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Bonnie or april

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:55 pm
by joeb2000
who is your fav bonnie or april

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:10 pm
by Benjamin Knight
This was just ask a little while ago, we reached the concusion that April had the body, and Bonnie had the brains! But we also reach a ending in the "Did you have a crush on Bonnie" (or something like that) thread that Bonnie was a babe as well lol. Personally I love Bonnie way more, but April had her mouments!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:19 pm
by ColeGrad01
In my opinion, April was the nicer one. But Bonnie seemed more like the typical character for the role. She had more beauty and was more the type for Michael to work with. There always was a possibility that they could have had a relationship. I don't see Michael and April being more than just friends.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:21 pm
by joeb2000
yea the 1st season bonnie always gave M Knight a hard to get kinda way you know but as the season went on you could tell they became friends you know and then when April came she was always nice to M Knight most of the time

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:59 am
by Army_F_Body
Personally, I always liked April better.

I always though that Devin and April had something going. Maybe that's why she left the foundation, you know government scandals and everything :) !

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:07 am
by The Real Michael Knight
I prefer Bonnie. I just love her attitude and the special relationship her and Michael shared. (it was more special and stronger than anything Michael and April had IMO.) I always did kinda hope the two would develop a romantic relationship sometime in the show, but it never happened. :( And also, I think Patti is much more of a beauty than Rebecca is. (Sorry 'becca)

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:21 am
by ColeGrad01
Bonnie was so beautiful, I couldn't stand seeing those two wackos in TRUST DOESN'T RUST get their slimy hands on her.

Filthy scum like that should be beaten when they touch beautiful women. Michael gave them what they deserved.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:30 am
by The Real Michael Knight
Well Tony was the slime ball, Rev wasn't bad. He was against the whole thing. I don't think its fare to count poor Rev. He got whacked by his friend! Anyway, I thought she looked pretty gorgeous at the beginning of "The Topaz Connection" all dressed up. When somebody says you're dressed to kill, boy they're serious! *turns red*

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:36 am
i liked bonnie better. she was better suited for the role, and the chemistry between her and michael was excellent. april seemed to prissy, too "oh, i broke a nail" or "i don't want to get dirty" type of feel.

i still can't get past those HUGE glasses she wore. i know they wore large glasses in the 80s, but those were beyond the normal size.


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:29 am
by ColeGrad01
Yeah, they made her look kinda nerdy.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:34 am
by The Real Michael Knight
I think April was the busty bimbo of Knight Rider. Image

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 5:00 pm
by cloudkitt

But what I never understood, is that when Bonnie left they acted like Bonnie was never there, and that no one noticed, until Knight of the Drones.

And, then, just the same when April left, what, when Bonnie came back they just threw her off the Semi and left her there? ANd they never explained where April went either. Or why in Knight of the Drones April apparently isn't good enough ... or something... to fix KITT.

Now, I'm glad they brought Bonnie, back, she was awesome. BUt I just never understood why they didn't explain what happenned to them until they had to.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 6:08 pm
by ColeGrad01
If I was making a show where an agent drove a supercar and had women mechanics work on it when it needed maintenance, I would:

Introduce woman mechanic in first episode she appears in. The agent is just as surprised to see her as we are.

When first mechanic woman leaves, they say something about her being away and introduce second woman mechanic as if agent is surprised to see her just as much as we are.

When first mechanic woman returns, like they did- something is said about her being glad to come back after being away somewhere- and that the second woman mechanic is now no longer with them.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 6:44 pm
by knightshade
cloudkitt wrote:
And, then, just the same when April left, what, when Bonnie came back they just threw her off the Semi and left her there?
I like that theory. :-) 'Oops, sorry, we don't need you anymore, we got a first choice back.'


I prefer Bonnie, in case you couldn't guess. :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:32 pm
by Army_F_Body
I like that theory. 'Oops, sorry, we don't need you anymore, we got a first choice back.'

Maybe that's what happened to Ken Franklyn!

Wilton Knight: "Oh, yeah, we got that Long dude now! Take Franklyn out back and get rid of him!"

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:42 pm
by ColeGrad01
He was shot and killed by C.J. Jackson. They temporarily shut down the Foundation until they found Michael Long to be his replacement.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:57 pm
by seeker78
I thought Bonnie seemed a lot smarter than April. April was just eye candy, although not for me because I thought she was ugly -- her, ahem, chest was way too big for my tastes. You see I like tough, independent women, and Bonnie seemed that way. I hear that McPhereson wanted her to be more independent and have a greater role, but as it was, I thought she was a better chracter than April...


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:01 pm
by JL
ColeGrad01 wrote:He was shot and killed by C.J. Jackson. They temporarily shut down the Foundation until they found Michael Long to be his replacement.
No kidding. What Army_F_Body did is called being facetious. :roll:

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:52 pm
by The Real Michael Knight
seeker78 wrote:April was just eye candy, although not for me because I thought she was ugly -- her, ahem, chest was way too big for my tastes.
You see! April was Knight Rider's busty bimbo! Hmph!

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:18 am
by ColeGrad01
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But I think Bonnie was the better of the two. People can like April more if they want.

There was nothing wrong with April. She just didn't seem like the type for Michael to hook up with. But Bonnie, it was a possibility if they could have worked things out.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 10:17 am
by JL
Just curious as to why so many people's opinion of Bonnie vs. April seems to be predicated on which one they'd rather see Michael hook up with? Granted, Michael and Bonnie definitely had this nice sexual tension thing going during the first season, but just because he's the ladies man doesn't mean he's got to hook up with everybody. I mean, I seriously doubt the show would have been ten times better if the two of them were "an item".

I pick Bonnie... smart, attractive, but at the same time totally believable when she picks up a wrench and a computer gizmo and crawls under KITT to do some repairs.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 2:12 pm
i just thought the chemisty between michael and bonnie was irreplaceable.
when april was there, michael and april didn't really click. they were just, there.
that's not the only reason why i picked bonnie, though, as i said earlier.


Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 3:17 pm
by ColeGrad01
I picked Bonnie cause she seemed more fit for the role. It makes more sense to see her working on KITT and being Devon's assistant.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 11:47 am
by Jake
I don´t know why, but I prefer April as a K.I.T.T´s mechanic.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 11:50 am
by ColeGrad01
That's all she was good for. But Bonnie was able to bring some love into it.