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Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 9:26 pm
by jup
I was thinking about this a bit earlier. After all, Knight Rider was about more then the adventures of a lone crime fighter and his talking car. It was about potential science fiction notions of the future.

And now, we're on the cusp of things once dreamed of in the show. Self driving cars & trucks. A.I.'s that can hold conversations, play games, interpret words, draw pictures, create music and much more. Drone units that can fly and get remote images. Image communications and remote phone calls. Computers with insane amounts of power inside a tiny housing. Heck. Even smart watches that can do more then just tell the time. This stuff is neither fully on target with Knight Rider (the show) or off target, like talking about the weather.

Maybe now that the world is figuring out how to make multiple parts of Knight Rider become a reality, maybe this forum should also devote a new section towards the coming realities that this show was once dreaming about.

Just an idea that I thought should be considered.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:49 am
by WittgenTT5/Rstein
I'd say we first need to get some more people on KRO, but with that comes the inherent "cancer" as they call it: sh1tposters and whatnot, causing the forum to change.

So no, I'd wait with that category for now.

Also, why the hell is sh1tposting even censored?

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 11:35 am
by Assasinge
WittgenTT5/Rstein wrote:I'd say we first need to get some more people on KRO, but with that comes the inherent "cancer" as they call it: sh1tposters and whatnot, causing the forum to change.

So no, I'd wait with that category for now.

Also, why the hell is sh1tposting even censored?
One of the most unprofessional responses to a thread I've seen in a while here on KRO. Not to mention no one here understands a thing you say.

@Jup: You make an interesting request. I would like it if there was a category for technology where we would get amazing news about, say, the Google car, or the Tesla car. Though, if I were to be fair, I don't keep up that much with tech news as I do with Automotive news (hence all these Car and Driver magazine lying around my bedroom, haha) but I wouldn't mind. We would need, however, more people to be actively engaged in discussion of all sorts here, not just technology to keep that category alive then, I feel.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 11:49 am
by snafu
Sub-forum to this forum called "Developing Technology" or "New Technology: Post cool techie things here"?

I would be more active here but I'm about to hit second year clinicals and once again have no life. I promise I will be human again in the fall.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 12:34 pm
by WittgenTT5/Rstein
Assasinge wrote:
WittgenTT5/Rstein wrote:I'd say we first need to get some more people on KRO, but with that comes the inherent "cancer" as they call it: sh1tposters and whatnot, causing the forum to change.

So no, I'd wait with that category for now.

Also, why the hell is sh1tposting even censored?
One of the most unprofessional responses to a thread I've seen in a while here on KRO. Not to mention no one here understands a thing you say.

@Jup: You make an interesting request. I would like it if there was a category for technology where we would get amazing news about, say, the Google car, or the Tesla car. Though, if I were to be fair, I don't keep up that much with tech news as I do with Automotive news (hence all these Car and Driver magazine lying around my bedroom, haha) but I wouldn't mind. We would need, however, more people to be actively engaged in discussion of all sorts here, not just technology to keep that category alive then, I feel.
TL;DR: If you let more people join KRO the entire forum becomes trash.

Look what happened to 4chan or any other big forum out there and then compare it to KRO.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 12:59 pm
by Assasinge
Absolutely ridiculous comparison you've made there. 4chan is not KRO in any way shape or form. If anything, KRO actually has a community that cares about something they grew up with, 4chan has a community where people like you should stay and shouldn't even be allowed here. And if anyone here is wondering what 4chan is, you're better off not knowing about it all. And trying to word this as best as to my ability, but in my opinion, when you say letting more people onto this forum is going to trash it (no idea where you even managed to conjure that idea up from) and then making a preposterous comparison to 4chan, perhaps you might want to look at yourself first.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 2:04 pm
by snafu
LOL KRO = 4Chan?
KRO is to 4Chan what facial cream is to napalm.
Not even close.

Also, AFAIK there's nothing stopping people from signing up on here. There's no question of "letting" people on the forum unless the mods are doing something. I don't think this place was intended to be run like Mean Girls.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 3:20 pm
by KITTfan
Maybe we could discuss about Knight Rider technology becoming reality here in the general discussion area, maybe most interesting threads could be sticked on top for easy access?
Talking about car magazines, just today I was re-reading some old 80's car magazines and started thinking how really far we are today in technology, it's pretty amazing actually. Yet we had the original Knight Rider tv-series back then and many features in it are becoming reality or already are real features.
It's fun to read those old car or other technology magazines or watch old tech documents in Youtube, how they compare for today's life. Especially those old projections about the future, year 2000, are really interesting.
Here's one look to the year 1999 from 1967, they for example managed to guess online shopping which they called "fingertip" shopping :)
The beach in the beginning remindes me from K.I.T.T. vs K.A.R.R. episode :P

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 3:22 pm
by jup
KRO was always intended to be a place for chat about the show. This was Neil's dream then and now. New people can change the environment. That's a given. But, with proper moderation and a lot of common sense in place, things should never get too out of control. Besides, KRO's issues are coming more from the spam advertisers who are trying to be cleaver enough to sneak their products into the posts.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 3:31 pm
by Assasinge
The only issues KRO has ever had is, as Jup has stated above, spammers, and a couple trolls in the past. Which sure are fun to read their posts, mind you. But that apart, I would love for KOR to have a section about automotive talk of all sorts, news, discussion about our current cars, future cars...anything cars. I love cars, I'm a massive gearhead. Call me crazy but I love these metal machines so much I'd rather sit in my garage just working on one all day than going out and driving it. Well, ok, I'll still drive it, but you get the idea. Anyway, this forum is way more civilized than some bullcrap like 4chan or 8chan, whatever it may be. Though I sure do love reddit for its comments and civility.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 4:23 pm
by jup
That was a fascinating video to view, KITTFan. Thanks for sharing. And what a flood of notions it had to offer.

That opening beach scene reminded me of the ending to Planet of the Apes, only minus the fallen Statue of Liberty.

Modules that can be added on to the home when upgrades are needed. Now that is one that has yet to happen. We're still doing it the old fashioned way, for the most part.

Had to chuckle at the 'workout center of the future'. Kind of wish we had that going on. Especially when at work, the actual invention of the future has turned out to be the lazy electric shopper chair that does the exact opposite and gives people the excuse to not burn a calorie as they shop. Oh, what a Wall-E reality that has become over the demanding need to stay fit by a chip minded 'overlord'. (Kind of got the impression the computer was passively in charge from that video.)

I took notice on their prediction of 'Skype' (though, video phones and monitoring is a wide spread, ancient idea) and flat screens, (Though, even H.G. Well's Things to Come predicted the coming of flat screen technology.) even though the film treated them as just something that was an everyday thing over being an actual improvement.

Automated food preparation at the press of buttons. I do think this is still yet to come. But, probably less in the form of frozen food that gets microwaved and more along the lines of classic Star Trek, where food gets printed from powdered form and happens all 'neat & tidy' like.

I wonder how their transportation system works. After all, they did mention a car. But, were talking about golfing in Mexico and checking up on the weather. (Nailed the global weather forecast information call bit.) Made it sound like there was some kind of hyper speeds that would become possible. Or...teleporters??? Maybe plane transportation would be as common as driving down to the city for a day's bit of shopping over the ordeal it's become.

"Can I get that in 3-D? Got to keep up with the latest technology, after all." (Or something like that.) Nice nod to something that actually did sort of happen. Though, do people really care? I know that most of these 3D movies I've just kind of becomes a thing to passively ignore past the first few minutes and is hardly worth the extra cost. Plus, it does seem like the home 3D TV came and went. It's now all about the curved screens. Even the Nintendo systems ebbed away from 3D after making it a thing.

I kind of fear the coming of home schooling via computers. There's a whole kind of social experience that comes with traditional schools that purely gets lost in this concept. Granted, the overall cost points can't be reasoned with. Still, the day that public schools are completely taken off the budgets should be regarded as a sad day, indeed.

Now, I ought to head down to the video store and say a word or two of goodbye. Just got a text last night about their sudden closure notice. The writing was on the wall as several other branches in their knock off Blockbusters branches had closed in the past year. But, I had hopes that this one would last a bit longer. Just another thing from a by-gone era that the rise of technology has eradicated.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 4:27 pm
by jup
Exactly, Assasinge. I propose a new category for stuff like that. Call it 'Technology", which would be a place for up-and-coming tech that is entering out real lives that was once seen in Knight Rider. It would be flexible enough for other cars and such. Even tech of almost any nature. After all, we have a category for Locations. Why not Technology?

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 5:24 pm
by Assasinge
jup wrote:Exactly, Assasinge. I propose a new category for stuff like that. Call it 'Technology", which would be a place for up-and-coming tech that is entering out real lives that was once seen in Knight Rider. It would be flexible enough for other cars and such. Even tech of almost any nature. After all, we have a category for Locations. Why not Technology?
And if anything, the locations category seems to have been lowered into its grave.

I'm all up for it. We would just need people to post news, and recruit people to post news for it, I suppose or something. Seeing that Neps is hardly even here anymore along with Pajaro ( hell with him) and/or anyone else, I guess we'll have to turn to...

*stares into heavens*


Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 12:42 am
by jup
I do believe that making new primary categories is only an administrative power. Meaning Neil must do it. He does stop by every once in a while. Leave a message or two in his notes box. Maybe?

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 8:01 am
by Assasinge
We can only try. :D

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 3:49 pm
by jup
How true. I just wanted to post the question and see if there was enough interest before sending a message off to Neil about it. One...that will probably never be viewed...

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 4:18 pm
by Assasinge
jup wrote:How true. I just wanted to post the question and see if there was enough interest before sending a message off to Neil about it. One...that will probably never be viewed...
And so...the message sat in Neil's inbox...quietly waiting for its time to be viewed, and opened...but alas! The moment never came...and the message quietly had the ultimate delete itself.

*queue Steve Winwood's "River"*

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 4:25 pm
by Hillbilly
This is hilarious to me. As I've joined this forum just recently doing exactly what you guys have been discussing. For those just wanting to talk about the series I can see why you would want to differentiate.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 12:41 am
by jup
Exactly. We were, at one time, really direct on keeping specific topics isolated to specific categories. In fact, I had to defend a kid whom just wanted to talk about any old thing when the other moderators and members got on his case about not sticking to the topic at hand. Always irked me about how a strict rule drove him away. Things have lightened up since then. Still, there's a whole new world opening up that is related to KR, yet not about the show. And so, I propose the notion of creating a new category for it, so that it doesn't wind up in that temporary zone of casual discussion about anything non-KR related.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 4:02 pm
by WittgenTT5/Rstein
jup wrote:Exactly. We were, at one time, really direct on keeping specific topics isolated to specific categories. In fact, I had to defend a kid whom just wanted to talk about any old thing when the other moderators and members got on his case about not sticking to the topic at hand. Always irked me about how a strict rule drove him away. Things have lightened up since then. Still, there's a whole new world opening up that is related to KR, yet not about the show. And so, I propose the notion of creating a new category for it, so that it doesn't wind up in that temporary zone of casual discussion about anything non-KR related.
"I propose the notion of creating a new category for it"
Tell me, what is this then? viewforum.php?f=11

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 1:14 am
by jup
I do feel that The Lounge is far too casual. It's for messages that are completely off topic. Whereas, this one would be for technology that is related to the show in some way. Like the building of an interactive KITT AI personality. It's KR related. Yet, not quite a perfect fit for Knightlines. Nor is it as off target at Ghostbusters. It is somewhere in between.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:14 pm
by Assasinge
jup wrote:I do feel that The Lounge is far too casual. It's for messages that are completely off topic. Whereas, this one would be for technology that is related to the show in some way. Like the building of an interactive KITT AI personality. It's KR related. Yet, not quite a perfect fit for Knightlines. Nor is it as off target at Ghostbusters. It is somewhere in between.
Was going to say something along those lines. Jup proposes a category that is focused solely on technolgy and automotive news, I'd say, while The Lounge, as the name implies, is just a laid back corner to discuss anything you feel like. Which can include tech, but we're focusing the beam here to a single category or two here.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:21 pm
by Matthew
At the moment, I wouldn't even want to try adding a new category given the errors that can still be found. This is purely my gut feeling, but I just don't think the forum is stable enough to risk it right now.


Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:44 pm
by jup
That's a good point. I had hopes that Neil had worked out all the kinks after the e-mail fiasco. But, he probably just concentrated on the issues that were popping up. Best not to rock the boat and discover a weak spot that sinks everything. I've run into a couple of those, throughout the years. Not pretty things, to say the least. Would offer help debugging the code. Yet, I've never been strong on coding to begin with. Oh sure. I've pulled off a hangman game and a trivia bot. But that CGI-Bin stuff is a weak point.

Re: Is it time for a new primary category for technology?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:05 pm
by Assasinge
jup wrote:That's a good point. I had hopes that Neil had worked out all the kinks after the e-mail fiasco. But, he probably just concentrated on the issues that were popping up. Best not to rock the boat and discover a weak spot that sinks everything. I've run into a couple of those, throughout the years. Not pretty things, to say the least. Would offer help debugging the code. Yet, I've never been strong on coding to begin with. Oh sure. I've pulled off a hangman game and a trivia bot. But that CGI-Bin stuff is a weak point.
Ah well, there's always our Discord. Ken already joined.