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Just a few recent observations

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:58 am
by Shockwave
Most of you have no idea who I am, so I'm going to do my best not to make this sound preachy or derogatory in any way, so if it come across that way I apologize. I have been a huge KR fan since TOS. I grew up with toys like the Coleco Knight Rider pedal car. I only recently became a member, but I have been around these boards for years. Lately, due to lack of Knight Rider in the media, there has been a steady decline in the number of posts on the board. I know this has been a topic of discussion as all I have been doing lately is reading. I for one am going to make a conscious effort to start new threads, but as i said these are observations.

During my latest jaunt through recent/older postings, I noticed nothing but negativity coursing through the fanbase. I fail to see the purpose in coming to a community based on a fictional, and albeit unrealistic (at least until recently when technology has been catching up with the concept) television show/franchise, and anyone being able to bash or undermine another person for anything that a well balanced individual would consider a "good reason". We are all here because we are fans. our moderators have been doing a good job of keeping out those whose sole purpose was to come in and bash the community. So who's left? Taoworm has done a good job of helping us all to realize what die hard fans are left on the board with his recent "Roll Call" thread. Knight Rider Online is only here because we are here. Once the fans are gone, this wonderful resource of fandom will be gone as well. Instead of wasting our time complaining about the last incarnation of KITT and knight Rider not passing the bar, lets discuss new and interesting ways to bring it back. knight Rider through the 90's and into 200 only survived with us, the fans. If we hadn't kept Knight Rider popular at least in our own community, they would never have even considered spending the money to try and bring it back as a TV show again. I am as guilty as anyone in this, because until recently I was a "private fan". So I am doing my best to remedy the situation by becoming a member and posting my thoughts and ideas.

I'll leave you all with one closing thought. Alot of us spent the last 6-8 months trying our hardest to keep Knight Rider on the air. Whether it be petition, or letter, or posting on the NBC boards, alot of us tried to send that message that we the fans are here and tried to show the powers that be that our love for Knight Rider could not be silenced. What has happened to that flame. If they ever thought to give Knight Rider another chance and came back to feel the pulse of the fan base, I fear they would find a flatline. What happened to the spark? Was Knight Rider infected with a sudden rush of fair weather fans that soon faded. I for one hope not.

If anyone has any opinions about this that might be deemed controversial i welcome it, but please just message me individually. lets keep these boards open for what they were designed for. Showing a love and interest in Knight Rider. Thank you all for your time as I know this ended up longer than I intended.


Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:59 am
by Shockwave
Oh I almost forgot.

My deepest thanks to our moderators who have done and are continuing to do their best to keep the dream alive and the nay-sayers at bay. Thank you.

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:36 pm
by DrWho2005
we should only have positive things on the board.
We must let the world know the show was perfect.
We must hide the fact the show sucked.

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:52 pm
by Shockwave
ok after going back and reading my post I can see how it possibly came off like that. What I meant was constructive criticism is great (i.e. this is what I think attack mode should have looked like) but there was too much destructive criticism (i.e. this sucked. Everyone's dumb, I'm right...etc.)

That's all, but thanks for pointing out how one sided my rant kind of sounded. Much appreciated.

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:34 am
by MKnight1984
I don't look at this as a rant... I look at this as something long overdue that needed to be said!!! I have said it myself in previous posts... You are dead on with everything you said... You weren't trying to ignore faults your asking for the KR bashing to end and I think it must... I also think we have great moderators who do an amazing job but we can't rely on them for everything they're only people... I look at this as a call to arms to stop the negativity front on this board and to keep things positive... I think these boards have the best moderators of any KR site out there Especially Matt, Neil, and Sue but this needs to start with us the fans!!! I myself vowed neve to go back into the chatrooms because of the negativity... We all need to cut the malarky whether you liked the new show or not, whether you liked TKR or not, or anything such... Say your piece and move on but let's not harp or be insulting to the great people who worked very hard to make this show happen, I for one like to believe that they feel bad enough letting the fans down... So going forward everyone that you can say what you like or dislike aboutthe show but let's not harp or keep rehashing what is already known... Let's keep a positive mental attitude and hope for the best for our beloved franchise in the future... Thanks everyone.............

Oh and P.S. That was a real rant ;-) ....

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:43 am
by PunkMaister
DrWho2005 wrote:yes.
We must let the world know the show was perfect.
We must hide the fact the show sucked.
Give it a REST will you? :roll: You got what you wanted nothing is being produced and won't be in the foreseeable future, just a pool of stagnant water for you alone to enjoy for the next billion generations or so you thought. Because guess what some of us here unlike do do not like just looking at ever more stagnant water and take dumps on it. We like running fresh water that can be tapped. So if and when that fresh water comes around in the form of Fan films, online series or even comic books and novels if you do not like it though...

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:46 am
by blowersho
Punkmaister, you telling anybody else to give anything a rest is laughable, all your topics lately follow the same pathetic pattern, KR is dead, KR is finished what do we do now, no KR for the next 100 years. It is almost as if you are sticking it to the members who really enjoyed KR 2008, why don't you give it a REST.

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:30 pm
by Tiger Warrior
Let's get things straight! First off, there are three kinds of fans; TOS, KR 08 or both (I still haven't heard anyone being a fan of TKR). There are other fans who their love for the show is so great, they've gone the extra mile to do their own Trans am or Mustang replicas (I'm working on my own Mustang replica myself). Regardless, I'm also sick and tired of hearing negativity on KR 08 and how it so called "failed".

Kr 08 started to improve by the second half of the season and it's a shame that the execs at NBC didn't see it, like we, the fans did. So what it wasn't David Hasselhoff as Michael Knight and KITT wasn't a Trans Am, GET OVER IT! It's a new generation, new car and new adventures. With that said, our love and passion for the show should be what makes us a strang fan base, not bashing it to the floor! If we all had that attitude, then what is the sense of having sites like Knight Rider ONline for? I look forward to the You Tube Fan base Knight Rider movie with Taoworm and showcase my KARR, as well as seeing other KITT and KARR Replicas US wide (for starters).

Let's hope the movie will be an improvement and who knows, maybe another KR series might come out of it, with or without David Hasselhoff and K2TT. On a final note, for those of you who had such an issue with KR 08, I'd love to hear how you would've made the show different, other than having David H and the Original KITT on the new series. I've put my two cents on this matter before and I was happy to see the improvements came, just a bit too late.

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:47 pm
by PunkMaister
blowersho wrote:Punkmaister, you telling anybody else to give anything a rest is laughable, all your topics lately follow the same pathetic pattern, KR is dead, KR is finished what do we do now, no KR for the next 100 years. It is almost as if you are sticking it to the members who really enjoyed KR 2008, why don't you give it a REST.
Read and find out what's going on before you jump to conclusions: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14862&start=25#p181975" onclick=";return false;

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:14 pm
by blowersho
Oh I see now, you are sort of the ultimate KR fan who is so consumed with the fact there is nothing to look forward to right now that your brain is stuck in pessimistic mode, I think what you really need is a hug.

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:06 pm
by PunkMaister
blowersho wrote:Oh I see now, you are sort of the ultimate KR fan who is so consumed with the fact there is nothing to look forward to right now that your brain is stuck in pessimistic mode, I think what you really need is a hug.
No what I need when it comes to KR is still something to look forward too, right now there is a very small, tiny microscopic glimmer of hope that the planned fan based movies and online series maybe could become more than just online chatter and actually become something one can sink their teeth into.

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:48 pm
by MKnight1984
This is exactly what I'm talking about!!! This needs to stop from all of you!!! Punkmeister is the worst offender but it's other people too... Moderators please step in and address this... I'm sorry to interfere and step on toes but the constant bickering on the forums is killing my surfing experience on this site... And I really do love this site, I think it's the best KR site on the web right now... Hey btw when's the next podcast?? lol...

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:06 pm
by PunkMaister
MKnight1984 wrote:This is exactly what I'm talking about!!! This needs to stop from all of you!!! Punkmeister is the worst offender but it's other people too... Moderators please step in and address this... I'm sorry to interfere and step on toes but the constant bickering on the forums is killing my surfing experience on this site... And I really do love this site, I think it's the best KR site on the web right now... Hey btw when's the next podcast?? lol...
Forums exist so fans can express their opinions and sentiments whether you like them or not. As long as is not a racist attack or something in that order.

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:16 pm
by Tiger Warrior
PunkMaister wrote:
MKnight1984 wrote:This is exactly what I'm talking about!!! This needs to stop from all of you!!! Punkmeister is the worst offender but it's other people too... Moderators please step in and address this... I'm sorry to interfere and step on toes but the constant bickering on the forums is killing my surfing experience on this site... And I really do love this site, I think it's the best KR site on the web right now... Hey btw when's the next podcast?? lol...
Forums exist so fans can express their opinions and sentiments whether you like them or not. As long as is not a racist attack or something in that order.

At the same token, the site wasn't intented to trash KR. If anyone here wants to trash KR, then why call yourself a fan and make your own site where it says "Kr sucks" or something. I'm not going to argue, but to make this short and sweet; either like KR, support KR or leave KR and be a fan of something you really have nothing to complain about!

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:16 pm
by Matthew

I’ve asked you to stop this incessant spam-like negativity numerous times now, and yet you’re continuing to bombard the community with yourself confessed pessimism.

It’s clear to me that the previous three day suspensions have failed to illicit the desired change of attitude necessary for you to continue to remain amongst us, and under the circumstances, I have no other choice but to place an extended ban onto your account.

This ban will reflect each of your previous warnings on this matter, and as such, will last for fifteen days. If after this, the incessant negativity continues, an indefinite suspension will be the last recourse available to me.


Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:12 pm
by MKnight1984
Btw I'm a TKR fan just for reference lol... We're out there and we do exist haha...

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:34 am
by Tiger Warrior
MKnight1984 wrote:Btw I'm a TKR fan just for reference lol... We're out there and we do exist haha...
Halleluyah and finally, one TKR fan thus far. as long as it entails support of Knight Rider in any way, shape or form, it's all good in the hood! :)

Re: Just a few recent observations

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:58 pm
by Honeykitt
I'm a TKR fan also. Anything Knight Rider, talking cars and trucks I just love. :D

I think it's okay to have constructive negative thoughts, but some members were just downright depressing. I love these boards and the people who post. It's the only KR Board I have bookmarked and visit regularly every day.

I agree the moderators do an excellent job with these boards. :good:

I don't post much in the first place, but trust me, I very much keep up with stuff.