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Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:40 am
by neps
here is the youtube url if you are having trouble:

Sorry for the delay, I wanted to clear it with z00story first before spreading it to another site, since it means alot to me that they posted it for us in the first place.

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:51 am
Solid Snake wrote:z00story, awesome clip and story you gave us! Thanks for that... oww here is my 2 cents, the shows looks great so far! Now the story should be up on the same level and you guys have a hit.
I certainly hope so too that the writing is at least on the same level as the work you guys have done with the car, if it is then it should be awesome. :good: I think I've heard of Nuke, certainly have of Photoshop and Illustrator, I'm sure I've heard of After Effects as well, it's another Adobe program (like Photoshop and Illustrator are) isn't it?

Welcome Nate! :lol: Whether you join or are just lurking, same goes for the rest of you hiding in the shadows.

EDIT: I should have refreshed before posting because two new posts were made since I first opened this topic again. :shock:

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:29 pm
by trissybabes
z00story wrote:As for what 3D program we use - I'm not sure if I should say, I will leave that up to the 3D team to decide. For 2D We use After Effects and a program called Nuke - not to mention all the usual suspects: photoshop, illustrator, and some specialty programs for tracking, etc...
I take it not Microsoft Paint then?

[Goes and deletes his pixel by pixel transformation sequence he'd been working on for the last 4 years...]


Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:57 pm
by DevonStyles
Cool stuff... Have to say though I hate the wheels.... Absolutely hate the wheels. Mostly the back tires. If they at least matched the fronts it would look 10 times better.

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:53 pm
by LadyV2000
I watched that video at least five times in a row and I'm getting more excited by the second. It's just so darn cool! I can't wait to see the polished version. Great job guys. :D

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:00 pm
by zero
At first I really didn't like the transforming idea when I saw it in the trailer video. After seeing some of these transformation videos I'm starting to feel like this might just be one of the coolest parts of the show. Amazing job and thanks for sharing this with us.

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:05 pm
by Michael Pajaro
I think the shaky hand-held camera adds to the realism.

And here's something else I like, from a completely over-analyzing standpoint: Normally, if you were placing a CG car in a real-life parking space, where would you place it? Well, cars go in the center of the spot, right? No. People park off-center, and this car basically looks like a bad parking job. Which helps add to the illusion. Add some CG bird droppings on the hood and it will be perfect!


Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:40 pm
:lol: That's something that never happened to the original KITT, that and he never seemed to hit any bugs at any speed....

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:30 pm
by zero
Now if only it could morph into the old trans am from the original series. :)

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:12 pm
by pheonix_knight
zero wrote:Now if only it could morph into the old trans am from the original series. :)
we know that is unlikely, however with regard to Ki3t's ATTACK mode, it would be nice if the transformation looked a little more 'mechanical' like when the original went into SPM

with that in mind I DO like the way the intakes (although they themselves are controversial) rise up on to the 'hood' (or bonnet if you're on my side of the pond) rather than just 'materialise' like the effects from the original Attack mode

someone earlier in the thread commented on 'bits floating about'

I know its nit picky but if its possible to make the effects seem more 'organic' as if they are actually eminating from the car rather than just appearing that would be great

i have to say though, this is shaping up to be the best version of Knight Rider we've had since the original and i DO love the effects

this IS going to be great.....

I just hope it gets sold in the UK....

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:43 pm
by Judd
Thanks for sharing that with us. It's fun to be given a behind the scenes glimpse of the new series.

The new attack/transforming KITT just screams.....TOY!!!

On a more serious note, the Doctor Who production team has stated they pay little to no attention to the fan base and just make the series as they want to. I think it's interesting that the Knight Rider production team are taking an interest in the opinions of the fans.

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:43 am
by goldbug
Count me as another person who thought the initial car was the real one and then smoothly substituted with a CG model as it transformed. It took me about 3 watchings to figure out that the initial car was indeed CG. Very nice! So far I'm really enjoying what I see of the effects and considering "Transformers" was cited as an influence for the TV movie in February, I think this is a natural progression for the car. :)

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:02 pm
by Garthe Knight
goldbug wrote:Count me as another person who thought the initial car was the real one and then smoothly substituted with a CG model as it transformed. It took me about 3 watchings to figure out that the initial car was indeed CG.
Really??? I mean, it's sooo obvious the initial car is a CG model. Wanna know why? Because there are no cobra logos on it :good: Which is something Ford would never allow, so it has to be created virtually :wink:

No serious, the CGI looks really good for a TV series, so well done. It will be interesting so see how good it looks when the car is moving, because animation seperates the good from the bad.

And a final sentence: KITT really looks better without the logos.

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:08 pm
by Stylez
This is how NBC would have done the SPM transformation instead of building a car solely for the transformation sequence. There probably wouldn't have been the repetitive footage and maybe SPM would have been a little different, more elaborate. I'm not sure if I like the idea of KI3T turning into a truck too much, it almost kicks it into the realm of KI3T being able to transform into a robot form. How much more far fetched would that be? Not much really.

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:06 pm
by Sky_Blue_Civic
It would be awesome if KITT turned into a robot! :good:

Re: The "Parking Lot Transform" - From the KR VFX Team

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:45 pm
by FuzzieDice
FANTASTIC! WOW! :shock: That is truely amazing! You're definitely on the right track with this one. I can't wait to see what you guys do when it's all finished and finalized. And can't wait to see the er... 'murbo loost' features. ;)