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Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:51 pm
by K2007
Grrr...obviously this little reminder isn't going to let me rest until I respond, so here goes:

I'm quite proud of being one of the only fanfiction writers who is able to display works of the Original Knight Rider, Team Knight Rider, Knight Rider 2000, Knight Rider 2008, and my own series canon, Knight Rider 2020. I'll admit that TKR is a bit hard to write, but I think I've found a little in common with Domino. Even if you don't like TKR, I encourage you to read 'Sable,' which I will be posting in the forums soon. It relates to what happened after Team Knight Rider and why they split up (big action scene!!!). Yes, KRO makes yet another big debut with a newer and sleeker ride (still the most beautiful car in the world - la Ferrari), just as Domino gets herself a...well, I'd better not tell you :lol:

I am always open to recruit writers for the 2020 Team. I have a lot of prompts and only two people to write them! We gotta continue this series people, it could be as big as Division 01 or Fire & Ice! Full credit given! PM me if you're interested in joining or if you just want a sample.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:50 pm
by AgiCan
Hi, nice to meet you all, I have just joined to the forum.:)

My name is Agi, I'm originally from Europe(Hungary) but now I live in Toronto. I'm a 22 year old woman. I grew up watching Knight rider and I still love it today and I'm collecting everything about it. I love Pontiac Trans am, I can't wait to have my own car one day (I hope REALLY soon:)). I'd love to get to know you all and I hope there're some people on this forum who live in Toronto.

Thank you:)
Agi :kitt:

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 8:17 am
by TobiTheDuck
Hello everybody,

I´m Tobi from Germany, 24 years old and Knight Rider fascinated me since I saw the show as a small boy.
Today I´m still a big Knight Rider-fan, now it´s fun to see the show with other eyes than with those of a child.

Since few years I´m a member of the german (wich seems to be offline at the moment :( ), but I missed to registrate at Till now. 8)

P.S.: Sorry for my bad english, I´m working on it...

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:15 am
by johnbamber
Hi there, I'm John, 26 yo, loved KR from the second I saw the first episode. Great to be here!

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:18 pm
by Jesant13
Hello, my name is Jesant13 and I am a huge fan of the TV series Knight Rider. :)

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:00 pm
by Sky_Blue_Civic
Hey!I'm Sky_Blue_Civic(but you can call me by just Sky if you want to).I'm only 14 years old(but KITT is awesome!):D Which probably also makes me the youngest member here...XD I'm also a BIG civic fan too!:D :kittspin:

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:12 pm
by ShadowRider
Hey, I'm JD or, as I go by her as, ShadowRider. The factor that unites us all is love for Knight Rider, so I'll skip that part. Although, yes, I was a fan from the first episode back then, I was 8 or 9 at the time. Never stopped being obsessive about Trans Ams, and now four years ago I bought a black Trans Am GTA, complete with T-Tops.

I train Iaido, the Japanese Martial Art in which we use Katana, the Japanese one-edged sword. Umm... that's about it, oh, and I'm from Finland.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 1:04 am
by SacValleyDweller

I Saw the February, 2008 movie and thought it was pretty good. I heard that it was gonna be a show, and thought I'd give it a try this fall.

In searching for information on whether anything besides what's going on TV is gonna come with the show, I stumbled upon this place.

Other shows I like: Heroes (my primary show), Lost (after rediscovering it this season), American Gladiators, I Survived a Japanese Game Show.

Name background: Just something humble that states that I'm a guy that lives in the Sacramento Valley, California. I use it everywhere I go.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:15 pm
by knightfan2008
Hello i'm Jerry. I was wondering if the problems with the season 3 Knight Rider dvds have been fixed and if it's okay to buy them now.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:33 pm
by jyd85
knightfan2008 wrote:Hello i'm Jerry. I was wondering if the problems with the season 3 Knight Rider dvds have been fixed and if it's okay to buy them now.
Hi Jerry, welcome to the board!

In regards to your question about Season 3, I would check out this thread:


Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:50 pm
Hi my name is jennifer and im 29. I've loved kitt ever since i was little. I have the model cars, toys, dvds. Everyone thinks im obsessed. I'm happy to find out that im not the only one. Kittrina is my car. She is a 2002 pontiac firebird. We are looking forward to the new episodes!!!!!! :D :kitt:

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:15 am
by crashb648
Hello I am Crashb648! I like knight rider, its been my favriote show for about 10 years and i know a lot about it.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:19 pm
by tigersharka
Hello...I look forward chatting with the members. Best wishes and I appreciate all the info and support while I build my own personal KITT.

thanks, Paul :kitt:

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:50 am
by Hayley Knight
Hi there, my name is Hayley I'm 13 years old, and KITT is my OXYGEN. I can't go 1 minute without mentioning KITT in some way! I first started my obsession when I heard of the new Knight Rider, the trailers looked cool and so I dug deeper, and discovered the 80's version of Knight Rider, I bought the 4 seasons of the original KR and have been hooked ever seince! :kitt2: Its also funny, this site was created the same year, month, and week that I was born!! :D
That probably makes me the youngest here!
I currently hope that the new series will be as good as the old one!!!

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:48 pm
by _K.I.R.R_
hey every one my name is Jared im from michigan i am 13 years old and i am obsesed with knight rider. lol i have acctually lost some friends because they got sick of me talking about it. but life goes on. if i am away from knight rider for more than 3 hours i completley spaz out. i have seen almost every episode of knight rider ever. i even made my own car named K.I.R.R. (knight industries roving robot) i even have videos i made of a knight rider mod for grand theft auto vice city. plz watch, rate, and comment here :kitt: :karr: :skar: :kittx: :kittconv2: :dash4: :dash: :kitt2: :kittconv: :kittside: 8)

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:56 am
by KnightRiderFan1051
hi everyone

I've been a KR fan since I was very little I'm so glad that they've given an icon such as Knight Rider a rebirth. The only real reason I joined the forums is that I wanted to know if anyone out there has any idea of where I can find the NEW 2008 KR theme I've looked everywhere but can't find it and since NBC and Apple have parted ways there's nothing of anything new knight Rider on iTunes if anyone knows where iu can get the NEW KR 2008 theme please let me know

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:20 pm
by Taichi

My name is Jason, and I grew up with the show...

I've lurked around here for quite some time, but now just decided to join... (it takes me awhile to join boards)... but I hope to have a good time and I look forward to joining in discussion with you all.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:16 pm
by zed4130
Hi im paul from the uk, i love all the 80's shows, but knight rider and the dukes are my favourites, i just hope the new show gets to the uk,


Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:49 pm
by Darkeklaw
Hello My name is Merrill. I'm 35 yrs old and watched Knight Rider religously. I also watched both movies 2000 and 2010, And I tried to get into TKR, I just couldn't.

I'm a fan of KR, Transformers, Dr. Who. I won't be afraid to speak my mind and I just want to help keep things in perspective, because sometimes we remember things how we'd like them to have been and not how they actually are.

Let's have fun. :)

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:24 pm
by DriverRay
i am new to the forum. i own and watched every episode of knight rider. i jsut love KR. now i can finally reply to some of topics on the forum.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:29 am
by maxwellmilian
Hello people, I'm Dan, most people that know me call me Macgyver. If you hang around me for a few days you would too... So now I'm wondering what kind of punishment I'm setting myself up for doing this.
Here goes... I'm in the process of constructing my own Knight 2000, from scratch, all molding and electronics myself. I'm restoring the car currently (so much easier when they never saw snow) and lucky enough to have it at my place of employ where I can doodle with it (usually once or twice a week for a few minutes, yes really). I work as a mechanic, usually, but I'm well versed in a lot of trades. The way these guys bust things, I have plenty to work on, and if they don't show up, I wind up operating heavy equipment (yay) or driving a truck (yuck). Oh, to be a PI like Michael Knight!
I do tinker some, and if I can't find something I need, or someone is charging an outrageous price, I MAKE it myself.... Ask me, I might know. I'm amicable, sometimes even helpful!

Dan "MacGyver" Jones

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:16 pm
Hi everyone !

I Watched the very first episode of the original when I was 12 years old and have loved the legend ever since. My kids now love it too. Life would be boring without it.

Long live Knight Rider............



Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:23 pm
by Tiogaw
Hey. The name's Tioga - or DJ. Whichever. I'm 18, a Canine/Animal artist, a tomboy, a SciFi and a Knight Rider fan since seeing the TV Movie. I've seen seasons one, two and some of three of the originals but not all... not yet. Also, I like BOTH the TransAm KITT AND the KITTstang.


Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:46 pm
by SEPQuebec
Hi my name is Sebastien, I'm from Montreal, Canada and I'm a computer technician.
I'm a fan of knight Rider since it first aired here in french. I also like the new KR08.
I want to say that you are doing a great job with that web site. :good:


Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:07 am
by HyperCaz
Hello I'm Caz. :) I became a fan 9 days ago so I'm a newbie to pretty much everything. Not a fan of KR 2008 so far, but I might change my mind later down the track. Hoping to start getting coherent thoughts for the forum soon. :D