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What do you like the best about "Knight Rider"?

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 2:13 pm
by Lyn
I know there has been talk about the annoying parts of "Knight Rider", so here's my question: What do you like the best about "Knight Rider"?
Here are my answers:
It's a fun show to watch
I like it when Michael and KITT eventually get the bad guys when they get it bad from the crooks that they're trying to stop
The rapport between Michael and KITT
The rapport between Michael, Devon and Bonnie
I still consider "Race For Life" one of the all-time best episodes of the show
It's the show where I found out that D. Hasselhoff can sing
The show helped me through some tough times, and I looked forward to seeing the show each week, and it also sparked my imagination, too.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 2:50 pm
by Michael Pajaro
I liked the tongue-in-cheek nature of the show. It's a ridiculous idea for a series: a man fights crime with a talking car. But it seemed that everyone involved with the show KNEW it was ridiculous. So the attitude was "yup, it sounds crazy, now let's just go and enjoy it anyway."

Shows like Airwolf, Street Hawk, Blue Thunder took themselves too seriously. But Knight Rider had a great sense of "self awareness" about its place in the TV universe. You might call it charm. And that's why I believe it was so successful.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:04 pm
by Knight224
You guys took the words right out of my mouth! I really enjoyed how KITT and Michael interacted with one another. It was humorous, and was one of the few shows that left you feeling indescribably happy for hours after it was over.

And of course KITT is a shexy beast!!! :lol:

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:09 pm
by Lost Knight
Ah, here we go: a much more positive thread! Well, I'm not sure where to begin. I guess for me it's a lot of the little things such as:

- "K.I.T.T., I need ya"

- "Keep your scanners peeled [woooowoooo]"

- Every time Michael hit the Super Pursuit Mode button and we could hear K.I.T.T. charging up like a jet engine


And who could overlook K.I.T.T.'s wonderful sarcasm throughout the series? Case in point:

Michael: "So that's it? I just press the button?"
K.I.T.T.: "It would help if you also opened the Auto Roof."

So many things I'm leaving out, but those are just some of the things I always loved.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 7:01 pm
by LadyV2000
I think what I like best about Knight Rider is that it's just plain fun. It's the kind of show that you watch to make you feel better, and that actually puts a smile on your face when an episode is over. Also I love when they would have the little side plots where KITT would interact with people around him. It was always funny to how ordinary people reacted to a talking car. :D

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 10:30 pm
by FuzzieDice
What do I like best about Knight Rider? One word: KITT. :) KITT just plain RULES! :) Though I think KARR was pretty cool too. And the humans were cool. ;)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 3:43 pm
by apple
Knight224 wrote:You guys took the words right out of my mouth! I really enjoyed how KITT and Michael interacted with one another. It was humorous. And like Lyn, the show helped me through some bad times. It was something I could look forward to.
that's what i want to say too.
i love KITT, he is kind , lovely and charming with his humor :)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 12:57 am
by nivek
the car! what is there other then the car the story line?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 1:14 am
by kitt_rulz
I also watch the show because of KITT. but some of my fav. (i hate to say) is when KITT is damaged or destroyed. Its cool to see how it affects everyone from devon, bonnie, april, michael, rc3, and everyone else whom KITT has become friends with and how much he cares for each one. it also shows how vulnerable KITT could be. I hate to say it but every time KITT was hurt/destroyed i cried! :cry: :cry:

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 5:22 pm
by apple
kitt_rulz wrote:I also watch the show because of KITT. but some of my fav. (i hate to say) is when KITT is damaged or destroyed. Its cool to see how it affects everyone from devon, bonnie, april, michael, rc3, and everyone else whom KITT has become friends with and how much he cares for each one. it also shows how vulnerable KITT could be. I hate to say it but every time KITT was hurt/destroyed i cried! :cry: :cry:
what exactly i feel everytime i saw KITT was hurt, he is just like a sympathetic child. although i did not cry , i feel very upset ......
i remember once KITT was hurt and said to bonnie: i feel so weak, is it night? everything is so dark , i do not know what i would do without you ,bonnie......"
55555 my poor KITT!

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 6:48 pm
by FuzzieDice
I hate it when KITT is ill too. I mean, he's so dependant on Bonnie and Michael for his very survival as Michael is dependant on KITT. KITT would still put himself in harm's way to save any he loves and even those he doesn't even know!

Kinda reminds me of my car, Dryden. He's always there for me. Even though he has mechanical problems, he still keeps going any way he can for me. I love him. :)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 7:12 pm
by Knight Racer
I loved the little red button called Turbo Boost
Every time you knew that some new gadget would be needed for something you knew what function to use.I was disapointed however in Voo Doo Knight when you can feel that when Michael was able to retrieve an earing he would usualy put it in kitts chemical analyzer.He instead took it to Devon.Its kind of like when in killer kitt a video clip of the bad guys was recorded by kitt and RC3 said, "You could have watched this flick in kitt man.What are you into?building mialage?"Obviuosly he was evil at the time and was commanded to scramble anything that would incriminate the bad guys ie the fingerprints on the car.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 5:50 am
by Knight of Sweden
i like KARR's attitude :)
it really rocks

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:09 pm
by Knight452
1.The action
2.The back and forth trash talking among the flag employees.:dance:
3.two part episodes(movies) :kittx:
4.The emotions. :oops:

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 4:32 pm
by Lyn
Uh, did I add that I also still like the characters RC3 and April Curtis, because they were just as important to the show as the other main characters were during the course of the show's 4-season run?
Perhaps not, so hopefully this will help anyone who's a bit confused about the other 2 regular characters I had forgotten to mention.
"Knight Rider" still is a good show.:)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 4:53 pm
by Knightuser
-K.I.T.T. (uncommon machine; he's got an A.I. and is able to do everything; the type of interaction between KITT and Michael)
-The Foundation for Law and Government (type of missions they perform)
-Future Technology :wink:
-The Semi Trailer which works as a house
-New places visited almost in each episode

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 11:16 am
1°) KITT because I love all gadgets & KITT is so beautiful :kitt:

2°) Michael the perfect man 8)

3°) Best episodes are often whitch there are 2 like Knight452 said :wink:

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 1:15 pm
The car. For me it's always about the car.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:45 pm
by TransAmKITT2000
I like the show in general overall.There are a few episodes I don't
watch at all because the storyline seems to be too far out for the
idea of the show.I like to listen to the "cue music" or what is called
the incidental music.It fits the show very well.KITT always shines
through at the end of each episode.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:53 pm
by TheKnightFox
I'm a little late to replying to this, for it might be kinda old, but oh well.

There are three main reasons why i like knight rider/and watch the show:

KITT, because KITT is (yes i agree) a beautiful, awesome and kick ass car (so much so i'd love to have a car just like KITT)
The action
Just seeing a car talk is almost funny, but with KITT its very cool :D
and well...just Michael himself. But over all, KITT is the reason why i watch the series lol.

So, i agree with a lot of yall.