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Hey, Vic..did you write that synopsis for the NBC pilot...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:23 am
by Shapeshifter
...Over on imdb? Because it's completely wrong. It sounds like the synopsis for the original series, which bears no relation to the new series.

I've read the new script, and nothing about that description over at imdb is correct.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:55 am
by Victor Kros
No, I did not write the synopsis for the NBC pilot. I corrected a synopsis for the Knight Rider 2008 movie however. I have no idea what NBC/Universal plans to do at this point in time.

I wasn't even home today, I've been at Glen's most of the today and will be most of tomorrow and probably friday as well to get the movie script in order for submission to TWC.

Lastly I don't write that sloppy nor am I afraid to attach my name to the comments I make anywhere that is public.
