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Available cast for further seasons

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:03 pm
by DLAspider
There's been several threads suggesting that the cast of KR08 has accepted roles in other series or other projects, thus making a second season unlikely or impossible. If I can offer my two cents, I think the only way to revive the show and the only way to gain viewers is to make it follow the formula (for lack of a better term) of the original show. TOS actually had cast changes over its course of four seasons and KITT himself changed his look. But to follow the theme of One man and One car, all you need is KITT and Michael, who may be what we saw in KR08 or another car and another actor. Viper, a show likened to KR08,( unfairly in some ways) had a red Viper in normal mode at first but a blue one after that (but the Defender mode stayed the same).

Re: Available cast for further seasons

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:42 am
by Solid Snake
Add to that the fact that Justin was retained for his services by NBC... and I would totally agree that you only need one man and his car, to get the job done.

Re: Available cast for further seasons

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:14 pm
by WIBoomer1
Even better, you could get Deanna to guest star...and then quickly kill her off...give Justin's MK character something more tangible to feed his baptism by fire...fuel his anger, channel it...

Re: Available cast for further seasons

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:39 pm
The thing is ... with only Mike and KI3T in the picture, who's going be in charge at FLAG to
give them their assignments, and who's going to do maintenance and any repairs on KI3T?

Re: Available cast for further seasons

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:09 pm
get david hasselhoff to come back and play his father. i mean, what better way to bring him in then to have the person that runs FLAG to disappear somehow and MK needs his father's help to run it?

Re: Available cast for further seasons

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:54 pm
by PunkMaister
KITT wrote:get david hasselhoff to come back and play his father. i mean, what better way to bring him in then to have the person that runs FLAG to disappear somehow and MK needs his father's help to run it?
Michael Knight SR was not a tecno wiz so bringing him onboard would do nothing other than to pay homage to the TOS. Beyond Sarah and her father I don't know of anyone that has the know how to work with the nanotech, not even Bonnie! What I'm trying to say is that killing off Sarah would be wrong now having said that do we need the same actress to play the same character or someone that more or less resembles her play the part as it was done in Dark Knight with the Rachel Doves character and with Eve in the mummy's sequel Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. If the cast change is done right people could end up accepting it.

I know I broke my vow again but this was too good to pass up! I guess no matter what I will always be a fan...

Re: Available cast for further seasons

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:41 am
i didn't say to have him be a bonnie or a mechanic in anyway. i said he would run FLAG, like devon.