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Michael Long timeline question and unrelated TKR question

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:52 pm
by Tzigone
I know there are issues, but I'm trying to fit KR, TKR, and KR2008 into the same timeline. Jenny says she thinks her father was a Las Vegas cop named Michael Long. Now, she could certainly just be calling him that because he later became a cop, but my first thought was that he was already a cop when her birth mom met him. So, do we know what year he became a cop? I remember we that his Michael Long past was delved in to in a few eps, and I remember we met old colleagues, but I can't remember if a specific timeframe was referenced. Also, do we know what years he was in the military? I know Jenny was at least 24 as of "The Ixtafa Affair" (aired Feb. 1998) because the "six years ago" flashback had her already in the military (and having been there long enough to have formed a serious romantic relationship), but we know that was early in her career. I don't know that we ever got any reference to her rank or if she attended college. I was thinking she was 27-28, but I can't recall any evidence to that effect. Presuming Michael was at least 18 when she was conceived (again, an assumption), she could not have been older than 30. Anyway, just want to know any information on what Long was doing from 67-74.

Also, I recall reading that there was some sort of post-series (not just during, I mean) that Mobius was Garthe Knight. Can anyone tell me why this was? I've also read (and agree with) the interpretation Mobius was likely Kyle's father - is that one widely accepted? I had thought it was.

Re: Michael Long timeline question and unrelated TKR questio

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:14 pm
by Scott Kirkessner
Hello! Unfortunately you can't fit the three series together. Team Knight Rider retconned Knight Rider 2000, and Knight Rider 2008 retconned both.

Think of it as three separate timelines that all originate from the original series:

Knight Rider > Knight Rider 2000

Knight Rider > Team Knight Rider

Knight Rider > Knight Rider 2008 Series

None of the spin off timelines exist in the other's universe.

As for what Michael Long was doing between 1967 and 1974, at least sometime between 1967 and 1978, he was in Vietnam and was briefly captured before escaping, he "had to punish" his VietCong captors.

To answer your questions about Mobius, Mike, our reasonably attractive TKR guru, who is also one of our moderators, ran/still runs a website about TKR -" onclick=";return false; On there he has an interview that he conducted with the TKR creators, who explained that had TKR continued for a second season, Mobius would be revealed either as Kyle's father, or Garthe Knight (but not both).

Re: Michael Long timeline question and unrelated TKR questio

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:42 pm
by Tzigone
Unfortunately you can't fit the three series together. Team Knight Rider retconned Knight Rider 2000, and Knight Rider 2008 retconned both.
I fully acknowledge your chart as how they are intended to be perceived.

But I want to try to make them work together and I think I can force it to work well enough for my own liking. It's sort of shoving a square peg in a round hole, I admit. I certainly know they weren't intended to work together - that's why I have to make an effort. The shows aren't consistent with one another, and I acknowledge that freely. But KR 2008 doesn't explicitly contradict TKR, either, I don't think. At least, I can make it work for my personal headcanon (not asking anyone else to share it), having TKR and FLAG shut down when KARR2 started getting funding, etc. Graiman wasn't involved at TKR time (I interpreted him essentially uninvolved in FLAG operations after the first KITT until KARR2/new KITT). Maybe the shutdown is when Knight Industries changed hands? Mike wouldn't care about TKR much, even if he did know, same for Sarah, and it all ended in say 2001/2002 anyway, so is ancient history and no longer water-cooler gossip. I imagine the brass thinking of TKR as a failed, over-cautious, reaction to KRO (considering how risk-taking they were with KARR2 the second time), a dead-end road. As for KR2000, I dislike it very much and so I am ignoring it.

Thanks for the link.

Re: Michael Long timeline question and unrelated TKR questio

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:49 pm
by jup
I, too, believe that with some exceptionally cleaver writing, it is possible to at least merger KR to TKR and TKR to KR08. (KR2000/2010 can only be written off as someone's mad dream or a well explored scenario, as they are just way too far out there to ever fit into the KR jigsaw puzzle.) On the loosest basis, Michael's foundation ends up having some financial issues and resorts a merger into some kind of military sub-branch. Which KR08 fights to break away from and return to a private organization.

You can even find the loosest link between KR and TKR by pointing out that in TKR, they (literally) traced the history of Michael Knight's activities by printing out a brief description of every episode that the original KR gave to TV Guide. (I use it as evidence that TKR is a fan fiction that got a budget.)

Re: Michael Long timeline question and unrelated TKR questio

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:57 am
by Knight Racer
I can see creating a timeline where kr82 happens,tkr couldn't happen since flag was too big of an organization with security in angels in chains episode and the episode where armor that brainwashed people showed how they've expanded from just a pilot program of a few operatives Devon,Michael,Bonnie,RC3,and kitt to national security levels with Jenny nearly being arrested for treason after investigating Michael Knight.I can see how it gets shut down in the 80's and gets resurrected by kr'08.If you ignore the actual year kr2000 takes place you already had the knight 3000 and now have the knight 4000 ready for kift.Its a future where tasers replace guns and cruel prison situations save money by cryogenic stasis.

Re: Michael Long timeline question and unrelated TKR questio

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:37 pm
by AppleMacri1980
so each time line is like "Terminator" only each person hears or knows about Flag and tries there own way. TKR was also a spin off to the old series to show what would have happened if Micheal had a daughter were the series ended in 1986 and shows it's way up to mid 1990's since Devan is dead due to lung cancer and we do not know what happened to the old team. KITT was only in SkyOne if Kyle, Duke, Jenny, Trek and Erica needed extra backup. KITT's old trans-am body would have been in season 2 as like an extra Power Ranger to join the team. Sadly it was canceled before we could get all the answers like we could have when "Quantum Leap" ended. Team Knight Rider was good just know one liked it as a team player show. But it was a good connection to the old series. But lets hope some day David will make one last time as Micheal Knight since we all know he is getting there and Will Daniels is in his 80's so we do not know.