 am

I agree that the "KR" on the undercarriage has to go. Would rather see "How am I driving? Call 1-800-TRBO-BST" :mrgreen:

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Re: Official Online Premier Thread (aka Pilot is UP on Amazon!)

Post by chrisvillar » Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:44 am

I can't believe nobody has mentioned this yet.

In attack mode, KITT's tail lights transform into... two thin, parralel, horizontal lines. That was a long time styling feature of a certain division at GM for a long time. The Trans Am used it for many years. I don't know about '82, it may have been more than 2 horizontal lines that year. When I saw it, I immediately thought of vintage Pontiacs.
