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Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:12 pm
by ScottyMan82
If there was a season 5, what would you have wanted done? I would've brought back Garthe Knight and Goliath. Any other suggestions?

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:02 pm
by james olden
In my opinion ki2t been through almost everything besides flying and I think that would've been doing to much.but maybee putting ki2t back on water would've worked like the producers did in season 2. As for cast members and villians,I would've said bring back April for at least a guest appearance.bring back Goliath and Garth Knight. And maybee even have a storyline with Garth rebuilding karr working together to destroy flag.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:37 pm
by Knight Racer
I would have liked to see kitt stop car smuglers using big rig trucks in which kitt had to be smuggled perhaps as a stollen vehicle.drug trafficing episodes could show how bad it is to do drugs to the younger viewers.A few episodes could have to do with Devon's background in the military perhaps a few of his friends need help which uncover a few secret missions Devon completed with flashbacks.A few episodes coul have to do with a new client the foundation gets contacted by who was in Michael's past life as Michael Long.A new villian who was friends with Cameron Zachary could have stollen a few of Wilton's secret files and created their own AI car for kitt to battle.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:30 am
by ScottyMan82
The 2 hour movie would be about Jennifer Knight announcing her idea of expanding FLAG's operations and building more cars. KARR would be rebuilt in a new 86 Trans Am and RC would be his new driver. Cameron Zachery escapes from prison and arranges for Micheal's and KITT's abduction. RC and KARR go to look for them and rescue them. KITT and Micheal are located and rescued, Zachery makes a run for it but dies in a car crash. KARR is forgiven for his past mistakes and is welcomed aboard.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:32 am
by ScottyMan82
And season 5 would deal with some real life issues like the way Macgyver did.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:14 pm
by Deveo
The Knight Rider Fan Game will be built on a fictional season 5, episode-based. Our vision looks like this: (without revealing too much of what you'll be doing)

Garthe Knight has a long planned revenge with Goliath. He brings three other notorious enemies with him (Zachary, dr. Halston and Marco Berio).

KARR's cpu will be stolen from the still not opened Wilton Knight Museum (as seen in Trust Doesn't Rust), resulting in a comeback. The Juggernaut will also make his return in a very diffirent way than you would expect.

Of course there's also room in a season 5 for side stories like fighting motor gangs of corrupting law officers. No KR season should be without it! :good:

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:52 pm
by whet
i would have liked to have seen a relative of Devon, maybe a brother or a son??
If they had been bad, could have made a nice story as Michael has to tell Devon about it..

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:21 am
by chin-up-27
Bring in April and have her work in unison with Bonnie.

They needed another character to base the odd story off. They had done every idea to death. Having April would have had more possible story ideas, friends or relatives of hers in trouble or as possible villains.

In all honesty though, the show was a spent force. David was getting too old for the role, as was Edward.

Every possible idea, even KITT being hijacked etc had been done to death.

A 5th season and it definately would have been jump the shark category. At least now the fact of whether it jumped shark is debatable.

Besides, the lack of money there were prepared to spend on stunts was showing up badly.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:57 am
by Michael Pajaro
I would bring back Comtron. Have a new corporate enemy, someone who worked with Tanya and wants to avenge her death but is very careful not to get his/her own hands dirty. Someone high up, pulling the strings, who would be a frequently recurring villain that is always just one step ahead of FLAG. It would help build up a richer mythology for the show.

Michael and KITT would still enter road races as usual, but the events might be sponsored by Comtron. Or some little old lady is being forced to sell her land because Comtron wants to build a factory there. The same story lines as the previous 4 seasons, but with an added layer tying them together.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:39 pm
by 89 formula
If they ever made season 5, I would have hoped they'd go back to what worked in the first three seasons:
1. More emphasis on KITT, less on Michael
2. Episote finales with wide eyed villans panicking as the unstoppable black car just keeps coming at them
3. Occasional episote where KITT gets seriously damaged
4. Get rid of Super Pursuit Mode....write if off as Micheal's bad dream or something....
I know many KR fans liked season 4, but now that I'm re-watching it, I think the series lost some of it's magic after Knight of the Juggernaut

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:33 am
89 formula wrote: 4. Get rid of Super Pursuit Mode....write if off as Micheal's bad dream or something....
I wouldn't get rid of SPM altogether, I'd have April or Bonnie refine it, so that it doesn't rely on the pop outs.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:23 pm
by 89 formula
DJGM wrote: I wouldn't get rid of SPM altogether, I'd have April or Bonnie refine it, so that it doesn't rely on the pop outs.
I'm with you, it's probably not SPM in itself, but all the (un-aerodynamic) crap popping out of KITT that I find so annoying.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:35 am
by cloudkitt
james olden wrote:In my opinion ki2t been through almost everything besides flying and I think that would've been doing to much.
Howabout some snow?! :P The one obstacle he's never faced, but then...he's driven through lava, so...

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:31 pm
by Kenneth knight
Hey Garthe is gone.he fell from that cliff in "Goliath returns" . So they wouldent bring him karr. He could come back . Hes cpu is alive. All that can happen is a rebuild.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:47 pm
by killso31
I don't think a 5th season would have been great for knight rider ...
I don't even know if a "real end" would have been great ! Knight Rider, is Knight Rider ... With a dedicated end, some would have been disapointed ...

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:33 pm
by KFCreator
The two Knight Rider novels I'm working on touch on so many of the points others have raised above. The first novel, which is still untitled, is set in 1990 and will answer the question of what specifically drove Michael to leave FLAG. The second novel, Knight Rider Generations, is set in the present day and brings back KITT, Michael, Bonnie, and a few others and introduces a new team. More importantly, both novels feature a brand new character that has extensive roots with the origins of FLAG and whom plays a vital role, especially in Generations. I will not be bringing back Garthe in either novel, as it seems pretty clear to me that he and Adrienne died. I'm toying with bringing back KARR in one of the novels, since the writers left that so open-ended at the end of KITT vs KARR and they never clearly established that KARRE from the 2008 series had the same CPU as the original vehicle.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:51 am
by jup
As far as KARR's surviving black box is concerned, I've always supported the notion that 18 to 20-something rural explorers come across it, bring it back to some friend's house who is into all this new age computing stuff and then discoveries are made. Karr may not exactly regain his former super car status. But will more then likely still be very manipulative to his new found saviors. The computer he's home hacked into would (of course) have a phone modem that can dial into some more powerful stuff. So...expect some late night ATM withdraws to finance who-knows-what that would benefit Karr in some way. And, with vengeance on his never ending mind, would still somehow manage to get in the way of FLAG. Probably more like the brains behind some sort of financed group that's up to no good. Just imagine what a well financed, professional mercenary team with inside knowledge on how to disable FLAG's super car and general operations could do.

As for Karr's 'friends'...well, once the mercenaries have stolen Karr's black box and followed their instructions with precision, this former group whom were being lured into the darker side of life will suddenly find no inside help against the list of multiple crimes they are now facing. The Rusted Trust Genie, proving to have no loyalties to them, once his needs for power and revenge have been progressively satisfied.

Another Season five plot point that I dreamed of coming into being was one where Michael's life is placed into jeopardy by a past villain whom wants revenge. In one dreadful second, Michael is facing down a gun as KITT is too far away to arrive and protect. However, in this mid-season episode after another laser has been introduced, Kitt is forced to deny his programming to enforce his programming. In other words, take a lethal shot against Human life to save the higher priority life of his pilot and best friend. (Michael is trying to reason with this person as KITT is racing towards the scene. Sensors state that the trigger is just starting to move. No other device can get the job done. The laser alignment is perfectly aimed for a kill shot from the angle of approach. To re-adjust the laser for a non-lethal shot would mean the trigger fires the bullet and kills Michael at point blank. The unstoppable action is already happening and only a computerized split second can counter this. The need overrides the logic with logic. The laser fires and hits it's mark, taking the villain out and swaying the gun as it goes off. Bullet grazes Michael in what would otherwise have been instant death. If an AI getting over the fear of acting bravely after the acid pit was a thing, then just imagine the pure torture of justified murder against conditions that should have meant Kitt could never do it? Yet...did.) Major questions would be raised in how Kitt defied his core set of controlling rules...on the surface. But, as the episode moves forth, Kitt would go down a similar route that Voyager's Doctor once had to. And thus, Kitt would break down, caught in a logic loop of obeying or defying his 'laws'. In the end, Kitt would both evolve as a being AND produce a kind of child to take over. This child would be a far superior kind of AI and super vehicle while Kitt unexpectantly returns to duty, creating the need for a second team. Also giving RC III & April reasons to enter the main spotlight of action, once more.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:04 pm
by snafu
-Have Karr get dug out of the dirt, get stuck in an old farm truck and be forced to work his a** off and stop being manipulative; a little reverse psychology. AIs can learn; they should be able to un-learn/overwrite.

-I agree with the "Kitt in snow" thing.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:24 am
by jup
It was a stretch when Michael just installs KITT into his classic ride in KR 2000. But, for some smart 20-somethings figuring out how to turn a 1980's car into power everything and cameras and such for KARR to operate a farm truck with? Well...while KARR might be able to instruct them on how to do the ATM withdrawal for financing, I highly doubt that KARR would support an old farm truck. Probably purchase some sporty '85/'86 car, instead. KARR is still manipulative, after all. And KARR is self serving, by nature.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:31 pm
by snafu
You'd be surprised at what you can do with an old farm truck ;)

I helped someone load/carry 55 bales on a 67 Chevy still running the original drivetrain. They're hard to kill.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:05 pm
by jup
Well, that's one way to spend your tax refund check, alright. Be cheaper just to go to an amusement park, though.

True. If there'd be easier vehicles to turn into self drivers, it might be the older models. Far less under the hood. Possibly easier to get to all the basic parts. All that space to work with. Though I'm not a car person, I do understand that as vehicles approached and surpassed the '90s, things tended to really get complicated, under the hood.

Re: Knight Rider season 5

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:21 pm
by snafu
Dude, it takes me 45 minutes to get to the city. It's not cheaper to go to an amusement park. Cow tipping, mailbox baseball, and jumping ditches is where it's at.

My parents have the newer model of the same truck I have, and while the engine is quite nice, I'm annoyed with the digital display that keeps distracting me as I'm driving, and about 560 new chimes. Stop chiming.