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Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:20 pm
by Shapeshifter
Just to add something to the mix...

I can't really speak to Universal's motivations; my contacts only extend to the production side of things. I can say that, knowing some of the people involved, I just doesn't make sense that Universal would be motivated to do a project to derail Glen Larson's movie. You've got a pretty new regime at NBC who's only motivation, as far as I can see, is to revive a forth-place network any way they can. Bionic woman started strong, then weakened somewhat, but is still doing better than what they tried last year. They own these properties, and updating them only makes sense. I really don't think what Glen Larsen is up to had anything to do with their decision to go ahead.

On that front, I can tell you that they INDEED are going ahead. A director has been chosen (it's not Doug Limon, he doesn't have time) but it's a great choice; it will be shot by the end of the year, and will be on the air 1st qtr of next. It's quick, to be sure, but they've got a good script; if they can just get it 'in the can', it will be something everyone can be proud of.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:38 pm
by Victor Kros
I have to say to you "Victor Kros", IF you do indeed work for Glen Larson then I feel sorry for him. You have approached this matter in an extremely unprofessional manner, and if you are a member of his team I personally feel that you are only damaging Glen's dreams by the way you have talked on here. You say that Universal are only trying to damage Glen's movie project and that what they are doing is basically wrong. You're right, if that was what they were doing... but on here that is exactly what you trying to do to their project! A better response would be to ask the fans for support and concentrate on discussing the movie, not railroading the series.
knightendo_phil you do not have one clue as to what you are talking about and to accuse me of hurting Glen by seeking to garner support for his movie project is just plain rediculous.

How dare you confront me with such poorly conducted research.

FACT - If I wasn't for me there would be no announcement of Glen's movie, no mention of it in the public view, no confirmation the project is even moving forward.

FACT - People cherish the original show and Glen is working quite hard to try and find a balance between what worked then and what will work now. The movie will be a updated take on the original pilot, Knight of the Pheonix with some new details that could only be explored properly on a theatrical scale.

FACT - People are posting the "In Glen Larson We Trust" emblem on their pages to show their support and signing the petition.

FACT - I stated before and I will repeat this one more time, I am not seeking confrontation here and I already explained in my previous post that the fans will decide which vision they prefer or if they will co-exist. Did you just selectively decide to neglect my previous post?

FACT - Yes in the past when it was announced I have been very vocal about my dislike for the TV series because of the circumstances surrounding it that you do not seem to understand or agree with. As time has gone on however, I have backed away from those dislikes and made comments about it only based on the information that has been made availible by the AICN article.

FACT - Doug Limon is not writing the script nor is he inventing the Knight Rider TV pilot, David Andron is writing it. Glen created Knight Rider, he wrote the pilot and saw it through to its final completion, the only thing he did not do was direct it. Add to that, Glen had already created several other properties before he even invented Knight Rider. Andron has no previous creative background other then writing a single episode of Raines, a show that was pulled from the air so quickly, very few viewers knew of its existance. (It starred Jeff Goldblum)

FACT - Bionic Woman is a collosal failure along with other shows like Cavemen and K'Ville. but the reason these shows are still on the air is because of the upcoming WGA strike. Networks would rather air the shows they've already finished or are near completion rather then pull them off and have nothing to air but reruns once the strike occurs.

FACT - No details of Glen's script have been leaked to the public, the NBC pilot has been compromised. I have not told people more about Glen's script because he doesn't want the elements of his concept stolen before it's been made. I have shared details that he has allowed me to share, when he allows me to share further details I will do so accordingly.

Inevitably after the script has left Glen's possession it will eventually wind up compromised as well because it will be out of his control. At least for the time being it's details remain safely anonomous.

The NBC/Universal pilot can go either way, who wins out only time will tell but either way the the FACT is Knight Rider is coming back from both parties in a big way and that is what matters at this point.

If Limon is indeed out of the project as Shapeshifter implies then that would make the challenge of making the success of the pilot all the more challenging.

Additionally, I have made comments about the NBC/Universal tv series that do not flatter it, that's my right as any other person with an opinion.

I do not go to every thread I see and demean the series and attack other people for their ideas and concepts. I do not go around and tell people to boycott Universal.

I have addressed the Starsky and Hutch/Dukes of Hazzard comment because it keeps being addressed in the wrong context compared to Knight Rider in terms of the usage of original cars.

Yes, Glen is attached as Executive Producer on TKR even though he had nothing to do with it, because IT'S IN HIS CONTRACT. NBC/Universal cannot make a Knight Rider TV series project without offering him the position of Executive Producer unless he decides to wave it.

With Knight Rider 2000 he was entirely unsatisfied with the direction Universal chose to take his vision and refused to be attached to it but they could not release the film on TV without his decision.

You need to re-evaluate your research into the history regarding TKR and stop focusing on trying to sabotage the positive things I have been doing here and across other KR forum boards.

If Hasselhoff hated the script so much for Knight Rider 2000, why didn't he just refuse not to make the movie? You want to know the answer? It's

Money is the great equalizer, especially in Hollywood. As for Robert Foster, he didn't continue what Glen started alone on his own. Larson still received copies of every script up to season 4 and gave his notes accordingly when necessary to do so.

As Executive Producer during that particular series he didn't just sit back and collect checks, he still stayed involved in the series until it reached a point he lost interest.

You, knightendo_phil chose to confront me with points that are relatively invalid. What your opinion of me is is really insignificant compared to my goals for being here and thus far I have been successful in achieving them.

My intentions are not confrontational, they are to seperate fact from speculation about the motion picture and keep people enthusiastic about the project and to assure them the movie is moving forward.

In the matter of the NBC/Universal pilot, we will have to agree to disagree and let the fans decide the rest.


Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:06 pm
by LadyV2000
Seriously guys, this bickering is beginning to get really old now. :roll:

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:18 pm
by Shapeshifter
victor kros wrote:If Limon is indeed out of the project as Shapeshifter implies then that would make the challenge of making the success of the pilot all the more challenging.

Additionally, I have made comments about the NBC/Universal tv series that do not flatter it, that's my right as any other person with an opinion.
I don't want to perpetuate the unpleasantness, but I do have to clairify what I said. Doug Limon is in no way out of it, he is still very hands on as a producer of the TV series. He just won't be directing, which shouldn't come as a suprise to anyone. Regarding the gentleman who IS directing, he has directed episodes of Dexter, the Sopranos, the Tudors, Rome, The West Wing, Brotherhood, Deadwood, ER, and many more. It sounds like the pilot is in very good hands.

What you don't seem to realize, Victor, is that you wreck your own credibilty when you make unflattering comments regarding the TV series. You're for Glen Larsen's movie, we get that. But you make unflattering statements regarding the TV series when you don't really know anything about it, and that calls into question everything you say.

Why don't you skip the broadside against me, and just think about it.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:23 pm
by Shapeshifter
LadyV2000 wrote:Seriously guys, this bickering is beginning to get really old now. :roll:
I completely agree; I, for one, am done. I will pass on information that I can, when I can.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:37 pm
by Michael Pajaro
This thread is going all over the place. I will lock it down tomorrow to encourage people to start up new threads with specific issues. It's impractical to have one giant thread covering the entire spectrum of two new Knight Rider projects.

Please feel free to continue discussions in new topics (you may find it helpful to copy text from this thread.) And again I remind people to please be tolerant of eachother.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:43 pm
by Victor Kros
What you don't seem to realize, Victor, is that you wreck your own credibilty when you make unflattering comments regarding the TV series. You're for Glen Larsen's movie, we get that. But you make unflattering statements regarding the TV series when you don't really know anything about it, and that calls into question everything you say.
That is your opinion as well as how I feel about the TV series is my opinion, neither is factual.

Maybe you should be asking who posted the synopsis for the NBC/Universal pilot and why it hasn't been corrected yet? I'm surprised with the script out in the open, Universal hasn't corrected that oversite.

Do not presume to lecture me Shapeshifter, you've admitted what I suspected about you and that's all I need to say regarding that matter.

LadyV2000, if this matter offends you, do not read the posts and most certainly do not reply to them, not one is forcing you to do either.

Shapeshifter you stick to covering the NBC/Universal TV show, I will stick to the feature film and we will leave it at that from this point on.

I agree, lock this thread as it seems to only cause more unecessary friction but I will not take back any words that I have said because they are valid points that should not be overlooked.

Discussion over.


Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:50 pm
by Michael Pajaro
d_osborn wrote:Can we not have opinions in this joint?! :lol: Please take note that I didn't say the NBC project was being rushed...
Oh and one quick apology to d_osburn... You're absolutely right; you said the project was moving quickly, but it was my own personal bias that interpretted it as meaning "being rushed sloppily without giving it any care".

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:52 pm
by knightendo_phil
Shapeshifter wrote:
victor kros wrote:If Limon is indeed out of the project as Shapeshifter implies then that would make the challenge of making the success of the pilot all the more challenging.

Additionally, I have made comments about the NBC/Universal tv series that do not flatter it, that's my right as any other person with an opinion.
I don't want to perpetuate the unpleasantness, but I do have to clairify what I said. Doug Limon is in no way out of it, he is still very hands on as a producer of the TV series. He just won't be directing, which shouldn't come as a suprise to anyone. Regarding the gentleman who IS directing, he has directed episodes of Dexter, the Sopranos, the Tudors, Rome, The West Wing, Brotherhood, Deadwood, ER, and many more. It sounds like the pilot is in very good hands.

What you don't seem to realize, Victor, is that you wreck your own credibilty when you make unflattering comments regarding the TV series. You're for Glen Larsen's movie, we get that. But you make unflattering statements regarding the TV series when you don't really know anything about it, and that calls into question everything you say.

Why don't you skip the broadside against me, and just think about it.
I was going to reply to Victor's outburst, but you seem to have placed a bug (or is that one of KITT's chips? ;)) inside my head and written exactly what I wanted to say.

I am in support of Glen wishing to bring back his creation also, but the fact remains that the new series is not in disarray as Mr Kros is making out, and indeed sounds promising to fans. I did not attack, merely wished to pick up support for the series instead of the constant trashing of it by Mr Kros in this thread, which was making him look very unprofessional and which could affect the credibility of his project. But Mr Kros very clearly attacked me, a fan of the show which his project is meant to reach out to... and I take that very personally.

And on a final note, Hasselhoff had signed for three films, but renegotiated so that he only had to do one when he saw which direction it was taking. Baywatch was in its heyday at this time, money would not have been an issue, and even if it was, so what? It's his job after all.

Now I look forward to things calming down here from My Kros, who will hopefully show more respect to the fans and to this other KR project, as it seems to be dealing with Larson's property in a very respectful manner. Please Mr Kros, keep on promoting your project, it's intriguing, but please do not attack the other property or those is support of it. And at the end of the day, if they need Larson's permission to do this show, well it must have been granted by him at some stage a while back.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:01 pm
by Victor Kros
knightendo_phil and Shapeshifter, you started this fire and I put it out. Don't make me out to be the bad guy because I had to correct your oversites.

For the record you both attacked my credibility, and I responded.


Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:23 pm
by knightendo_phil
I did not attack, I merely defended the new series which was being unjustifiably attacked (I see that as putting out the fire rather than the other way around). I have also read your outbursts against the users at IMDB that are excited about the new series. Your own credibility has taken a knock thanks to your own doing. (Does Mr Larson know of your online outbursts to the fans?)

Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% sure your intentions in promoting Glen's movie are good, but attacking the series and supporters of it in the general public is not the way to go about it. I'm sure everyone here, myself included, will be glued to any and all updates from Larson's camp through yourself, but we are also fans of the Knight Rider property and are equally as interested in the new tv series. There's even rumours of a cartoon too. Knight Rider everywhere! Now all we need is a comic :D

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:12 pm
by Victor Kros
Rather then focus on this subject any longer I am going to take the road less traveled and no longer try to reply to posts of a negative manner.

Shapeshifter, you allowed yourself to release a vital piece of information I'm sure was supposed to be kept under wraps. Not very professional.

From now on people in this forum can do their own research and make their own conclusions, I will no longer confirm or clarify them.

This discussion of credibility regarding the TV series on my end is officially closed.


Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:20 pm
by Michael Pajaro
I asked people to be more tolerant of eachother yet the personal criticisms continue...

Perhaps I was being too subtle, so allow me to be more direct: STOP. If any of you want to continue the bickering, do it through email or the board's private message system. I don't care who started what, this level of discussion does not belong here.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:25 pm
by d_osborn
Michael Pajaro wrote:Oh and one quick apology to d_osburn... You're absolutely right; you said the project was moving quickly, but it was my own personal bias that interpretted it as meaning "being rushed sloppily without giving it any care".
No problemo, man!

I must say, even with all of the hostility on this thread, it's still VERY cool to have representation from both projects on the board. I really think most of what is being argued over can be chalked up to the fact that you REALLY can't judge tone accurately with text.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:37 pm
by Michael Pajaro
Just to clarify, I don't think Shapeshifter ever claimed direct involvement with NBC's project. Just that he had some knowledge of the people involved.

And if you want to put a positive spin on things, I suppose some of the heated discussions just help prove than Knight Rider fans really feel passionately about the show!

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:52 pm
by FuzzieDice
knightendo_phil: I agree with you on a lot of what you are saying. And I too feel as you do that we should have more civil discussions on the topics that there had been. I agree with your assessments.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:47 pm
by Shapeshifter
Mommm! Victor hit me again!
If I have to come up to your room ONE MORE TIME....

I'm really sorry about all this, guys.

Musn', buddy, what piece of information was that?


I'm REALLY sorry about all this, guys.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:52 pm
by snafu

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:03 am
by knightendo_phil
Thanks fuzziedice... and lololol @ SD_chick ;) :lol:

It's a shame that it has decended into this, but I stand by my defences as I feel I did not attack anyone merely defended myself and the fans/other project, although it was never my intention for all this to happen. Now, anyways, on to what we are here for... Knight Rider :D

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:26 am
by JJSoCrazy
Now to get away from all the drama and dilemma, how about we bring back what were here to talk about, Knight Rider The Movie!

Now Victor I hope you keep us updated on everything and thank you for disclosing whatever information you can and given the okay from Glen.

Keep up the good work! :D

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:23 pm
by Michael Pajaro
Everyone please start up new threads about various aspects of the theatrical movie, the TV movie, and all of the other exciting topics we need to discuss!

As always, if you have any concerns about the board please bring them up in the "Board Dealings" forum or contact a moderator.

Thread closed.