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Re: Knight Rider News - NBC Announces Their 2009-2010 Line-up

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:49 am
by Lara
I hope they bring it back *my fingers are crossed*

Re: Knight Rider News - NBC Announces Their 2009-2010 Line-up

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:58 pm
by Aydann.
I miss Knight Rider so much now! I really do Hope they bring it back some point this year. Hopefully NBC wont' let us down! :good:


Re: Knight Rider News - NBC Announces Their 2009-2010 Line-up

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:02 pm
by donaldellis
i do not think nbc gave it a chance and should of done like other series and order a second series and then see how it did.They chance the main idea of the show too late.Was that to give it a reason not to do a second season?

Re: Knight Rider News - NBC Announces Their 2009-2010 Line-up

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:44 am
by matusik2007
It will shoot a second season of the new Knight Rider?

thanks. :kitt:

Re: Knight Rider News - NBC Announces Their 2009-2010 Line-up

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:06 am
by Super Flash
:D Hello There Everyone,

:kittconv: It is snowing heavily here in West Chester, Pennsylvania and have about eight inches on the ground with more to come during the night and day. About two feet of snow is expected here before everything is said and done.

Moving on here, I do hope that NBC does bring Knight Rider now that The Leno show is history and Conan is now done with NBC. It will be interesting to see where Conan O'Brien ends up in the coming months. As for Knight Rider I would love a second season and more. I don't know what is meant by a second series but, second season sounds better and makes sense. I am not sure what the status of the show is or if anything is being done to bring the show back. I do hope so, because there is nothing of any interest on tv. I do watch WWE Wrestling, Major League Baseball (Phillies Fan) and National Football League (Eagles Fan.) and HGTV channel. That is it. Knight Rider was the first show I watched on any network in quite some time.

Well, that is for now and with the snow falling I will retire for the night. Take care and sleep well I know that I will.
Michael P. Nepa :good:

Re: Knight Rider News - NBC Announces Their 2009-2010 Line-up

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:59 pm
by britknight999
Hi to all knight riders

As a young boy in the early eighties i was captavated by a tv show featuring a car we all know and love.
So i was quite excited when i heard it was being brought back...So i watched the first season and came up with
this conclusion/conclusions.....Nobody who made this series has ever watched the original knight rider.....
Theres elements there but many many mistakes.The major one in being nobody has listened to the fans...
And people i hope you agree with in saying all this product placement BS is ruining television....Because the new car
is ford you cant show a GM on the same show!!!! Erm hello people world credit crisis....And because of this our beloved kitt was shown in the dark stripped down in the pilot episode....Car makers note this.....IT WONT MAKE PEOPLE STOP BYING YOUR CARS BECAUSE A DIFFERENT MAKE IS ON THE SAME SHOW!!!!!!...The link between the old and new show was good but just not explained enough...As for the kitt v karr episode...that could have been explained better too....Remember in the original series when Micheal and kitt destroyd KARR....At the end of the episode the panned the camera round KARRS debris to to his nose cone with his cpu still functioning....That was link that KARR was still alive.....But not mentioned....They have refered to Micheal Knight and kitt once....The pilot.......And to make things worse they made out kitt was made by one man!!!! WRONG...He was made by many...Charles graimen made the AI.....And three people help one piece of the component to make KITTs shell.....
One of them being devon miles....but again never talked about........they could has used old footage but never have....And when charles died and it was all shut down and kitt was boxed up and sent to area 51.....what in reality would mike have gone and done.....He would have gone and found his dad and resurected the old kitt to help him.....folks i hope you agree with me in saying that show needs hasselhoff and william daniels and our favourite needs a devon needs a mentor for needs our kitt as a mentor for the new kitt.....A Transforming KARR was a good idea...after all peter cullen was the voice of karr in trust doesnt rust...the goverment wanted karr as a next generation soldier....good idea but in my opinion far too early in the shows life...
All the components were there just not put together right...i hope nbc does bring back another series but i hope that it listens to us the fans....they could let fans sumit stories and spin off a reality type knight rider show and find new talent...anyway thank you for letting me have my say hope you good people read it and maybe some bigwig from nbc will read it too and effect change that we all hope will happen...And Mr Hasselhoff and Mr Larson.....You made gold once.....It can still be there with your help...

The fans can make the difference

keep riding all :kittside:

Re: Knight Rider News - NBC Announces Their 2009-2010 Line-u

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:02 pm
by ZolDoR
I still remember how I was crying when I was watching the original series when I was a kid...=(
I was really excieted when I've heared of the new series and got really dissapointed when I've read that there won't be any new series any more =(
*can't bring any cool quote because I've only watched it translated into Russian*

BTW I really do hope that the only reason why they've stoped shooting new episodes was the economical crysis and they wil start shooting again when it all gonna start recovering =)