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Season three: KARR's paint...

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:21 pm
by scottab21
Hello everyone. I was watching my season three dvd today and noticed something that I hadn't thought about when I first saw the episode when I was a kid. In, KITT vs KARR, there is a scene at the atm, when KARR takes John to get the money, his paint has changed to a two-tone color grey on the bottom. Now, up until this point in the episode he was painted all black. Just wondering when did he get this new paint job? I would really appreciate anyones help on this.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:30 pm
There's a scene before the bank sequence where KARR mentions he wants his "appearance altered" but there is no scene where you actually see John spray him with silver paint

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:15 pm
by Akaihiryuu
The new paint job must've been done really freaking when KITT mentions that it had only been 12 hours since KARR hit the semi, KARR already had his new paint job (and he was all black when he hit the semi).

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:22 pm
by Lost Knight
It was probably a quick Maaco job.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 8:35 pm
by pewter 02ws6
wasn't there a part where it showed john getting ready to paint karr or showing him peeling the paper from the windows after he was painted? i could be wrong but i thought it showed this in the original episode. although they did show the clip where karr mentions about altering his appearance on the dvd, could they have left this part out?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 9:54 pm
by Akaihiryuu
It's been way too long since I saw the episode originally to remember that detail. My main problem with this episode was how GOOD condition KARR was in when they pulled him out of the beach. His shell was even intact, he could go through bridge supports like nothing...and yet after one hit from a laser KITT was able to go through him like butter.