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What was your favorite and most hated storyline of the show?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:17 am
by knightimmortal
Ok, this isn't your average 'favorite episode' post.

I was wondering what your favorite or most hated storylines were throughout the show. It can be anything from the plotline of Michael wanting to get revenge on Tanya in the pilot, or the thieves trying to steal KITT in the pilot, or the continued storyline of Michael and Bonnie evolving from being attracted to being friends.

Ok, it's complex, but it's something different.

My personal, all time favorite storyline of the show was the establishing storyline for KARR, and his evolution from hurt, misunderstood child to thorougly ticked off and revenge seeking control beast in Kitt Vs. KARR.

The storyline I hated the most was the whole storyline of Mouth of the Snake that was built to showcase the new guy, and make Michael and KITT look like the second banana, it was sort of superheroish to a comic level.

Anybody else?


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:59 am
by Skav
For me, it's the whole Bonnie/Michael/Stevie debacle. Bonnie supposedly loved Michael and so did he for a while until he bumped into Stevie and from then onwards it got interesting between them.

Stevie was meant to be 'the one' for Michael until that unforgettable and (my fave) episode, Scent of Roses.

It would be heartbreaking to get shot, left for dead and in the process leave your loved one to go about with a different identity only for them to come back in your life and disappear again. It gets harder each time!

So that really hit the nail on the head with what happened in SOR!

Other honourable mentions go to:

Knight in Disgrace


Knight of the Juggernaut

Junkyard Dog

Sky Knight

Soul Survivor

Most hated??

KNIGHT SONG! What story??? What action??? There was virtually nothing in this episode at all except for some dudes dancing around KITT, with KITT being a music teacher to them all. Very pointless episode and as i said, virtually no story. Comes across to me as this even being the last episode because it seems like they have run out of storylines to go for and went for cheesiness and music to give it some sparkle but fails on all and every single account.

If anyone can actually find the storyline, give me a shout!

Other mentions go to:

Goliath Returns

Big Iron

Rotten Apples

Good Day At White Rock (great, watchable episode but thin on story)

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:26 am
by KRAvenger
That's why I don't have a favorite Episode per se, (Killer KITT) but more like a Favorite stunt sequence. No episode for me is truly bad as long as it has a killer chase seqence. That's why My most hated episode has to be "Forget me not." because of the butchery done to it in syndication.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:38 am
by Skav
damn, and that episode happens to be very good too. the stunts in that ep are incredible!


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:12 pm
by KRAvenger
Either you're mocking Me, or You're on of the few people besides me who actally REMEMBERS the end sequence, in which case, You could be My new best friend.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:34 pm
by Skav
yeah, the part where he captures the villain with the rope. kinda corniesh but very fun to watch, lol!! also the scene where michael's shoes change in the same sequence too.


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:45 pm
by KRAvenger
I'm guessing you're too Young to have seen the episode when it first aired on NBC.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:51 pm
by knightimmortal
The point is pretty moot: Skav comes from the UK. And their episodes are cut differently from ours.


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:55 pm
by GB
My favourite is probably the pilot 8) and the one I don't like is Knight Song.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 7:26 pm
by Michael Pajaro
As I understand the original question, there's a distinction between "episodes" and "storylines". So my least-favorite storyline is probably RC3's struggle to rebuild his motorcycle. It just seemed really stupid having a pile of junk like that sitting in the middle of KITT's high-tech mobile command center. If nothing else, you'd think Bonnie would rebuild it in 10 minutes with one hand behind her back, just to clean up the area.


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:18 pm
by Centaurus17
My favorite storyline is a toss up between Karr and Goliath, the 2 enemies who gave Kitt a huge fight. As KI stated, the transformation of Karr from the confused and hurt car we saw in the beggining, to the real beast in Kitt v Karr was great. The return of the bigger and badder Goliath was also nicely done.

Sky Knight is also a great storyline as its one of the few episodes that focuses a lot on Bonnie, which was always a nice change in pace. Hated storylines had to be for me Knight Song (obviously, lol, does anyone like this episode?) and Ring of Fire. The whole story of Kitt trapped in the bayou was just really weak and boring to me.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:05 pm
by Skav
KRavenger, why did you say that? i don't get ur meaning. i was agreeing with you.

and i am old enough to have seen the first showings.


Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 7:30 pm
by KRAvenger
i apologize if My meaning was misinterpreted; I just assumed that You weren't old enough to have seen the show when it first came out on NBC. It's easy to have Your meaning be misunderstood on this board- as I'm sure Knightimmortal will attest. Also, I didn't know you were from England- I really don't know too many people on this board. (I could have read your bio, I suppose, ) or that You had NEVER seen the episode in it's original form, or most likely never would. I don't know anything about how TV shows are cut overseas. Kind of makes me wonder what ELSE People haven't seen.