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Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:58 am
by Wedgewalkr
Hello. New to the board. My reactions, for what it's worth.

1. This is a sequel, as opposed to a remake. For that I'm grateful. We don't see those as often these days.

2. Regarding possible continuity issues with the original show: First, I'm glad this can even be an issue (see #1). Second, it's too soon to cry irreconcilable continuity problems. Yes, on the surface of it Graiman seems to have come from nowhere. But is it possible to explain his role in a way consistent with the original show? Sure. So why didn't they, we might ask? Well, there's a lot going on in a pilot. And while nods to the original show were numerous here, it seems that the writers and producers didn't give priority to explaining the mythology of the show. They didn't even explain what the Foundation is. Wilton Knight only got a reference or two. Even Michael Knight didn't get much of a back story. My theory is that they didn't want to slow the pilot down with a lot of exposition (which would include how exactly Graiman fits into the original show) that would distract new viewers. It's interesting to me. On the one hand, familiarity with the original show on the part of the audience was assumed (hence not explaining what 'The Foundation' is, etc.). On the other hand, for those who'd be unfamiliar, they didn't give half-explanations (which is all they'd have time for in a pilot) that would serve to confuse more than clarify. My hunch is that with this, as well as the issue of who exactly Mike's mom was, when was he born, etc., the writer and producer intend for these things to be unraveled as the show goes along (much as how they've explicitly state they intend to reveal KITT's abilities). And I'm ok with that.

3. The commercial issues: Yes, there were a ton. But, truth be told, wouldn't that be more NBC's fault than the writers and producers of the show? We can still complain about it. But let's put blame where blame is due.

4. The needless titilating stuff in the beginning (Mike with 2 girls, agent Rivai being lesbian): I wasn't a big fan of that either. But notice how after the first 15 minutes or so, that stuff was gone, never to return. My theory is that that stuff was put in at the beginning to entice the non-Knight Rider fan, 15-25 year old male get their attention and keep them watching long enough for the true content of the show to interest them. Maybe I'm wrong, but that makes sense to me.

4. As for the show in general...I liked it. As a 29 year old fan from back in the day (I was just a little tyke back then, but was a tiny fan nonetheless), I knew it'd be a bit different, but was excited nonetheless. I'm not dissapointed. Mike is an interesting character. Graiman should make a capable Devon-type character. Sarah will work as a Bonnie-type who overtly has feelings for Mike. Mike's friend as a mechanic and quasi-RC3-type was an unexpected twist. Val Kilmer did, I think, a great job as the new KITT. (I'm glad he didn't go for the whole gravely Optimus Prime style voice they were getting Arnett to do.) He has a bit of the attitude of KITT (2k), but with a bit less smarmy ego and more matter of fact-ness. He seems a bit more curious about the emotions of Mike and Sarah. His bringing up of statistics and such, in my opinion, makes perfect sense. He's trying to understand human behavior in the only way he can, by relating it to other facts in his memory banks. I personally loved those moments as they were both funny, and gave us a glimpse into this KITT's mindset and breadth of data (the sad Native American from the 70's littering commercials, pictures and data on homosexuality, statistics on marriage, the book of Matthew from the New Testament, etc.). Imagine a lonely introverted bookworm relating life to literature and other book knowledge. Or imagine Wilson from Home Improvement. That's kinda who KITT is.

The show wasn't perfect, but I think it had good moments, and has a lot of potential. I hope it gets picked up.

And I agree with the others...last 10 minutes of the show...straight up Knight Rider. Loved it.

Oh, two last thing. Someone commented that the plane bit at the end makes no sense as it would be quite conspicuous (as opposed to the semi from the original show). But I didn't understand conspiciousness as being a factor here. They're not trying to hide KITT or anything. They were probably just getting he and Mike close to where they needed to be in a hurry.

And lastly, the Foundation isn't being funded by the FBI. They're working together, yes. (And that makes sense. They can't be some rogue non-governmental police agency. In our day and time, it would seem odd if they were.) But they're not being funded by them.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:11 am
by Knight Dreams
Well, I've just finished watching as I was unfortunate enough to have to work tonight. Luckily for me, my fiancee got home in enough time and, with our DVR being broken, went true '80's style and taped it on the good ol' VCR.

I agree with Wedgewalkr that we should be grateful that we are being treated to a sequel and not a complete re-invention. I don't think we will fare so well if KR DOES actually make it to the silver screen. All in all, I thought there were plenty of original series references to sate the casual KR viewer (if not enough for us die-hards) and to keep the flow going nicely for new viewers. I'd say that there is plenty of fertile ground for a series if it makes it that far. I would've loved to see more of The Hoff but, again, I think his scenes were tasteful and complete enough for a pilot. The only thing that grated me was not seeing the Knight 2000. I love the K3000 for what it is but, to me, KR was about the Knight 2000 and all we got was the original license plate and a steering wheel. I sincerely hope that if NBC picks this up for full production that we see the return of Michael Knight and the Knight 2000 in some form or fashion, even if it is just the occasional cameo.

EDIT: Just visited the "Knight 2000 model" thread and realized that, indeed, the Knight 2000 WAS in Graiman's garage. I caught a glimpse of the bowling ball hubcaps but thought that my eyes must be playing tricks on me. So now there is REALLY hope for the series-to-be!


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:13 am
by Lost Knight
Oh, yeah, one other thing: They directly said Trans Am! Bet the boneheads over at Pontiac will try and sue them now for not saying "black T-top." :?


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:21 am
by selenity

When I heard about this, I was happy and hopeful. I loved this show as a child and my family would gather to watch it every week as we did Airwolf, A-team, Macgyver, Star Trek, and countless others. Today the only shows I can let my kids watch with me is Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, and Psych. I was really hoping I could add this to my short list. Not.

In some areas, the movie delivered. It was wonderful to watch a show that was more about the action and much, much less about the bloody violence. I nearly laughed when KITT states he is programmed not to kill (Bring on the non-fatal car flips!). In this respect, the movie was very much like the Knight Rider I remember and I am so happy for that. I loved Mike’s verbal banter with KITT just as Michael Knight used to. The special effects were pretty cool, although overdone at times. I thought the plane was ridiculous though. I can play stretches with reality like Charles living through that crash, but an airplane? Come on.

For the most part, I enjoyed this movie and would enjoy a series. And yet, I still can not allow my kids to watch it. The pervertedness was, quite frankly, distasteful, unnecessary and even embarrassing. I don’t need to explain to my six-year-old why people are in bed naked together. And yes, she’s smart enough to figure out they’re naked. A bedsheet just doesn’t cover *cough*. I also don’t need gay rights agendas in my face. Why can’t we just enjoy a show without getting political? If a series is made, I hope they drop the perverted crap. Otherwise, I would stop watching out of pure disgust.

One more quick thing. I was disappointed William Daniels did not reprise his role as KITT. Did anyone even ask him? Val Kilmer did a good job though. I was also kind of hoping the original KITT would make a cameo appearance somewhere. Give me a Trans Am over a Mustang anyday! Can’t believe they don’t make ‘em anymore. *walks off muttering* :arrow:


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:22 am
by JTurchetta
First off, HELLO! im a first timer here.

I have to say i really enjoyed the movie. Having been around to remember the orignal series and now working for NBC, i had a lot of anticipaction of the new movie. I have been watching a good portion of the series on DVD and i really liked what they did here.

Lets break down some stuff here.

First off this is in essence a PILOT episode. So before anyone goes bashing its logic or effects or what it did or did not include, give it some time, if it gets picked up and turned into a series, let them set up what they need to. Don't just jump to conclusions because it didnt answer every single question you might have. If it did that then there would be NO POINT for a series right?

As for the script, it was much better than i had expected. ALSO keep in mind that this 2 hour movie was made DURING THE WRITERS STRIKE. And since the strike ended just a few days ago, any issues story wise could not have been changed as there were NO WRITERS to fix them. As a film maker and writer myself, i can tell you from experience that whats on paper sometimes doesnt fully translate to film. So dont fault the script. Take into consideration what was going on OUTSIDE the production.

Effects wise, i felt that on the budget this thing had, which lets be honest its a tv movie.. it was MAYBE 1.5 million which in todays entertainment business is a low budget film. I felt the effects were great. And just because WE ALL KNOW KITT is bulletproof DOES NOT mean someone who is not famler with Knight Rider knows. SO again, cut the movie some slack.

I feel for the producers of this movie. They had the near impossible task of making die hard fans happy while introducing Knight Rider to the 21st century. There is no way that everyone was going to be happy. But i think they did the RIGHT thing.. They made THEIR movie..and for alli ntent and purposes IT WORKED.

I can forgive the use of footage from Chuck (aerial shots of Standford) or Las Vegas (the casino set) they ARE NBC shows afterall.

I love the new KITT it has really grown on me. I love the attack mode, reminds me of Super Pursuit Mode which i loved. I love KITT pulling out of the plane.. and i LOVE how they have made it an INTERNATIONAL thing. Go back and LISTEN to what they say. The man BEHIND the pilot is in Dubai. THAT MEANS Mike and KITT were airlifted to the Middle east! I LOVE IT.

It was a wonderful sequel and i really hope NBC gives this show a chance to find its feet and entertain us.




Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:43 am
Wedgewalkr wrote:
And lastly, the Foundation isn't being funded by the FBI. They're working together, yes. (And that makes sense. They can't be some rogue non-governmental police agency. In our day and time, it would seem odd if they were.) But they're not being funded by them.
Actually, Carrie Rivai did say something like "this time we'll be picking up the tab" in response to Mike's potential damage being caused either to the car or collateral damage from missions. So yes, they'll be funded by the FBI.

Let me say, my complaints about commercials is directed at NBC, I know that's not the production crew's fault. They probably had to show the car emblems so much and everything as well due to the deal with Ford... As much as it made me roll my eyes in spots. I can accept it and plan on watching it again without commercial breaks on my second viewing.

I don't get this pervertedness thing, the two girls weren't naked, sure they were in underwear but you see just as much from a commercial, maybe more if in a Victoria Secret ad or walking through a mall. It's not like they suddenly started going at it, same with Carrie's "guest". That reminds me of the thinking of adults around the time of He-Man, when they weren't complaining about the "violence" they were about the dialog and He-Man calling Skeletor "Bonehead" and some even acting as if that was supposed to be a "clever" was of calling him something else. As a little kid, that sort of thing went completely over my head and it wasn't until much later, when I was older that I got that, just as either of those scenes in the new movie would have, three scantily clad women two in bed with a guy, really was it that offensive? Come on... I wouldn't have even asked any questions, unfortunately I know little kids are "growing up" faster and faster but still it's adults that are typically the ones who pick these sort of things out and blowing them up.

Besides that, the movie aired in prime time when it's supposed to be past small children's bed times. Then of course there's the whole TV rating thing... Something like thirty seconds worth of scream time and there's screams "PERVERTED oh lawd my babies are now corrupted forever".

I could continue with the whole shielding issue and how that can mess people up a lot more than confronting things, but this post has gone on long enough and I'm in dire need of sleep.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:46 am
by Knight Dreams
I might possibly be opening up a can of worms by addressing this but I'm going to anyway.

The 1980's hold a very special place in my heart. I was born in '82 but was still very much a child of the 80's. Even some stuff from the 70's was still kicking around and I remember it from childhood. That being said, it was a different time.

As a 26 year old male, I was titillated by the threesome and lesbian scene. And I thought the homosexuality reference was hilarious in the context of the scene. I think that our culture's problem with our children and things like this is, we don't want to have to explain it to them. Kids aren't dumb. Their psyches are not as fragile as we would believe them to be, and they won't be scarred by things like that. The best thing that one can do for their kids is to let them see things like that, explain patiently, including details as to why you think it's wrong if that's what you believe, and let them make their own judgments. They might surprise you.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:55 am
by robertserr
Trust the tv execs to destroy the legacy of the original Knight Rider.
They should have called the car S.H.I.T. not KITT.
WAY too much high drama, a plot impossible to follow, a car with no personality,
no laughs, no fun, just drama drama drama.
In my opinion one of the worst shows i have ever seen on tv.
Terrible acting, stupid special effects . And what about that crap with KITT talking about the divorce rate in the USA? What a pile of CRAP. I knew it was going to be crap and i was right.
PATHETIC. The people involved in this project should be shot.
I hope it gets cancelled so we dont have to be subjected to another episode of this wank.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:55 am
by JTurchetta
I agree with the above posts. I belive the word is TOLERANCE. Interesting that a fluffy show about a talking car could introduce the subject of TOLERANCE without saying a word. Gay and Lesbians are just as much a part of this worl d and any one else and in fact they are NO DIFFERENT. So if the 60 frames of film that showed some sort of homosexual innuendo BOTHERED YOU....

Do us all a favor. Find KARR, stand in front of him, let him charge at you and take one for the team.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:59 am
by wesleysnipez
Yeah I'm new to boards here and when I was kid I remember the old Knyght Rider a lot. When I saw movie tonight I saw few holes and all in story like other above said. But what what was let down for me was when I saw car dropping from the plane when I was expecting the old FLAG semi and all. I have question you know the guy Mike tracer was with and all his mechanic will he play part that Bonnie Barstow had? I hope not I was hoping for a hot chick to play that role and all.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:05 am
by Wedgewalkr
PHOENIXZERO wrote:Actually, Carrie Rivai did say something like "this time we'll be picking up the tab" in response to Mike's potential damage being caused either to the car or collateral damage from missions. So yes, they'll be funded by the FBI.
True, she did say that. For what it's worth my understanding is that on that particular mission they'd be picking up the tab. It's one thing to say that at times the Foundations work will be augmented with FBI funds, it's another to say across the board the Foundation is being funded by the least in my mind. Maybe you meant nothing more than sometimes the FBI would be financially involved.

PHOENIXZERO wrote:I don't get this pervertedness thing, the two girls weren't naked...
I think what some are reacting to is what it implies...that Mike had a three-some. It's not so much what was shown it is what it suggests.

I agree that often-times parents shelter their children too much.

But in the end, I think some parents would like to let their kids watch a show without things coming up that they feel they need to comment on...or even debate with themselves, "do I need to talk to my kid about this...or did it go over his/her head? Should I risk not saying something? Would saying something make it worse and call attention to something they didn't notice?"

But again...that stuff went away after the first 15 minutes. For folks to characterize the whole movie based on two scenes, whether those scenes were wisely included or not, is for them to misrepresent the movie.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:09 am
Knight Dreams, I think I agree with you 100% I'm not that much older than you either, just a couple months or so. Kids certainly aren't fragile, something like that isn't going to scar them for life. If they have questions, answer them truthfully, don't turn something into a taboo, that just makes it seem a lot more attractive. Everyone was a kid and a teenager at one time should know this. Unfortunately, it seems that many forget.

To me, our public education does more damage from the subjects they teach and then have to reteach every year, not just because kids forget the useless info they might never use in real life, being taught to them over and over but much of the time contradicting what was taught the year before, but don't get me started on the BS I was taught in D.A.R.E. Or Sex-Ed both of those things were not only a waste of time since they didn't work but much of the "facts" they gave was nothing more than bogus propaganda, one of my "favorites" being how the AIDS virus passes through a condom but no where mentioning how the virus acts or whatever and how that just doesn't work and it doesn't just pass through. Yet they totally fail in actually educating about anything, by high school girls I went to school with were getting knocked up left and right and so many were using drugs I'd lose count. Why? Largely because both are made into a big taboo, don't even get me started on a certain method teens and even some adults actually think is a real way of preventing pregnancy. :roll: Okay, I better stop ranting because I'm already waaaaay too far off topic and getting into something entirely inappropriate for this topic.

I think there's many good reasons why home school kids seemingly do much better in test and it doesn't all come down to class size and attention. Our one size fits all, government run "education" system really needs an overhaul.

Alright, hopefully no one replied while I typed this, I really need to get some sleep.... I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:17 am
by spto
This is just a quick initial impression.

I would give this a solid B. Sure they updated a lot of things but I felt the tone was quite good and just to counter some of the comments that are being negative:

1. Remember for most of the 1st season the original KITT didn't have much of a personality either. I'm sure the writers will provide this KITT some time to grow. There was some good snappy dialogue that reminded me of the old show.

2. The heavy melodramatic stuff....Well yes there was a bit of that but it gave me a chance to really get to know and care about Mike Traceur and the other characters. I thought they balanced out the heavy drama with the light comedic touches quite well.

At times KITT looked very sleek so I liked the way the car came out. My one main complaint is that I would've preferred the original vox box or at least a reason facsimile.

Oh and one thing that I really like is that if this show is going to be picked up it's going to have a very wide scope as it seems there'll be some international intrigue. OTOH I hate that they resurrected the flying mobile unit from TKR.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:19 am
by Scott Kirkessner
We live in a more politically charged world, that's plain and simple.

To call Ruvai's character, the stats on marriage, KITT asking Mike if he was gay, and Mike's threesome political correctness is incorrect. That's not political correctness.

Mike is introduced as our anti-hero. He has a gambling problem, he is almost $100,000 owed to some very nasty people. He is by no means perfect, so maybe he fills the void in his life since he vacated the army with sex and gambling. That's called character development.

As for Ruvai's character... I didn't see the *need* to make her character gay, but I am not so vehemently offended by it like some people are. It's no big deal to be honest. You didn't see them kissing, you didn't see them having sex, you didn't see anything. It's a character trait - whether it needed to be in there or not? *shrugs*

This show is still watchable for children. The worst word I heard in there was bitch and it was uttered only once, and on many shows on today, we hear worse and more often. Besides, 12 and 8 year olds say worse, believe me, I sure did. But we should all stop swearing, it sounds like hell, haha.

This show was light compared to other shows on today, but take a look at what is on prime-time in the networks. The pre-teen and younger demographic is not popular at all. It makes no revenue in prime time so, no one is marketing to them. Let's look at Heroes, arguably the most popular new series in 2006 and the most anticipated returns in 2007. That show has had a fair share of violence and gore.

Family friendly viewing ended in the mid-90's and now rests on the Disney Channel. But even the term "family friendly" has changed definitions as shows have evolved. Don't jump the gun too soon on saying our new incarnation of Knight Rider is not family friendly, it's just not family friendly under the 1980's standards that many of us grew up with.

But we changed with the times.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:55 am
by Lost Knight
robertserr wrote:Trust the tv execs to destroy the legacy of the original Knight Rider.
They should have called the car S.H.I.T. not KITT.
Oh, brilliant. That's almost as basic as your entire post! That level of cleverness makes me glad you didn't write the script.
robertserr wrote:a plot impossible to follow
OK, for your sake, I hope you're a troll, because if there's people out there who are that simple minded, I weep for the future. Please do your hating on or The intelligence level of the majority of members on this site is too much for your mind to comprehend.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:08 am
by scottab21
"OK, for your sake, I hope you're a troll, because if there's people out there who are that simple minded, I weep for the future." Lost Knight...LOL Simply hilarious, but well said. :lol:

:kitt: :karr:


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:28 am
by jbh142
robertserr wrote:Trust the tv execs to destroy the legacy of the original Knight Rider.
They should have called the car S.H.I.T. not KITT.

LOL!!! Your so original you should write for the show...
WAY too much high drama, a plot impossible to follow, a car with no personality,
no laughs, no fun, just drama drama drama.

I person with an IQ of 30 could have followed the plot man. So I take it your IQ is about 15.

In my opinion one of the worst shows i have ever seen on tv.
Terrible acting, stupid special effects . And what about that crap with KITT talking about the divorce rate in the USA? What a pile of CRAP. I knew it was going to be crap and i was right.
PATHETIC. The people involved in this project should be shot.
I hope it gets cancelled so we dont have to be subjected to another episode of this wank.
I hope it gets picked up. I can see this show being in the top ten for years to come.. It's good old fashion fun with an interesting cast. So please go troll somewere else. Or better yet try and get out of your moms basement a little more.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:06 am
by knightstand
I loved the show.

They kept the feel of the original series, which was what I weas scared the most about. I liked the references to the old series:

1. The shots of KITT (Trans AM) bumper with "Knight" on it, and the shots of the interior of the car in the garage.
2. A bad guy mentioned something about 25 years ago there being another super computer.
3. Jennifer mentioned "Did you build another one?" "Is it another Trans AM?"

I think that VK will get better as time goes on. I loved the chase through the university. My girlfriend and I watched it and she commented that she liked the non tech and the fact that the supercomputer makes the car indestructible. I'm coming around to the way of thinking as well. The way the bullets fall off reminds me of Matrix.

I liked the spedometer, I assume its CGI. It looks right on KITT.

The Hoff was perfect. He sounded like the old Hoff.

Give it time guys. It will be more polished when it goes to series.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:25 am
by jup
I love the show and hope it goes to series. Though, I do have to disagree with the ending...
KITT doing a side impact with an SUV and not only do the nano-bots keep the car intact, but defy the laws of gravity by...weilding the tires to the pavement??? Come on, now. Doing a 180 degree spin and making the SUV roll over, I could believe.
Last time I saw that was in a Robocop cartoon. And, it was horrible, there, too.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:42 am
by goldbug
I'm working on a long winded review, but I really wanted to address a couple of the points mentioned in this thread:

1) The threesome scene: Welcome to the world people. Sometimes one woman will sleep with two men. Sometimes two women will sleep with one man. This has been going on since long before television existed. If your religious sensibilities are offended, then you shouldn't be watching a show that is inherently about violence solving problems and whose predecessor and featured its own parade of babes.

Part of the purpose of that scene was to establish Tracer's irresponsible ways (the gambling reinforces this). He is not perfect and he even says towards the end "I don't believe in the same things you do." By showing him with two babes the implication is that he cannot even maintain a solid relationship with one woman (and may not have a desire to do so). This is a good starting point for the character because if he is to be our hero, he has time to grow into a responsible and dedicated one.

2) The Lesbian: I don't disagree that part of the point of this scene was titillation, but it also added a distinctive character element to Rivai. However, I was glad that it did not become integral to the plot. The pace of the show needed to move fast, so it was "Character moment here, go go go".

3) Commercials: You guys who are complaining DO realize that when people make a TV movie they don't control what commercials air right? The only exceptions in this case were the Ford commercials, which were kind of cute because they weren't straight forward but rather had a narrative running through them. Criticizing a movie because of commercial breaks is silly IMO.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:21 am
by Crumbling Down
Im at work so don't have the time to write a long review and get into detail but I will say that when I heard about this tv movie I really wasn't expecting much, when I heard that the car was going to be a mustang I was dissapointed as I do not like mustangs. But I knew that just the fact that the series will be coming back and that we are lucky enough to experience it was pretty nice. As we all knew it wouldn't be the original KR that most of us love to watch. After watching it, however I was pretty impressed. I thought the storyline was pretty solid except for a few glitches here and there and that is to be expected with the first show. I thought the writers did a good job of showing what happened to the original Kitt and Michael Knight. When I saw the hoff was going to be a guest star I about jumped off the couch. I didn't think he was going to have any parts in the movie and was suprised that he did. I actually got a little teary eyed when it showed the Hoff standing out in the distance watching Tracer. When Tracer asked Knight if he would see him again I was hoping for definitive answer like yes as it would be great to see the hoff in a full time spot in the series. All in all I was overly impressed with the tv movie and I did like some of the humor that kitt brings to the show just like he did in the original, even when he thinks he is not being humerous type thing. I definitly look forward to a new series after seeing this tv movie.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:37 am
by jup
Lost Knight wrote:2) Classic K.I.T.T.'s dashboard was not shown. I suspect this was for continuity reasons because the dashboard they had for filming was the two-TV dash. Really the only thing that could screw up the continuity is the "Knight Two Thousand" lettering on the steering wheel, but that's OK with me. Better than an entire incorrect dash. So it appears as if Charles was taking components from classic K.I.T.T. and installing them into the Knight 3000.
I am trying to remember if Knight Two Thousand was tatooed in one pilot episode shot upon the gull wing or not. Maybe, I'm thinking of it being on the voice modulator. Don't feel like hunting down the DVD right now.

As for the dash, I seem to remember it becoming apart of the Sea Quest set, some years back. So, it's hard to say if it's around in one piece to still be found by props. At least, we had far better looking pieces over KR2000's circuit boards and...electric eye camera piece.
All in all, I thought the CGI effects were cool. However, I was also surprised that we didn't see much of the "Attack" version of K.I.T.T. It was interesting that K.I.T.T. is only bullet-proof and can use his other functions when his A.I. is activated. That could create some cool story dilemmas in a future series. Besides, having a car that's too invincible isn't as fun or as interesting as a car with a setback like that.

Any criticisms? A few. I would have preferred to see K.I.T.T. smash through a wall, or do some other kind of stunt reminiscent of Turbo Boost or Ski Mode. As it stands, for the most part K.I.T.T. did a lot of fast driving and 180s. Still, I thought it was fun and the action was fast-paced enough to keep me interested throughout.
I truly wanted to see more car stunts then what was there. It felt like the TKR curse, where they gave the personality priority. Sure, it saves on budget. But, it was more of a means of transportation and a source of information then an "action" car. Besides, at times, I felt like the three thousand had as much of a personality as an overblown GPS unit...and reverted to the phrases of one on more then a couple occasions. I do hope personality is a trait they plan on building over time.

I highly applaud them using the CGI in a good way. But, not when the script calls for KITT to grow his own gravity field and meld with the ground. Flipping the speeding car over by acting as a wedge; good. Side impact with zero yield? Flight of fancy. Pure fantasy. KITT should have been rolling down the road and reflected his father in the Goliath encounter...damage included. I don't care how tight those micro machines can hold on to one another's limbs. That impact is going to leave damage AND yield to bodies in motion.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:45 am
by jup
goldbug wrote:3) Commercials: You guys who are complaining DO realize that when people make a TV movie they don't control what commercials air right? The only exceptions in this case were the Ford commercials, which were kind of cute because they weren't straight forward but rather had a narrative running through them. Criticizing a movie because of commercial breaks is silly IMO.
I watched on a DVD and didn't even bother to fast forward through most of the ads...except towards the very end. Some were actually refreshing to see.

Now, I remember when ABC had Bond Movie Night going for so many weeks in a row. Seriously, THERE was a bad use of advertising. The quota was something like 7 minutes of movie, 5 minutes of ads. Another 7 minutes of movie. Another 5 minutes of ads. Not only did it make every bond movie run 3+ hours, I didn't get the need for it. Sure, they were James Bond films. But, they were also OLD movies. Just how many things had to be paid off to air 30+ year old films on prime time??? With this premier, I can understand. They quite probably ran on a budget of millions. Got to pay the bills, somehow.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:52 am
by goldbug
jup wrote:I truly wanted to see more car stunts then what was there. It felt like the TKR curse, where they gave the personality priority.
I agree. There are a couple stunts they could even pull off without much fuss. My friend was chatting with me during the movie and said it best when he yelled "Just give me one crash through a wall!!!" I admit the whole (fantastical, but still silly cool fun) crash at the end was neat, but I had hoped for at least one set piece involving something other than the car going at super high speeds. Again I place my hopes that if a series is developed, they begin integrating things like that into the show. I don't need a super stunt every week, but um...ever OTHER week would be nice. :D


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:55 am
by JimmyPSHayes
I just watched it a second time this morning and I still love it! After reading the posts in this thread, there's a couple things that came to my attention:
-The plane at the end. After watching it again, I don't know if it's supposed to be a nod to Team Knight Rider. At the end they are in Prague, so I wonder if that's just the vehicle to get KITT and Mike over there. Hopefully when they're back in the states, it'll be a semi.
-WHEN(I'm thinking positively)this gets picked up for a series, it may be a little crowded. You've got beside the 2 stars you've got Ravia, Sarah, Graiman and Mike's best friend-I can't think of his name right now. Hopefully they'll concentrate on Mike & KITT and not try to give all of the actors equal screen time.