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Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:46 pm
by coverdale10
They definitely did themselves a favor by nodding (albeit occasionally) to the original series. There is an obvious disdain for the old series that the people involved (actors aside) have displayed that comes out in the finished product and in some of the media materials from the magazines and websites. They would do themselves a serious favor to watch the old series and take the best from it because it still stands head and shoulders above this monstrosity in terms of being endearing to the viewer. It fails in all of the same ways that the revival of the Bionic Woman did....

For the most part the characters are very two dimensional and they are not endearing or compelling to care about. Justin Breuning is mostly fine as Mike Tracer (I am actually 85% of the way of being able to image him as a Michael Knight replacement except that Hasselhoff's character is better developed-we never do find out why Mike Tracer is so cynical and just so damn annoying). Also Mike Tracer's character is easily questionable-he is basically a loser at the onset. Michael Long had a life worth living and a career worth having before becoming Michael Knight and just about anybody would want to seek revenge after someone tried to kill them.
The car mostly works, but the different modes aren't really necessary except the color shifting. I thought that that was a nice touch. The morphing also reminds me of the "Viper" series too much. Val Kilmer comes across as dry and not easy to like and there is very little chemistry between him and J. Breuning. The other thing is that Mike Tracer never seems to be amazed by his new ride-vs Michael Knight's constant amazement by the original KITT. A supercar is only super if it impresses it's driver as well. The nanotechnology would be a great addition if it were there to supplement the original Molecular Bonded Shell concept, but early in the show there seemed to be an implication that the bad guys had something that could penetrate the nanotechnology, but this was never elaborated on until we saw that a software failure could disable it.
All in all, this new show may be the "Knight Rider" of today, but it really isn't any cooler than the original (CGI aside...). I was hoping for something along the lines of what "Star Trek: The Next Generation" did for the Star Trek franchise, but it doesn't seem to have happened here. Moreover, I get the feeling that Glen Larson hasn't any real involvement here and that is a grave misstep because he has proven that he is a wiz at creating captivating high-concept television shows. The new producers should be licking his feet to tap into the deep reserves of his imagination.
NBC/Universal: Be on notice.... You will burn....

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:49 pm
by ckeller22
1. A car that can see people in a building and know without GPS where they are and what they are wearing. DUH!!
2. The car talks to the obviously spanking hot chick about her feelings, i though Kitt was going to take her out to dinner and get it on!!!
3. This car traveled down a road without any other cars in its way, boy, can i move there? i hate traffic too...
4. Kitt talked to the bimbo through a portable phone device and the sound was exactly the same as when she was in the car.. Hows that possible?? DUMB!! Kitts voice stayed the same throughout the whole movie, no sound diff!!
5. DId David H. throw up on the set? No wonder why he's been drinking lately, i would to after seeing this pilot...
6. This amazing car can do all these wonderful things like link to sattlelights, pull up peoples profiles, scann areas and know whats around it and when they are carrying weapons, but this amazing piece of crap diddnt have a firewall and had to shut down right when it was needed the most. YOU FORGOT THE DAMN FIRWALL? YOU GOOB!!
7. After the new Michaels mom died in his arms, he just starred at her, i would have cried, screamed, totaly freaked out and put some mideavle *?$# on someone quickly, oh, and i wouldnt have left her there thats for sure.
1-Can your car call you on a phone and tell you exactly were to go and tap into closed circuit feeds and access military satellites-NO
2-KITT 2000 tried to understand human emotion so he could relate fast fwd KITT 3000 is trying to relate -it's called learning
3-What where they supposed to show him in a traffic jam the whole movie
4-Why don't you make the movie and do the sound since your such an expert sound tech
5-Very mature shows your maturity
6-It had several if you watched the movie the had the specs and info from the hard drives to be able to hack KITT,so far fetched from the original right KITT 2000 was hacked by a commodore 64 but it's ok right
7-Yea and you would have been shot to death real smart. Professionals like army rangers are taught under extreme circumstances to keep their head on there shoulders of course you would have freaked out and got shot and everyone else shot to death too. Real smart choice

You have so many non valid points.You can go continue watching your viva la bam show now.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:58 pm
by ckeller22
All in all, this new show may be the "Knight Rider" of today, but it really isn't any cooler than the original (CGI aside...). I was hoping for something along the lines of what "Star Trek: The Next Generation" did for the Star Trek franchise, but it doesn't seem to have happened here. Moreover, I get the feeling that Glen Larson hasn't any real involvement here and that is a grave misstep because he has proven that he is a wiz at creating captivating high-concept television shows. The new producers should be licking his feet to tap into the deep reserves of his imagination.
NBC/Universal: Be on notice.... You will burn....
When was the last time Glen did anything. First of all he was with Knight Rider for 13 episodes count them. David was there for the full run of the show. Do some research please!!!!!!Ok I heard the cries Battlestar galactica will bomb without glen blah blah blah well it looked like it did pretty good without him actually has done better than the original.Knight Rider lasted on tv for almost 4 seasons take out 13 episodes without glen's involvement. Star Trek next gen had gene as head running everything it wasn't doing well they needed new blood in so that's what they did the gave him exec pos and brought new people in and than it took off. So where is your justification your saying things that aren't true. NBC decided to bring in new people with new ideas to appeal to a new generation not the 1982 generation but you know what they gave us respect by including little nods into there feature for us but unlike them who gave respect you aren't givin any.Thanks for the insightful posts.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:59 pm
by Ranger
The pilot was good, but not great. They need to have a 15 to 20 episode season 1 to try and make it great. The car works for KITT, the show will need to have that car jump over something at some point!!! Just my opinion, This KITT is a super car with morphing and repair ability, I think it can handle a jump or two or three.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:08 pm
by muncyweb
alan6271 wrote:I couldn't agree more with you Seeker 78, It is a huge deal that it is American Made. If it was a foreign piece of !@#$ I wouldn't have gave the show the time of day.

Here's my thoughts.

Here's the problems I have with it:

1) The Mustang couldn't outrun the cross over or SUV but could cover over 600 miles in just over 3 hours.
2) The Lesbian scene in the beginning was inappropriate and gave nothing to the show. It was there just to push an agenda. I DESPISE THAT!! The orignal KR was something I would let my daughter watch with me. NO WAY ON THIS as long as these scenes are in this show.
3) The scene where Mike was in bed with two girls. I DESPISE THAT!! The orignal KR was something I would let my daughter watch with me. NO WAY ON THIS as long as these scenes are in this show.
4) The swearing. It didn't need to be there and has no business in a show like this.

Does NBC really need to take a classic TV show and mix there agenda into it and ruin it for todays younger generation?

If they would fix 2,3, and 4, the show would have been pretty good. I thought they did a good job with the tie ins to the original and I'm sure just as the original KITT evolved into what it was, this one will too. Episode one of KR, KITT didn't have much of a personality either. Just being honest.


Indeed, I was like "ok, what is the point of this?" The bed scenes were completely unnecessary. I really hope NBC reads these forums. The very reason I'm a fan of Knight Rider is because I used to watch it when I was younger. If I had kids, I wouldn't want them to see that stuff.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:31 am
by rocket
Yes is good hi will like more 3d effects visual more,more,more ,old fan KR,The voice of kitt is not the same hark is not terrible the voice sorry change thats for old voice :dash: Good too have cars movie again long time not see thats
Please make tv serie yesyesyesyesyesyesyesy, :spmgo: :kitt2: kitt say yes too

byebye see you R(+)cket

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:03 am
by k300au

Did you notice that the stuffed up the ending of the movie,
When K.I.T.T backs out of the plane
He does a 180 drive forward but when the next shoot cuts in he is doing a 180 in reverse.

Watch the movie again and see if you notice it..


Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:01 am
by 89IROCNDoug
IceSage wrote:
Bad points:
- "Attack" KITT looks stupid.
I believe there were some modes that the previous KITT had that were pretty repulsive as well. Although, that's changeable within the series if it ever gets picked up.
The only mode that was stupid about the previous KITT was the Super Pursuit Mode, which it didn’t have until season 4. (The convertible mode was unrealistic) Some would even say that the Super Pursuit Mode at least contributed, if not killed off the original series.
- KITT isn't aerodynamic. (they could of made the Mustang more aero)
It supposedly is aerodynamic, it's just not pointy. They showed during the TV-movie that it's suppose to be somehow... aerodynamic during a particular scene.
If they showed that, I missed it. (I didn’t catch everything because I was so mad about my local NBC station not showing it in HD because of weather cancellation messages!) But even if that is the case, I would rather have KITT be physically aerodynamic instead of being magically aerodynamic from some kind of weird science. It would look more believable that it could do 300+ and look way more advanced than a ‘60s styled car.
- No really cool burnouts.
Burn-outs are cool. But... wouldn't the lack of burnouts prove that the tires are superior? If I remember correctly, when KITT used to burn out... he'd leave tire tracks and skid in one place while taking off in multiple scenes.
Dragsters and many of the quickest cars make a lot of smoke when they take off. As I recall, when the previous KITT did burnouts, it made KITT look very quick and powerful. There may be a couple of times when KITT overdid the smokey burnouts and didn’t take off very quickly, but since the burnouts were so entertaining, I didn’t complain – it was just awesome to see!
- No crazy stunts by KITT.
Car chases, the curves he did... and having a car smash into you at high-speed isn't a crazy stunt?
No, I don’t classify the car chasing and swerving as being crazy stunts. Driving on two wheels (ski mode), turbo boost, and crashing through walls are what I call crazy stunts. There was one crazy stunt done, but that was by the SUV.
So here’s the score: GMC SUV – 1 crazy stunt. KITT – no crazy stunts.
- MBS is better than the self-healing.
Not really it isn't. At first I was disappointed as well, then I thought about it. The original KITT could be trashed, and damaged... and was quite frequently. The nano-technology is superior in the fact that it can self-heal itself. Although, the drawback to it is that you'd have to chose between MBS or the nano-technology. If just the MBS was on it KITT most likely wouldn't be able to shapeshift. (Made-up sciences, I guess.) Also, that leaves the possibility of the fact that the car isn't "immortal" in a sense... Which is the same for the original KITT. The original KITT wasn't exactly 100% non-damageable. This new KITT, with it's self-healing... seems like it IS 100% non-damageable... so there would naturally have to be a catch. Also keep in mind that the car was incomplete and that it's very unlikely for the car to ever be "hacked" again.
Since KITT was too weak to defend itself against the “hacking”, I don’t see how they will improve KITT that much so KITT’s computer won’t be vulnerable in some way.

The MBS was a huge element of the original series and is considered by many to be the biggest feature of the first KITT. Why change it?

Here are comparisons as I see it:
If KITT encounters brute force only, KITT with self-healing would be better.
If KITT encounters a smart science freak with a pea shooter, KITT with MBS would be better.
If KITT encounters brute force and a smart science freak, KITT with MBS still has a slight advantage because it would seem that you would at least have some protection and possibly be able to escape to safety. Whereas you are unprotected with a KITT that lost it’s self-healing, so you (and KITT) are more vulnerable.
So MBS wins, 2 to 1.
- Bad morals by the FBI woman and Mike doesn't need to be included.
I'm afraid it does. The point of Knight Rider is, and always has been... to point out that the world is corrupt, immoral. It was to show the world the way it is, in all it's differences. In fact, that's the very SOUL of what Knight Rider is... Which is why the concept of "One man can make a difference" is very important. The original Michael Knight was like that as well in a way... Constantly having different girlfriends, always kissing all these girls. That was pretty bad boyish and wild back in the day. Michael Knight was suppose to be a "wild guy" although thinking back the show is pretty tame. Also, Mike Tracer and Michael Knight are NOT the same people. The show would be very boring and very regurgitated if we had the same type of guy... going on the same type of missions with the same type of car... Just like the old series.
In the original Knight Rider, immoral behaviors like murder and stealing were obviously looked down on and, of course, these immoral behaviors were fought against and beaten. This new TV movie now has included sexual immoral behavior that’s not going to be fought against and will make it seem like this behavior is OK. Let’s help the parents out and leave this stuff out. Young children want to see the show because of the cool, talking car that fights the bad guys. This just makes it harder for the parents that want to teach and guide their children. Yes, the children will encounter this stuff in school and by friends as they grow older, but this makes it even harder to let the children know that this sexual behavior is wrong when it shows up in a fun, crime fighting show.
- Steering wheel looked kind of cheap. (it needed the Knight logo)
It most likely will get a Knight logo. Keep in mind though as we find out... the Foundation for Law and Government and the "Knight" foundation doesn't exist anymore.
OK, so then what does KITT stand for? I thought it stood for Knight Industries Three Thousand.
- KITT's display was not next gen. (they should of used holographics)
They want to be as realistic as possible, just like the original Knight Rider sort of was... (Even though it did have a lot of things in it that just weren't possible for the time.) Holographic displays aren't realistic. We don't have them. In fact, remember Knight Rider 2000? No... no no no. It would be too much like KR2000.
Holographics are coming. KITT should have technology ahead of it’s time and holographic displays will be a reality in the near future. Today’s CGI is better and they could make some cool looking holographics – better than what was in KR2000. The displays and readouts on the original KITT was ahead of it’s time. The new KITT’s interface looks like it’s using current technology. Not good, but at least changeable.
- Val Kilmer's voice didn't fit very well.
He was a last minute choice I believe due to who they had in mind (Will Arnett) was not allowed to do it due to a request from General Motors. This happened just two weeks before the show aired on February 17th.
This excuse doesn’t make Val’s voice sound any better for the show that has been aired. A weakness is a weakness. (talking about the performance in the movie, not Val himself) I am optimistic that Val’s voice will work better in the series, if it goes to series.
- Camera was too close up sometimes. (Hey, I didn't like it in the Bourne movies, either!)
If I remember correctly that's the same for the original Knight Rider... A lot of closeups.
When the original KR used close-ups, they seemed to be more appropriate for what it was showing. I just don’t like all the close-ups during the action sequences because I can’t quite see what’s happening. I think they use close-ups during action shots to make it seem more realistic, but I would rather it be a little less realistic and at least see what’s going on. Don’t get me wrong, I like the Bourne movies, but the heavy use of close-ups during action scenes bother me.
- No mention of what Michael Knight has been up to all these years. (Why didn't he go back to Jenny & son?)
Leaves it open for a TV-series! Also, maybe the writers just don't know right now.
I thought it would be good for Michael Knight to show more remorse for not being a good father for Mike. All it needed was something simple like “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I had a lengthy mission overseas” or something in general. I don’t need any detailed stuff. I just had a negative feeling for Michael Knight for ignoring his son without giving any reason.
- Where is the KI2000 AI? (Does it still exist somewhere or is it in the KI3000, which I don't think it is)
I don't see how this is bad either. It's content if the show ever gets picked up.
I just wanted a little hint that the KI2000 AI still existed, nothing much. (maybe there was hint and I missed it?)
- The SUV crash didn't move KITT. (Let's not ignore some basic physics!)
It did move. You most likely missed it because it was going so fast. If you don't believe me re-watch it or I can post a small snippet showing that scene over again.
OK, I stand corrected. KITT wavered a little bit. I looked at that scene again in slo-mo. It looks like they show the same impact 3 times. Right before the 2nd impact, you see the Mustang move in front of the SUV, but this is the same impact – the SUV is still intact. This shows another problem because well before the 1st impact the Mustang was at a dead stop. Thanks for showing me another problem with this crash. When I watched the show with other people, about everybody said stuff like “Yeah, right!!!” and “That’s so fake!” because they all know that KITT should have slid several feet or maybe even rolled. It’s basic physics.

As I mentioned in my last post, the original Knight Rider had flaws to, but not as many. I still had some enjoyment from this new movie and I am optimistic about a new series!

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:24 pm
by krfan1
I thought it was great. I too have watched it twice since Sunday. Some people are complaining about the 'healing' ability. I thought it was very creative...why??? Because, only three people knew the formula for the original MBS. At least two would be dead (Devon, and the guy who died in Goliath) If MBS had been used, everyone would be complaining "How'd the MBS get there??????"

Concerning the new KITT's 'SPM'. As to my knowledge, the original KITT couldn't pilot himself while in SPM (whereas the new one can)

I thought Val Kilmer did a good job with the voice. I really liked some of the lines in the movie:
Sarah: "KITT, are you Crazy?!?!?"
KITT: "I do not believe so."

Sarah: "You're impossible, cause you're my father!"
KITT: "I am not your father!"

It was also interesting that the color of the voice modulator changed to a white while comforting Sarah.

This didn't bother me, but I find it interesting KITT cut it so close running the stop sign in the mountains. I would guess the original KITT would not have done that due to the possibility of injuring humans.

Was the Cobra logo shown a bit much? Yeah, a little, but I can get over that.

I hope I can set my PC to record new episodes of Knight Rider this fall!


Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:31 pm
by ckeller22
Here are comparisons as I see it:
If KITT encounters brute force only, KITT with self-healing would be better.
If KITT encounters a smart science freak with a pea shooter, KITT with MBS would be better.
If KITT encounters brute force and a smart science freak, KITT with MBS still has a slight advantage because it would seem that you would at least have some protection and possibly be able to escape to safety. Whereas you are unprotected with a KITT that lost it’s self-healing, so you (and KITT) are more vulnerable.
So MBS wins, 2 to 1.
Fyi-KITT 2000 was hacked by a high school geek with a comodore 64 computer in the original gee that makes him superior to the 3000 that was hacked using specs and blueprints of him from Charles hard drives-you make no sense you contradict yourself.It's ok for KITT 2000 to be hacked into by a high schooler with a far less inferior computer hacking him how can you justify that.
KITT be physically aerodynamic instead of being magically aerodynamic from some kind of weird science. It would look more believable that it could do 300+ and look way more advanced than a ‘60s styled car.
Again it's called nano technology (not magical weird science)which is REAL today. Carnegie Melon is working on it go find the post read educate yourself and watch the video on it. The producers wanted to use technology that is present today not in 1982.
Since KITT was too weak to defend itself against the “hacking”, I don’t see how they will improve KITT that much so KITT’s computer won’t be vulnerable in some way.
Answered that above 1980's high school geek with comodore hacks KITT 2000,umm...why couldn't KITT 2000 defend himself against a hack from a cheesy comodore 64 isn't that considered weak. FYI again at the end of the movie before Sarah kisses Mike she tells him we re calibrated KITTS systems so he can never be hacked into again ,I guess you missed that .
Bad morals by the FBI woman and Mike doesn't need to be included
What gives you the right that says she is not a moral person why because she is gay. That is so ignorant i can't even fathom it. So all gay people are murderers ,thieves,child molester,etc. thats so ridiculous that gay people don't have morals.
In the original Knight Rider, immoral behaviors like murder and stealing were obviously looked down
And the constant womanizing which KITT 2000 complained about is moral. How about Michael Knight running up a tab needing a credit card for the amount of alcohol he consumed and than driving off-yea your going to say well KITT could take over-cheesy.I could go on and point out flaws of immoral behavior in the original as well
As I mentioned in my last post, the original Knight Rider had flaws to, but not as many.
I think you need to watch your Knight Rider DVD's again.That's all i am going to say because there are flaws,mistakes,big plot hole galore all over the original but you just think that it is perfect and the new one is junk so each it's own but do some research watch the show a million times like i did and compare it for what it really is and don't put the new one down for things that you find acceptable that the original did that is being a hypocrite.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:32 pm
by killem2
I couldn't agree more with you Seeker 78, It is a huge deal that it is American Made. If it was a foreign piece of !@#$ I wouldn't have gave the show the time of day.

1st of all, just because its in another country doesn't mean its crap. I would have accepeted and aston martin or a ferrari, both of which put any american muscle to shame.

1) The Mustang couldn't outrun the cross over or SUV but could cover over 600 miles in just over 3 hours.
its KITT. he's a super being of a car. No real car can do what he can do. Lets keep it real here.
2) The Lesbian scene in the beginning was inappropriate and gave nothing to the show. It was there just to push an agenda. I DESPISE THAT!! The orignal KR was something I would let my daughter watch with me. NO WAY ON THIS as long as these scenes are in this show.
cry more serious I don't care if you despise that some people don't silver fans either.
3) The scene where Mike was in bed with two girls. I DESPISE THAT!! The orignal KR was something I would let my daughter watch with me. NO WAY ON THIS as long as these scenes are in this show.
You didn't watch the same knight rider I did then. Knight was a pimp hard core. He was a woman's man. THAT's why they had the scene.
4) The swearing. It didn't need to be there and has no business in a show like this.
What swearing? I didn't hear anything that was considered bannable.
Does NBC really need to take a classic TV show and mix there agenda into it and ruin it for todays younger generation?
They didn't ruin anything. This is the first time in YEARS of having a decent show that wasn't drown in sexual drivel and Dawson creek drama like most shows nearly every every 3 seconds of the show. A little sexual reference didn't hurt anyone. Times have changed. You may not agree. Sorry. I feel sponge bob is way worse and digusting than anything this show contained.
If they would fix 2,3, and 4, the show would have been pretty good. I thought they did a good job with the tie ins to the original and I'm sure just as the original KITT evolved into what it was, this one will too. Episode one of KR, KITT didn't have much of a personality either. Just being honest.
kitt had just as much personality as the original. he's a computer. Maybe you didn't see the funny Indian picture or how he told sarah she needed to talk about her feelings. Maybe I just watched a totally different show. Or you watched the 1st 10 mins of this one and your "feel good" BS got in the way.
yes it is, but I can understand why they didn't use one.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:55 pm
by subliminal1284
It was basically a 2 hour long Ford commercial, No thank you. Every car in the damn thing was a forking ford. And what the hell is up with KITT not beinng able to outrun a ford edge?! Let alone why the top heavy POS edge didnt flip when taking those turns. Thank you Ford for screwing up what could of been a perfectly good show. I do not think the high ratings will keep up, I believe the high ratings were just from curious people wanting to see it, After that its gonna die down and fast.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:59 pm
by killem2
subliminal1284 wrote:It was basically a 2 hour long Ford commercial, No thank you. Every car in the damn thing was a forking ford. And what the hell is up with KITT not beinng able to outrun a ford edge?! Let alone why the top heavy POS edge didnt flip when taking those turns. Thank you Ford for screwing up what could of been a perfectly good show. I do not think the high ratings will keep up, I believe the high ratings were just from curious people wanting to see it, After that its gonna die down and fast.
I hated that too, but don't think for a second GM didn't have there control over this show. Its the reason why we don't have the original voice.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:54 pm
by Stangrider
Yup! I really enjoyed it. The end threw me off cuz I thought he was gonna back out of a semi ... instead it was a plane :shock: !? A bit far fetched but I guess it's their way of letting us know they're not taking themselves too seriously which is fine by me! Loved the references to the original and the Michael Knight scene. The new car is awesome! I'll be tuned in when this becomes a series.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:08 pm
by Knight-Armen
I can assure you that if the following things would have remained the same the sum total of everyone in this forum would have cheered after watching the movie!

Here is what I think:

The voice of Kitt should have remained the same (i.e. by William Daniels).

Secondly, they should have stayed with Hasselhoff! This would exclude all of that nonsense about him having a son and a WIFE to say the least (In other words less complicated).

The car we can all live with because it's just a matter of adjustment to another vehicle.

No matter what you guys think I know for sure that this is the case...

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:09 pm
by Magicman72171
Howdy Guys!

My name is Clarke and I love the new Knight Rider Movie! :D It was AWESOME!!! :P :D I hope that they make it into a series! :mrgreen: That would be AWESOME! :P

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:24 pm
by Niggle Snoosh
subliminal1284 wrote:It was basically a 2 hour long Ford commercial, No thank you. Every car in the damn thing was a forking ford. And what the hell is up with KITT not beinng able to outrun a ford edge?! Let alone why the top heavy POS edge didnt flip when taking those turns. Thank you Ford for screwing up what could of been a perfectly good show. I do not think the high ratings will keep up, I believe the high ratings were just from curious people wanting to see it, After that its gonna die down and fast.
Not that i'm trying to defend Ford's actions but at the moment there may be no series. Ford has paid their $$$$ to get their cars (not just KI3T unfortuneatly) seen by the public and of course the network would have to acknowledge that fact. I can only hope and expect that if a series is comissioned ( and i hope it is) that sort of behaviour won't be there or at the very least so blatent since having KITT as Ford Mustang wont need to be force fed down our throats if it is the star of a series.

Also at the end of the day, no matter how cool KI3t is, no matter how much we may warm to the Mustang it will always be in the shadow of KITT/The 82 T/A.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:35 pm
by knightrules
I actually liked the show. although they spent alot of time with Sarah Graiman.

Its odd as I see folks, even not in the Knight Rider forum, expressing disappointment that KITT or the show did not live up to expectations.

I do recall that I was not a huge fan of the original pilot, KITT did not have a great personality to him, he was kinda lame. (and how many KITT stunts in the pilot again?) As the show progressed, KITT became more loose and humorous. The show and the characters developed. I think we are jaded comparing ONE pilot to 4 seasons of fun!

I do hope the series uses a bit of the Hoff as Mike's mentor, tie into the old days.

What annoyed me the most is NBC constant BUG promo-ing other shows and the commercial interrupts, the shows run time was 80 minutes..lots of time to fill.

For the Ford complainers, although I do not remember the original commercials from the original show airing in the 80s, I do remember folks saying the show was a big commercial for Pontiac's Trans Am.
Also its OK that KITT did not out run the Edge at first, in the original show KITT did not always do those things either!

I hope NBC Universal turns this to DVD fast, heck Battlestar's Razor came out the Tuesday after it aired.

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:52 pm
by DeeKnight
Hey there,first post although i have been visiting the site for years. Anyway my humble opinion is that it was a really good movie,in many ways NBC were in a bad position. They couldnt really go all out retro because it wouldnt attract any new fans,so they had to find the middle ground and i think they did. I loved the hoffs speech at the end,when he mentioned wilton knight i got goosebumps! Anyway thats long enough for a first post!lol

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:10 pm
by Kaine
watched it again and still loved it, propably even a bit more.

KITT: I require fuel.
Mike: you run on gas??? not hydrogen or plutoniumor somethink really cool that i've never heard of?
KITT: My system is largely solar powered and recycles 91% of its expended energy allowing a ratio of 167 miles travelled for every galon of fuel burned.
Mike: what supercar runs on gas?

man, that's funny!!!

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:42 pm
by Niggle Snoosh
Kaine wrote:watched it again and still loved it, propably even a bit more.

KITT: I require fuel.
Mike: you run on gas??? not hydrogen or plutoniumor somethink really cool that i've never heard of?
KITT: My system is largely solar powered and recycles 91% of its expended energy allowing a ratio of 167 miles travelled for every galon of fuel burned.
Mike: what supercar runs on gas?

man, that's funny!!!
I agree (on both your points), there were few moments like that i enjoyed just as much. I also liked:

MT: KI3T, pull over
KI3T: Is something wrong?
SG: What is it Mike?........ Whats the matter?
MT: Nothing.....(looks down sheepishly) I gotta pee

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:44 pm
by JJSoCrazy
I also wanted to make another comment

My favorite scene was when that guy in the beginning driving a huge truck see's KITT in the mirror and then he fly's right by him and then the theme song comes on. That was a HOT SCENE!

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:52 pm
by Niggle Snoosh
JJSoCrazy wrote:I also wanted to make another comment

My favorite scene was when that guy in the beginning driving a huge truck see's KITT in the mirror and then he fly's right by him and then the theme song comes on. That was a HOT SCENE!
Yes!!!! Definetly. I also love the gasp/whoosh sound effect he makes :P
It was simple but led to the theme song suprisingly well :D

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:26 pm
by goldbug
I give it a solid B. There is a lot of room for improvement, but I felt much the same way about "Star Trek: The Next Generation" when I saw its pilot and I wound up loving the series. Was it a perfect movie? No way. But was it fun and enjoyable? Absolutely! :)

Re: did you like the nbc kr movie??

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:30 am
by GhstbstrLMLIII
flemmo wrote:I was surprised to See Glen A Larson as an executive producer. I thought the NBC pilot was against his wishes and he wanted nothing to do with it? sorry if this has been covered elsewhere. its hard keeping up with all the posts.
This was the exact question I had in first seeing the credits. With all of the bad blood I've seen on this board between the series and the to-be movie by Larson, I did a double-take when he was shown as executive producer. Where does this put the movie now? Will he be doing both, or has he resigned to the series? Admittedly, I don't know much about the inner workings of Hollywood business - but this move was unexpected.

Overall, I enjoyed the pilot. Agreed, there were several agenda scenes which attributed nothing to the plot, but looking past those, I enjoyed it for what it was - a new knight rider with a kick-@ss car. Originally I was leary of a mustang - but the Shelby just looks sweet. Plus, it's got the power under the hood which can be greatly used when this gets picked up for a season. I even enjoyed the 4-part commercial about Mike's date. That was the kind of humor the original show had.