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Your LAST MISSION Begins here...

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:33 am
by Victor Kros

Due to the absence of my main webmaster responsible for updating S.I.D. and the game, I have had to resort to alternative ways to continue the adventure. Visit" onclick=";return false; And click the “Final Mission” link to start the final task. I will not allow players to have to wait any longer.

I greatly apologize for the delay but due to the complexity it takes to update S.I.D. it is something beyond my control – so this is my best solution to finish out my original intentions for the game.

It has been a journey of visual discovery and knowledge but as with life, all good things must eventually reach their end. The endgame for Summer of Secrets: Mission 2 has begun and if you're fast enough, you could reap the rewards of your weeks of deductive skill and loyalty!

I am announcing a contest! - a race to the finish line with rewards for the first six people to successfully complete their final task. I am planning on creating some new merchandise soon and you will be the first to own it - artist proofs created just for you and absolutely free. The prizes should not be something you already have in your collection, nor is it a copy of my book. It's a variety of things from me (some of them signed) as a "thank you" for your dedication to the game and to Knight Rider.

Trust me when I tell you, it will be worth your effort.

Your last assignment is to start the “Final Mission” and solve the puzzle, then submit your answers to the link provided.

You will need to prove your loyalty to the game and to solve the final task presented to you and also provide the codes for the last five “mission complete” locations. Make sure you read the page clearly.

In order to successfully enter my contest, you must complete the following requirements correctly.

1. Find and complete the Final Task at" onclick=";return false;

2. Submit the following information via email - DO NOT SEND SCREENSHOTS


WEEK #1 - ?
WEEK #2 - GLTHKRRJUGNT (provided for you as it was removed in the game)
WEEK #3 - ?
WEEK #4 - ?
WEEK #5 - ?


This information must be included and correct in order for you to qualify to win the contest. IF you are one the first six agents to successfully complete this list - you win. As long as the "Contest Status" says "Open" the contest is not yet over. Time is of the essence, you have 48 hours to solve the final mission of SoS: M2 before the secret is out!

If you win, I will contact you via email for further instructions.

Good luck and see you at the finish line!

SoS: M2 GM

Re: Your LAST MISSION Begins here...

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:29 am
by nee716
I had some ideas on how to solve this and failed!! I must say you out did yourself bro!! I still have a few other ideas I just hope I am on the right track :-)

Re: Your LAST MISSION Begins here...

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:52 am
by Victor Kros
Your biggest clue is in the description I put up. Unlike my other puzzles, I decided to cut players a break and practically tell them what to do if you're clever enough to pick up on the formatting choices.


Re: Your LAST MISSION Begins here...

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:06 am
by nee716
See thats what I was thinking!!!! I am swamped @ work but I think I got it. PURE GENIUS BRO!!

Re: Your LAST MISSION Begins here...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:53 am
by Victor Kros
Contest revoked, sorry - explained in 03:02:01 thread.


Re: Your LAST MISSION Begins here...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:04 am
by nee716
Dang! and I had my email all ready to send out. Oh well no biggie. BTW I loved SoS:M2!!!!