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Has anybody seen this commercial?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:08 pm
by KRAvengerII
I was over at my dad's house yesterday, and I saw this ad on one of the financial channels. In it, a car that looked like KITT (Couldn't tell if it was a trans am, but it sure had KITT's dashboard) was driving alongside a train. The volume was turned down, so I don't know what was said, but my dad said something like It was an ad for a computerized train, or something. Has anyone seen it?

Re: Has anybody seen this commercial?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:04 pm
by n knight
There were 2 different kitts used, the GE commercial with the robots, all the scenes were my kitt, except the screen shot of the dash, that was Gary Hunters 1/2 season dash. The Locomotive commercial, KITT racing down the warehouse is my kitt, and the KITT racing the train is Gary Hunters KITT. They used the original KITT voice (William Daniels) on the GE Locomotive Commercial. :-D

Re: Has anybody seen this commercial?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:09 pm
by n knight
screen shot from GE of my KITT coming out of the garage

My KITT in the one in the back


My KITT at San Bernandino dirt roads, my engine compartment was dirty, full of dirt



My KITT, filming at some warehouse in Los Angeles


My KITT is the one on the right, this was the movie car rental warehouse were they stored the KITTs


Re: Has anybody seen this commercial?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:28 pm
by vespurrs
Wonderful photos, and thanks so much for the background info!