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Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:00 pm
by Nismogtr21
Ok, so I'm responding to the people who are trashing the show all over the forum, so I thought why not call them out on a thread of my own. First, let me make it clear, I LOVE the old show, as big a fan as there can be. There are two types of Knight Rider fans right now, the OG's, as I like to say, who grew up watching it, collecting memorabilia, playing with the toys, people who never let it go, and then there are the Newbies, who are just getting into it and know about it because Knight Rider is a part of pop culture, and unless you live in a cave in Afghanistan, you know about it.

With that being said, what was it about the old show that attracted us, most of us who were kids? THE WOW FACTOR!!!!..all you guys, who are sitting here dissecting the story line, picking apart the editing, bla bla bla, were KIDS when you first saw Knight Rider. Have any of you guys seen it recently, sometimes it can be hilarious, that's how silly the old show was, but we let it go because we grew up with it and it holds a special place in our heart. We didn't pick it apart, or gave a damn about Michael and KITTS emotional connection, we saw a talking car jumping over stuff and were amazed by it. We loved the stunts, we had eye candy in Bonnie and April and the "chick of the week", it had cool music.........THINGS THAT THE NEW SHOW HAS IN you get my drift?

I gathered a bunch of kids, put the tv tuner on, and we all saw the show, and these kids can't stop talking about it...they are absolutely bonkers over it....they don't care that the fenders flip for no reason, or that the wing is too big therefore it hinders KITT rather than help him, or that the CGI isn't up to snuff. Did you care that there was a visible arm coming out of the seat every time KITT was in AutoCruise? Or that KITT BROKE INTO PIECES every time he landed from a Turbo Boost? Probably not.

MY point is, we are nitpicking about things in the new show that the original show had tons of, and it doesn't make any sense.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:17 pm
by Will
*Points and Laughs.*

Dude thinks he can get everything from the first episode.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:18 pm
It's because we are old grumpy adults lol

You know, I honestly didn't care about Michael Knight back in the day. I loved watching what happened around KITT, and how he was going to be used to take care of business. I was in kindergarten when the show went off the air, and I remember asking Mom when Knight Rider was going to be on. I think the @&^# Golden Girls or Facts of life took over the slot. I hated TV for a good long while.

Now Knight Rider is back, and my memories of KITT are probably more extraordinary than what he actually was. But everything about him brought me in to see him every week. His nose, his lips, and sleek body and smooth persona. Wow.....I'm kinda gay for that car.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:50 pm
by Drift-King
I don't get your "drift" XD

I don't give a duck care about your pointless rants. If you don't like it then tough luck. Soon or later people will talks about new KR to ya and you cannot blame them for actually like it. You need to get some new taste lol.

*join Will and laughs while points at the haters*

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:52 pm
by sarfraz
Its just way too early to make a judgement on how the series will develop either. I recall watching the first episode of TKR and thinking it was really wrong was I !!

The original poster is right. Stop nitpicking. Knight Rider is and never was a show to be taken seriously or truly advanced in story telling. Reading some of the reviews, it looks like the new series is what I'm looking for. A fun TV show, tongue in cheek humour and loads of action......which is what the original was!


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:14 pm
by Victor Kros
While I agree that the WOW factor (a term I came up with on KRO BTW) is a large part of what made the original Knight Rider so memorable, I'm not seeing it in this new show. I'm seeing it borrowing ideas from other properties that came before it be it Transformers, Viper, Mission Impossible, or TKR.

Nothing wrong with that mind you, but then you have to deal with the concept that you're a trend follower, not a trend setter. You're taking what other people have already done and putting your own spin on it which is fine but when you do it for an existing property with symbolic values to it, you play with fire.

I'm not going to trash the new series because you simply cannot make a judgment call on how it will be until you've given it some time to try and tell the story they've obviously put into motion. You're not supposed to get all your answers in one nice little package in the first episode. That's what a backdoor pilot is supposed to do because it's a 2 hour "made for television movie". Movies for the most part unless they're part of a trilogy tend to have self contained storylines. Series are episodic writing. They can either be random stories intermixed with a greater plot that drives the whole season, or they can be like a soap opera like Smallville or Supernatural and continue to explore side stories while they build towards something greater that ties the season together, leading to the big showdown in a season finale.

I really don't know exactly what direction this series is choosing to go in because IT HASNT EVEN STARTED YET.

To Sarfaz, I absolutely disagree with you when you say the original series did not have "advanced" writing. That's simply not true because if you look at the very first pilot there are layers upon layers of development there. You just have to look beyond the "cheesy" effects and look at the characters themselves.

Even more so when Robert Foster was brought on board who gave us Garthe Knight and Goliath and the return of K.A.R.R. which were arguably some of the most memorable villains every to materialize out of the original series mythology. Why? Because it was David playing two roles? Because KARR looked cool? No...because they were written and designed in such a way we actually cared about them or dispised them. That's the power of good writing and good design working together, that's how you achieve the "wow" factor, not tacky writing and CG eye candy.

Storytelling isn't always spoken, it can also be handled visually. They say a picture is worth 1000 words and that has been proven true throughout cinematic history.

It's incredibly naive to say the original series never had advanced storytelling. While there were some episodes that were slower then others, every television series has their "filler" episodes when budgets get tighter, bigger stars are unavailible, or deadlines are too tight.

Scent of Roses is arguably one of the most cherished and well written episodes from Season Four and it took several previous episodes (White Bird, Let It Be Me) setting up the relationship between Stevie and Michael to get to that point where when she was killed we absolutely sympathized with how Michael felt.

Honestly, have some respect.

As far as "nitpicking" the new show, when you take the stance that you're going to create a show that's a continuation of the original and then turn around and proclaim that you're making a "new mythology" which makes the "old mythology" essentially "old news" you're setting yourself up for backlash. By remaking a series that had such a unique energy to it, that has been etched in people's have to understand that some people like myself don't like those memories toyed with. You call it Knight Rider as a continuation and not as a "remake", you have a responsiblity to make it feel like it belongs with the old mythology as well, not sweep it under the rug and toss in a few bones for the sake of a "that was then, this is now" attitude.

Nismogtr21, I'm not a hater, I'm a Knight Rider fan who knows what the "wow factor" should be and what the spirit of the original show was about and thus far this series has a lot more development to go before it will understand what made Knight Rider a TRENDSETTER, not a trend follower.

It's not fair to condemn people who don't share your optimism for the new show simply because they don't agree with you. There's a common term for these situations, "To each their own."

I think "calling out haters" is just unecessary because you're basically looking for a fight not a peaceful difference of opinion.


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:35 pm
by sarfraz
Naive?! Thanks for that compliment!

I'll allow you your opinion as you should mine. I can't quite what I'm about to type but anyway, Knight Rider was never meant to be a serious show. Neither is it advanced story telling. Next to its peers of the time, the show is laughed about if considered to be anything but. Its funny you should mention Garth and KARR and I agree. However, as a kid I didn't care. KARR did look cool! You show the same episodes to adults and your not going to get the award winning applause you expect. I have actually done that.

Victor, in future if you are to make comments about others opinion, please do. However refrain from commenting on the poster himself. I could say a lot about you and to this point I have refrain from doing that.


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:40 pm
by Kevin Knight
Let me respond as an "Old Guy" of 33. I'm definitely not a hater of the new episode, or show but it definitely did SUCK. The storyline definitely did not go anywhere, did nothing, just like the original. I think what some of us OG's are trying to point out are the things that, in general? Made a show about a black car that talked, driven by a guy successful. But in wanting to make sure the KR franchise succeeds? We can only point out what in our eyes was done wrong.
I don't feel that the writers/producers are giving the new generation anything remotely believable, and in turn, because of the CG nothing looks real, therefore eliminating believability. If you can't afford to jump and trash a couple hundred Mustangs then maybe you should have reconsidered that golden handshake with Ford. But that's what needs to be done. You need to actually jump the car!
Us OG's, yes we got off on K.I.T.T.'s sleek lines, the stupid chasing scanner light, and the overall look of the TA. Seeing a TV in the car. Oh yeah super cool, but believable. Trust me from what I've heard, as I was only 7. If you owned a 1982 Trans Am back then, you were the GD cat's meow! It was THE car to own. The base car before KR was absolutely revolutionary in design.
Bonnie and April were there for our Dad's. We didn't care about them. To us, they were K.I.T.T.'s Mom's. We just wanted to see K.I.T.T. pull back out of the semi and do a reverse 180! We didn't even notice the arms popping through the seat back then. But we did know the difference between K.I.T.T. turbo boosting through the side of a truck, and a model jumping over a prison wall. Which is a big no-no.
It is a huge talking point of human nature that we’re so quick to the negative like the saying, "they'll never forget all the wrong you did." What makes it so easy for people to "trash" the show is what was good wasn't great, and what was bad, was obvious. Cause trust me, stating what we feel they did right, would take a lot less time.
Did anyone even catch what appears to be K.I.T.T.'s voice box mixed in with the 3K's waveform?


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:03 pm
by Victor Kros
sarfraz wrote:Naive?! Thanks for that compliment!

I'll allow you your opinion as you should mine. I can't quite what I'm about to type but anyway, Knight Rider was never meant to be a serious show. Neither is it advanced story telling. Next to its peers of the time, the show is laughed about if considered to be anything but. Its funny you should mention Garth and KARR and I agree. However, as a kid I didn't care. KARR did look cool! You show the same episodes to adults and your not going to get the award winning applause you expect. I have actually done that.

Victor, in future if you are to make comments about others opinion, please do. However refrain from commenting on the poster himself. I could say a lot about you and to this point I have refrain from doing that.

- With all due respect I will do what I damn well please because it is my opinion and if you have a problem with it, you can ignore me. You're commentary was incredibly naive and I pointed out exactly why. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean I'm wrong either. I can respect your opinion but you have to also respect the fact people will disagree with it.

As far as your "I could say a lot about you" comment, you're instigating a conflict with me and I will not play into that. If you got something to say to me of a conflictive nature, send it to PM.

Thank you,


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:11 pm
by sarfraz
I have no issue with you having your opinion. Your instigating by stating my naivety then somehow take the high-ground! do you expect people to act kindly, particular on the subject of taking Knight Rider as a serious show?

In future, ignore any of my post. I have in the past done the same to you.


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:25 pm
by Victor Kros
Will do, consider yourself ignored and that will be the end of it.


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:48 pm
by Matthew
victor kros wrote:- With all due respect I will do what I damn well please because it is my opinion and if you have a problem with it, you can ignore me.
With all due respect Victor,

You will not do as you damn well please! There are rules of decorum that we all adhere to here, and debating the post, rather than the poster, is one such rule.

I don’t know what the hell is going on with you just lately, but the way you’ve been acting has raised some serious questions, and I for one am becoming tired of having to answer why certain comments that you make are allowed to pass, whilst those of a similar nature that are made by others, are stamped out like an over spilt campfire.

Having confidence in yourself and your opinion is fine, but when you cross the border into what many consider to be arrogance, it’s quiet tiring to have to deal with. As you might imagine, I have enough work to do at the moment, work that leaves me with a nion-impossible task of managing to ever see this new episode unspoiled, without having to deal with these unnecessary, and frankly unsavory, personal comments.

To borrow a phrase from the late, great Owen Hart, enough is enough, and it’s time for a change.


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:53 pm
by Michael Pajaro
victor kros wrote:While I agree that the WOW factor (a term I came up with on KRO BTW)
Sorry, you didn't bring that phrase to KRO:

" But if you see how the car moves, what it does, etc. then I think there's more chance of a WOW! factor. " - Fuzzie Dice 10/14/07

" they were trying to hold viewer interest by upping the "wow" factor, but to me SPM is just a flawed concept from the ground up." - David, 9/24/06

"I love it, it doesn't have the wow factor of KITT but still so cool." - 11/15/05

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:43 pm
by zero
And Al Gore invented the internet. :roll:

Dude, you didn't invent the term "WOW factor". Lose the attitude problem.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:56 pm
by Victor Kros
Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of being told what is Knight Rider from the majority (not everyone) of people who have completely sold out to what NBCU is telling them Knight Rider should be or the mods of this forum which is clearly in the back pocket of NBCU at this point in time and have personal interests to protect to make sure it gets positive press. I'm waiting for the NBC peacock to end up under the knightrideronline graphics next.

I am sick and tired of people like Sanfanz making bold statements that Knight Rider the Original Series did not have strong or advanced "storytelling". I am sick and tired of being told that what I believe is wrong and that I'm arrogant because I have a different manner of expressing my opinion which includes for the most part posting factual information to back up why I disagree with someone else's opinion.

Bravo Pajaro if it makes your ego feel any better, guess what I guess I didn't coin the "wow" factor phrase on KRO! your point has been made! Go out and celebrate!

I am sick and tired of people like Michael Pajaro, and yes I WILL CALL HIM OUT in public this time, taking what I have done for KRO for granted especially with Saugus. That's my "problem" Matthew, I'm tired of seeing a majority of people (not everyone) try to put everything that Glen, Robert Foster, and the rest of the ORIGINAL cast and crew worked so hard to give us "back in the day", out to pasture and trying to dismiss the series as cheesy, weak writing, weak effects or whatever.

You know what people have some god given appreciation for the amount of time and energy it took just to make those effects happen, just to make that show happen and how much time and energy, personal sacrafice, conflict, and passion it took just to give us what we had "back then" which effects wise for television was considered state of the art for its time.

Stop being so damned spoiled because now everything can be done with a computer, money, and pressing a few friggin buttons. Have some god given respect to what came before and stop trying to cheapen it. Look at Knight Rider for more then just a "cool car", look at it for its heart and spirit.

Yeah I realize I'm actually old at this point, I'm only 29 but I can relate to how "old timers" feel about things in the past and this phrase "looking through rose tinted glasses" is a copout younger people use to explain things they really don't understand because they didn't EXPERIENCE IT for themselves.

Don't discount our fond memories as being dated in the 80s, it's insulting to our generation which quite frankly produced better toys, better cartoons, better tv shows, and better movies then today. We didn't steal all our concepts from Japan like today where everything seems to be anime (anime which is cool mind you, but still).

That's my problem, the serious lack of respect shown by the majority of people on this board as of late and when I fight and stand up to defend what IS KNIGHT RIDER, what ALWAYS WILL BE KNIGHT RIDER, I'm the bad guy.

I don't blame people for liking the new series, I blame them for starting to say bold statements like how superior it is to the original. In a lot of technical ways it is superior that's goes with the territory of advances in technology but in other ways it's trying to be it's own version of Knight Rider while claiming to be an extension of the original and you know what condemn me for feeling that it has dropped the ball in backing up that claim.

I don't hate it, I don't wholely accept it. It did it's job to entice interest with its first episode and I make no mistake about that. It has potential but it's not perfect and it's sure as hell not the best thing on (or will be on) television.

I think at this point I'm just going to take a long hiatus from this political BS on here. I have tried extremely hard to hold back my tongue against certain things but you're advancing to a point that its becoming harder to do so and I'm sure you probably feel the same way about me.

I stand for the original series and what Glen created and continues to create. Those of you who respect both the original and the new series, I say great! Keep watching and make it a success, just don't accept what you know doesn't feel right and continue to make your voices heard.

To the rest of you who just love everything about the show and think it's superior to the original, don't mind a SNAKE emblem representing KNIGHT, love the pipes on the ATTACK KITT.

To you I say enjoy the Mustang, TRANSFORM and SELL OUT.

I'm done explaining myself to ANYONE on here, regardless of position.

To you Neil, I apologize because of all the people in KRO's staff I geniunely do respect you but I believe KRO is crossing a line between being a fandom site and being a gossip site with it's own agenda. My advice is be very careful how much control you're letting NBC have over this site lest you become absorbed under their banner and their control.

As of this moment I'm done commenting on anything related to the new series. I'm done explaining my opinion, an educated one at that to people who don't want to listen or get offended by what I say. I wash my hands completely of any involvement with this section. I'll focus my energies elsewhere.

To my friends on KRO, I would like to say that this post here it's not against you. You know where I stand and you know how to reach me if you need to.

I've been the nice guy on here, despite being walked on, insulted, attacked, or whatever and I have tried for the sake of being civil and peaceful to adjust my approach to co-exist with others who obviously don't respect me. At this point I can't adapt anymore so my best solution is to just walk away from it because otherwise I'm going to wind up banned or politcally smeared and both of those options don't do me any favors.

I'm not compromising, negotiating, trying to find middle grounds at this point, I'm just going to stand back and let you people do whatever the hell you want to do which is what you want anyway.

I have a book to work on, a poster, a website, countless other things. I have graciously taken the time out of my schedule to try and share things with you or certain insites. From here on out, I'm done caring.


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:05 pm
by Faithful Car KRO
victor kros wrote:Nismogtr21, I'm not a hater, I'm a Knight Rider fan who knows what the "wow factor" should be and what the spirit of the original show was about and thus far this series has a lot more development to go before it will understand what made Knight Rider a TRENDSETTER, not a trend follower.
I had to remark on this one quote...
I've been watching Knight Rider since i was born, some of my first memories is me and my grandma watching the show when i was 3. And i've continued to watch the show my entire life. I've seen every episode acouple of times over my life, and i think I aswell am a Knight Rider fan who knows what the "wow factor" should be.
And this show kept up with that tradition very very very well.

I was on the edge of my seat the ENTIRE show. I have never seen anything so action packed on TV in my life.
There are only 2 times we i was, i wont say disopointed or let down, but thought they could have spent another hour or two in the CGI room. The first section of the turbo bust, If just a been more cleaned up it was be flawless. And when Mike jumps from the truck.

Of coarse i cringe all the time when watching the original. They did a pretty crap job sometimes. Using the same scenes, how you can always see that arm when KITT's in auto. But they still did add a "wow factor" every once in while The show wasnt that advanced, i blame the time it was created in. But this new show is alot more amazing it advancements then the original will every be. But that's my opinion.

All i can say is i love this new series. I have not been excited about this show in a very long time and they did more than an amazing job making it feel like the original and taking it a step beyond.

Keep up the good work KR staff!!

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:27 pm
by zero
victor kros wrote:Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of being told what is Knight Rider from the majority (not everyone) of people who have completely sold out to what NBCU is telling them Knight Rider should be or the mods of this forum which is clearly in the back pocket of NBCU at this point in time and have personal interests to protect to make sure it gets positive press. I'm waiting for the NBC peacock to end up under the knightrideronline graphics next.

I am sick and tired of people like Sanfanz making bold statements that Knight Rider the Original Series did not have strong or advanced "storytelling". I am sick and tired of being told that what I believe is wrong and that I'm arrogant because I have a different manner of expressing my opinion which includes for the most part posting factual information to back up why I disagree with someone else's opinion.

Bravo Pajaro if it makes your ego feel any better, guess what I guess I didn't coin the "wow" factor phrase on KRO! your point has been made! Go out and celebrate!

I am sick and tired of people like Michael Pajaro, and yes I WILL CALL HIM OUT in public this time, taking what I have done for KRO for granted especially with Saugus. That's my "problem" Matthew, I'm tired of seeing a majority of people (not everyone) try to put everything that Glen, Robert Foster, and the rest of the ORIGINAL cast and crew worked so hard to give us "back in the day", out to pasture and trying to dismiss the series as cheesy, weak writing, weak effects or whatever.

You know what people have some god given appreciation for the amount of time and energy it took just to make those effects happen, just to make that show happen and how much time and energy, personal sacrafice, conflict, and passion it took just to give us what we had "back then" which effects wise for television was considered state of the art for its time.

Stop being so damned spoiled because now everything can be done with a computer, money, and pressing a few friggin buttons. Have some god given respect to what came before and stop trying to cheapen it. Look at Knight Rider for more then just a "cool car", look at it for its heart and spirit.

Yeah I realize I'm actually old at this point, I'm only 29 but I can relate to how "old timers" feel about things in the past and this phrase "looking through rose tinted glasses" is a copout younger people use to explain things they really don't understand because they didn't EXPERIENCE IT for themselves.

Don't discount our fond memories as being dated in the 80s, it's insulting to our generation which quite frankly produced better toys, better cartoons, better tv shows, and better movies then today. We didn't steal all our concepts from Japan like today where everything seems to be anime (anime which is cool mind you, but still).

That's my problem, the serious lack of respect shown by the majority of people on this board as of late and when I fight and stand up to defend what IS KNIGHT RIDER, what ALWAYS WILL BE KNIGHT RIDER, I'm the bad guy.

I don't blame people for liking the new series, I blame them for starting to say bold statements like how superior it is to the original. In a lot of technical ways it is superior that's goes with the territory of advances in technology but in other ways it's trying to be it's own version of Knight Rider while claiming to be an extension of the original and you know what condemn me for feeling that it has dropped the ball in backing up that claim.

I don't hate it, I don't wholely accept it. It did it's job to entice interest with its first episode and I make no mistake about that. It has potential but it's not perfect and it's sure as hell not the best thing on (or will be on) television.

I think at this point I'm just going to take a long hiatus from this political BS on here. I have tried extremely hard to hold back my tongue against certain things but you're advancing to a point that its becoming harder to do so and I'm sure you probably feel the same way about me.

I stand for the original series and what Glen created and continues to create. Those of you who respect both the original and the new series, I say great! Keep watching and make it a success, just don't accept what you know doesn't feel right and continue to make your voices heard.

To the rest of you who just love everything about the show and think it's superior to the original, don't mind a SNAKE emblem representing KNIGHT, love the pipes on the ATTACK KITT.

To you I say enjoy the Mustang, TRANSFORM and SELL OUT.

I'm done explaining myself to ANYONE on here, regardless of position.

To you Neil, I apologize because of all the people in KRO's staff I geniunely do respect you but I believe KRO is crossing a line between being a fandom site and being a gossip site with it's own agenda. My advice is be very careful how much control you're letting NBC have over this site lest you become absorbed under their banner and their control.

As of this moment I'm done commenting on anything related to the new series. I'm done explaining my opinion, an educated one at that to people who don't want to listen or get offended by what I say. I wash my hands completely of any involvement with this section. I'll focus my energies elsewhere.

To my friends on KRO, I would like to say that this post here it's not against you. You know where I stand and you know how to reach me if you need to.

I've been the nice guy on here, despite being walked on, insulted, attacked, or whatever and I have tried for the sake of being civil and peaceful to adjust my approach to co-exist with others who obviously don't respect me. At this point I can't adapt anymore so my best solution is to just walk away from it because otherwise I'm going to wind up banned or politcally smeared and both of those options don't do me any favors.

I'm not compromising, negotiating, trying to find middle grounds at this point, I'm just going to stand back and let you people do whatever the hell you want to do which is what you want anyway.

I have a book to work on, a poster, a website, countless other things. I have graciously taken the time out of my schedule to try and share things with you or certain insites. From here on out, I'm done caring.


Have a good vacation. Lets get back to talking about Knight Rider instead of your ego.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:26 pm
by Skav
victor kros wrote:Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of being told what is Knight Rider from the majority (not everyone) of people who have completely sold out to what NBCU is telling them Knight Rider should be or the mods of this forum which is clearly in the back pocket of NBCU=VK=
And you are clearly in the back pocket of Glen Larson. I have only spoke to you once and have refrained from further posting to you but I can't take reading posts of conflict by you much more. And no, I don't believe in "ignoring" people.

What I have quoted from you is a direct "verbal" attack on KRO, both on the community and the moderators as a whole and the mods have done a heck of a job in allowing you to stay here.

You should not be put on a pedestal because of who you know or what you are producing, KR related or not. Your attitude is evidence of this.

I am 27, two years younger than you, and agree with Sarfraz that the show DID have poor writing. It was a camp 80's tv show and a very fun one at that. I am not insulted by what Sarfraz said, it was a product of it's time which was cheese.

Hardcore fans are not influenced by any version of KR that NBC are trying to sell them, if it is a good show, we will watch it and like it. We still have the ability to differentiate the changes between the new and old show and if any type of audience fall victim to anybody telling them that the new show is what "real" knight rider is, logic tells me it would be the new generation of audiences that never saw the original. Well, that's just the way things are, don't worry about anybody else.

You seem to be on a mission to tell people what should and shouldn't be and that IS arrogance.

Your love for Knight Rider is, quite frankly, scary at times.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:53 pm
by Victor Kros
You want a display of arrogance?

Ignore me and piss off. How's that for arrogance?

I'm done debating, I'm done fighting, I'm done with caring what people think anymore at this point about this series or myself in general. You believe what you like, you do what you think, you accept what you will, and I will do the same.

That's my problem, I care too much what other people think and I care too much about keeping the respect and spirit of Knight Rider alive on this board. Well I will always care about Knight Rider, the KNIGHT RIDER that I was influenced and inspired by and will continue to do so off this board.

From here on out I'm detaching myself from any emotional attachment to this board, its conflictive members, or its moderators. From here on out it's just business.


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:15 pm
by Victor Kros
Ok I am going to take those words back in this thread and since I can't edit the post now, this is my revised one. I feel what I feel and nothing is going to really change that but it's time I realize that my emotional connections to this great show just don't belong on a forum that claims to like "all things Knight Rider" on it.

I think at this point I'm going to detach myself from any emotional attachment to this board, its conflictive members, or its moderators. From here on out it's just business.

I apologize to anyone I may have offended, I was out of line despite my disagreements with some of things you have said, I did cross a line and I'm sorry for that.


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:21 pm
by davejames
Skav wrote: I am 27, two years younger than you, and agree with Sarfraz that the show DID have poor writing. It was a camp 80's tv show and a very fun one at that. I am not insulted by what Sarfraz said, it was a product of it's time which was cheese.
Agreed. I love the original show dearly, but other than the fun and witty exchanges between Michael and KITT, there was not a lot of great writing there. Hell, I've been revisiting a lot of those old 80s shows recently, and I was surprised to find that even shows like Airwolf and Greatest American Hero had more sophisticated writing and characters than KR!

KR was awfully well made cheese (which I can't say about the new show), but it was still cheese.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:31 pm
by daroga
I don't think there's any denying that the vast majority of the original Knight Rider was campy and silly. It was the era it was made in as well as an approach they were going for (and the new series' channeling of that spirit is one of my favorite parts, something obviously missing from the pilot). There are exceptions to the rule, some deeper plots and such (especially the broader moral base established in the pilot and more or less carried out through the series), but VK, don't take things so personally, alright? I think your idea to detach, emotionally, from the board is a good thing. In the end, it's a TV show. A TV show we all enjoy a lot, but there's a lot more things out there worth getting worked up about.

I think I share the sentiments with most people on here that we're excited to see what/how this new series does. Just because some might enjoy it, doesn't mean we're stabbing everyone in the back that worked on the original. I'm sure there were some episodes that Larson didn't ever touch in the four seasons of the original show, and I doubt that you'd suggest that we throw away those things.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm excited to see what Larson's got up his sleeve for a Knight Rider reimagining if/when it comes to be. Enjoying this new series is not tantamount to hating what he's working on, nor a personal attack on you. It would be nice if you expressed your opinions as opinions, not as fact, which is what I think some people have taken issue with.

Chill out, enjoy the friendships that can develop on here, critique, laugh, whatever. But don't take what goes on here too seriously. :)

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:32 pm
by Michael Pajaro
Victor, you create battles in your head that no one else is fighting.

From the day you joined KRO, you made it seem that people had to make a choice: either support the Feature Film or the 2-hour movie. Now you’re saying you either support the new series or the original. I could list 10 things I loved about the new premiere. And I could probably list five-HUNDRED things I loved about the original series. I don’t know what you’ve been doing for the past 13 years, but I’ve spent those 13 years here on KRO talking about those 500 thing that I loved.

We have a new series. It’s big and flashy and is going to get a lot of attention. Nothing about that takes ANYTHING away from our respect and admiration for the original series. But for you to suggest that I’m some sort of sell-out because I’m excited about the new series, that offends me. When you were in pre-school, I was going to the library thumbing through periodicals looking for Knight Rider photos. I’ve spent 26 years digging up Knight Rider articles, photos, pop-culture references, the works. I’ve flown to Germany to attend KnightCon. I’ve spent the past 6 years defending the Knight Rider motion picture when people would complain that it wouldn’t get made. You don’t have to like me, but you have no right to question my loyalty, dedication, or integrity when it comes to supporting the original series or this fandom.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:01 pm
by Victor Kros
"When you were in pre-school, I was going to the library thumbing through periodicals looking for Knight Rider photos. I’ve spent 26 years digging up Knight Rider articles, photos, pop-culture references, the works. I’ve flown to Germany to attend KnightCon. I’ve spent the past 6 years defending the Knight Rider motion picture when people would complain that it wouldn’t get made. You don’t have to like me, but you have no right to question my loyalty, dedication, or integrity when it comes to supporting the original series or this fandom.
- Out of respect for the members of KRO, I'm going to take my response to your PM. I suggest to you not to pursue this coarse of action or there will be grave consequences the likes you can't control.


Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:38 pm
by daroga
Vic, buddy, chill out like you said you would, ok? "Grave consequences" for being a Knight Rider fan and disagreeing with your opinion? Really?