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somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:59 am
by whet
I thought this board was about freedoom to say what you want as long as you don't attack anoyne personaly...
However when i started a thread jokingly saying Knight Rider won an award for having more cast members than viewers.
Well one of the mod's came in threw their weight around and locked the thread.

IS THIS WHAT IT HAS COME TO???????????????

I'm a massive fan of Knight RIder and I find the way this new series has been done so far quite frankly insulting.

Well if it going to be like this then I don't think I'l bother coming on this board agian.
If you can't have a laugh and a joke about the sad state of this new series then it's a pitty, Becuase this new show is going to be CANCELED very soon.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:21 am
by triran
Calm down fella, the mods have a job to do and they want order to these boards thats all.

If new fans came on here and saw the flogging of the new show, this doesn't give a good impression. They (the show) are trying to change things and I have faith it will get better.

Your thread was funny but they (the mods) didn't feel it was necessary as we (the forum users) would rather support the show and the eventual changes as oppose to flogging the horse!

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:15 am
by HisNameisGarth
I really don't think it should come as a shock.

Regardless of intentions, if you bash Knight Rider (in any form) on the Knight Rider fan forum -- you're going to see a backlash. Its just a logical progression of events.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:48 am
by Knight-Armen
Please don't go whet! I'm sure Matthew meant no harm and for what it's worth they're trying their best to keep this forum in top shape if you know what I mean. While it wasn't necessary to create a new topic for jokes and what not I personally find your jokes hilarious and to be honest even though they are exaggerating a bit they still make some good sense. However, since lots of people enjoy they new series they might find the jokes a bit offending and rude which is of course not the intention as we all know that jokes are not to be taken seriously.

Ultimately it's not an attack to your freedom of speech or writing, we're all entitled to that. It's just a matter of keeping a low profile with jokes like that and keeping yourself away from making new topics about such things. They're easily found, thus more people would read it and chances are considerably higher that three or four will find it offensive. If you limit your jokes to a small post or something within an ongoing topic you'd be much more successful. Everyone needs a laugh every once and a while :D

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:55 am
by Stylez
HisNameisGarth wrote:I really don't think it should come as a shock.

Regardless of intentions, if you bash Knight Rider (in any form) on the Knight Rider fan forum -- you're going to see a backlash. Its just a logical progression of events.

That's exactly it HisNameisGarth. I love Knight Rider as well Whet, I found your comment humorous, but not in need of a thread all it's own. For some people it's adding insult to injury, I know for myself it's a little disgruntling seeing a show called Knight Rider swirling in the toilet as it is. Hopefully this re-tooling of the initial reboot of the initial backdoor pilot will succeed unlike it's prior attempts...geez that was a mouthful wasn't it? lol Just let it go Whet, don't leave, it's really not a huge deal. Right? Besides, look at it this way, our original Knight Rider is one hell of an act to top and whoever thought they were just going to "continue" the series obviously bit off way too big of a chunk.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:07 pm
by neps
What your seeing here at work is "complaint fatigue", whet. We've had dozens and dozens of threads where people are trashing the show for the fun of it, and we're really not open to creating more of it. As you have seen by what Matthew has done, we want to keep all these discussions constructive and contained. Its something frankly we should have been doing initially.

I'm shocked you would have this much outrage, whet. If anything, I'm completely disappointed by your original post and this one here. You've been a great member of this forum for 6 years now, and I really wouldn't have expected this negativity coming from you. I hope you reconsider.

Knight Rider needs constructive support now more than ever.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:28 pm
by whet
I'm not doing it for the fun of it.

I want these fools making the new Knight Rider to see what a mess they are making of it.
It's time they woke up this show is dying like it or not.

And if they could make a better show back in the 80's then they are doing now, that just strikes me as lazy.

So anyonme on Knight Rider read this...

Get Kitt involved in the plot.
Just focus on Micheal and Kitt.
Have some stunts.
Have some Gadgets.
Have a story.
Basicly get it togather and make this show the fantastic exciting shoe it deserves to be.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:32 pm
by HisNameisGarth
I would like to add -- the moderators have done a top notch job of righting the ship.
Matthew and Neps moved quickly to address the negativity directed at KR08. I don't
wish for a single one of the fans to leave or feel alienated. They just need to be aware --
a snowball effect can occur that start with little jokes (trust me, I know).... And before
you know it, a project gets tarnished. Were Hudson Hawk or Gigli truly that bad??? --
or did the critics do so much damage early in their life that they never had a chance
to succeed? Well, KR fans -- the snowball can start with any of you as well. Public
opinion starts with just one person and can spread quickly.

If we as a community are seen as die-hard, loyal fans...... Even a poorly rated show can
be renewed and driven by overwhelming fan support. But the networks need to be aware
of the loyal fan support. The insults lobbed at the new show don't help in any way -- there
is no upside to it. Yet they can cause serious long-term damage.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:04 pm
by neps
whet wrote:I want these fools making the new Knight Rider to see what a mess they are making of it.
It's time they woke up this show is dying like it or not.

Then be constructive about it. The fact is they know, without us or our "witty" comments. Here is the truth: By the time we saw episode 1, they were filming episode 9. By the time we saw episode 2, they started to film episode 10, which is where the reboot happens.

These nine episodes that people are bitching over were filmed before any of us saw one frame of digital celluloid. While we've been "constructive" they've been secretly agreeing (whether forced to or not), secretly changing things that they, testing and the audience felt wrong. By the time we heard the term "reboot" it had already happened in the production world. I bet the people who visit the site like the VFX team are biting their tongues until they can show us what is on the other side of this reboot.

Listen, no one hopes more than I do that this reboot will be the final jolt it needs to be a successful series, but as HisNameisGarth has said (and I'm paraphrasing) being a negative depressive hateful bunch isn't going to do anything but make the core Knight Rider fans look like jerks.

It's okay to be down on the show, we all are in some way, but the only way for it to change is for us to comment constructively and offer suggestions positively. The problem being with that is that they are filming 5-6 episodes ahead of us, and anything after the reboot is draped in blackness and we have no way to see where things are going. But hopefully by the first week in January, we'll have a better picture.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:43 pm
by whet
Well I think that they have completly ignored anyone's views, Gary said he'd watch the orignal Knight RIder, do you think he realy did?

Becuase it dosn't seem so to me.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:42 am
by knightprobe89
whet, i totally agree with all your comments.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:40 am
by whet
knightprobe89 wrote:whet, i totally agree with all your comments.
Thanks, at least somebody round here is talking some sense.

If any of the mods get a chance to interview Gary, then the questions they shoukd ask are..

What are you playing it

Why don't kitt ever do anything?

Why don't we see much of Kitt?

Why has no real links with the original series been exsplained like you said?

Are you suprised that the rattings are so perfetic?,becuase this show is such complete rubbish I'm not

Do you think your taking Knight Rider seriously?

The reboot, can we exspect the elements that made the origanl so great? such as action, Micheal and Kitt getting closer, and a decent story.

Why don't you get rid of Billy and zoe they are pointless?

Why not have the FLAG mobile unti as a semi instead of a stupid lame plane?

If this show has any chance of making a second season the above questions need to be adressed right now..

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:12 am
by Knight-Armen

You're not paying any attention to what anyone says here! neps is telling you why things have gone the way they have. When we were watching the very first episode of the series they were already shooting the 9th. It should be obvious that they decided on a reboot after all the critisism they got right from the 2nd episode, which means that they've actually taken our comments into consideration.
Why jump to any conclusions now? We haven't even seen the other side of the wall (reboot) yet. Give them a chance to improve and if nothing happens after 4 or 5 episodes they will know the consequence of their actions.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:43 am
by whet
Knight-Armen wrote:whet,

You're not paying any attention to what anyone says here! neps is telling you why things have gone the way they have. When we were watching the very first episode of the series they were already shooting the 9th. It should be obvious that they decided on a reboot after all the critisism they got right from the 2nd episode, which means that they've actually taken our comments into consideration.
Why jump to any conclusions now? We haven't even seen the other side of the wall (reboot) yet. Give them a chance to improve and if nothing happens after 4 or 5 episodes they will know the consequence of their actions.
Well so we are lead to belive, but I'm not holding my breath, I hope this Knight Rider can be turned round, but I doubt it.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:21 am
by Knight-Armen
Well, let's see! I'm desperate too cause I'm not really fond of what they've done to the new series. I had very high expectations and they were not met. It's up to them now...

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:54 pm
by Faithful Car KRO
whet wrote: What are you playing it

Why don't kitt ever do anything?

Why don't we see much of Kitt?

Why has no real links with the original series been exsplained like you said?

Are you suprised that the rattings are so perfetic?,becuase this show is such complete rubbish I'm not

Do you think your taking Knight Rider seriously?

The reboot, can we exspect the elements that made the origanl so great? such as action, Micheal and Kitt getting closer, and a decent story.

Why don't you get rid of Billy and zoe they are pointless?

Why not have the FLAG mobile unti as a semi instead of a stupid lame plane?

If this show has any chance of making a second season the above questions need to be adressed right now..
Wow. Maybe you and I are watching two different shows, because the show that i watch on NBC on Wednesday night at 8pm central time is probably one of the coolest things that is on television right now.
Your bias for the original has obviously clouded any thought-process in your brain to give the new show a chance.
All you do is make lists of the things that the old show was about.
Well....big news. This isnt the old show. They have to do things their own way and I happen to think that most of your "points" are just you craving for the 80s show. Which is a show that already happened. This is the future, not the past.
Just cause the show is a continuation doesnt mean it has to link itself to the original. Sometimes history is less important in the long-run. This show is it's own thing and is being bogged down by the fact that there was an original that did things different way.
I'm sorry, most the most unbelievable aspect of the original series is the fact that a milti-multi-million dollar car was being used to help out mom and pops, barbacks and the general d-n-ds. That made no sense to me at all. Shouldnt it being going on missions where a self-thinking, self-driving weapon...and in all honesty, that's what both KITTs were/are---WEAPONS. Knight Research was always about building technologies to help the world, yet they use their most expensive tool to help out people who usually get themselves into the trouble they're in anyway.

I think that GST takes KR very seriously....or else he wouldnt have sgned on to the show in the begining. And it is because of Gary that we have been picked up for a full season, and with that little hope, KR might last for a long time. But there are people here (like you) who offer nothing contructive, all they do is bash the show on meritless terms and make stupid jokes that make fans of the original look like snudy, rude, arrogant elitists. And that kinda stuff really turns new people off who actually like the show and charactors and see people just flat out bash those things with no reason but to make themselves feel better.

I'm sorry, but none of your jokes were funny...they werent even jokes...just stupid bashing.
It people like you who make me hate the original....

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:16 pm
by whet
Well you obviously have no idea what your talking about"That mess is the coolest thing on tv"?????? you are having a laugh right?

And as for them doing it there own way, just take a look at the low viewing figures... that says it all.

GST does in no way seem to be taking this serously, Las Vegas got cabceled and they gave him Knight Rider, and judging by the sad attempt so far he didn't want it, it seems he's doing a very good job of getting it canceled very quickly.

Your right it's not the old show, it dosn't even desevrve to be called Knight Rider" it's so appaulingly bad.

Blink and you miss Kitt, there are more people in the cast than a que in a half priece sale.

This thing is so perfectic so bad such total and utter rubbish it amazes me that anybody could find anything posative to say about it.

22 years we've waited for this mess, and I do mean mess.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:24 pm
by Glissard

What's the purpose of having forums if people can't come on and voice their opinion. An opinion is an opinion, regardless if you agree or not. So what's the big deal with a few jokes here and there? I read the thread's from Whet's joke up to now and I'm shocked at the response. He didn't attack anyone. He posted something he thought was funny and there were a few chuckles for some and with most, there wasn't. End of story. Surprisingly, all the bashing is coming from everyone else, included the board members. I believe Whet deserves an apology and people need to calm down.

After all this time we've been reviewing the series, only now does the site make a "Constructive Criticism Thread". It seems a little late in the game to start that up. Are you going to go through each and every post on the site to cut and paste everyone's thoughts from before into the new thread? I was excited for a new Knight Rider, but I think it has hit rock bottom. Sadly, I'm getting the impression that this site is suggesting we all drink the Kool-Aid.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:33 pm
by whet
You know I'm probaly going to get shot for this but here goes.
I think "The constructive criism" thread is there not to upset anyone invoved in Knight Rider in paticular GST.
If they can't take the truth then they shouldn't be in the buisness.

So there you go. I exspect this post to be removed very quickly incase the truth upsets anyone who makes the new Knight Rider.

Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of them would we??

But hay at least this new Knight Rider fits in with the season, thanks giving had just happend and we have Christmas round the corner, and the biggest Turkey is this new Knight Rider.

Read this.. It's not just me who thinks it's over...

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:15 pm
by whet ... y-can/8953" onclick=";return false;

I agree 100% with what this says.

Re: Read this.. It's not just me who thinks it's over...

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:37 pm
Only a ridiculously good deal with Ford (that we have no inside info about) could save Knight Rider.
Wow, that really says a lot from a OPINION based article and this did not deserve its own topic. No one, especially Knight Rider fans, should be celebrating or enjoying the fact that this show might get canceled with any sort of "I told you so" attitude. Of course, I guess you and the other clowns from the other gloating topic are going to be fine with Knight Rider being dead with no more likely chances of ever being revived again and that includes a good chance of Larson's project getting scrapped thanks due to the way of thinking that studio suits have. They deserve a chance at least to redeem themselves (which I admit they have their work cut out for them) and I hope they do so all of those have been bitching since pretty much day one, wishing for the demise of this show come around to like it just as it gets canned and look like complete douche bags.. All certain others do here is bitch and basically say "_____ sucks" while wishing it gets canceled and not even in a manner where you really address anything or especially anything new or how to change or improve it, generally while saying "bring back Hasselhoff" "bring back the real KITT" "bring back blah blah blah".

I've done my share bit of complaining over the last few weeks but I have NEVER wished for this show to be canceled. I want this show to be as good as it should be with better direction and the writers so far have missed those expectations for me, but I do not want a 42 minute wank fest tribute to the original series or a pushing 60 Hasselhoff having new adventures in a Trans-Am that's almost as old as I am while hitting on, kissing and saving girls/women who are young enough to be his daughter or even granddaughter... The big difference is that I WANT this show to succeed while a certain bunch of you only want to see it fail. The damage might be done, but with 14 (well, 13 not counting Knight Fever) episodes and four or so months to go, it ain't over until it's over.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:48 pm
by Sue
If I had just found out that KR was canceled then I probably would give you a big hug for being so upset whet. But it’s not yet, and we really have no idea what is in store with this reboot. I do think they have been listening to us, but at the same time I want them to be listening to focus groups and other tried and true ways perfecting a show. It needs to please everyone not just KR fans if it’s going to stick around for a long time to come.
So sure, like you say GST has to have a thick skin to be able to take criticism without wanting to throw in the towel; but I guess so do we when it comes to all the negative articles that are telling us to give up all hope.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:42 pm
by Michael Pajaro
OK whet, you've made your point ad nauseum.

But your rants about the moderation here were flawed from the very start. The other thread was NOT locked simply because you made a joke. It was locked because people started insulting eachother and you decided to keep pushing the joke farther, not caring that it was upsetting some people.

Many people are disappointed with the new show, even hate it. And that's fine. But just spewing attacks against GST or the moderators is only bringing stress into the fandom.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:52 pm
by whet
Sue wrote:If I had just found out that KR was canceled then I probably would give you a big hug for being so upset whet. But it’s not yet, and we really have no idea what is in store with this reboot. I do think they have been listening to us, but at the same time I want them to be listening to focus groups and other tried and true ways perfecting a show. It needs to please everyone not just KR fans if it’s going to stick around for a long time to come.
So sure, like you say GST has to have a thick skin to be able to take criticism without wanting to throw in the towel; but I guess so do we when it comes to all the negative articles that are telling us to give up all hope.
Well guess what, your going to be giving me a big hug sooner than you think, it's gasping it's last breath.

Re: somebody's having a sense of homour failure!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:52 pm
by RobWolf
HisNameisGarth wrote: If we as a community are seen as die-hard, loyal fans...... Even a poorly rated show can
be renewed and driven by overwhelming fan support. But the networks need to be aware
of the loyal fan support. The insults lobbed at the new show don't help in any way -- there
is no upside to it. Yet they can cause serious long-term damage.
But surely, if we are seen as die hard fans, and a large amount of us are not liking the show, surely that says that they HAVE got it badly wrong? Or does our opinion not count.

I have seen almost an exact repeat here of what happened on the main Doctor Who boards when that new POS came on the air. An immediate bias towards the new show, anyone who vocies negative opinions is instantly outcast, their opinions are not welcome and do not matter. And IMHO it's the same cause. Your favourite show comes BACK TO TV after a gap of many, many years.'s not great. But as a 'loyal fan', what do you do? Have guts to say that the show is crap? NO, because that means the show gets cancelled, and you'd rather put up with 'crap show' than have no show at all. Just look at the support for Ruselll T Davies now compared with when he started. It has PLUMETTED. He's just kept piling on the crap, until a hell of a lot more people wanted him out. Whovians weren't true to themselves OR Doctor Who in 2005, New Knight Rider supporters are doing the same thing.

inb4 I get told off AGAIN for not keeping it 'constructive'

Oh and with regards to that article, Sarah Connor Chronicles should have been aborted before birth, let alone cancelled.....