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The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:02 am
by OverKnight
I know this has been talked and talked about till we're all dead in the face.

Do you think Hasselhoff would have a positive effect on the show? Or negative? Meaning not so much about the storylines or anything but do you think more people would turn out to watch? Like for the viewers that watched and didn’t get anything from it, would this give the show another chance?

I guess at this point we’re waiting for NBC to figure out the future of the show... What options does producer GST and friends have? I would say at this point in the show, everyone has an idea on what is going on, how the show flows and what’s happening, characters etc. Still, ratings haven't been great. You can point to whatever you want to whether it's scheduling, promotion, whatever. But what happens now?

Lets say tomorrow GST gets a call from NBC to have a meeting. The big question from NBC to GST is, "Why should we keep you on the air?" As sad as that sounds, as much as I would HATE TO SEE THE SHOW GO AWAY!!!! What would YOUR answer be to NBC?

Don't get me wrong... I LOVE THE SHOW! I think most of us do! Anyone who has anything really negative to say about it should really stop and think about it for a second. The show is supposed to be fun, mindless entertainment. Something to escape for an hour a week. This isn’t the best acting you’ve ever seen, it’s not supposed to be! It’s just fun, I think those who like the show have recognized that.

NBC has had a rough patch for programming the past few years. And with Leno taking an hour Mon-Fri that leaves us less time for primetime shows.

What would your pitch be to NBC to keep us on the air? Or, if you could sit with GST, would advice (as if we knew what we were talking about) would you give him to see this show on the air for another season?

Because it’s scary to think… If KR leaves us now, how long are we going to have to wait for another show? Or Movie? I don’t even wanna think about it!

I’m interested to see what we all come up with!


Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:29 am
by March2875
I would bring in David Hasselhoff immediately. Start out with his 4 or 5 episode story arc. Let us know the full history of when He and Kitt went out of service where they have been, and give the fans what they have been wanting a strong tie to the original. Have him and original KItt help in the field, during this arc. Then for the future have him become Sarah's partner in running FLAG. Let Sarah do the day to day stuff and be in charge of Mike and Kitt. Let Michael Knight Senior handle more of the business side and a lot of it would be off camera. Have is physical presence be 25-50% of the time. Other than that I think we are currently heading down the correct road. We are just missing the backstory tying the old to the new.

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:41 am
by Lost Knight
By this point in time, I don't think it matters anymore. The lines have been blurred so much in terms of continuity that bringing him back would probably even make it worse. It would have been better if the show started out as the "retooled" show as a safetey precaution and THEN let Gary Scott Thompson try out his method of the show. We'd have story problems either way, but I think the chance for Hasselhoff to return would've been greater. As it stands now, again, I no longer think it matters.

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:37 am
by NeoRanger
It's impossible to know what effect Hasselhoff would have in the show, should he be cast. Less older fans would despise it. His involvement would certainly provide incentive for more to tune in. But it's somewhat unlikely he will manage to keep those "intrigued" viewers by himself. In fact, considering his paycheck would probably be higher than those of anyone else in the cast, the much-essential budget (the lack of which is pretty much what has killed the show) would be cut substantially.
What would YOUR answer be to NBC?
Going through my thesaurus, I'd pick the right words to point out that "so long as you expect me to make a show with non-stop action that sells cars and sex, out of what's left in my piggy bank, you're gonna keep losing money. So, either pay up or just cancel us and spare me the grief."

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:42 pm
by Mr.Marcus
The only effect it will have is to please the KR fans. The general public will not care. They have written this show off a long time ago. The entire KR concept has been carrying the baggage of "cheesy 80s show" since TOS went off the air. So no Hoff effect will change this. If any creative force wants to restore credibility back to KR they need to shake off the baggage this franchise carries. In order to do that they need to go very dark and conceptualize the entire thing over again from scratch. They need to do what WB and Chris Nolan did to Batman. Any cheesy aspects, forced humor, bad writing, bad effects, will only serve to remind people that its still a show not to be taken seriously.

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:31 pm
by lunchmeat
Mr.Marcus wrote:The only effect it will have is to please the KR fans. The general public will not care. They have written this show off a long time ago. The entire KR concept has been carrying the baggage of "cheesy 80s show" since TOS went off the air. So no Hoff effect will change this. If any creative force wants to restore credibility back to KR they need to shake off the baggage this franchise carries. In order to do that they need to go very dark and conceptualize the entire thing over again from scratch. They need to do what WB and Chris Nolan did to Batman. Any cheesy aspects, forced humor, bad writing, bad effects, will only serve to remind people that its still a show not to be taken seriously.
I completely agree. I don't think it's necessary to go "dark" (or, at least, not to the Batman level) but creating a serious concept that would fit the memes of today would go a long way.

Bringing David Hasselhoff back to the show....there are a lot of people who want it, and there are a lot of people who say that it will "save" the show. I believe that only Knight Rider fans would tune in if Hasselhoff was on the air - and it seems as though a majority of KR fans already watch this show, so I'm not sure how much it would help. As Mr. Marcus stated, the general public will not care - people who didn't really like Knight Rider don't really care about him, and the younger generation may not even know who he is. Really, he's a relic. Don't get me wrong - I'm not knocking him as a person, performer, or actor - he's not washed-up, and he's not a bad guy, but he is a relic of the 80s. Bringing him back would only serve a substantial purpose if the writing was brilliant and everyone's acting was top-notch...but then, if the writing became brilliant and the acting was top-notch, nobody would need to "bring him back".

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:18 pm
by ronni3
Going through my thesaurus, I'd pick the right words to point out that "so long as you expect me to make a show with non-stop action that sells cars and sex, out of what's left in my piggy bank, you're gonna keep losing money. So, either pay up or just cancel us and spare me the grief."
ur right......absolutely us the grief

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:26 pm
by ronni3
Mr.Marcus wrote:The only effect it will have is to please the KR fans. The general public will not care. They have written this show off a long time ago. The entire KR concept has been carrying the baggage of "cheesy 80s show" since TOS went off the air. So no Hoff effect will change this. If any creative force wants to restore credibility back to KR they need to shake off the baggage this franchise carries. In order to do that they need to go very dark and conceptualize the entire thing over again from scratch. They need to do what WB and Chris Nolan did to Batman. Any cheesy aspects, forced humor, bad writing, bad effects, will only serve to remind people that its still a show not to be taken seriously.
this is the first time i agree with Mr. Marcus.......u truly are a KR fan....i feel the exact same way since the ratings of fight has got me thinking that ppl dun ytake it seriouslty and the ratings spike of exit light enter knight was simply beacuse there was nothing better on. that couric chick...and idol and reruns were on tht night....i hinestly agree that a TRUE reboot is required......not the retooling tht GST gave us....a true reboot...back to basics ...but a lot more current with todays day and age.....but give the ratings and the idiocraCY of the first 8 eps have given the franchise a very non serious feel to it...i hope to God its not too little too late.....

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:29 pm
by kurlymann
I would like to agree with March2875 on the background story which I beleive is something that should have been done a long time ago so to tighten up things since this is a continuation of the original. We got a taste of David H. in the pilot of this current series but it wasn't enough. Older fans would already know the history but to appeal to newer and younger veiwers I think that there should have been a better explaination of who he was, where he's been, and of his connection to FLAG, Knight industries and Dr. Graimann who supposely created the previous KITT (2000 version). Now that Graimann's character has been killed off the chances are gone for veiwers to see a one on one conversation between Knight Sr. and the guy who built his car 20 plus years ago. This could have been a great oppurtunity for old fans and newer veiwers to see how and why the old KITT went offline and what motivated the construction of the 3000 current version of KITT. Maybe this is still possible via holographic images similar to the one used for Mike and Sarah in a previous episode. I did however feel that the dialogue used by Graimann in that episode referred to KITT and KARR as a first time occurence when in fact this same problem happened 20 years earlier. The moment with Mike and the Dr.'s hologram was a missed oppurtunity to explain how a similar event happened 20 years earlier but failed and was possibly ressurected again after Graimann's death. I think that Hoff could maybe comeback as a Devon Miles type of business character but one who could double as a valuble field agent from time to time. It would also be cool to see David get acquainted with the new KITT or even pull the old one out of moth balls for the heck of it...maybe for a short while due to the new KITT being temporarily disabled. Also explain why a group of youngsters would want to spend their entire lives saving the world other than having access to millions of dollars and cutting edge technogy.

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:35 pm
by pheonix_knight
I think Garth Knight would definitely have something to say about Sarah Graiman inheriting all of FLAGS funds...

Mike could then be sent to look for MK snr for advice on how to deal with him...

Storyline wise, there's DEFINITE scope for DH to return at least as GARTH...

I'm still curious what Goliath could be like with nano tech...

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:39 pm
by kurlymann
That might very well be an interesting story and also have Kitt Destroyed by a new Goliath and then rebuilt as the new 2010 Shelby

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:42 pm
by Mr.Marcus
GST took Andron's work and went further into the cheesy direction in the hopes that it would endear itself to people b/c they remember its as a cheesy 80s tv show. The ostentatious attack mode KITT, KR on the underbody, the exhaust pipes redirecting themselves to turbo boost. These are but a few of the more cheese philosophy that GST added to the series. It didn't work. Let's get back to basics. Don't forget the original concept was dark. Michael Long was shot point blank ripping his face apart necessitating face altering surgery. Its ok to go dark. Its what audiences are embracing these days.

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:53 pm
by lunchmeat
Yeah, the problem there was, and is, that the 80's show was only cheesy because it was an 80's show. It wasn't meant to intentionally be cheesy. Tongue-in-cheek? Yeah, maybe a little, as it was "the Lone Ranger, but with a car", but I don't think that it was actually meant to be cheesy. That's one of the problems with bringing classics back into this day and age - writers and directors either misunderstand and make it super-cheesy to reflect its aged nature, or they'll go in the opposite direction and make it too dark, and distance it from the original too much. (This seems to be more common in games than TV shows, but it's still a trend.)

I agree with killing the cheese - there are some things I do like, like the exhaust pipe redirect, but the cheese shouldn't be a factor in the writing. The show will become cheesy on its own - give it about 20 years to ferment.

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:18 pm
by youbelong
yeah i would bring in David Hasselhoff immediately as special guest star. Start out with his 2 or 5 episode story arc. Let us know the full history of when He and Kitt went out of service where they have been, David Hasselhoff will give a new rhythm for this show and give a sense a true continuation.

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:49 pm
by JJSoCrazy
I would really count on DH helping the show. Just imagine the ads stating things like "the original Michael Knight returns to show what FLAG is about and how old can sometimes better than new" (scene cuts to KI2T giving a smart ass comment to KI3T)Just imagine that scene for a commercial, it would be great :D

However I would LOVE a multiple story arc dealing with the original MK and somehow tied into something that's currently happening and what happened with him in the end with FLAG, MK, KI2T, Devon, etc. So I know we all want explanations and would all die to see KI3T meet KI2T! Like I have posted before, I had a little script written out having something to deal with his son being captured because they found out that the original MK had ties to him so they seek out his son for ransom and force MK to return!

I would like to point something out: When I spoke with a lot of my friends who I gave the letter to, to send in to Angela at NBC, they told me "is Hasselhoff coming back". It's funny because they were never really die-hard fans as I am and all of you are, so I really think him coming back can really "make a difference" so to speak.

One more thing I would like to point out, I am sure some people can relate that they have such as obsession with the original KR that it is just astonishing that there could be chance to witness how MK & KI2T can interact with today's day and age and finally see what really happened in the end of FLAG.

The way I see it, something is better than nothing, in other words having the original MK is better than no original MK it has to at least do somewhat better so why not take a show NBC & GST, please make it happen! :good:


Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:50 pm
by Harry Singh Jr.
youbelong wrote:yeah i would bring in David Hasselhoff immediately as special guest star. Start out with his 2 or 5 episode story arc. Let us know the full history of when He and Kitt went out of service where they have been, David Hasselhoff will give a new rhythm for this show and give a sense a true continuation.
I agree. Word of Hoff and Original KITT will send ratings sky high too:)

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:41 am
by PunkMaister
I agree that Flashbacks to what happened to Mike Sr and KIT2K would be great but KIT2K could not possibly exist in the present day and age in the same shape and form it did back then as it would be basically as I've said many times before Obsolete Hardware... The AI software could very well still be around even in an Emulator that runs virtually within KIT3K itself...

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:53 pm
by lunchmeat
I don't agree with that. Yet, KI2T would be technically obsolete by today's standards, but it could still exist. If it was never dismantled, or destroyed, or otherwise lost, it'd still be around. My cell phone is 4 years old; it's technically obsolete, but it still works. No reason to throw it away. So I don't understand....there's no logical reason that KI2T "couldn't" exist.

As for the AI software, I doubt it'd still be around - there would be no reason to house something like that in an emulator. Why emulate the 2000 AI when you can use today's more advanced one? Not to knock KI2T, but I mean....y'know, you could run Windows 3.1 in a virtual environment on Windows Vista, but really....would you want to?

I don't think that David Hasselhoff's appearance will magically change the series. As I stated before, it needs good writing and better acting for everything to work out, and that's with or without the Hoff. If he does return, though....well, I figure that he and KI2T have been on vacation for these last 20 years, sitting on a beach somewhere, catching some rays or something. KI2T is happy that he's been able to recharge his power packs, but he's constantly griping about the saltwater affecting his circuitry....Michael's just happy that he's had the beachhouse to himself for 20 years. They come back for a guest spot, and at the end of the episode, they drive off into the sunset....

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:46 pm
by Skav
I don't think that all this talk of obsoletion really applies to KI2T. Even in today's world, he is still far more advanced than the technology that exists today.

The question is, would KI2T still be competent at catching criminals in today's world of technology? I should think so.

I would also imagine he may even have had a few upgrades to keep up with the times, so to speak.

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:24 pm
by PunkMaister
lunchmeat wrote:I don't agree with that. Yet, KI2T would be technically obsolete by today's standards, but it could still exist. If it was never dismantled, or destroyed, or otherwise lost, it'd still be around. My cell phone is 4 years old; it's technically obsolete, but it still works. No reason to throw it away. So I don't understand....there's no logical reason that KI2T "couldn't" exist.
Do you realize there is a huge difference between a 4 year old cell phone and tech that is over 25 years old? That would be like you still using a Commodore 64 to run your business...
lunchmeat wrote:IAs for the AI software, I doubt it'd still be around - there would be no reason to house something like that in an emulator. Why emulate the 2000 AI when you can use today's more advanced one? Not to knock KI2T, but I mean....y'know, you could run Windows 3.1 in a virtual environment on Windows Vista, but really....would you want to?
Except that we are talking about an AI here a sentient program that by definition keeps learning and becoming more advanced on it's own as it learns over time. So no in this case you are wrong the AI could not only still be around but it's usefulness would be undeniable as opposed to over 25 years old hardware...
lunchmeat wrote:II don't think that David Hasselhoff's appearance will magically change the series. As I stated before, it needs good writing and better acting for everything to work out, and that's with or without the Hoff. If he does return, though....well, I figure that he and KI2T have been on vacation for these last 20 years, sitting on a beach somewhere, catching some rays or something. KI2T is happy that he's been able to recharge his power packs, but he's constantly griping about the saltwater affecting his circuitry....Michael's just happy that he's had the beachhouse to himself for 20 years. They come back for a guest spot, and at the end of the episode, they drive off into the sunset....
In the pilot he says he is still working in some shape or form but if he does still has the old KITT around it would never be in the 80's Transam that you remember it by but probably under a whole new hood and so on, either that or KIT2K is somewhere nested as an Emulator within KIT3K itself.

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:17 pm
by lunchmeat
Haven't watched the pilot in a long time, so I don't know what's going on with KI2T.
PunkMaister wrote:
lunchmeat wrote:I don't agree with that. Yet, KI2T would be technically obsolete by today's standards, but it could still exist. If it was never dismantled, or destroyed, or otherwise lost, it'd still be around. My cell phone is 4 years old; it's technically obsolete, but it still works. No reason to throw it away. So I don't understand....there's no logical reason that KI2T "couldn't" exist.
Do you realize there is a huge difference between a 4 year old cell phone and tech that is over 25 years old? That would be like you still using a Commodore 64 to run your business...
Do you realize that if tech is 25 years old and still performs the job that it was meant to do, there is no need to scrap it? KI2T is a car. Presumably, he still runs. Presumably, he still has a working AI personality. Presumably, his gadgets still work. People still drive 25-year-old cars, and keep them in working condition. KI2T is much more robust than a typical car, so yeah, if he's alive, he's still kickin' it oldschool. Can a Commodore 64 run the latest Xbox360 games? No, but it can still provide a fun gaming experience. Can KI2T utilize a HUD and protect himself with nanotech? No, but he can still think, talk, and turbo-boost his way into and out of a situation.

Logically, you'd be right about the age thing....but this is KI2T. Sure, his AI is 80s tech....but since he's a TV character, he'll never really age. Additionally, given that he's so human, it's a moot point anyway.
lunchmeat wrote:IAs for the AI software, I doubt it'd still be around - there would be no reason to house something like that in an emulator. Why emulate the 2000 AI when you can use today's more advanced one? Not to knock KI2T, but I mean....y'know, you could run Windows 3.1 in a virtual environment on Windows Vista, but really....would you want to?
Except that we are talking about an AI here a sentient program that by definition keeps learning and becoming more advanced on it's own as it learns over time. So no in this case you are wrong the AI could not only still be around but it's usefulness would be undeniable as opposed to over 25 years old hardware...
Speaking strictly in-universe here, there would be no reason for a government project or FLAG to stick KI2T in an emulator aside from nostalgia purposes. KI2T's "usefulness" would only be his memories and experiences. If a project came up in which FLAG or a government group needed KI2T's experiences, they would just take those and transplant them into the new AI to utilize. There would be no point in having an extra layer of abstraction there - the overhead probably wouldn't be worth the effort. (Man, emulating an AI inside an AI...I imagine the overhead of that would be brutal.) Additionally, assuming the the new AI is more advanced, it's feasible that it can learn faster and more efficiently than the old AI, after utilizing the older memories/experiences, so any gains that would result from using an emulator for the old KI2T would be surpassed by simply transplanting his memories into the new one.

Speaking out-of-universe...the personalities would clash, and it'd probably be kind of confusing for the viewer if the car had two disparate voices and personalities. If KI2T did make a return, he'd have to be his own entity. I wouldn't want a talking car to have multiple personality disorder. :P

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:12 pm
by Wesmagyar
Ok ive been Lurking here for awhile. and this one i just had to reply to...
Anyway as for the Hoff... Im all for it. in the kr2008 pilot he said he would be around.
as for KIT2k well if you remember in the pilot he was dismantled in Grainmans lab. it showed his body and his steering wheel and if i remember his vox as well.
Also for continuities sake he was upgraded in the KR2000 show to a new body. that show wasnt all bad. but the did go far out into left field a bit. Now it would be nice to have KIT2k back dont get me wrong the interactions bitween him and Ki3k would be awesome. But dont ya think it would be a bit much to have both MK Sr. and MK Jr. Running around in two different kitts every week? they are having enough problems trying to write for just one MK and KITT.
What would be more benificial in the long run is if they could bring The Hoff and the original producers back to the show to consult and give input into the story lines more then anything. I mean WTF where they thinking with the first 8 shows. I am a DIE HARD KR fan and even i couldnt take it. anyway... end rant.
-Wes Magyar-

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:28 am
by PunkMaister
lunchmeat wrote:Haven't watched the pilot in a long time, so I don't know what's going on with KI2T.
I was reffering to Mike Sr and not KI2T...
lunchmeat wrote:Do you realize that if tech is 25 years old and still performs the job that it was meant to do, there is no need to scrap it? KI2T is a car. Presumably, he still runs. Presumably, he still has a working AI personality. Presumably, his gadgets still work. People still drive 25-year-old cars, and keep them in working condition. KI2T is much more robust than a typical car, so yeah, if he's alive, he's still kickin' it oldschool. Can a Commodore 64 run the latest Xbox360 games? No, but it can still provide a fun gaming experience. Can KI2T utilize a HUD and protect himself with nanotech? No, but he can still think, talk, and turbo-boost his way into and out of a situation.
KITT2K is not just a car, is not just like owning and maintaining an old Chevy as you claim. When I say the hardware I mean the electronics not the mechanical parts. Sure you can replace a fuse here or a spark plug there but all the other tech that made KIT2K what it was it's electronic boards, chips etc are all totally obsolete by today's standards. Tell me where would Mike find the repair/maintenance parts for such aging technology?
lunchmeat wrote:Logically, you'd be right about the age thing....but this is KI2T. Sure, his AI is 80s tech....but since he's a TV character, he'll never really age. Additionally, given that he's so human, it's a moot point anyway.
That doesn't add up! Sure he is a TV character and you can continually see it in reruns and in reruns it will off course look the same as it did before but it does not mean it does not age. I think KI12T would be offended at the thought of people considering him human very much like Mr Spock was.Funny I never saw him as human myself I did saw him as a sentient being but never as a human though...

lunchmeat wrote:Speaking strictly in-universe here, there would be no reason for a government project or FLAG to stick KI2T in an emulator aside from nostalgia purposes. KI2T's "usefulness" would only be his memories and experiences. If a project came up in which FLAG or a government group needed KI2T's experiences, they would just take those and transplant them into the new AI to utilize. There would be no point in having an extra layer of abstraction there - the overhead probably wouldn't be worth the effort. (Man, emulating an AI inside an AI...I imagine the overhead of that would be brutal.) Additionally, assuming the the new AI is more advanced, it's feasible that it can learn faster and more efficiently than the old AI, after utilizing the older memories/experiences, so any gains that would result from using an emulator for the old KI2T would be surpassed by simply transplanting his memories into the new one.

Speaking out-of-universe...the personalities would clash, and it'd probably be kind of confusing for the viewer if the car had two disparate voices and personalities. If KI2T did make a return, he'd have to be his own entity. I wouldn't want a talking car to have multiple personality disorder. :P
Considering the fact that KIT2K ran in 80's tech that probably did not surpass a Megabyte at best I'd say it would really not be that taxing at all. Transplanting individual memories of a program that leans in the same way we do is not that simple or Grayman had not needed to teach the new KITT nearly anything whatsoever.

It would never be or look like multiple personality disorder.

And as I said if KI2T is still around it would be in a totally different shape and form than what we remember him look like...

Re: The Hasselhoff Effect? NBC's future of KR

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:52 am
by lunchmeat
PunkMaister wrote:
lunchmeat wrote:Do you realize that if tech is 25 years old and still performs the job that it was meant to do, there is no need to scrap it? KI2T is a car. Presumably, he still runs. Presumably, he still has a working AI personality. Presumably, his gadgets still work. People still drive 25-year-old cars, and keep them in working condition. KI2T is much more robust than a typical car, so yeah, if he's alive, he's still kickin' it oldschool. Can a Commodore 64 run the latest Xbox360 games? No, but it can still provide a fun gaming experience. Can KI2T utilize a HUD and protect himself with nanotech? No, but he can still think, talk, and turbo-boost his way into and out of a situation.
KITT2K is not just a car, is not just like owning and maintaining an old Chevy as you claim. When I say the hardware I mean the electronics not the mechanical parts. Sure you can replace a fuse here or a spark plug there but all the other tech that made KIT2K what it was it's electronic boards, chips etc are all totally obsolete by today's standards. Tell me where would Mike find the repair/maintenance parts for such aging technology?
I suppose you make a good point there, although I'm not sure if KI2T's electronics would need routine maintenance, if any at all. I remember him getting maintenance on a lot of mechanical parts, and getting upgrades, but I don't specifically remember any maintenance to his electronics. I do remember this with KARR....but then, I could be wrong.
lunchmeat wrote:Logically, you'd be right about the age thing....but this is KI2T. Sure, his AI is 80s tech....but since he's a TV character, he'll never really age. Additionally, given that he's so human, it's a moot point anyway.
That doesn't add up! Sure he is a TV character and you can continually see it in reruns and in reruns it will off course look the same as it did before but it does not mean it does not age. I think KI12T would be offended at the thought of people considering him human very much like Mr Spock was.Funny I never saw him as human myself I did saw him as a sentient being but never as a human though...
I was speaking out-of-universe here. He's a TV character played by an actor. For what it's worth, out-of-universe KI2T and KI3T as pretty much the same beast. They both have AI personalities that are meant to approximate a human's personality - thus, they use human dialogue and humor. If they met each other, they'd interact on the same level; KI2T wouldn't be a dunce or anything.

And yeah, you're right, KI2T would probably protest loudly at being called human. :P
lunchmeat wrote:Speaking strictly in-universe here, there would be no reason for a government project or FLAG to stick KI2T in an emulator aside from nostalgia purposes. KI2T's "usefulness" would only be his memories and experiences. If a project came up in which FLAG or a government group needed KI2T's experiences, they would just take those and transplant them into the new AI to utilize. There would be no point in having an extra layer of abstraction there - the overhead probably wouldn't be worth the effort. (Man, emulating an AI inside an AI...I imagine the overhead of that would be brutal.) Additionally, assuming the the new AI is more advanced, it's feasible that it can learn faster and more efficiently than the old AI, after utilizing the older memories/experiences, so any gains that would result from using an emulator for the old KI2T would be surpassed by simply transplanting his memories into the new one.

Speaking out-of-universe...the personalities would clash, and it'd probably be kind of confusing for the viewer if the car had two disparate voices and personalities. If KI2T did make a return, he'd have to be his own entity. I wouldn't want a talking car to have multiple personality disorder. :P
Considering the fact that KIT2K ran in 80's tech that probably did not surpass a Megabyte at best I'd say it would really not be that taxing at all. Transplanting individual memories of a program that leans in the same way we do is not that simple or Grayman had not needed to teach the new KITT nearly anything whatsoever.

It would never be or look like multiple personality disorder.

And as I said if KI2T is still around it would be in a totally different shape and form than what we remember him look like...

If KI2T's running in an emulator in KI3T, then yeah, I figure it'd be somewhat like multiple personality disorder...except they'd be able to interact with each other and there'd be no memory loss. No matter what, it'd probably be somewhat confusing.

As for the emulator thing....well, I'd love to argue it, but it's going to get to the point where we wouldn't have any facts to back up our statements. This generally happens with sci-fi, where stuff is completely implausible - like, for instance, an AI running in less than a megabyte of space. Oh, it's possible for the base programming, possibly, but where do you store the information? Yeah...when you're dealing with stuff that's based in fiction, it's difficult to argue. It's like arguing whether the Enterprise-A's warp core could power the COULD argue it, but, y'know, not really worthwhile. :P

Interesting discussion, though.