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Post by NY-JETT » Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:57 am

Please allow me to introduce myself - I'm Jett. Some of you may know me - most may not. I am the car coordinator & co-organizer of Knight Rider Festival.

Please understand I am not here to stir the pot - I would just like to bring a few things to light regarding Paul & the KRF. The following information is whole-heartedly the TRUTH:

First, it costs A LOT of money to put on this event. I have read where some wonder where all the money from this event goes . . . . . . . WHAT MONEY?? The event is FREE to spectators. The main sponsors of this event do not contribute ANY money what-so-ever. Las Vegas doesn't give us any money. The Nugget doesn't give us any money. The Nugget is a sponsor because they agreed to let us use their property. Some have said Paul makes money from the hotel rooms - THIS IS FALSE. The other reason the Nugget is a sponsor is because Paul has negotiated a discounted rate to all of us who attend. And truth be told about that - Paul is supposed to guarantee that a certain amount of rooms will be rented due to the event. Well I can attest to you all that we are not booking any where NEAR the amount of rooms we are supposed to be booking for the hotel in order to even get this discount.

Well if we are only bringing in a small portion of the expected people to the hotel - why do they continue to support KRF? - - - BECAUSE OF PAUL.

Why do all of these celebrity guests give of themselves and their time to KRF and waive most of their normal fees? - - - BECAUSE OF PAUL.

Why does Fremont Street Experience back us and allow us to do this in the first place? - - - BECAUSE OF PAUL.

Heck, why do I (and other friends of Paul's) spend so much money that I(we) don't have & take time off of work to come and work KRF? - - - BECAUSE OF PAUL. (No- he doesn't pay my way, but I do it because of one reason - PAUL.)

How many of us can pick up the phone and get downtown Las Vegas to let us hold KRF?
How many of us can pick up the phone and get 13 celebrities associated with KR to come to said event?
How many of us can pick up the phone and call NBC and have them deliver us the 2 (very expensive) hero cars from the show?
How many of us are willing to spend a lot of money to organize such an event because we ARE that big of a fan?

Those of us who truly know Paul, know the truth - and the truth is here is a guy who truly is a fan of the show. The first time I met Paul and we talked about the General Lee & KITT - I saw that gleam in his eye as he talked about how it was his dream to own these cars. ( I know this look because I have that same look. . . and a General Lee & Starsky & Hutch car now myself.) We talked for hours like little giddy school girls as we reminisced about the good ol days when these cool shows were on TV. Yes, we watched these shows and imagined we were Michael Knight, or Bo Duke - I'M SURE MOST OF YOU CAN RELATE, LOL!!

Paul has spent & continues to spend way too much of his own money to put this show on. Yes, there were a few people, (VERY FEW) who gave a small financial contribution - this money went into the costs of bringing out the guests. Don't forget there are also many other costs to produce such an event; like the giant banners, the trophies, the dash plaques, flyers,etc.

As far as the registration, as a car owner himself, Paul is hoping this show will grow and acquire financial sponsorship to at least cover the expenses of producing the event so that there is no registration fee in the future.

Also I have read where one person wondered if money was really going to charity. Please note that on the website it states under Charity, "ALL MONEY IS TO BE PAID DIRECTLY TO THE CHILDREN'S MIRACLE NETWORK. NO FUNDS WILL BE ACCEPT OR PAID TO KNIGHT RIDER FESTIVAL."

This brings me to another point, the most important point in my opinion - as many of you know Paul & his wife Melina have a beautiful little girl named Jobyna who is a special needs child. Some may remember that at last years event Jobyna stopped breathing right there on Fremont St. in front of the Nugget. After Jobyna started breathing again & we made sure she was OK, Paul went right back to keeping the show going on. ( I'm not sure if I would have even been able to continue with the show if that was me - but Paul did just that.) Basically every day she is fighting for her life! The health & specialized care that Jobyna requires costs thousands of dollars every month. Unfortunately, these costs are only partially covered and Paul has to pay these mounting costs every MONTH or the treatment stops.

I have begged Paul to use these events to help raise money for his daughter & their mounting health care bills instead of Childrens Miracle Network - but he is to proud to do this. Even though Paul would probably hate me for it, I would like to propose that we DEMAND that this years contributions go to benefit baby Jobyna.

Another thing - even though Paul is the name associated with this show, this is NOT Paul's show. THIS IS OUR SHOW - EVERYONE INVOLVED IS AN ORGANIZER OF THIS EVENT! With that being said we welcome all help. Maybe you guys can help us to get some sponsors that are willing to contribute, whether financially or other wise. Let's use this forum to share ideas or support to help make this event even better. We represent a great TV show, we have a great event here, and what better city then Las Vegas to do it in - - - so how can we expand on our show and make it a smash????


I look forward to hearing from y'all!!

- Jett

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Post by Victor Kros » Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:02 am

Good to hear from someone who knows Paul on a personal level and can explain things based on experience rather than just speculation.

See you in Vegas.



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Post by tamatt27 » Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:42 am

Wow. It's easy to forget the faces and stories behind some of the things we love and enjoy so much. I appreciate you sharing that information with us. To me, it brings with it a sense of responsibility to represent Knight Rider Festival. I"d like Paul to know that there are so many of us who support the work that all of you guys, and girls, are doing. If there's anything else we can contribute, be it financially or volunteering, etc let us know.
AS much fun as I expect to have at KRF I can't feel right about enjoying that experience at the expense of someone else's.
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Post by kitt2k » Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:11 pm

There are ALOT of great things to say about Paul Casey and this event, to that I AGREE wholeheartedly.

From experience I know that these events are tough, especuially one this large, and to keep it all organized, and everyone happy is an impossible task! Paul has given "Knight Rider" fans an opportunity to do something that "Dukes" fans have enjoyed for years, a big event to celebrate both their favorite show and car!

In addition, to get the guests he and his team have been able to get is great for the fans as well, and to convinvce NBC to send the KR08 cars, vehicles I DID NOT know were coming until reading this post is another great achievement.

My issues with Paul come from his inability to get over his arrogance, and the way I feel he has treated, and continues to treat the replica owners, thats it. Even with this, it would still not stop me from attending the event as a general participant. Until things change, just cant justify bringing one of my two KITT cars this year. Funny thing about all of this is that I really wanted to help and be an active part of this event this year, I felt that the replica owners deserved better treatement, and a thank you gift on caliber with their amazing contribution making it the success it can be, a gift I was even going to foot the bill for, and ALL my e-mails were ignored by Paul, issues that I brought up to him in private long before I put them on the public boards, and became the face of evil to some, yes I have read all your PM's to me, for my opposing remarks about this event. I only found out through his team that he wasn't interested in my help, and about his anger in how he percieved my e-mails tone. So Jett please dont tell me that this is everyone's Festival, it is clearly Paul's only, its HIS name on every piece of it, and that's the way he likes it. If you bring to his attention things you think he can do better with, and even volunteer to do all the work to fix these things, if it hurts his ego, you will simply be ignored, and then find out from others his opinions of you! So when this happened, I took my issues out in public, what was I left to do?

Paul Casey can only be grateful that his team are the caliber of people they are ( you know who you are) , dedicated and loyal, or this thing would have been sunk. So this year, when you are out their enjoying the Festival, make sure you take the time to thank the people truly responsible for the event you are attending, the members of Paul's team, who did not give up, even when he was ready to throw in the towel!

So replica owners, you do what your heart tells you to do. I have pointed out my issues with Festival on the replica boards. If your heart still tells you to go, then shine that KITT up and show it with pride! If what I have brought attention to also causes you to question a few things, then question with boldness, and dont stop asking until you get the answers you need to justify your participation. This Festival needs you, so dont sell yourself short, and cave in!

To all, this is my last posting on the Knight Rider Festival....and to Paul, I would still love to hear from YOU directly, I am always open, and if I was wrong, I will be the first to apologize for it. Just contact me directly, I think its the least you can do.

For FULL disclosure on this, here is the exact e-mail I sent to Paul:

Even though you and I DO NOT see eye to eye at all, because of the importance of KR, and its fans to me, I am willing to over look this and help you out with your event. No, I have not done one as large as yours, but I know how to pound the pavement to get results.

Couple of suggestions, one drop ALL the car registration fee garbage, these people are doing you a favor, you cant charge them ANY amount of money, admin costs, whatever, that does not look bad. Also, every car owner gets guest into VIP party with them for nothing, again this is their show, treat them better. All the VIP guests mean nothing if NO cars are there. Also PROMISE that the VIPs will see EVERY attending persons car. Not one came to see them last year, but Schefe. These cars are these people babies, they love nothing more than to show them to the people actually from the show. A guaratteed photo of Justin, Glenn, etc. in your car is worth the trip. Plus this way Car owners DO NOT stand in any autograph lines!

Two, get your car off of ebay, it looks bad, especially to those that know the story behind it. Plus it is another replica at the Festival, talk to people there about selling it.

Three, updates everyday on every KR website on what is going on. Are the KR08 cars coming, Justin, are you reaching out to more guests, etc.

Also, what is your sponsor the Golden Nugget giving you, financial comp, rooms, etc. These can be used to get bigger guests, or entice car owners on the fence. Example, is Golden Nugget willing to give car owners a free night, or even a more significant rate reductionthat what is posted? Sometimes giving soemone 100 dollars in incentive, will get them to spend the 1000 for the trip. Sure Hoff might not come for free, but with a few dollars, or a venue at the Nugget to perform in, he is doing a Casino concert tour starting mid-February that could easily be tied to the Festival dates if right people are pushed, etc. might get him there. I have started working him a bit, but need some hard info to continue.

I am 100 percent willing to help you out, seven weeks is plenty of time to make this thing bigger and better! Call me anytime to discuss this, MY PHONE NUMBER HERE.


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Post by stevefawcett » Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:35 am

Well I believe that teh event is fantastic and nothing like it has ever happend before! the cast and crew go becasue they believe in it (i know i speak with most of them) the people who go meet up with all the folks from all over the world that speak to each other on these forums etc ,get to see KITT cars on freemont street WOW how awsome is that

it takess many many man hours and thousands of $ to put somthing like this together again i know i do a simular event in the UK

We all hope in our hearts that David will go one year and he knows about the event ,he has been told by myself Nick Paul whoever about it and knows so time will tell

I invited 3 guests to the KRF1 last year and a 4th one is becasue he went to the show in california becasue i invited him

so lets all go ,have an awsome time ,gamble and eat too much and celelbrate the true meaning of one man can make a difference

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Post by TheShadowyFlight » Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:28 am

I'm very excited for the event this year as last year was a lot of fun. I thank Paul Casey for getting this thing off the ground and making one of my dreams come true... sitting in a KITT car.

As for this whole thing... stupid. What I read in the email posted above is that this dude just wants stuff. Give me free rooms, face to face time with the stars, etc. Gimme, gimme, gimme...

This is an event for charity and for the fandom of Knight Rider. It is not a place to put the car owners on a pedestal. I know a ton of hard work and money goes into making a replica car but it's no reason to be hailed as a hero to the people. If you can bring a car and want to help out a very worthy cause then come on down. If you think you aren't getting enough out of the deal to make you feel special enough then I would rather you stayed home. Don't complain here about having to stand in line for an autograph when there are very sick kids all over the world who will be benefiting from the money raised from this event.

I would hope that all who are planning to attend the event not only spend a little money to help out the festival but also give above that amount in a donation as well. Lets stop being selfish for a few minutes and start acting like human beings.

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Post by Michael Pajaro » Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:29 pm

kitt2k... I think your suggestions on how Paul should improve the event are, quite frankly, short-sighted and naive. Having every celebrity promise to visit every car? At best, it's a logistical nightmare. Dropping the registration fees? Do that, and you have 40 people promising they're bringing their cars and half never show up.

If you want to offer suggestions on how to improve the Knight Rider Festival, that's great. But please don't bring your personal anger towards Paul to the table here.
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Post by Kal-el4 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:19 am

I agree, leave the personal problem between the parties involved, to air it publicly like this, only incites riots and anger. After all, are we children, or are we adults? we should set an example for others in how we behave and react. If we show that we can behave and react like respectable and responsible adults, then others will as well, if we don't, then the opposite will happen as well...

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Post by jup » Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:00 pm

All this time, I thought it was NBC and KR08 that had made the festival possible.

Thank you, Paul Casey and everyone else who made these events a reality.

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Post by KITT » Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:35 pm

i look forward to the festival every year.. thank you for making it possible and giving the fans an outlet to come together and even check out replicas that they might never actually see.

jup are you coming again this year?
Lady: "I bet you're tall, dark, and handsome."
KITT: "I'm definitely dark and handsome, I'm only tall when I'm climbing a steep incline."" onclick=";return false;
