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The self-driving VW Golf GTi!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:33 am
by Knight-Armen
A few attempts in trying to make the car to actually drive itself has been made lately with various of success. We have all heard about the GM-made Opel (Vauxhall) Vectra that was set to launch in 2008. So far we haven't (or atleast I haven't) heard any updates with the project and given the fact that 2008 is only a couple two or three months away one would start to wonder if this is really going to happen.
A very interesting approach was done almost recently with a VW Golf GTi, equipped with computers, videocameras and scanners. The engineers wanted the car to drive itself around a track with carefully placed cons to mark out the barriers of the track. This was successfully done and judging from the video the car managed to avoid the cons as well. ... ge_id=1770


Allowing the car to operate itself is really cool but that's only true if you are the only one to have one of those self-driving systems. What if everyone would want the same thing, chaotic if you ask me!
According to some people they might even take away our legal right of driving a car once this technology hits the market (i.e. if it does).

Some of the people you know wouldn't understand the argument you are trying to put through:

"The machines will take over some day if we keep going like this..."

In many years from now people would say, this is how it was initiated!

It's not the end, it's only the beginning...