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Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:56 pm
by David Whiteheart
I might be crazy, but I sure ain't dumb!

Hey Y'all from the great, and yet over taxed, state of North Carolina!

I guess you throught I fell off the planet or at least the KR planet didn't ya? Well I'm still kicking, we've just had a lot going on the last 2 years I've been off of the board. We have a healthy 15 month old son and expecting a healthy baby sister at the end of November. We've moved from Dallas, NC to Grover, NC and love the gas prices since we border SC. Actually the SC line is in my front lawn.

I'm hoping to have my website up and running...well with more stuff than an out dated resume and protfolio. Remind you I have one small kid and another on the way, so it might be a while...I know what you are thinking...What the hell were we thinking? We weren't...since we have a 20% chance of having a healthy baby we didn't think lightning would strike twice but it did.

The site will have my old fan fic, or my version of how I think TKR should have ended it's one and only season. My KR site with the sounds from sound america which is so over taken with popups you can't down load anything without clicking popups. It'll also have my Dukes of Hazzard site with 4 years of CMT Dukesfest pictures on it. Of course a site about me and hopefully a new fanfic remembering 9/11/01.

It's great to hear about a possible KR movie, but will it be a dissapointment like the Dukes movie was to the diehard Dukes fan? Will KITT be a Trans Am and will Daniels, Larson and Hasselhoff have any say so in the movie? I think Tom Welling, of Smallville fame, should drive the car.

Great to be back and I hope y'all think so too,

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:13 pm
by Lyn
Howdy pardner!
Anyway, hi and welcome to this forum!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:44 pm
by Darknight
Ah, Lyn, I think it's Dave who should be welcoming you, as he's the real old timer here.

Good to see ya again, Dave. A lot of us don't get the chance to come around like we used to. Work, marriage, school...some of us have all three going on.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:17 pm
by David Whiteheart
Hey Now! I'm only 31, married and with a one kid and another one on the way...wait a minute... you're right... I am old. :cry: Any way thanks for the welcome back.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:20 am
by Lyn
Um, I guess I wasn't around when Dave was on this board, so thanks for the welcome, Dave!