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Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 3:22 am
by Miked
I dunno.
KITT is probably too tough to take actual damage from bashing into a tank, yes.

But, he's also probably not heavy enough to wreck the tank, either.

I call this is a rare case of a draw, assuming the tank isn't shooting.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 8:01 pm
by Army_F_Body
The only damage I could see would be the impact damage to his electrical components.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 8:36 pm
by Stag4
Kitt would win easily. Because he's indestructible.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 8:43 pm
by Rockatteer
Not really.

In Junkyard dog he was destroyed in a pit of acid waste.

In Goliath he was smashed up pretty bad.

In Knight of the Drones Kitt was completely destroyed by a rocket up his exhaust pipe

In fact at the beginning of each season Kitt was destroyed and rebuilt in some way or other to allow for the new features to be installed.

So while Kitt is a tough little so and so…he certainly isn’t indestructible.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 11:12 pm
by knightimmortal
Hmmm, but in JYD, his MBS was neutralized by the waste.

In Goliath, he met up with a larger force that had his MBS, therefore putting in the concept of a larger force putting a heck of a stop to a smaller force.

Knight of the Drones, KITT was not completely destroyed. Last time I checked, they rolled him up the semi ramp in a single piece. He was badly damaged, but not destroyed. He was also talking, and some systems were still working, Bonnie just decided that she was going to give him a new inner working job.

Knight of the Juggernaut, they neutralized his MBS again.

So, KITT is indestructible, only so long as his MBS is in place, and his openings are closed. But when you look at the few times that he has been completely destroyed beyond normal repair, it has been because of actions taken beyond standard means. They were designer flaws that were introduced.


Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 11:28 pm
by nivek
ok so you have very good point there knightimmortal. they did forget about one though it is the one were he gets stuck in the swomp i think it was in Hills of Fire.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 11:29 pm
by knightimmortal
Yep, the impurities in the salt water made him rather miserable, didn't it? But like the little trooper he is, he was able to keep on going, and with the magic hand of Michael, was ready and rearin' to go in no time on the run. ;)


Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 11:52 pm
by Rockatteer
i think it was in Hills of Fire
Ring of fire was the episode in question.

KI your points are valid. But my point was that he did take damage and can be rendered un-usable in response to Stags comment “Kitt would win easily. Because he's indestructible.”

Kitt doesn’t always win his battles.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 12:00 am
by knightimmortal
Because the nasty evil writers choose for KITT to not win his battles. *muh-huh-huh*

(P.S., KITT already went up against a tank. ;) Deadly Maneuvers. )


Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 12:15 am
by Rockatteer
*grabs bottle of rocket juice from KI*

I think you've had enough of that for tonight!

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 12:16 am
by nivek
KI your points are valid. But my point was that he did take damage and can be rendered un-usable in response to Stags comment “Kitt would win easily. Because he's indestructible.”

to me there would not be much of a show if he never got hurt are thing like that it would be way to much like walker texas ranger

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 1:50 am
by Army_F_Body
You gotta add drama to the mix Nivek. If Kitt never got hurt and always won it would be boring.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 10:46 am
by tkr9
But it would be more believable. Why would you develop an indestructable shell that wasn't, well, indestructable.

Deadly manouvres wasn't really a tank. It was more of an amoured car. That shot stuff. And there we have it again. If KITT's shell couldn't withstand the impact of an, um, shell, then what is the point of it!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 1:28 pm
by knightimmortal
Um, tkr9, I think you are a bit confused. There was most definitely a tank in Deadly Maneuvers. That is the one right after the pilot that is set on a military base, where Robin Ladd, daughter of dead soldier, also in the Army gets kidnapped, and put in a tank. Michael and KITT to go save her butt while a batallion is busy using KITT for target practice with canon fire.

The one with the armored car was A Plush Ride.

And in Knight of the Juggernaut, the Juggernaut was a tank/Bradley Fighting Machine combo, (though that didn't go to well on the first run due to the MBS being destabilized.)

See, that is the huge problem with topics like these. Any situation is possible if you want it to happen, just like the writers found chinks in the indestructible car. These 'vs' threads really need to be restated as 'What do you want to happen?" Because no matter how much logical debate is countered, there will always be those that say 'but this, this and this' happened, without taking into account the special circumstances that were around that certain incident.

Once again, the shell, it never went through KITT. KITT compained about it, that he wouldn't be able to take much more. Once again, look at it from a human standpoint. If you were wearing a suit of super armor, and were walking out on a shooting range, despite the fact that you might survive, would you want to continue taking the chance that you might not, even if everything physical points that you would?


Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 8:09 pm
by tkr9
I told you I wasn't hot on which episodes were which. Apologies.

I know the shell had to have some chinks, or there would never be a plot, but I am just saying that kitt should be indesctructable or else call the MBS a 'very tough shell - with chinks'. Indestructable is a strong word.

Still, KITT would have to be designed to withstand strong sustained artillery fire... but then you couldn't have driving sequences with nifty dodging of nifty fireworks... all right, I see your point... *runs away crying*

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 8:12 pm
by knightimmortal
Ever get the feeling that Knight Rider Science/Plotlines/Continuity/Sense is a lot like Temporal Mechanics? It will give you a nosebleed if you get deep into it. ;)


Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 8:22 pm
by tkr9

First lesson my mum taught me about tv and film (she's an ex costume designer): "Never let facts spoil a good story"