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If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:39 am
by PunkMaister
OK let's say that KR08 is sadly out the window in this, how do you go about making a new K.R show?

Would you make a new KITT like in KR08 (Does not have to be a Mustang or a Transam for that matter)
Or you simply stick completely to the TOS and forego the fact that over 20 years have passed since the TOS or simply stick it permanently in the 80's or make an elseworlds universe where technology remain no more powerful that Z-80 processors and no internet or anything like that ever came up into the world.
Those are the choices which one would you prefer?

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:44 pm
by DevonStyles
First I would start out with a cool car.... Mine

Then I would tell the strory about the failed attempt to rebuild Flag ... aka KR08

I would build the car that finds his driver.... not the driver who finds the car.

follow it up with an epic battle and there ya go. ... d=55936456" onclick=";return false;

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:30 pm
by PunkMaister
Since someone took over the poll and the thread well they are no longer mine, so what goes here does not concern me anymore really...

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:06 am
by Matthew

Generally speaking, when we create a poll regarding where everyone would like to see the franchise go next, we add options that aren’t necessarily desirable to us in an effort to ensure that all camps are suitably represented. Given that you didn’t provide an option for those of us that would prefer a reset timeline, I chose to add one.

You can feel free to disown the thread now it no longer solely represents your idea of what options should be available in the future, but doing so runs the risk of making you appear to be short sighted and self serving as a result. :good:


Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:39 pm
by Garthe Knight
I would ignore the first season of KR08 and start off where the backdoor pilot ended. Ok, I would use the 2010 Mustang as KITT and give it more Knight Rider like interior, definitely no transformations and no attack mode.

Then there would be just Sarah as the mechanic, Mike as the driver and Michael as the leader of FLAG, and they would like in the old series help ordinary people with connections at the government, but no ties to the government.
Keep the spirit and fun of the old show, just transport it to 2009.
Make it great, not cool.

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:34 pm
by PunkMaister
If the timeline is reset it should not be the same exact story but a re-imagined one like NBSG and the new upcoming V series

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:16 am
by Knight Rider Archive
I think the basic, core ideas of the TV Movie and this year's reboot were okay, but the execution was very poor.

Having the new Knight Rider as the original Michael Knight's son is great from a mythological point of view and moves the story forward, but I would have preferred him to have actually been 'Michael Long's estranged son (I could never imagine the Hasselhoff-Michael walking out on a child he was aware of, not even for 'One Man Can Make a Difference'). I would have had Michael Long Jr. become a cop like his father, whose team is ambushed and killed by some really dangerous bad guys; young Michael is rescued by Knight (who has learned about and followed his career), and he enters the shadowy, dangerous world of FLAG, and is given the keys to an all-new K.I.T.T. Not to mention a certain new identity.

A hero is only as good as his bad guys, and Michael Knight Sr. had a great rogues gallery -- Garthe and Goliath... K.A.R.R... Adrianne... Dr. Halston and the Drones... Nordstrom... Cameron Zachary... all powerful, cunning, dangerous enemies that were a match (and sometimes more than a match) for Michael and K.I.T.T. I'd challenge them with someone with ties to the Foundation's past to bridge the series (and give backstory to new viewers); I always wondered what happened to those minor bad guys who had access to the Molecular Bonded Shell like the technician in 'Goliath', the scientists who worked for Adrianne in 'Goliath Returns' and Nordstrom and Von Furst in 'Knight of the Juggernaut'. What have they done with the MBS since then... what if they applied it to tanks, to bullets, and weaponry? I'd give Michael and K.I.T.T. some dangerous competition, and high stakes (which doesn't mean 'Terrorist of the Week'-type plots -- just look back to episodes like 'Race For Life', 'Short Notice' and 'White Bird' for high-stake stories: a little girl's life, Michael's future, and protecting a former lover while keeping his identity a secret... all massive events for the characters, but none of them 'End of the World' scenarios).

Every attempt to bring Knight Rider back (until the NBC-enforced reboot, ironically) has forgotten what Knight Rider actually was: it was a modern-day Lone Ranger. It was about Michael and K.I.T.T. One man, one car. That's it. A lone crusader. Not one man and his kick-ass girlfriend. Not one man and his team of operatives back at headquarters. For a supporting cast, all you need is the mentor (who offers guidance and supplies the missions), and the mechanic who takes care of the car. (The mentor doesn't have to be a staunch, diplomatic Englishman, and the mechanic doesn't necessarily have to be female). More characters than this just get in the way, and KR08 had co-starring characters falling over each other. Nothing against the actors, they all did good work with what they were given, but Graiman and Torres performed the same duty, as did Billy and Zoe. Carrie was a female Mike, and ended up being totally superfluous. After giving all these characters dialogue and action, there's very little time left for any real Knight Ridering.

In Knight Rider I never want to see RC3 or Sarah or anyone else rushing to Michael's rescue... I want to see K.I.T.T. do it. It goes right back to The Lone Ranger and Silver, and to Roy Rogers and Trigger -- whistle and the horse comes to the rescue. It's their relationship that drives the series, nobody else's. I'd get back to that.

I don't think K.I.T.T. really got a fair deal in the latest version; a lot was made about how we all have GPS now, so a talking car is not a big deal. Well, K.I.T.T. was a lot more than a GPS -- he was a character. He had a personality. "He was a lot more than a car" as Michael would frequently say. The car has to be sleek and black and dashing and perform all the tricks, but the important thing is the personality of the AI inside it. William Daniels created a wonderful character, and I think Val Kilmer improved immensely as the series went on. I liked the whole 'learning' angle, and I wish they could have explored that more deeply. From a technological standpoint, I think it's difficult now creating things for K.I.T.T. to do that we've never seen before and still keep it within the realm of believeability. The original car did everything there was to do in terms of practical stunts... jumping obstacles, driving on two-wheels, crashing through things. That's the hard part, and any new tricks have to be in some way realistic. I thought the Knight 4000's boat function in Knight Rider 2000 was one of the best parts of that movie, and infinitely better than the miniature work in the original's 'Return to Cadiz' -- I'd like to see more of that. Likewise, I enjoyed the Submersible function of the Knight 3000 in 'Knight of the Iguana'. But the car must have limitations... so no cloaks of invisibility a la James Bond, no flying, and no transforming into pick-up trucks.

In the commentary for the pilot episode on DVD, Glen Larson described KR as "a B.S. premise"... a scenario like Knight Rider could never happen in real life, so writers (and actors) are walking a tightrope to make this stuff believable. It's very easy to fall off, and when you do it all falls apart. Some may disagree, but I feel the transformations crossed this line in the new series, as did SPM in the original. Knight Rider 2000 went and created a grim, pure-fantasy alternate universe. TKR was a cartoon, and never tried to be anything else. KR08 never seemed to know what it was or wanted to be, and at times it felt like it didn't care. I'd set my Knight Rider in an easily-recognisable world of today, with the car of tomorrow... the fastest, safest, strongest car in the world. Let it reflect where we've got to with other current crime dramas, and use that as a springboard into this fantastic world.

I applaud the writers of the new series for their efforts, and for trying something new. Writing and creating a mini-movie a week isn't easy, and no one sets out to create a failure. But sometimes, it's a mistake to ditch a proven formula. The Lone Ranger was on the radio for 20 years, and had a healthy run on TV and a movie is in the works; 1980s Knight Rider lasted 90 hours across 4 years, and is still the most popular incarnation of this franchise. So in my Knight Rider I'd focus on the aspects that made the original great: Michael and K.I.T.T., keep the series grounded in a familiar 'reality', and give them some really bad guys to challenge them. That's what I think Knight Rider should be. The rest would be up to the audience...

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:52 pm
by kerryduke
First off I just wanna say I hate remakes because they either get them right or wrong.With the New Knight rider if they would've not added the transforming and they should have not added all the characters into the show which I thought was overkill for the show and would've kept the formula they used for the pilot movie then Knight Rider 08 would still be on.The last 8 episodes were good.There were a few episodes during the first half of the season that were good.Like I've always said the main characters should have been Micheal Knight Jr. Kitt, Dr.Charles Graiman,Micheal Knight Sr,Sara and maybe Carrie.I would make Carrie have cameo's apperance here and there whenever they needed help from the FBI.David Hasseloff wouldn't be on every episode either.Not to sure if I would have Zoe on the show ?Another thing Im tired of people saying is that kitt should've been the trans-am .I had this dissucison today at work.What there dumb ass fail to understand is that Gm proabally didn't give them permission to use it.If that was the case then a trans-am would've been used in knight rider 2000.Also I truly do think if Gm would've gave them permission to use the trans-am that it would've been used in 08 pilot.I hate having that argument with people about how they should've used a trans-am.Well anyway so what do you do with Knight Rider now.I mean GST pretty much killed it.Do you continue the series with making straight to dvd movies.Or do you wait couple years down the road and remake the series again.By having it come on a diffrent network beside channel 4.You could always remake it by having Micheal take over for Devon when he dies and have Micheal recruit someone new to drive Kitt or a new Kitt.The reason why I say a new kitt is if just any case william Daniels doesn't want to do the voice again.SO i say get Will Arnett to do it.I would create a character that is kindy similar to Dr.Graiman or Lucius Fox Type character From Batman.maybe this character bought half of the Knight Industiries from Jennifer Knight.I would not make the new Knight Rider Micheal Son since that would be similar to Knight Rider 08.I might make it Jennifer Knight son who decides to name him after Micheal.Far as the car goes.I would go the Chris Nolan route.I would just build a car from the ground up. I would make it look something like a trans-am.That way people will stop bitching.Here's my cast.

Micheal Knight sr......... David Hasseloff

Micheal Knight....... Ian Somerhalder

Bonnie Daughter........ Kate Mara

Dr.Charles graiman type character...... Steven Brand

Kitt Voice....... William Daniels or Will Arnett

The car can either be Corvette z06 or a special car built for the movie just as long as its not ugly like the one in Knight rider 2000.

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:01 pm
by Stealthwalker
I actually had a tough time deciding which option to pick because they are all good ideas with Knight Rider. The first option would be a great idea for a motion picture. The second option definitely would feasible because even though K.I.2.T.'s technology was from the 80's, K.I.2.T. was and is still ahead of his time, and as Micheal said in "Junkyard Dog" "K.I.T.T. IS THE WORLD'S GREATEST CAR!" The third option would be a really great option that would be the final chapter of TOS to explain what happened Micheal & K.I.2.T. after the series finale. The fourth option would make an interesting "elseworlds story". And the final option that I decided on is what should have been done in the first place for KR08.

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:19 pm
by Stealthwalker
Knight Rider Archive wrote:I think the basic, core ideas of the TV Movie and this year's reboot were okay, but the execution was very poor.

Having the new Knight Rider as the original Michael Knight's son is great from a mythological point of view and moves the story forward, but I would have preferred him to have actually been 'Michael Long's estranged son (I could never imagine the Hasselhoff-Michael walking out on a child he was aware of, not even for 'One Man Can Make a Difference'). I would have had Michael Long Jr. become a cop like his father, whose team is ambushed and killed by some really dangerous bad guys; young Michael is rescued by Knight (who has learned about and followed his career), and he enters the shadowy, dangerous world of FLAG, and is given the keys to an all-new K.I.T.T. Not to mention a certain new identity.

A hero is only as good as his bad guys, and Michael Knight Sr. had a great rogues gallery -- Garthe and Goliath... K.A.R.R... Adrianne... Dr. Halston and the Drones... Nordstrom... Cameron Zachary... all powerful, cunning, dangerous enemies that were a match (and sometimes more than a match) for Michael and K.I.T.T. I'd challenge them with someone with ties to the Foundation's past to bridge the series (and give backstory to new viewers); I always wondered what happened to those minor bad guys who had access to the Molecular Bonded Shell like the technician in 'Goliath', the scientists who worked for Adrianne in 'Goliath Returns' and Nordstrom and Von Furst in 'Knight of the Juggernaut'. What have they done with the MBS since then... what if they applied it to tanks, to bullets, and weaponry? I'd give Michael and K.I.T.T. some dangerous competition, and high stakes (which doesn't mean 'Terrorist of the Week'-type plots -- just look back to episodes like 'Race For Life', 'Short Notice' and 'White Bird' for high-stake stories: a little girl's life, Michael's future, and protecting a former lover while keeping his identity a secret... all massive events for the characters, but none of them 'End of the World' scenarios).

Every attempt to bring Knight Rider back (until the NBC-enforced reboot, ironically) has forgotten what Knight Rider actually was: it was a modern-day Lone Ranger. It was about Michael and K.I.T.T. One man, one car. That's it. A lone crusader. Not one man and his kick-ass girlfriend. Not one man and his team of operatives back at headquarters. For a supporting cast, all you need is the mentor (who offers guidance and supplies the missions), and the mechanic who takes care of the car. (The mentor doesn't have to be a staunch, diplomatic Englishman, and the mechanic doesn't necessarily have to be female). More characters than this just get in the way, and KR08 had co-starring characters falling over each other. Nothing against the actors, they all did good work with what they were given, but Graiman and Torres performed the same duty, as did Billy and Zoe. Carrie was a female Mike, and ended up being totally superfluous. After giving all these characters dialogue and action, there's very little time left for any real Knight Ridering.

In Knight Rider I never want to see RC3 or Sarah or anyone else rushing to Michael's rescue... I want to see K.I.T.T. do it. It goes right back to The Lone Ranger and Silver, and to Roy Rogers and Trigger -- whistle and the horse comes to the rescue. It's their relationship that drives the series, nobody else's. I'd get back to that.

I don't think K.I.T.T. really got a fair deal in the latest version; a lot was made about how we all have GPS now, so a talking car is not a big deal. Well, K.I.T.T. was a lot more than a GPS -- he was a character. He had a personality. "He was a lot more than a car" as Michael would frequently say. The car has to be sleek and black and dashing and perform all the tricks, but the important thing is the personality of the AI inside it. William Daniels created a wonderful character, and I think Val Kilmer improved immensely as the series went on. I liked the whole 'learning' angle, and I wish they could have explored that more deeply. From a technological standpoint, I think it's difficult now creating things for K.I.T.T. to do that we've never seen before and still keep it within the realm of believeability. The original car did everything there was to do in terms of practical stunts... jumping obstacles, driving on two-wheels, crashing through things. That's the hard part, and any new tricks have to be in some way realistic. I thought the Knight 4000's boat function in Knight Rider 2000 was one of the best parts of that movie, and infinitely better than the miniature work in the original's 'Return to Cadiz' -- I'd like to see more of that. Likewise, I enjoyed the Submersible function of the Knight 3000 in 'Knight of the Iguana'. But the car must have limitations... so no cloaks of invisibility a la James Bond, no flying, and no transforming into pick-up trucks.

In the commentary for the pilot episode on DVD, Glen Larson described KR as "a B.S. premise"... a scenario like Knight Rider could never happen in real life, so writers (and actors) are walking a tightrope to make this stuff believable. It's very easy to fall off, and when you do it all falls apart. Some may disagree, but I feel the transformations crossed this line in the new series, as did SPM in the original. Knight Rider 2000 went and created a grim, pure-fantasy alternate universe. TKR was a cartoon, and never tried to be anything else. KR08 never seemed to know what it was or wanted to be, and at times it felt like it didn't care. I'd set my Knight Rider in an easily-recognisable world of today, with the car of tomorrow... the fastest, safest, strongest car in the world. Let it reflect where we've got to with other current crime dramas, and use that as a springboard into this fantastic world.

I applaud the writers of the new series for their efforts, and for trying something new. Writing and creating a mini-movie a week isn't easy, and no one sets out to create a failure. But sometimes, it's a mistake to ditch a proven formula. The Lone Ranger was on the radio for 20 years, and had a healthy run on TV and a movie is in the works; 1980s Knight Rider lasted 90 hours across 4 years, and is still the most popular incarnation of this franchise. So in my Knight Rider I'd focus on the aspects that made the original great: Michael and K.I.T.T., keep the series grounded in a familiar 'reality', and give them some really bad guys to challenge them. That's what I think Knight Rider should be. The rest would be up to the audience...
I believed that you have summed up what Knight Rider is very well :good: !!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:32 pm
by Pct1theory
Knight Rider 2008. Leave it Just the way it is, But add onto it and make it last for 5 Seasons while keeping everything the same (but more Val Kilmer cause face it, Its Val freaking Kilmer [he was Batman, THE BEST BATMAN]!!!) :mrgreen: Nuff Said.

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:04 pm
by knightofthephoenix
Punkmaister, what were the original choices? Over use on the modding IMO. They should have just let you make your thread.

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:12 pm
by Matthew
Originally, the option of resetting the timeline was absent from the poll. I added it due to the elimination of a large number of fans that recognise continuing the timeline from the 80's gets increasingly more difficult everytime a new series appears, and eliminates something that came before it, like Knight Rider 2008 did with Team Knight Rider. :good:


Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:29 pm
by knightofthephoenix
Just wanted to know before I voted. Not sure if it still matters at this point...

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:33 pm
by Matthew
Only you can decide that mate. :lol: ;)


Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:48 pm
by lunchmeat
Knight Rider Archive pretty much got it all right, in my opinion.

I personally would like to see a mix of the first and last choices in the poll. Make a new series, but tie it to the original. As Knight Rider Archive (KRA?) said, the core idea was good, but the execution wasn't great. I liked the final few episodes quite a bit and I thought that the four-person dynamic was a good one. However, there are those who think that the new characters should be a complete rehash of the old ones, and I disagree with that - I do want to see something kind of fresh. I thought that the character balance, near the end of the season, was getting very close to something good. (Actually, everything near the end of the season was substantially better.)

Personally, I like the cast of the new series so far; they've really grown on me. It'd be a shame to see them go. They've done a great job.

Overall, I believe that Knight Rider is a concept - not just a TV show. It can't live in the past. It can't forget its roots, no, but it's got to keep up with the times. That means change. I believe that it can be done, and done well.

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:24 am
by Michael_Knight1
Hypothetically speaking, continue with season 2 minus a few idiotic things like attack mode and a monotone voice on KITT. Also give the new KITT a dash that's an evolution of TOS KITT's dash. Lose the windshield HUD. No using GT500 cars either, Mustang GT only. Debadge the GT and heavily smoke the tail light lenses, no Ford or Mustang emblems of any kind. Put the driving lights in the grill somewhere down below on the bumper recesses. No more interior lighting changes, this isn't Star Trek.

Re: If you made a new KR show how would you do it?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:34 pm
by B.R.O
Considering that the TOS's 80's stuff is SERIOUSLY dated and the fact that 80's stuff doesn't hold people's attention for too long it would definetly have to be in the present day or not too distant future. Also, the original series had WAY too much backstory to just throw it out of the window by tranporting it to the present day or not too distant future. Also making it an alternate current day or not too distant future would be a REALLY good way to get some artistic freedom.

My new knightrider would propably be REALLY dark (when it comes to theme)...

First thing that comes to mind as an idea would be to have KI2T destroyed and Michael killed to clean the table for a new "Michael Knight" and KI3T, but how could you do it without make it feel dishonourable to their legacy? How about their last job being a really big one, but what would be big enough to make the death of these characters feel honourable? Well, FLAG always had a lot of cases with crooked politicans and other civil cervants, how about the federal government? How about FLAG taking down something so big it would strech it's tentacles all the way to the oval office and as a last act of revenge it would be destroying KI2 and killing Michael? Then this would lead to the entire government system being rebuilt in a completely new manner, this could be a chance to build DYSTOPIA. Totalitarian by any chance?

In this new present day or not too distant future FLAG would still be active and be pursuing the goals of the original TOS FLAG as an offical agency of the new U.S government system, as thanks for bringing the down the old one. At the beginning of the show bring in a new recruit and pair him up with the new KI3T to fight not only criminals, but also a (possibly corrupt) dystopian government.

The series would propably be filled with cyberpunk sci-fi (AI's and Mega Corporations are an essentional part of this sub genre of sci-fi) elements and references to the original series, maybe the fate of the original KI2T and Michael Knight would be slowly revealed as the show progresses? Also, there could be elements of foreign as well as american espinoage and sabotage with the new Michael and KI3T being mixed into it.

I guess this is a bit too much thinking for one forumpost, but to be short, here's MY new Knightider summarized:
Alternate present day/not too distant future where the destruction of the govenment system by the original Michael Knight and KI2T has created a new dystopian society. As a last act of revenge the original KI2T and Michael Knight would have been killed but FLAG would have been able to continue as an agency of the new governemnt and at the start of the series a new operative with the fake name Michael Knight is teamed up with the new KI3T. In this new series not only would immoral buisnessmen/companies and corrupt public servants be brought to justice, but also conspiracies and and bringing down entire branches of government.