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Knight Rider - Independent Production

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:45 pm
by knightbrazil
I think this is the only way to keep Knight Rider alive...

Please GST, look for DH, request help... don´t let Knight Rider in the freezer again... :good:

If someone know how to contact GST, please, let´s talk to him... let´s show him this idea... Let´s make the difference!

Re: Knight Rider - Independent Production

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:50 am
by knightbrazil
what I see is that nobody here enjoy my idea...
If it´s not true... please, reply...

Re: Knight Rider - Independent Production

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:36 pm
Uhh, what idea?

GST doesn't have any power to do anything other than the job he was hired to do. Not to mention it's been brought up many times already. NBC/Universal owns Knight Rider on television. To be honest I doubt GST even cares about Knight Rider anyway.

Re: Knight Rider - Independent Production

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:54 pm
by knightbrazil
The Hoff bought Baywatch rights in the past, NBC sold them... so, why not someone buy Knight Rider rights if NBC sell them too???

I think, if they don´t want to keep KR on air with new episodes... they could think about to sell rights.

KR forever!!!