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KARR Voice - If They Bring Him Back In Movie

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:49 pm
by FuzzieDice
I never heard a thing if they will bring KARR back in the future some day either in the movie or a series if they make one. I do hope that KARR does make a cameo in the movie but don't think he will. :?

Anyway, I was thinking about who'd do KARR's Voice. Paul Frees did KARR in KvK but I heard from a friend that Paul had passed away awhile back. However, Paul had done the "Ghost Host" at Disney's Haunted Mansion as well, and when he passed on, they replaced him with a guy named Corey Burton, who may have already took over some of the other Disney Voices Paul was doing. I hear he's almost exactly like Paul's voice as the Ghost, so maybe he'd be a good pick for KARR?

Peter Cullen did a good car in TDR and I think he's still around. He also did Optimus Prime of the Transformers. Though he'd have to go with a more updated version of KARR's personality of course. He's another good choice but Corey Burton would be a great choice if Peter couldn't do the part for whatever reason.

That is, if they ever DO bring KARR back for a show or movie or whatever. I'd love to see KARR become a good guy too and work along side of KITT, and provide KITT with a bit of humorous sibling rivalry at times. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:06 am
by Lost Knight
I have no idea who should do K.A.R.R.'s voice if he is ever brought back, but I would say go with Peter Cullen only with the Paul Frees personality. Since KARR had been destroyed, it would also make sense that when he is rebuilt that his voice would be a little different, as he could never be exactly the same as he once was. However, I don't think that KARR would be resurrected in the movie. If he ever does come back, it would most likely be in a series if there ever is one. I think the movie would concentrate more on fighting some type of crime organization or a corrupted form of law enforcement being reminiscent of the original series. I think they would also want to spend a lot of time on developing the new "nut behind the wheel" kid who will take over. It seems to me that KARR would be something that producers would want to save for a sequel or a series.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:21 pm
by walter h. anderson
I personally hope they don't bring back KARR for the movie. After all, Knight Rider's theme is "One Man Can Make A Difference". It doesn't really mean "Hey, there's KARR. Let's stop him from hurting someone".
I agree with you, Lost Knight.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:12 pm
by MaximumOverdrive
If they can't get Peter Cullen how about Tony Jay? aka Megabyte from Reboot.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:18 pm
by ReddawgKnight
Hey Tony Jay did some voice work for the Legacy of Kain Games...that would be great to have him voice as KARR

Check this link out it consists of all his work including voice overs for animated Movies and also Video games.....

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:34 pm
by FuzzieDice
Can't help it, I kinda miss KARR as much as I miss KITT! :)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:40 pm
by TurbomanKnight
Conan O" Brien. lol :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:33 am
by chrisebourg
How 'bout Arnold: "I'll be back, KITT"! :)

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:13 am
by Yetiii98
Hi all. Am new to the site, but have been reading posts on here for a while. After reading this and a few others, i kinda got a thought for a movie plot....what you guys think?

The movie has David Hasselhoff as Michael with the original KITT, no new car, original Trans Am. They are fighting some crime organisation but seem to be stronger and more powerful than before, because of a rebuilt KARR (although destoyed, we see his scanner light working...teasing that he may return) who is being driven by a younger driver, caught up in the ckutches of the power car and the Crime organisation have given him, KARR destroys KITT, and he is rebuilt in a newer Trans Am with upgraded capabilities etc and ends up Destrying KARR...young driver is then recruited by FLAG to take over from Micahel who is moved upstairs as a permanent replacement fro Devon.

A little vague in places, but was a spur of the moment idea, but keeps to original series, helps to bridge old to new in car and hero, and has "baddie" we know and love and an equal to KITT

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:54 am
by Sith
Tony Jay has got an utterly terrifying, booming voice.

I'd vouch for him, as I'm a fan of his work...

Galactus in Fantastic Four, the Wheel Of Time in Legacy Of Kain etc

Listen to Tony - click here

Another possibility would be Frank Welker, an absolute legend of voice acting for several decades - but perhaps most famous for his portrayal of Megatron in Transformers.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:49 pm
by FuzzieDice
Sith wrote:Tony Jay has got an utterly terrifying, booming voice.
That would be PERFECT! I think he'd even do a good Paul Frees/KARR imitation. The voice is so close! :)