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Caption Competition No 8 - 1st September 2004

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:07 am
by Sith

FLAG's most famous enemies join forces to see who really is inferior...

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:59 pm
by Lost Knight
If Garthe drove K.A.R.R., that would be the true good versus evil battle! Yin and Yang.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:26 pm
by kido
Bugs get bigger and bigger these days.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 7:55 pm
by cloudkitt
Lost Knight wrote:If Garthe drove K.A.R.R., that would be the true good versus evil battle! Yin and Yang.
Played the KR game? :D

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 9:24 pm
by Lost Knight
Unfortunately no. Davilex teased me with screen shots all over their website and then I eventually realized it isn't available in the US (for PS2 anyway) oh, how disappointed I was. I don't care if the game is even good or bad I know I'll like it!

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:27 pm
by pdennis93
I am the voice of the Grand Obnoxious Loud Irate And Tough Hardass
G O L I A T H for easy reference GOLIATH if you prefer...

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:52 pm
by Lost Knight

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:44 am
by TurbomanKnight
pdennis93 wrote:I am the voice of the Grand Obnoxious Loud Irate And Tough Hardass
G O L I A T H for easy reference GOLIATH if you prefer...

Very Creative Of You!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 9:11 pm
by cloudkitt
yeah pdennis, that was a good one!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 9:46 pm
by CB2001
Garth: Let's steal some missles.
KARR: No, too dangerous.
Garth: Okay, let's kill Michael and KITT.
KARR: Sorry, but that's also dangerous.
Garth: What's the matter with you?
KARR: I'm looking out for number 1, what's your excuse?

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:33 pm
by FuzzieDice
pdennis: That was excellent!! Very clever anacronym and very true! :)

KARR: Hey, I'm driving this rig!
GOLIATH: Oh no you're not!
KARR: Yes I am!
GOLIATH: No You're not!
KARR: Yes I am!
GOLIATH: No you're... hey! There's your brother!
KARR: You fool! I don't see him anywh....
GOLIATH: He just hit us in the back bumper, you idiot!
KARR: I'm not the idiot who started this arguement!

(etc. etc. etc. ;) )

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:11 pm
by comets78
Garth: (in the new goliath) what does this button do?

goliath: (using karr's voice) dont touch that !

garth: why cant i touch it its my truck

goliath: because i said so

garth: goliath

goliath: yes garth

garth: shut up!


Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:49 am
by FuzzieDice
comets78: :lol: That is a good one! LOL! Only I would have expected Goliath/KARR to not shut up... maybe something like:

Garth: Goliath?
Goliath: Yes Garth?
Garth: Shut up.
Goliath: You first.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 2:46 pm
by comets78
thanks first reply i got back for a contest like this :)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:47 pm
by KnightRiderGirl
Goliath: Garth, the Knight Industries Two Thousand is coming at us.
Garth: That's impossible! We destroyed it earlier!
Goliath: Garth! That IS the car!
Garth: Shut up Goliath! It isn't!
*the dot grows into KITT*
Garth: So?!?! He can't do anything to us!
Goliath: I wouldn't be so sure. I can sense that...
Garth: Shut it! We're invincible!
*he fires the laser and it hits Goliath's weak spot*
Garth: Oh *?$#...
*as parts fly everywhere, Goliath manages to squeeze out one last word as he flies away*
Goliath: YOU IDIOT!!!