Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

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Chief Oddball
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Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Chief Oddball » Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:47 pm

Hey all,

In the past I've taken part in discussion on here regarding Don Peake's Knight Rider soundtrack albums released by Hitchcock Media Records (HMR), as I am a huge fan of Don's work on the show and Stu Phillips' original theme. A couple years ago there was talk of four new albums on their way, but financial issues halted the production of these albums despite the mastering of tracks having been mostly finished.

Last week, on Nick Nugent's "The Knight Rider Companion" Facebook page, he posted that he'd been in contact with Don and that a release of those four albums is imminent. In fact, he states that the tracks should be going up on iTunes this week, with a limited production run of physical CDs also to be offered (although timing wasn't specified).

I searched around, but to my surprise I did not see this news come up anywhere else. Although the tracks have yet to materialize (and you can bet that I have started checking iTunes several times daily for them), my understanding is that Nick's rep is sound and he's a figure of authority in KR fandom. Has anyone else heard any info about the new albums?

According to Nick, the four albums to be released contain the following episodes:

Knight Rider (Best of Don Peake) Vol.4
1. Killer K.I.T.T.
Scene Q’s 1-25
2. A Nice Indecent Little Town
Scene Q's 26-40

Knight Rider (Best of Don Peake) Vol.5
1. Speed Demons
Scene Q’s 1-11
2. Knight Moves
Scene Q’s 12-23

Knight Rider (Best of Don Peake) Vol.6
1. Chariot of Gold
Scene Q’s 1-27

Knight Rider (Best of Don Peake) Vol.7
1. Knight of The Juggernaut
Scene Q’s 1-22
2. Return to Cadiz
Scene Q’s 23-42

If all of this is on the level, then you can't imagine how excited I am that we're finally about to hear these great tracks at last. I am particularly stoked for "Killer K.I.T.T." as it has long been one of the episodes that I've requested, and from the "Scene Q" format here, it suggests that we're going to get complete releases of all (or most of) the cues from these episodes, like we did with HMR's "Best of Don Peake Volume 2" released some years back.

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by DarylKnight » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:24 pm

Basically, when Nick says it's happening, it's happening. He's not the type to ever jump the gun, his information is always good, and always confirmed. I'm looking forward to some new KR tunes! :kitt2:

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by KFCreator » Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:06 am

This would be amazing if it happens as I've been thirsting lately for these soundtracks that Don talked about a few years ago. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by krrdr2010 » Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:58 pm

I hope they come out soon-I'll get them. Don Peake did a lot of Good Music for the show.

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Black Cat » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:05 pm

Thank you so much for letting us know!! :good: Just recently I was wondering if we still will ever get to hear those tracks. Wonderful news!!

Still listening to the latest release, with Topaz Connection and Hearts of Stone, that was great. As for the future issues, looking forward for Chariot of Gold, A Nice Indecent Little Town and Return to Cadiz the most.

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by tharpdevenport » Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:07 am

I'm glad all these are finally happening. After the initial report of cancellation from lack of funds and all mnentions being removed from the H-MR website, I had lost hope. Then I heard it would be download-only.

I own all but one of the H-MR releases (I don't own Volume 3, since I had the same content on the old boot version; one of these days when I have the cash, I will updgrade -- if it's been remastered).

The one thing I don't like are these short releases. Why are short running time scores being spread across four CD's? These could have all easily fit on two CD's.
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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Chief Oddball » Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:40 am

Obviously some wires were crossed somewhere, as these tracks haven't yet materialized on iTunes nor is there any mention on HMR's website. I trust Nick's information, even though it seems it may have been a bit optimistic, and expect that we'll finally be seeing these soon.

tharpdevenport: Regarding Volume 3, I bought a copy despite owning two copies of the old Hi-Tech bootleg as Ron Hitchcock did say it had been remastered. That said, in my opinion it's a pretty light remaster with just a bit more low end present. I'd already done some EQ to my own ears on my bootleg copy so owning Volume 3 wasn't really a revelation for me; that said, I like to support these guys and their efforts to get these soundtracks to us, so I don't mind the expense.

It's the same reason why I don't mind paying for four albums even though I agree this probably could have been consolidated onto fewer physical CDs (unless for some reason the queue lengths are very long, which would surprise me).

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Chief Oddball » Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:57 pm

Apologies to Nick and anyone who may have construed my last post as a complaint. I'm not calling anybody's information into question here and I have no doubt that these albums are coming. From what I've heard and read about Nick, his word is among the most trustworthy to be found in KR fandom and I'm incredibly excited for what's coming. Probably some unforeseen clerical process or other unavoidable business which has delayed things a bit. I'm just happy to know that the ball is once again rolling on these albums and am excited to hear them. If anything, I think I'm suffering from a bit too much "kid on Christmas" here. ;)

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Black Cat » Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:59 pm

I really hope they're happening this time around. The thought of the master tracks existing and the soundtracks not seeing the day of light because of the business stuff was just killing me!

Bring them on Mr. Peake!!! We need them!

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Black Cat » Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:06 pm

Just received newsletter from Hitchcock Media and it says:
We are working on 7 new episodes of the original Knight Rider (4 new CD's). We will let you know when CDs are physically available, and we certainly appologise for the extended delay in gathering this material for you.
It's happening!!! 8)

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Micaela Knight » Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:46 pm

Cool! I'd definitely want the CD's. Hope they'll be readily available, like on amazon or something.
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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Black Cat » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:59 am

The Knight Rider Companion
UPDATE on Don Peake KR Soundtrack releases - these discs ARE still coming. Don has run into some personal matters he has to attend to first but he wants the fans to know he is committed to getting these exciting new tracks out to his supportive fans!

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by KFCreator » Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:19 am

I just checked the Hitchcock Media website and they don't even list any of the Knight Rider soundtracks at all anymore. Anyone know what the status of the upcoming CDs are now? I will say that while I loved having the Knight Rider scores produced at all, I always felt that Hitchcock Media just wasn't the best company to produce and release them through. The quality of the audio sounded fine but the artwork for the CDs could have been worlds better and I would have appreciated a liner booklet with some of Don's insights and explanations of the scores. The soundtrack that Film Score Monthly put out of the original pilot and Stu Philips' music was unbelievably well made in every aspect and stands up as one of the best soundtrack scores I've ever owned and I wish they had done more of them. If for some reason Hitchcock Media falls through, I'd urge Don to consider doing business with LaLa Land Records, they also release amazing scores that are always impressive.
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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Black Cat » Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:22 am

I was recently wondering the same thing so I looked for any updates on Knight Rider Companion facebook. This is the most recent post regarding the soundtrack, from 1 January:
From our pal, Mark Puette

Here's something to help you ring in the New Year. The next guest confirmed for SOUTHERN KNIGHTS ATLANTA 2014 is series composer and musician, Don Peake. This will be Don's first year joining us in Atlanta.

Here is the response we received from Don when we invited him...

Hi Mark, I hope that your holiday season is joyous. I will be honored to attend your event. Thank you for your support of my CDs. Let's talk more soon.

Best regards,
Don Peake

Don will be bringing his next four KNIGHT RIDER soundtrack CDs with him to sell and will be more than happy to sign them for you. Below is the list of CDs to be released...
Then this comment:
Oh and one more thing...more Don Peake goodness coming your way soon courtesy of Southern Knights Atlanta and yours truly in the next few days! Remember my friends, I broke the story of Don's new CD releases first and believe me, I'm not done yet bringing you the exclusive details of these exciting new soundtracks! Keep those scanners peeled...
3 January:
When his new CDs are available, I will be the first to let everyone know on here.
18 January:
Not yet but soon. =o)


I hope they come this time for real. I remember it was announced a couple of years back that Don will be selling those at some festival (Comic Con I think?) and it didn't happen.

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Knight Racer » Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:44 am

Nick Nugent says he's meeting up with Don Peake soon to record something. I'm sure he'll have an update on Don's CDs soon. When it comes to Knight Rider, Nick has always been pretty reliable with his information.

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Knight Racer » Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:47 am


Nick Nugent has a Q&A he's releasing soon that will answer your questions about Don's CDs.

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Black Cat » Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:37 pm

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by tharpdevenport » Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:05 pm

Nothing personal against Hitchcock Media Records, but even the best mastering of one of hte KR score Cd's, wasn't as good as it could have been (considering masterings from other TV shows from around that decade, from other labels, like Intrada Records and Film Score Monthly). I wonder why they lost the rights (or gave them up).

I hope Perseverance Records does a better job.

I also hope they do Morton Stevens' one episode score ("Deadly Maneuvers").
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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Martin Grant » Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:31 am

As much as "Killer KITT's" a good score, "Juggernaut's" a fantastic one. Would Don not consider releasing that on Volume 4? Been a while since I heard his 1st year eps, so not familiar with what he did for "Indecent Little Town". Doubt "Chariot of Gold" warrants a whole disc. "Knight of the Drones" would be a great one to combine with it.

Wondered for sometime now whether the masters Don's using are his own 1/4" inch tapes or is he acquiring true masters from the Universal vaults? Can anyone share some info on that please?
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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by KFCreator » Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:08 am

I am really glad to hear that progress is being made and we can (hopefully) look forward to 4 more CDs soon. I also am praying that Perseverance Records is up to the task of putting out solid quality work too. Like I said before, the Film Score Monthly release is hands down the single best KR score to come out thus far in terms of the mastering and the packaging, so the standards I expect are pretty high because of that.

And as much as I love Don's work on Seasons 3 and 4, I really want to hear more of his Season 1 and 2 stuff as well. So many amazing scores there that I would love to hear, such as "The Topaz Connection", "Soul Survivor", "Knightmares", and "Race for Life." Soul Survivor has got to be the one I covet the most though, closely followed by Knightmares.

I wish Don all the best in his efforts and look forward to seeing what gets released!
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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Black Cat » Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:15 pm

KFCreator wrote:And as much as I love Don's work on Seasons 3 and 4, I really want to hear more of his Season 1 and 2 stuff as well. So many amazing scores there that I would love to hear, such as "The Topaz Connection",
Topaz Connection has been released on Vol. II

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by KITTfan » Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:25 am

KFCreator wrote:I am really glad to hear that progress is being made and we can (hopefully) look forward to 4 more CDs soon. I also am praying that Perseverance Records is up to the task of putting out solid quality work too. Like I said before, the Film Score Monthly release is hands down the single best KR score to come out thus far in terms of the mastering and the packaging, so the standards I expect are pretty high because of that.

And as much as I love Don's work on Seasons 3 and 4, I really want to hear more of his Season 1 and 2 stuff as well. So many amazing scores there that I would love to hear, such as "The Topaz Connection", "Soul Survivor", "Knightmares", and "Race for Life." Soul Survivor has got to be the one I covet the most though, closely followed by Knightmares.

I wish Don all the best in his efforts and look forward to seeing what gets released!
Same for me, Soul Survivor and Knightmares are my favourite episodes and the music is strong reason for that :)

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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by KFCreator » Fri Apr 18, 2014 2:33 am

Black Cat -- Thanks, I completely forgot that I already have that score on Vol. 2! That's what happens when I try to compose a response after my brain has shut down for the day. LOL
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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by PBH » Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:03 am

Hey all. Any updates on volumes 4+?
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Re: Don Peake's Knight Rider Soundtrack Releases 2013

Post by Rainack » Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:07 am

Volume 4 is available from Perseverance Records on a collectible USB drive. They only have limited quantities left, though. I ordered mine yesterday, and I've already gotten notification that it's shipped.
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