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Article for

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:47 pm
by March2875
Although I don't think its very good Here is my article I plan to submit to Dave Scherer to post up on Any suggestions to make it better?

Is Knight Rider worth saving? Yes, but we need Help.

In case you haven't heard NBC is threatening to cancel the new Knight Rider. Help us convince NBC that Knight Rider is worth saving. Fans have been hoping for a new Knight Rider series for years. NBC made this a reality back in September of 2008. The series took a direction fans were not happy with. Giving us Terrorist of the Week missions, a large ensemble cast, and leaving behind Knight Rider's core theme of One Man and his car making a difference in favor of a team of people backing him up. Fans felt that this direction hurt the development of the relationship between Michael Knight Jr. and his version of Kitt (Knight Industries Three Thousand). Fans also felt the Terrorist of the week direction brought a repetitive nature to the franchise and left audiences bored. The series was also plagued early on with bad writing, an also a lack of creative direction. As a result of this Knight Rider started out soft in the ratings only pulling in 7 –7 ½ million viewers its first few weeks on the air. Fans voiced their opinion on the Knight Rider fan sites on what we wanted to see improved. We also found out that NBC was also unhappy with the shows direction and a creative decision was made to return Knight Rider closer to its roots like the original show.

Knight Rider had to take a week off due to Now President Barack Obama's infomercial. With this break our ratings took a nosedive dipping to a new range of 5 million viewers. With this drop NBC lost faith in the franchise and all promotional support for the new creative direction that was planned for January was cancelled. NBC also shortened Knight Rider's full season order from 22 episodes down to 17. The new direction consisted of eliminating 3 characters; cutting ties with the government, as well as bringing back FLAG (Foundation for Law and Government) and returning to the theme of One Man Can Make a Difference by replacing the terrorist of the week mission for helping the everyday person. The New direction has since debuted and I must say it now feels like a different show. The fans are very pleased The creative team definitely listened. Fans that wanted to see it canceled have now changed their minds and now want it to succeed. This past week the ratings also improved jumping up to 6.13 Million viewers. The highest rating the show has achieved in 8 episodes. Its creative direction has finally been found we hope its not to late.

Now that it seems the Network has given up on it. We are trying to get our message out to the general public to help us convince NBC that Knight Rider deserves another season to continue to find an audience. If NBC grants us this we know that Knight Rider will once again become a pop culture icon like its 80's predecessor. If you haven't watched the show it airs Wednesday's at 8pm Eastern on NBC. Check it out its a great show that keeps getting better.

You can help us Save Knight Rider by visiting ... /campaign/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Article for

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:27 am
by neps
Beautiful letter! I think you'ld have all our support to send that out.

Btw: What site is that for, I couldn't get to load?

Re: Article for

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:38 pm
by March2875
Its actually P W I POP Your Pop Culture Gateway. It covers All things Pop Culture Music, TV, Movies, Video Games, comic books. Basically the Ultimate Entertainment News site. Its Owned an Operated by Dave Scherer the owner and operator of Pro Wrestling

Re: Article for

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:01 pm
by March2875
The article is now up on the site.

Re: Article for

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:05 pm
by Lynda414
Awesomeness! Thankies!