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Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:30 pm
by maverik
Was that really necessary?

Why did we need to see mike tracer with 2 girls in bed, what purpose does the homosexual references complete with guys holding hands and rainbows advance the plot, why was it so pivotal for us to know that the FBI agent was a lesbian who likes to sleep around with girls she just met?

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:33 pm
by Romulus9
Did you SEE those two women? I can understand how tough of a decision it would be to choose between them. Lying between them would be easier.

The homo thing was a show of KITT's lack of knowledge about Mike and I for one laughed out loud when he showed the rainbow flag on the screen. Hilarious.

How do you know she's a lesbian? She could be bi. How do you know she wouldn't enjoy being in the same bed with Mike and the other two?

You don't KNOW. You're just assuming. I think we need a series to clear all of this up.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:37 pm
by ckeller22
Are you living under a rock or a goody to shoes. Oh my god no did they show that. They Show more on Vegas csi and the simpsons what about south park. It slated prime time not Disney time. When KITT was talking about Homosexuality it was a goof he was referencing files cause he is not human so he trying to relate why mike left Sarah.
Did they shoe Ravi in bed with the girl no...Did they show nudity no...what is the hang up.Oh i know this country's prude factor out weighs the rest of the world. Out of 120 minutes of air time thats all you focus on.Geee

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:37 pm
by prairiecrow
I thought Mike turning up with two girls in bed instead of one was definitely worthy of a chuckle. As for the FBI agent being either a lesbian or bi, it IS the year 2008. I applaud the producers and director for making the decision to take on such a character and present her sexuality as if it isn't any big deal -- which really, it isn't.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:39 pm
by maverik
my point that you clearly missed is it wasn't necessary.

As a parent, I was really looking forward to watching this with my kids. We have the old series on DVD and enjoy watching it together but this new Knightrider isn't suitable for them.

I’m not going to explain to my 5 year old what a homosexual, threesome or bi/lesbian is. They don’t need to know and we didn’t need to see this either.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:47 pm
by Romulus9
You know what else is completely unnecessary? Bitching about it on a forum full of people who are far more concerned with the storyline and continuity of the Knight Rider universe that is so dear to all of us.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:53 pm
by msKEN
maverik wrote:my point that you clearly missed is it wasn't necessary.

As a parent, I was really looking forward to watching this with my kids. We have the old series on DVD and enjoy watching it together but this new Knightrider isn't suitable for them.

I’m not going to explain to my 5 year old what a homosexual, threesome or bi/lesbian is. They don’t need to know and we didn’t need to see this either.
Whatever... :roll: I'm really tired of you people coming out of the wood work to gripe about what is P.C. and what is not. If you don't like it, and don't want your kids watching it then fine... thats what the damn TV ratings are for. And get real, my 5 year old son couldn't even stay awake till 10 o' clock and he was passed out. After all it was airing on a school night, not all schools had off for todays holiday. Furthermore he can't even comprehend why a woman was laying ALONE in a bed, with another fully clothed woman was talking to her. For my five year old it was all about what the car was going to do next.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:16 pm
by maverik

sorry I didn’t realize you where the KR Topic Forum Police.

my opinions are just as valid and relevant as yours. Post like yours I find completely unnecessary. You come across as argumentative, condescending, arrogant and pretentious just because some one else has a different opinion.

If you don't agree with my topic then give me an intelligent response or just stop hitting reply.

Next time, I'll be sure to send you an email outlining my next post for your approval prior to submitting to this forum.

There where a lot of things I didn’t like about the show (loopholes, logic errors, cgi, lack of stunts, etc), but that is OT from my original topic.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:19 pm
by Romulus9
Throughout this entire thread, I've just been overly sarcastic in an effort to piss you off.

And I see that it worked.

5 points to me. Thanks for playing!

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:20 pm
by Apollo
I fully agree with Maverik. Just because its some sort of reflection of society doesn't mean its acceptable or to be tolerated. For crying out loud, people here give their rally cries as if they're about to avenge a blood death simply because the theme tune wasn't what they expected, yet they're totally submissive, and even defensive, to the rife sexuality in the show?

Pathetic. Maverik has a good point, especially as he is a parent and his complaint is more valid than the rubbish that's been on the forum.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:21 pm
by tamatt27
Ford has openly expressed that they support gay rights. This has been a controversy for some time with organizations who are pro-family and anti-gay. These organizations even boycott all Ford products for this reason. The gay references were Ford advertising, and not so much related to the storyline IMO.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:29 pm
by Wedgewalkr
As I've said elsewhere. I didn't like it. Didn't think it was necessary (I mean, technically you don't need a threesome to make the point he's a womanizer or a guy who's let himself go...though I do agree it's one of the quickest and most efficient ways of doing so). And were I a parent...I don't agree in sheltering children. But it'd be nice for what ultimately was a fun, and moral show like Knight Rider, to not bring those things up. Give me a rest from the tough parenting job for a minute.

I'm not pitching a fit about it myself. But I do think it was unnecessary.

I personally think the threesome implication scene, the Rivai washing herself scene, and the Rivai is at least bicurious scene were added to get non-KR 15-25 males into the show long enough for them to start actually liking the show for what it really is.

The Ford gay rights theory is interesting, and could possibly have some merit to it.
On the other hand, it could be a coincidence.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:32 pm
by maverik
not really.

i think all you accomplished was to prove my previous statements and show your lack of maturity and apparent need for attention/self importance.
Romulus9 wrote:Throughout this entire thread, I've just been overly sarcastic in an effort to piss you off.

And I see that it worked.

5 points to me. Thanks for playing!

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:37 pm
by ckeller22
This is retarded your complaining about something that was over in the first 2 minutes of the show. Here's how you solve your problems.... Put a bag over your kids head so they can't see anything ,than put ear muffs on so they can't hear anything, than don't allow them to read anything ,watch anything or go any where .lock them up. My point is that your kids hear and see more at school,hanging with there friends, I remember when i was nine looking at nudie magazines that some of my friends got(not by there parents) So you think you shouldn't subject your child to th real world,you want to hide them under a rock and be naive. This paranoia is out of hand. It's not like your sitting there watching a porn with your kid and teaching them to curse. KIds should be taught to respect people and should be taught to understand.Do you have to go in to detail or explain sex to a nine year old,NO of course not but to get all hysterical over what was on last night how do you plan on dealing with real life issues with your children. I f you get that worked up over trivial little scenes like that than maybe you will think simpsons are rated r. when is this world going to wake up,that's why we have the problems we have in this country .Parents today are wimps,that's right they don't want to engage with there children and take time to understand them. Everything today is oh my god that will scar my child for life attitude. Children don't even pay attention to things like that(It's called short attention span)all they pay attention to is the cool car and cool fight scenes. I am done for today with Mr Rogers.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:43 pm
by lyp123
I tuned it off as soon as I seen the Lesbo sceen came on. Thats the beauty of it....I don't have to watch it and my kids sure as heck aren't going to. You pro-gay folks can watch it all you want.

It's just another attempt at the main stream media trying to make this acceptable.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:46 pm
by prairiecrow
lyp123 wrote:I tuned it off as soon as I seen the Lesbo sceen came on. Thats the beauty of it....I don't have to watch it and my kids sure as heck aren't going to. You pro-gay folks can watch it all you want.

It's just another attempt at the main stream media trying to make this acceptable.
You do realize that about forty years ago, people were saying the same thing about interracial dating, right?

And in forty years, seeing two gay people kiss and hold hands -- or hug -- or yes, even be in an implied sexual situation on TV -- will be as acceptable as watching two heterosexual people of different races do so today.

Unless you have a problem with that as well... in which case, well, I'm not sure what to say.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:50 pm
by FuzzieDice
You know, I'm so sick of these parents complaining about the show being inappropriate for kids. The show was aired after most kids should be in bed anyway. No where does it indicate that the show is geared towards 12 and under!

I also notice many of these are folks that are just new and signing up here. We have a well established board that has been around far longer than I been a member. This board has been around OVER 10 YEARS. I only been here around I think 4 of those years. Sure we have had disagreements but this is getting really ridiculous!

Do we NEED to know there is such thing as a threesome and lesbians/gays? Well, I ask you, do we NEED to even discuss those parts of the movie, which were less than 1% of the entire movie to begin with?

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:52 pm
by ckeller22
Amazing. You won't watch ok than don't.Why are you posting here. You give an opinion of a show you saw two minutes of real intelligent answer you pro gay right people. Who are you what makes you better than anyone else. I am not gay but I don't go around not liking somebody because they are than again maybe you belong back in fortys with the rest of the bigots. You think your doing your kids a service by being ignorant thats up to you.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:55 pm
by Michael Pajaro
I'd like to welcome all of the new members and thank them for bringing their new perspectives to the forum. I say to them, and remind old-timers that we welcome friendly debate but not name-calling.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:59 pm
by K.I.A.N
I don't care if its right or wrong all I care about is that it wasn't nessesary.

Its Knight Rider not lesbian and threesome hour and I don't watch it for that so keep it out.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:09 pm
by prairiecrow
Michael Pajaro wrote:I'd like to welcome all of the new members and thank them for bringing their new perspectives to the forum. I say to them, and remind old-timers that we welcome friendly debate but not name-calling.
:kitt2: : Thank you, Michael. (in my best KITT voice)

Much appreciated. :)

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:10 pm
by maverik

"that's why we have the problems we have in this country"

For your own edification, morale decline (homosexuality, promiscuity, prostitutions, etc) and being overly "politically correct" is one of the major contributing factors to the Roman empires collapse.

I get that you don't agree with me. that is fine but please save the parental advice.

My point (AGAIN . . . sigh) is that i was looking forward to watching this with my kids but will not because of this content. This also means i probably will not be watching it either should it go prime time.

Also, and I really didn’t want to get into this because it wasn’t my point; HOWEVER, if you think this type of content won't affect how kids think and rationalize relationships you are wrong.

If the show does go primetime, there will probably be a toy line sold in children toy stores and marketed to children. If the show depicts threesomes, lesbians, etc how do you think those relationships will play out in your child’s own hands with the action figures?

These Kid’s (not mine) will grow up thinking it is morally acceptable to have threesomes or be bi/lesbian/gay (which it isn’t). Something being socially acceptable is completely different then morally, but I digress.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:12 pm
by lyp123
Hey...if you are gay then more power to you. All I'm saying is that we were all built up to it being a nice family show like the old series was...and then BOOM...right from the start...perversion. Good for you that you like perversion. Again more power to you and best wishes with that.

Sorry if you are angry that I do not approve of the gay lifestyle...but I'm not sorry that I do not approve of it. I have my beliefs and you have yours. You keep living your lifestyle and I will keep living mine. Main stream media will not push your ways on me or my family and I will not push my way on yours. I'm simply expressing my opinion on it.

Again...that's the beauty of it. Each TV has an off knob. I'm just sad that the we have no more family values shows like we had 20 years ago. Sex and money rule the world....and it's sells! Evidently this board is filled with a lot of Gays so this is my 2nd and last post here. You all can have it. I've learned long ago that you can beat them unless you come down to their level....and I choose not stoop that low.

Have a fabulous day!

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:12 pm
by maverik
Thank you!

I 100% agree.
Michael Pajaro wrote:I'd like to welcome all of the new members and thank them for bringing their new perspectives to the forum. I say to them, and remind old-timers that we welcome friendly debate but not name-calling.

Re: Threesome and Lesbian Scene Trash

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:20 pm
by prairiecrow
maverik wrote:@ckeller22

"that's why we have the problems we have in this country"

For your own edification, morale decline (homosexuality, promiscuity, prostitutions, etc) and being overly "politically correct" is one of the major contributing factors to the Roman empires collapse.
I'm afraid I have to correct you on that. If you look at history, the real decline and fall of the Roman Empire began after the advent of Christianity. For hundreds of years before that -- and I mean HUNDREDS -- the Roman Empire contained homosexuals, prostitutes, and yes, promiscuity, as has every human civilization, it seems, since civilization began. And it was one of the most successful empires in human history.

Personally I don't see a corellation between the strength of a civilization and the sexuality of its inhabitants.

But we were talking about Knight Rider, right...? 8)