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after tuesday

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:02 pm
by james olden
if knight rider doeasnt get a season two which i hope it does then everyone needs to help out and campaign for the knight rider movie even if season 2 comes or if it doesnt we deserve a kr movie to keep the franchise alive. tell me what you all think about the knight rider motion pictue.

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:39 am
by Victor Kros
In my opinion, if Knight Rider: The Series doesn't get renewed for another season, the Knight Rider Motion Picture will be the only property of Knight Rider left to campaign for. It doesn't matter either way. People were willing to accept the new series as flawed as it was conceived, designed, and riddled with lackluster writing. It goes to show that as long as a property has Knight Rider in the title and at least tries to follow the original mythology mythos, fans will accept it even if they don't exactly agree with it.

I've observed that much of the fandom (not all of it) especially with the newer generation are like sheep, they need a little something to lead them and they'll follow it through the best and worst of times making or finding any excuse possible to justify a reason for a series' shortcomings. It's the writer's fault, it's the studio, it's the designers, it's the showrunner's fault, it's not over till the fat lady sings - she's just getting warmed up - she hasn't sang yet, etc. etc.

Love it or hate it, they keep watching and eventually they come to adapt to and accept the changes that are applied from one attempt to another. These are the people who call others that disagree with their optimism haters and tell Knight Rider purist to "get with the times" or "stop seeing things through rose colored glasses".

It would take an absolute trainwreck like Knight Rider 2010 to sink the value of this property and I can assure you, that's not where the motion picture plans are heading. Our plans are pushing things where they've never gone before in any of the series incarnations and I am truly excited to see how it continues to develop as Glen moves along on his script revisions (third draft now). I wish I could tell you more but whether you believe me or not I am in a very sacred position of trust with him and I will do absolutely nothing to violate that. To me it goes way beyond signing a NDA.

I am not a hater of this series, the newer fans who choose to support it, or NBCU.

I am a realist

Support what you believe in, believe what you choose to believe in but do not allow yourself to be fooled into believing that if Knight Rider: The Series is cancelled, Knight Rider is done.

The reality is, fans will flock to support the motion picture regardless once they're convinced it's really going to happen and only Glen (or a trailer/press event) can give them the assurances they need to renew their faith in his efforts to get K.I.T.T. to the silver screen.

People say that I bet on the wrong horse by believing in Glen's movie, well now it's looking like those people bet on the wrong pony with NBCU.

The track is set and the race is on.


Re: after tuesday

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:09 am
by rwmu
The KR Movie needs two things

1) Money - and the success/failure of KR08 will impact on that big time, unless KR08 is seen basically sucessful nobody will invest.

2) A widely appealing script - It doesn't matter how much we fans want the movie for it to be a success it needs to appeal to the general audience which means either a modern revamp like Star Trek or comedy like Starsky and Hutch, the general public does want to see a serious film about a bloke with a curly hair perm and his talking car.

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:37 pm
by flemmo
I think the Terminator is a good example of how completely different takes and medium (TV/Movie) can work independantly. In season 1 of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles everyone was saying how great it was and that the movie (Salvation) - directed by some guy called McG, director of Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle - had no chance...
... A year on, Christian Bale in the cast and with excellent early reports (and a terrible season two for Sarah Connor), the opposite is being said.

Either way, it does show that both visions can get support and funding. Which is a success depends on so many variables. But as for KR, my vote if for Glen to deliver. If you could only have one KR - the original, or the 2008 version, I know which I'd choose!

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:04 pm
by rwmu
I see your point

But Terminator has always had that bubbling under success from that start ,The Terminator is one of the top classic SF films of all times and T2 was a major blockbuster, ok it went downhill from there but the Dark Horse Comics and the SM Sterling books helped to keep it in the light. Knight Rider never seems to have broken through in the same way. Since the original its been patchy (TKR) to Pathetic (KR2010).

I think the best thing for a KR Movie would be drop it back a year, Knight RIder (2010) doesn't look good on imdb it has to many bad links. Maybe there is enough money out there but we'll have to wait and see.

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:09 pm
by flemmo
If the script is still being polished, its gonna be a good 3 years away I reckon, even if a studio/money is found. In these difficult times, I think studios will be cautious to fund a franchise with so many 'failures'. Don't get me wrong, I have faith that it will be made one day, and I hope its soon. But I think the end result would be better if we wait until the time is right so it can be done right. :)

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 8:36 am
by chrisjones
I still have a massive problem with the length of time this proposed 'movie' has been in pre-production now. Out of interest does anyone know how long its been now!? There's been a tremendous amount of talk about this production from various sources but very little actual proof other than people saying 'yes its going to happen' and the front cover artwork for a script - All be that two years ago now.

To date the only news were getting on this production is second hand from someone claiming to be the producers friend. Is that really enough to place such optimism on?

Just doesn't add up to me guys, sorry!

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:45 am
by Victor Kros
chrisjones wrote:To date the only news were getting on this production is second hand from someone claiming to be the producers friend. Is that really enough to place such optimism on?

Just doesn't add up to me guys, sorry!
- Just for the record Chris, to clarify one thing - I do not claim to be "a producers" friend, I claim to be the creator's friend and it's no longer a claim - I think it has been firmly established by now that I know Glen A. Larson (and several others from TOS) and he is my friend. He came to Saugus because I asked him to, he gave me a foreword and his blessing on my book because I asked him to, and he came to Knight Rider Festival because I asked him to. You can ask anyone who knows me in person and they will confirm it for you.

As for the movie, you have to understand (given that you're in the movie business) in order to get a motion picture into production, the script has to be complete enough for a production company to greenlight the project. Unfortunately unlike say Warner Bros or Universal, TWC has stricter expectations before greenlighting a movie of this calibur as it requires a great deal of money to do properly. A blockbuster movie runs between 150-250 million dollars. I don't think many people have that much dough lying around to do it on their own.

Movies these days are no longer about telling good stories - they're investments. Studios want to be guaranteed they will see a return on their original investment with interest.

Therefore it's not just up to Glen to write a script and take it straight into production - it has to go through approval stages with other "cooks in the kitchen" so to speak. I can sympathize with your skeptisism and you're welcome to continue doubting things - no one blames you or anyone else for that. The facts are this movie continues to move forward despite the setbacks it has encountered. The movie is now in its third script writing stage for one solid reason - We don't want to make a movie based on a collectively weak script.

Because of certain concerns (which I cannot disclose), other paths have to be taken to gain the collective approval of all those involved in gathering the resources to finanace the movie. Outside of studio politics, it's not easy trying to keep the car's features ahead of its time and create a storyline that people haven't seen done before.

This is not a shot for shot remake of the original pilot, it borrows certain elements from it while expanding on others. This is why it is a re-imagining and not a reboot. Reboots tend to strip away far too much of the original material than maintain it.

If it takes Glen longer to work out the details so be it. This is probably the most detailed, visually expansive modernized version of Knight Rider written to date and does not rely on the technological elements found in the backdoor pilot -it surpasses them. I may be secondary but I am without a doubt the closest source you have had not only to the production progress but also the truth.

This post is in no way an insult, attack, or arguement. It is simply meant as an answer to your question asked and a respectful clarification of statements made.


Re: after tuesday

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:53 am
by chrisjones
Fair enough, but its all a little on the 'iffy' side until something official is released press wise.

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:54 pm
by rwmu
They call it developement hell for a reason many film has been tortured and died in there.

As for KR:The Movie, its got no chance for at least 5 years.

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:41 pm
by Victor Kros
rwmu wrote:They call it developement hell for a reason many film has been tortured and died in there.

As for KR:The Movie, its got no chance for at least 5 years.
- If it doesn't come out in the next five years, I owe you a Coke.


Re: after tuesday

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:35 pm
by Bishop37
The Batman film from 1989 was in development hell for 10 years before it was released, unfortunately for GAL he's 72 (I think), so I'd think he doesn't want to be in development hell for five years, let alone 10!

Btw, Victor, when you next speak to Mr Larson, send him my congratulations on his recent marriage.



Re: after tuesday

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 8:49 pm
by Victor Kros
Bishop37 wrote:The Batman film from 1989 was in development hell for 10 years before it was released, unfortunately for GAL he's 72 (I think), so I'd think he doesn't want to be in development hell for five years, let alone 10!

Btw, Victor, when you next speak to Mr Larson, send him my congratulations on his recent marriage.


- Odd, I knew he was engaged but I didn't hear about him getting married yet.


Re: after tuesday

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:34 am
by chrisjones
Victor Kros wrote:
rwmu wrote:They call it developement hell for a reason many film has been tortured and died in there.

As for KR:The Movie, its got no chance for at least 5 years.
- If it doesn't come out in the next five years, I owe you a Coke.

Lol you better approach Pepsi for a sponsorship deal then... :lol:

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:01 am
by Bishop37
Victor Kros wrote:
Bishop37 wrote:The Batman film from 1989 was in development hell for 10 years before it was released, unfortunately for GAL he's 72 (I think), so I'd think he doesn't want to be in development hell for five years, let alone 10!

Btw, Victor, when you next speak to Mr Larson, send him my congratulations on his recent marriage.


- Odd, I knew he was engaged but I didn't hear about him getting married yet.

:dash: ... gabbin166/" onclick=";return false;

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:05 am
by chrisjones
Victor Kros wrote:
Bishop37 wrote:The Batman film from 1989 was in development hell for 10 years before it was released, unfortunately for GAL he's 72 (I think), so I'd think he doesn't want to be in development hell for five years, let alone 10!

Btw, Victor, when you next speak to Mr Larson, send him my congratulations on his recent marriage.


- Odd, I knew he was engaged but I didn't hear about him getting married yet.

Maybe your invite went missing in the post? :roll:

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:31 pm
by Victor Kros
Nah, that's something he decided to do discreetly I guess - didnt want the media stalking him about it. Thanks for the info Bishop.


Re: after tuesday

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:42 pm
by chrisjones
If one of my 'friends' got married without telling me I would be a bit peeved - oh well I guess everyone is different. :lol:

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:50 pm
by Victor Kros
chrisjones wrote:If one of my 'friends' got married without telling me I would be a bit peeved - oh well I guess everyone is different. :lol:
- I know what you're implying and that's not appropriate. If it's any consolation, he didn't tell his son or daughter either. It's something Glen decided to do on his own in the place he loves most, Hawaii. No one can blame him for choosing to make a life changing decision in a place he holds dear to his heart and they were already engaged.


Re: after tuesday

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 2:00 pm
by chrisjones
Yeah anyway..... :roll:


So back to the movie, does anyone have any suggestions for actors to fill the various roles, hows about the chap who played Kirk in the recent 'Star Trek' movie for Michael Knight. Sure it would be a bit of a departure, but I think he's got the same kinda 'cheeky likability' about him that David had in the pilot of KR.

Any other suggestions..?

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:28 am
by JimmyPSHayes
What can "we" do to help campaign for the movie? TWC seems like a VERY strict business. Look at all the craziness that went on with Fanboys. And, although I they should be, our numbers are no were NEAR the Star Wars fans numbers. I really hope that the series DOES get picked up tomorrow, if nothing else, to show the collective media that fans of all ages and all over the globe still support KR.
-I work in the comic book industry, and I KNOW it's not the same, but if a book fails, it's usually a 5 year MINIMUM before either of the big 2 companies will even TRY to revive that title/character.
-I REALLY want to see this movie made, so back to my original question, what CAN the fans do? Write to TWC? Sign a petition? Something? Anything?

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:25 pm
by Victor Kros
JimmyPSHayes wrote:What can "we" do to help campaign for the movie? TWC seems like a VERY strict business. Look at all the craziness that went on with Fanboys. And, although I they should be, our numbers are no were NEAR the Star Wars fans numbers. I really hope that the series DOES get picked up tomorrow, if nothing else, to show the collective media that fans of all ages and all over the globe still support KR.
-I work in the comic book industry, and I KNOW it's not the same, but if a book fails, it's usually a 5 year MINIMUM before either of the big 2 companies will even TRY to revive that title/character.
-I REALLY want to see this movie made, so back to my original question, what CAN the fans do? Write to TWC? Sign a petition? Something? Anything?
Well I guess you could write TWC directly and tell them you want to see Glen's Knight Rider movie made at the following address:

Co-Chairman: Bob Weinstein
Co-Chairman: Harvey Weinstein

The Weinstein Company LLC
345 Hudson St., 13th Fl.
New York, NY 10014
NY Tel. 646-862-3400
Fax 917-368-7000

You can also sign the Glen Larson Movie petition, and this is entirely voluntary as I use it mainly to show Glen the fans are interested in seeing a Knight Rider Motion Picture made. - it has helped inspire him to work on the script which is now in its third revision.

You can sign that here:" onclick=";return false;

Until Glen finishes the script revisions and TWC greenlights the project, the only real thing fans can do is keep TWC aware that Knight Rider fans want to see a motion picture - despite the shortcomings of the NBCU television series. If TWC feels it's worth investing in sooner than later - the movie will move swifter into production because there is an established and healthy demand for it.

I believe part of this necessity involves Glen reaching out to his fans to convince them he is working on getting this movie into production - confirmation from the source which I am working on making happen.


Re: after tuesday

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 3:20 pm
by davidknightrider
Considering that Star Trek has made a huge return via a semi sequel reboot,
I see no problem in how KR cannot do the same.

It will need a big budget, and some big names, and an entirely new story.
But its definitely possible.

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 4:04 pm
by Stealthwalker
rwmu wrote:The KR Movie needs two things

1) Money - and the success/failure of KR08 will impact on that big time, unless KR08 is seen basically sucessful nobody will invest.

2) A widely appealing script - It doesn't matter how much we fans want the movie for it to be a success it needs to appeal to the general audience which means either a modern revamp like Star Trek or comedy like Starsky and Hutch, the general public does want to see a serious film about a bloke with a curly hair perm and his talking car.
Well I think that the succes or failure of KR08 will not have any kind of impact on the motion picture investment because from my understanding the film will have no connection to the new series and the storyline is going back to the premise of "Knight Of The Phoenix" but it's not really going to have that continuation of the original series either. Since Mr. Larson wants to retell the story of Knight Rider from his vision.

Re: after tuesday

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 4:09 pm
by Victor Kros
Well I think that the succes or failure of KR08 will not have any kind of impact on the motion picture investment because from my understanding the film will have no connection to the new series and the storyline is going back to the premise of "Knight Of The Phoenix" but it's not really going to have that continuation of the original series either. Since Mr. Larson wants to retell the story of Knight Rider from his vision.[/quote]

- That is correct.
