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DAWN of KNIGHT : A new KITT is born....

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:41 pm
by cstingray
Dawn of Knight: Kitt is born….

D: The work has started in the SSC, in front of the huge monitors sit left to right Sarah Graman, Doctor graman, and Zoe. In front of them sit this very strange looking chip, it looks like a external hard drive but its KITTs ai chip.

DG: Sarah, now that we have an Alpha of the AI we need an encryption key to keep this from prying eyes.
SARAH: Dad I was working on a rough draft of it, and this is what I came up with. (Passes via a touch screen the rough code of the encryption engine).
DG: Impressive, 128 Bit SSL encrypted, very well done, I’ll take it home tonight and tweak it a bit.
SARAH: Dad how’s mom?
DG: Um Sarah, your mother has left me?
SARAH: See I knew you’d drive her away, did u two move again?
DG: You know how paranoid I can be with my work, that’s why we moved to the mountains.
SARAH: When did she leave?
DG: 8 months ago
SARAH: (Grunts) –storms out
ZOE: Doctor graman do you want me to leave for today?
DG: No Zoë you can stay
D: Months pass and the AI is complete, the screen zooms in back to the SSC where there is a lift, with a familiar SHELBY GT500, perched atop of it.

ZOE: Doc where’s Sarah?
DG: As you’ve probably noticed she hasn’t been here in 6 months, last I heard from her boyfriend Brock she was headed back to Stanford.
ZOE: Doc we’re going to need more help if we want to get this project off the ground.
DG: I know, that help will be arriving today at lunch
D: Lunchtime nears and BILLY, by the hanger doors phones in doctor graman
Billy: Hello is this doctor graman?
DG: Billy are you at where I asked you to meet me?
Billy: Um, im by this hanger here, what now?
D: the hanger doors open
DG: Walk down to the tunnel you see at the end
Billy: okay
Dg: it’s a downstairs entrance kind of like a parking garage
D: Billy hangs up and proceeds to enter the SSC

Billy: Hi Doc
DG: Hey Billy, this is ZOE, mechanical, technology expert.
DG: Zoe this is Billy, coder, and he’s going to help us out with KITT
Much later…..
DG: Zoe, Billy what’s left to do on the Ai?
ZOE: It’s all a matter of signing off on the code, and putting it into the AI chip
BILLY: Shell wise, the Nano skin was just applied by Katy and Lisa (those 2 robotworkz bots), the internal neural network of KITT is installed, cpu, gpu, and all auxiliary systems are online, and tested, all we need is to plug the Ai in, code for what the ai needs to do transformation wise and oh and the orb’s voice modulator needs to be tweaked so that KITTS voice can be finalized.

ZOE: Billy did you forget the mechanicals
Dg: Zoe don’t worry, we just want to finish up the basics, the TURBOBOOST mechanism I’m just about done with it, the 3D object generator has power, like Billy said, all we need is to plug the AI INTO kitt.
D: All three sit down and start signing off the finalized code, until the last line of code, an argument in the code appears,
Name of Ai unit_?

Billy: Um doc, we need to come up with the actual meaning of kitt, here.
DG: Simple, I built the KI2000, this KITT will be known as the KNIGHT INDUSTRIES THREE THOUSAND.
D: The code is signed off, and in mere seconds the code is plugged into the aluminum covered AI chip.
- DG walks with the chip in hand and turns to Billy as he sits beside him the passenger seat of the stang,

DG: Remove the Orb,
BILLY: Orb door removed
D: Doctor graman places the AI chip into the open slot, and suddenly.

KITT: Booting up all systems, performing all initial diagnostics, and performance tests.
KITT: System boot complete, Hello doctor graman, Billy I am your humble Ai unit, the KNIGHT INDUSTRIES THREE THOUSAND, KITT for short.
DG: Hello Kitt, get a feel for what you are encased in, run extended diagnostic tests on all systems onboard, we will get ready for the live fire test.
D: Billy and Graman exit out to the weapons locker and come out minutes later with a slew of weapons, and proceed up the tunnel’s ramp.
DG: KITT follow us outside we will be doing live fire exercises, as well as drivability studies.
KITT: Ok doctor graman
D: A beautiful sight, like a faithful pet, KITT follows his creator and close friend up the ramp, and out the hangar doors.
KITT: Doctor graman, all systems are fully functional, I have also recalibrated my turbo boost mechanism, tweaked the fire rate of the two mini guns embedded into my skin, and polished up the coding on the 3D object generator.
DG: Good, ok Kitt as you can see here we have a bullet proof vehicle from which we will fire at you, you need to train all your weaponry for accuracy, and while at it, check your nanoskin for regenerating efficiency, I also need you to test the transformation protocol 1 that I uploaded to your systems.

D: Billy and graman get into a FORD EXPEDITION, decked in armor, it is cammo black, but in the rear of the vehicle, lies a surprise, a fully automatic machine gun capable of mass destruction.
D: Billy drives the Expedition past kitt, as graman begins to fire at KITTs shell.
DG: KITT how is your skin holding up?
KITT: It is rather impressive doctor graman; the nanoskin is causing the bullet impacts to ricochet off my body and instantly healing the gashes caused by the repelled projectile.
KITT: Would you like me to aim for your vehicle’s tires as you speed away, this I believe will give my weapons a good aiming exercise
DG: Ok, nothing crazy though
DG: Billy punch it!
D: The expedition hits 100MPH, but in pursuit was KITT, and in a moment’s notice he releases a shower of bullets deflating the SUV’s rear tires, well, more like shredding them to bits. The suv abruptly stops, and graman and billy get out a bit shaken
DG: KITT that was,,,excellent
BILLY: Um doc, I think I just soiled myself…
DG: (Rolls his eyes) go clean up will ya!
D: This time doctor graman returns with KITT and ZOE instead, and begin to push KITT’s car body to the limit.
DG: ZOE, I really wish KARR would have turned out like this, but then again, if KARR had not failed we would not have built KITT.
KITT: Who is KARR Doctor graman?
DG: He is your evil twin KITT
KITT: What is an evil twin doctor graman?
DG: He was a mustang just like you, well still is, but deactivated, he could transform into a robot armed with heavy artillery, but he reprogrammed himself, and nearly killed a close friend of my daughter’s and murdered 7 soldiers.
KITT: So I am not an only child?
Dg: no, you’re the younger of the 2
KITT: Hmm, this seems puzzling, but then again I do not have feelings, yet the thought of another mustang being my twin puzzles me, I take it he wasn’t that friendly to begin with
DG: Well he respected me, but when he changed the code in his AI, that’s when I had to de activate him.
KITT: So, what kind of a mustang was he doctor?
DG: Well, he is exactly like you, same body, same powertrain, I literally took what was learned in KARR and made you, you both can hit the same top speed, 389MPH, you both do the quarter mile in a cool 3 seconds, but there two ways to tell the 2 of you apart.’
His Voice modulator orb is amber orange as yours is cherry red, and your scanner is red, and his is well..Amber orange, and he has the strange likeness in his voice of PETER CULLEN, hmm must have been a design flaw.
KITT: Doctor graman, what does feel to be deactivated?
DG: Umm, KITT it’s the same process on both cars, behind your orb sits your AI UNIT, it’s just a matter of removing it, with one difference, in you when your AI UNIT is removed all driving gears, PEDALS, and shifter pop out automatically, in KARR I had to order him to offer the driving gear.
After that the car is just nano skin and well, just another GT500 KR, but with a few upgrades that without the AI are well…useless. As to the feeling, I couldn’t tell you, but it makes me sad whenever I have to do it, I’ve only done it twice.
KITT: Doctor graman (As KITTS orb points at D.G) I see you as my father, I will obey your orders, as I wish to be a loyal member of the KNIGHT INDUSTRIES, unlike my brother.
DG: Good, lets head back into the SSC.
D: Doctor graman lets everyone off for the day and shuts the SSC down temporarily for vacation, and heads home.
Graman’s stunt double: So I take it KITT is done
Dg: yes, I just put him in the garage; I can’t wait to see what we can do once we relaunch the foundation
Screen fades, and this episode is followed by the knight rider pilot movie.

More episodes to come soon
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All Knight Rider copyrights are exclusive properties of NBC and or affiliates I claim not any of these properties as this is fictional work and its contents are for pure enjoyment