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BSGed version of Knight Rider?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:50 pm
by knightshade
Apparently there's a pretty big dust up in the Battlestar Galactica fandom at the moment. I love the show, but I'm only on the very fringes of the fandom, so all I really know is that one of the big Original Series BSG boards that has been around forever has closed their New Battlestar Galactica forum in sort of a protest about where the show has gone (if you aren't someone who watches the show, the new version is very dark and very adult which is not the tone the original had at all).

Which got me thinking of course about Knight Rider. Being of the same sort of mold as the original BSG, I kind of wonder what would happen to this fandom if there was a movie that was a lot more on the adult side of things.

My love of Knight Rider is pretty firmly rooted in nostalgia. I loved it as a kid -- it was the television version of comfort food for me. So I still love it today because of that. I don't know that I would be able to get into it if I saw it for the first time today. Which isn't to say that I don't love it, or that it wasn't a great show for it's time, it just has it's fair share of the cheese that was more common during it's time. So I think I'd be a bit disappointed if a movie had the same tone as the original. And I'd be afraid that it wouldn't do very well at the box office without at least a little bit less formula and a bit more of an edge.

But I could be wrong. There seems to be a gap right now in entertainment for kids who are a little bit too old for cartoons but a little too young for most movies. Maybe Knight Rider would fit into that gap nicely. If it did well, I wouldn't begrudge it for being what it was. But I wouldn't be able to help being disappointed a tiny bit. ;-)

Personally, I'd love it if Knight Rider were given the same sort of updating and demographic shift as BSG. I think it would be harder to do because there is an inherent darkness in the idea of humanity almost being wiped out and being on the run for their lives that a man and a talking car just doesn't have. But, for instance, I'd love to see a more adult take on the issue of what sort of place a sentient but artificial creature would have in our world. This is one way that I see it making sense to bring KARR back for a movie -- that could be very, very interesting.

But I also have a feeling that a lot of peope would be very upset about a darker, edgier version of Knight Rider. So I'm just kind of curious what the break down would be. For the purpose of the poll and for the people who haven't seen the new BSG, BSGed in this case means edgier, darker, more adult.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:02 pm
by rulloa81
I think that it would be great if the Knight Rider movie had a darker take than that of the original series. I think that any tv show that becomes a movie has a better chance at being succesful in the box office if it has a darker feel to it. for example Batman: the tv show in the 60 was not very dark but the movie was and it was a success. I also believe that a movie that has a dark take has a good chance at appealing the general audience rather than just teenagers or just adults.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:09 pm
by Army_F_Body
My girlfriends brother is so hopelessly addicted to this show that he won't leave the house on Fridays at all for fear of missing BSG and SG-1. I saw the pilot for BSG and wasn't impressed. Wasn't impressed by the original years ago either. The problem I had was even though I didn't really like the orginal BSG, I got to become familiar with the characters so this new one throws my continuity chip for a loop. It would be like redoing TOS Star Trek and recasting Kirk. Just shouldn't be done.

Also, I hate soap opera shows. By that I mean if you miss one episode your screwed. X-Files was kinda like that and after missing so many core conspiracy episodes I gave up on it. Since I don't have the luxary of not having to work and have a life (unlike my Girlfriend's brother), I can't guarantee I'll be able to regulary watch it. KR was wonderfull in that it had so few story arcs, and if there were they only lasted a couple of episodes or the background info needed to understand (such as KARR) was explained through out the episode so you didn't have to turn into "Comic Book Guy" from the Simpsons and explain that back in epsiode 327 event "A" occured that was touced upon in episode 388 in a dream sequence casuing event "B" to happen that leads into tonights episode.

Other than that, I'm all for an edgier KR!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:09 am
by Lost Knight
I'll have to agree with everyone here that a darker, edgier version of Knight Rider is the way to go. But I don't think this idea would really be drifting too far away from the series. Season 4 had a darker tone than the rest, and I felt it made the show cooler and gave it more credibility in that respect. (And no, I'm not talking about Super Pursuit Mode or any of the sub-par scripts── I'm talking about the feel of the show.)

If KR had continued, I believe it would have no doubt gotten even darker, or at least would have stuck with the same tone as Season 4. So to me, a new movie with a darker edge would really just be going the same route that I feel the series was headed toward anyway. What is in question here to me, though, is how far should it be taken? In my opinion, it should not go so far as to have a lot (or any) sexual content or graphic violence. This should be a "PG-13" film, not one that's rated "R."

I would like to see the same amount of suspense that shows like 24 have, yet at the same time also realize the importance of at least a little humor. After all, KR's premise is not the kind of premise that can really take itself too seriously. I'd hate to see the general audience laugh at any possible cheese when the movie is trying to be serious or over-the-top. I believe the only reason KR had a cheese factor at all was because all 80s television shows had it. It was just the way shows were made back then.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:12 am
by Scott Kirkessner
I voted yes because I am currently writing it.

Yeah, the secret's out, my new fiction project is a restart of the Knight Rider franchise.

The idea to write was based upon some discussion in this very forum (the most influential was where Neps told us to put our money where our mouths are), and also inspired by restarts such as Batman Begins and the 2003 BSG.

It was also inspired by the release of Stu Phillips' Pilot/Season One soundtrack where I played the CD over and over while I re-imagined scenes from the original pilot set to the music.

This project began on July 25, 2005 and now it is almost ready for your reading pleasure.

Knight Rider came off sometimes hokey and I definitely wanted to try my stab at writing the original characters...

My way.

I never was able to, in my fiction, recapture the essence of Shawn McCormick, Russell Maddock, or even Michael Knight as they were established on screen.

My two strongest characters in the series were original characters (Natalie Markins and her arch-nemesis Baxter Lex). So instead of struggling to write characters already existed, it was time to write my own.

Michael Knight, KITT, Devon Miles, Bonnie Barstow, Wilton Knight and Stevie Mason (she plays a strong part in my re-imaging of the pilot) are related to our favorite 80's characters by name only.

Hopefully you will find that I've created new characters within the shell of the old ones.

The Pilot, which you will be able to read soon, is a re-imaging (not a rewrite, mind you) of Knight of the Phoenix. This will be one of the few times where we see a story that parallels an original Knight Rider story. Instead, I hope to write original storylines and give a more adult and grown up side to Knight Rider.

There's a new Knight Rider and it will be hitting your screens at the end of this Month.



Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:42 am
by FuzzieDice
Knightshade, I agree with you in all points, actually. Being a fanfic writer like yourself, I have been leaning to the more darker side of things with my CyberWorld series (I really have to get back and rewrite the pilot and finish it, actually) but yet I enjoyed the humorous side of things as well, and feel that while being on the "dark" side, KITT can also have his same sense of humor and sometimes innocence (where Michael would have to explain things to him that are usually only understandable to humans - things that lend nicely to humorous situations :) )

Being a big fan of KARR, I too agree this would help bring in a return of KARR, but I am hoping KARR would become a good guy or at least an ally, but not destroyed.

I think that KvK was one of the best episodes they had ever done, and KARR sure was dark and scary in it.

I'm just hoping however, that they don't mess it up like was done with KR2000 where KITT's personality did more of an about-face and it was KITT but was lacking in some ways. I think it was too quick a change, without enough episodes in between the change to gradaully explain how he got that way. KITT grew a LOT from the Pilot to the 4th season. However, he took a giant leap from the end of the 4th season to the movie. I'm hoping KITT will be recognizable personality-wise.

However, I'd love to see KARR take on the bigger leap instead. Paul Frees gave KARR the rough edge needed. If they take that even farther, KARR would very well become something to contend with and just as strong a character as KITT.

I think the whole premise of Knight Rider was supposed to be about a talking supercar. They should keep it that way, and as mentioned in I think 1,000 threads (ok, exaggerating here ;) ) some updates to KITT. But, not too much to HIS overall personality, and KITT should still be the primary focus of the movie, including being put into a very rough situation that the audience doesn't think he'll get out of (even hard-core fans) yet again, KITT prevails and wins, and that itself strengthening his personality.

I agree on movies of these days. Most are darker. Then again, we live in a much more darker and violent world than we did in the 80s I think. Movies tend to reflect what is going on in our society. The issues in Knight Rider that KITT and Michael have to face should be more in tune with what is going on or may happen in the future in our world.

The other thing is, we as a human race are also evolving. Each generation in time has always been a bit (not much but a bit) more advanced than the previous generation, I believe. I believe this is true because I don't see any other way we could have evolved to have the technology we have today.

As for how an AI would react to a darker world, there have been a few movies on this such as I Robot, AI and Stealth (anyone know where/when I'll be able to get Stealth on DVD?) so they could draw from that for ideas as well. In fact, in some Artificial Intelligence forums I'm in, we sometimes discuss these issues and the impact of AI on society as well as the impact of our human society on AI machines. Those are sometimes the most interesting discussions. :)

I think if the movie is done well, and yet keeping with KITT's personality traits (yet allowing the audience to WATCH him grow more in character), it could very well be a great movie.

They could also could try and compete with the Herbie: Fully Loaded movie (which I hear was supposed to be a family show) or, maybe better yet, go somewhere in-between.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:57 am
by Lyn
I think the "Knight Rider" movie shouldn't be completely dark in content, and it should have the humor of the original series.
I don't watch the updated "battlestar Galactica" show at all, and having a darker version of "Knight Rider" for the movie theater doesn't make that much sense to me.
Maybe it should have a darker tone here and there, but not throughout the whole movie!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:02 pm
by Skav
The problem today is that when they want to make a film adaption of an 80's show, they put the cheese in but deliberately make fun of it in the process.

I used to think it was a good idea to bring back the campness of the show into a film but now I'm not so sure because of how they portray the film itself and then make the 80's show look BAD.

So, for me now, I think it's important for the movie to have a serious tone but at the same time be adventurous with it and make it an action film and incorporate nostalgic elements from the show....and I don't mean actors wearing frizzy hair wigs either.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:38 pm
by rulloa81
They have to make the Knight Rider film adventurous like Indiana Jones

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:46 pm
by LadyV2000
I would be all for a KR movie to be darker and edgier. They need to have a more serious plot instead of the overdone damsel in distress. That's a whole lot of 80's cheese that just doesn't really fly today. Also the humor definitely still needs to be there.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:22 pm
by Michael Pajaro
I don't have an easy answer, but I voted "yes" anyway.

There are a lot of things I don't like about the new Galactica, but I do like the darker, grittier tone of the show. And I think that could work for Knight Rider. It could be like the latest Batman movie, with Michael Knight being more of a vigilante character. KITT could lose the pesky "protect human life" programming.

I like the idea of crooks being terrified of seeing a small, strobing red light in the distance coming closer down a dark alley...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:44 pm
by FuzzieDice
Michael Pajaro wrote:KITT could lose the pesky "protect human life" programming.

I like the idea of crooks being terrified of seeing a small, strobing red light in the distance coming closer down a dark alley...
KITT turns into KARR? LOL! Or maybe KARR returns (here I go again :oops: ;) ) and teaches KITT how to disregard that "protection" programming. Though due to his experiences, KITT still wouldn't harm anyone if he can help it, but COULD kill off someone only if he needed to.

And take on a tad bit more scarier attitude, but I still loved KITT's sense of humor and his rapport with Michael. I still would love to see that as well. :)

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:55 pm
by Michael Pajaro
Actually, I don't think of KARR as simply being an evil version of KITT. KARR was self-serving. In a new, darker Knight Rider, KITT would still be a very loyal partner to Michael (or whoever his driver was). KARR would only join a partnership as long as it served his own needs, so I don't think KARR would work well in this sort of movie.

I think we'd all miss the light-hearted banter between Michael and KITT, but that's the price we'd pay IF they went ahead with that sort of movie.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:43 pm
by FuzzieDice
Well, maybe KARR could reform - a little, or realize that helping FLAG might be his only (and ironic) chance of survival. Who else could repair and update him? :)

I think they'll have some humor in the new movie though. I assume this because David himself wouldn't let it go through if KITT couldn't talk. If KITT can talk, I'm sure they'll make sure what he says is sometimes funny. :) Maybe a slightly different and more 'updated' humor, but humor nonetheless.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:10 pm
by Lost Knight
FuzzieDice wrote:I think they'll have some humor in the new movie though. I assume this because David himself wouldn't let it go through if KITT couldn't talk. If KITT can talk, I'm sure they'll make sure what he says is sometimes funny. :) Maybe a slightly different and more 'updated' humor, but humor nonetheless.
I don't think we'll have anything to worry about in the humor department, considering that sarcasm is part of who K.I.T.T. is. In fact, maybe even some dry humor (like the type of humor in Office Space) would be the way to go? They could keep a darker edge, keep the humor and protect it from being silly all at the same time.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:51 am
by FuzzieDice
I never watched Office Space though. I'm not a fan of dry humor. I liked the humor KITT had in the series though. He was pretty cool. :)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:10 am
by knightjon
New to the the show...

I have watched the new BSG a few times. It is just sooooo darn serious. I mean, there is no levity at all.

I think that is a problem with a lot of new shows these days. While they might be pretty intriguing, they lack humor...and the characters are these troubled and brooding characters.

To that, I can say "thank goodness" I have DVDs of shows from when I was a kid like Knight Rider that are fun, clean and cheesy. It is fun to escape into a show with good, honorable and virtuous characters like Michael Knight.

I want to take this a step further...

If the Sci-Fi Channel ever decided to make a new Knight Rider series, I would prefer they not go the route of the new BSG. I'd prefer that they have a little fun with it.

I don't mind the idea of longer story arcs. I think that'd be okay as long as they weren't too convoluted for viewers. I'd love to see a series of eps where Michael and Garth go at it. I'd love to see an arc involving K.I.T.T. and K.A.R.R.

I think it'd be interesting to have Hasselhoff in a "Devon-esque" role on the show as a "mentoring" Michael Knight.

But not too dark...I think overly dark and serious shows and movies lack in creativity. I personally thing it is easier to successfully make something dark than it is to have a deft touch and make something that is both action packed and humorous.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:09 pm
by LadyV2000
There are actually a few action movies that I've seen that not only were serious and action packed, but had many bits of humor. Even Batman Begins, being a very dark and edgy movie had a couple scenes that made me laugh. They definitely need to keep the humor witty, not cheesy, because we all know how full of wit KITT really was. ;)

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:48 pm
by CB2001
I voted yes. I hate to admit it, I enjoy both the original BSG and the new BSG. And as strange as it sounds, I enjoy the new one a lot more because it is perfect for nowadays. I say why not at least give it a try for "Knight Rider"? Start it off as a miniseries like they did with BSG. And if the ratings are good, then pick it up as a series and have the original series inspire some of the new episodes (like how "The Return of Starbuck" from "Galactica 1980" inspired the episode "You Can't Go Home Again").