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Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:45 pm
by RicardoRibeiro2000
Image See ALL zeros and no trailer!!!

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:10 pm
by msKEN
As I said on our facebook page, you don't know me, and I sure as hell don't owe you ANYTHING. This is a free time project, something that is being released for free, no-profit at all on my end and all out of MY pocket, so sorry if my real life comes first and that's some kind of huge inconvenience to you. You don't like how long its taking us then go away, quit following our progress. I promise you wont hurt my feelings. It's not like you're going to be my paying customer, we're sharing our fan art and fan fiction with you guys in the form of a game for free, I think a few of you have some crazy unrealistic expectations of what this game is going to be like on the budget that we have.

To others following I'm sorry for the outburst. The "teaser" will be released in mere moments, and thank you all so kindly for your patience and understanding.

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:59 pm
by Michael.Knight1
Anyways it's awesome game and you can take your time as you want , no hurry to be usueful work .
We are wairing for it .

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:03 pm
by RicardoRibeiro2000
Sorry about those things i wrote on facebook and KRO forum and twitter!

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:07 pm
by Matthew
Perhaps next time, instead of going off on a tangent across social media sites, you'll simply show some patience. :good:


Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:15 pm
by Cam FR
Ken ... you know what ? THIS IS AWESOME ! I'm still here for french traduction, i will right now PM you my Mail, may be you'd like to translate the trailer ( Subtitles , ... ) anything guy !

Take care of you , you and your team ;)

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:21 pm
by Michael.Knight1
RicardoRibeiro2000 wrote:Sorry about those things i wrote on facebook and KRO forum and twitter!
that's belong to you , don't try it a gain it's recently an spam and if you don't like the game no need to post your *?$# comment anyways say this word to the author .

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:30 pm
by Matthew
Let's not ruin things by continuing to discuss Ricardo's poor judgement. Instead, let's celebrate today's teaser trailer. Speaking of which; nicely done, Ken. Finally after all these years, the C-mode conversion has actually been visualised. God help us all if this is the level of detail you've got in store for us buddy. :good:


Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:52 pm
by msKEN
So sorry guys I think I had a miscommunication with Deveo, I thought he was posting the trailer here at the same time I posted the video on the website, no worries though I see you guys found it! For the rest of us out there:

RicardoRibeiro2000 wrote:Sorry about those things i wrote on facebook and KRO forum and twitter!
I'm getting too old to hold grudges, so lets forgive, forget, and move on. :) To be honest it was youtube that was the hold up, we had to upload the video 4 times before they would accept it, it was actually done the second the timer on the website went out, but we were stuck in a still processing limbo for almost an hour. Plus I made some last second cuts to make the SPM sequence more fluid.
Cam FR wrote:Ken ... you know what ? THIS IS AWESOME ! I'm still here for french traduction, i will right now PM you my Mail, may be you'd like to translate the trailer ( Subtitles , ... )
Absolutely my friend, we haven't forgotten about you guys translating the game for us, it will still be a little while as we write all the dialogue for a game this size.
Matthew wrote:Finally after all these years, the C-mode conversion has actually been visualised. God help us all if this is the level of detail you've got in store for us buddy. :good:

All that credit goes to Tobie, that was completely his awesome idea for C-Mode, and its not fully realized yet either some things didn't translate well from our modeling program to our game engine, and I was running out of time to fix things. When we are done it will look really sweet. The SPM parts are going to get a nice make over, plus we will do the EBS parts as well.

And thank you Matthew! Believe me, we're just getting started on cranking up the detail.


Edit: And Yes those of you with really good eyes, we've fixed the hubcaps for the future, they were way too small and yes the seats are sitting to high, we will fix it promise.

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:38 pm
by weeezl
I read some comments and wonder what some people actually expect, this is an indie game with three people working in their free time to give the fans a game that's free. I am stoked how good this looks already considering they are making a free roam game without the resources the studio's have. This shows real devotion to Knight Rider and the fandom to me and I for one give a huge thumbs up for what I have seen :good: :good: :good: so far. Well done guys and I can't wait to play this!

Oh and whoever is voicing Kitt is remarkable, sounds so much like WD it's creepy!

Again, awesome work guys! :kitt:

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:25 pm
by msKEN
weeezl wrote:I read some comments and wonder what some people actually expect, this is an indie game with three people working in their free time to give the fans a game that's free.
I know I say "only three guys" a lot, I should clarify that, because it's highly rude of me to even utter those words aloud. It's only 3 of us that have access to the full project to work on code, art, and levels. Many many people are helping from all over the globe and NONE of this would be possible without all the fan support and volunteers, so believe me this project is absolutely nothing without all those wonderful people on our team page:" onclick=";return false;

And I haven't added the 8 translators yet, so yes many many fine people are responsible for this. Wes as the voice of KITT is definitely the star of the show, we barely have to use any post processing on his voice, he's just that amazing and we look so forward to working with him in the future. Stavros Danas and Alpha Boy have created some amazing scores for the game and I can't wait to share more of that in the coming weeks. weeezl we thank you so much for the kind words!

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 7:04 pm
by Michael Pajaro
I remember way back when the idea of a fan game was in the concept stages. I don't think many of us - myself included - really understood Ken's vision at the time. But from what I've seen so far, I think Ken has far exceeded our wildest expectations! It looks really fantastic.

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:23 am
by crashb648
Like what Michael just said, I've been following the fan game since it was initally talked about.

and what a way to reveal the game!

I really do like what your doing here. Considering all of this is still in prototype form, I think it's got a load of potential. I hope you continuing working on the game until it's finished, as I suspect it's going to be a hit.

Btw, really like the new website too. It's much better than the original site, and with added goodies like the brand new theme.

Speaking of which, what about doing a remix of the 2008 theme for the credits or something like that? I think that would be quite a good reference to the series.

Just out of curiosity, have you had any word from NBC / Universal expressing interest in the game? I'd love to play this on home consoles :)

Can't wait to play the first demo, but take your time with it. The more polished it is before you let the public play it, then anticipation for the final game will be more :)

Keep up the good work!

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:46 am
That's a great trailer, and l'm certainly looking forward to the finalised product being released when it happens.
In the meantime, I'll fill at least some of that time with some other games ... like Saints Row IV and GTAV ...!

BTW ... why's KITT doing the "young loner on a crusade ... " opening voiceover, and not Wilton Knight?

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:19 pm
by msKEN
Thank you everyone :) We're listening to you guys!
Just out of curiosity, have you had any word from NBC / Universal expressing interest in the game? I'd love to play this on home consoles
Some words have been exchanged, but it was made clear to me that anyone can make a Knight Rider game, you just need to come up with the money to license the name and likeness and get the script and final game through their approval process. Looking at the not so great games our series has had though, it doesn't seem to be too tough of an approval process. It just comes back to money. We would love to go that road, but being realistic here we're just a few indies still learning along the way. We would be happy as heck to talk to them about it maybe even get their blessing to go to kickstarter, but I want to wait until after we've gone back and polished things up a LOT more. If I go to kickstarter I want to show everyone a trailer that will make you go "YES THIS NEEDS TO BE MADE!" In my opinion we're not there yet, but give us a few more months. :)
BTW ... why's KITT doing the "young loner on a crusade ... " opening voiceover, and not Wilton Knight?
It's a one off. We wanted to introduce Wes Martin as KITT. It seemed like a clever way to do it at the time. Know someone who can pull off a good Richard Basehart impersonation? I think as it stands the actual intro to the game will not contain a voice over due to a special feature we have planned for the menu system, it just wouldn't work right and you'll have to wait to see why. :)

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:33 pm
by Han
all in good quality, KITT telling the story in the narration, nice touch

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:22 am
by Dave Knight
I like how you have both Bonnie AND April in the game from the teaser it looks like Bonnie works in the semi and April works at the FLAG manor?

PS the voice for KITT is SPOT ON :good:

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:19 am
by msKEN
April works with a new team that includes Russell Maddock, Charles Graiman, and Jennifer Traceur. In our story they are essentially a new team with their own semi and a new prototype car that Graiman invented called the Knight Reformulation One. Of course as we all know the original driver didn't work out. Jennifer Traceur is essentially Martin Jantzen replacement. Basically at this point FLAG has decided to expand its reach and this new team works the east coast while Michael and KITT and the rest of the team stay on the west coast.

I've already heard the groaning from fans that hate KR2K, TKR, and KR 2008, but I promise the game is about the original team. They're merely in the game for side missions, nostalgia, and 2 player co-op, and to branch all the series together in kind of a logical manner.

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:03 pm
by Cam FR
That young graiman looks awesome !

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:39 pm
by Avenger95
I think fan ideas, realistic or not, would be welcome. Who knows, sometimes a really reasonable idea gets presented and can be implemented into the game process. When talk of MBS started, I presented an idea of a regenerating MBS which would create a little more difficulty by playing defensively to give the MBS time to regenerate. It was well received. However this game turns out will be with great effort and sacrifice but MUCH love. If NBC Universal weren't so stubborn, I bet they would support this game.

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:18 am
by Deveo
We're still polishing our storyline and gameplay elements due to developments Ken made. Can't give too much away, but things are going to be even more interesting in the course of the next months. Stay tuned and watch/like our facebook page for more frequent updates!" onclick=";return false; :good:

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:38 pm
by KITTfan
Cool trailer and KITT's voice indeed sounds very authentic :)

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:17 pm
by msKEN
Big news in the console world. Microsoft has just announced that every retail console is a developer kit. Unity (our game engine that powers Knight Rider The Fan Game) has partnered with Microsoft and we will be allowed to self publish our game to that console for you guys to download and install to your Xbox One.

We'll have to wait until November to hear more details, but so far that's very good news, we hope that Sony will jump on board too and drop their ridiculous $3500 fee for a devkit.

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:23 pm
by AppleMacri1980
if i am right it looks like the origins to and how TKR started and what happened and KRO and Martin were the mentally unstable version to Micheal and KITT..

Re: Knight Rider: The Fan Game

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:09 pm
msKEN wrote: Big news in the console world. Microsoft has just announced that every retail console is
a developer kit. Unity (our game engine that powers Knight Rider The Fan Game) has
partnered with Microsoft and we will be allowed to self publish our game to that
console for you guys to download and install to your Xbox One.

We'll have to wait until November to hear more details, but so far that's very good news,
we hope that Sony will jump on board and drop their ridiculous $3500 fee for a devkit.
That is good news for people considering the purchase of an XBox One from when it's released later this year.

For those of us who'll be sticking with the XBox 360 for the forseeable future, this sounds rather promising: - Is Microsoft about to approve self-publishing for the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade?