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Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:02 pm
by David
I like:

the Mustang
the HUD
Val Kilmer as KITT
the KittCave (no need for 100s of techs though. And can we lose the "teen den" rec room?)
Charles (what are you thinking, ditching Bruce Davison?!)
KITTPlane (would prefer it if it was only used for occasional long distance missions though)

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:43 pm
by lunchmeat
Never posted in here. Realized that I like:

-Mike and KI3T's dynamic
-The spokeless rims in attack mode. These are closer to the original and in my opinion, look bulletproof. I think they should be default for all forms of KI3T, especially if they end up making them black.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:47 pm
by Krypt13

2008 Shelby GT500KR [but I'm hoping KR will switch to the new redesigned 2010 Shelby if picked up for a second season].





Val Kilmer as the voice of KITT.

Heads up display in cockpit.

Graphic display on hood.

Onboard weapons.

The show's sense of fun and humor.

The new KARR.

The Knight Research web site; Billy's Notes From The Underground blog; and the Knight Writers blog.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:37 am
by automatedrovingrobot
I have to say that as a fan of the original, I have really taken to the new show. As a kid I had the posters on the wall, video taped the shows and watched them repeatedly. It is still my favourite show but when I recently bought the series on DVD, the original didn't live up to my memories. I found some of them slow paced, but enjoyed the KARR and GOLIATH shows as much as ever, similarily with the ones where KITT was destroyed or had his shell stolen. My point is that not every episode of the original was brilliant, but now it is like some fans expect perfection from every one of the new episodes or else they cry foul.
Episode 9 was my favourite so far, real action and intrigue. Some of the shows have been a bit flat, but I am just overjoyed it is back. The quality of the special effects is awesome, but I too must agree the transformation from car to truck is a fair stretch of the imagination.
Us died in the wool Knight Rider fans are likely to watch the new show, regardless of we think it is brilliant. The success of it will depend on whether it can draw a new audience, people who did not know the old show or were too young back then. An 80's car, dusty roads, bad sherrifs wil not cut it with a new audience - they expect more, just like we all do with new shows. I await the reboot and especially KARR. If the shows are anything like episode 9 then I'll be a happy fan.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:39 pm
by t.b.77b
I like all of the following from the new series

2008 Shelby GT500KR as KITT
Mike, Sarah, Billy, and Zoe
Val Kilmer as the voice of KITT
Automatic weapon dispenser in KITT
The different display capabilities of KITT
I would like if they ditched the plane and brought back the cemi after the reboot.
I am also said that Bruce Davison is leaving he was a great father figure.
I am happy that Torez and Rivi are leaving as I feel that those characters get to far from the original series.
The new voice modulator.
The new cockpit and dash.
KITT's learning abilities.
All of the actor choices.
They are ditching the SSC after the reboot.
The reboot altogether as it was much needed for the show to continue.
KITT's remorse after his accidental murder of the scientist (Brain block on name) in Knight Fever.
Turbo Boost
The Knight Research web site; Billy's Notes From The Underground blog; and the Knight Writers blog.
The return of FLAG after the reboot
The Special Effects.
The scanner sound

I like many other things to but those are some of its best qualities.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:53 pm
by Harry Singh Jr.
As a Shelby owner I love the car of course:). I like the cast I hate to see some of them go. Story lines were pretty good. we're in a differnent world now than from the 80's so I can see where Micheal would need a team for back up.

I'm glad there doing more old school Knight Rider Tactics, like KITT covering a bomb, opening and closing the doors, driving his self more often, Laser, micro jam,and the turbo boost improved.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:37 pm
by K.A.C.I.
I like:
1. KITT, though I too hope to see a retooled 2010 GT500-based KITT in an eventual second season, and I actually have a couple gripes, mainly with Attack Mode(See my post in Constructive Criticism thread). I also do like Val in this role, I feel he does quite well.

2. Charles, Zoey, and Billy. I feel that as secondary characters they do a good job of supporting Mike and KITT, moreso in my view than Sarah, who seems to me to be there for no other reason than to give Mike a girlfriend.

3. The redesigned K.A.R.R., voiced once more by Peter Cullen. 'nuff said.

4. The theme remix used for the intro. Very cool tune, I listen to it on my Mp3 Player all the time.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:26 pm
I don't mind Billy or Zoe, they annoyed me in the first few episodes but I think they got a little better, I think they'll be better used in whatever new roles they might have.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:08 pm
by KamenRider
Just want to throw in something on the positive tip.

While I am from the school that prefers the Trans-Am I think under the circumstances of GM being dorks the show did an awesome job of taking making KITT a Mustang. They included what people readily associate with KITT's look into the design of a current Mustang. I have some grumbles about the dash but still I see where they are coming from with it.

Nothing beats that cool spaceship-on-wheels look but if KITT has to be a Mustang I would say he's lookin damn good as one. Especially now that Ford has brought so many classic touches into the modern design of the Mustang to begin with.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:29 pm
by wingsnbcusa
Was not sure how this New Knight Rider would do. So to be fair I have watched all the episodes and I have to say for the most part I LOVE IT! I do however hope the writing gets better.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:33 pm
by bige
The more I watch the NEW Knight Rider Val Kilmer is getting close to sounding like the orginial KITT in TOS but the NEW KITT just has a higher voice, just have to listen carefully and watch a epsidoe of the TOS and then compare those to two.

The TOS KITT voice is low
The NEW KITT voice is high= Val K- is getting close to the orginial KITT sounding voice to me,

The upcoming episode with the return of KARR,

you in the TOS KITT did not even know anything about KARR intill he saw KARR leave the warehouse, but in the NEW series KITT has know about KARR, or why would he have blueprints of KARR then.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:42 pm
by bige
IN the TOS when Peter Cullen did the voice of KARR in Trust Doesn't Rust, When Michael is on top of KARR , to me KARR sounds more like megatron from Transformers, certain parts of the episode if you listen carefully KARR sometimes sounds like optiums prime, or Megatron, from transfromers, that is if you watch Trust Doesn't Rust

Does anyone agree with me on that?

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:55 pm
by bige
I was just thinking about this:

TOS: Super Pursuit Mode = ATTACK KITT in New Series

TOS: Slient Mode = Stealth ATTACK KITT in New Series, if you think about Stealth is quite since in the last episode KITT was quite when he crashed through the wall

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:56 am
by knight_Sam
Dude I like everything about this show nothing about the show upsets me except the thought that it may never return after the 1st season but for all it is worth THANKS for getting KITT back it is awesome for as long as it lasts

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:22 pm
by cazman101
I would like to say that i would like to add something posistive. After last weeks episode which even though i did say was spoiled i did for the majority of it find it enjoyable plot holes and all. And even thoough i've given it some critisism I was doing it with the intention of be as honest as i could. Though i have given the show bad comments that even though I feel are justified I should also be fair and let the same paople know when i think its doing well. I do believe the show needs improvements to survive and theres nothing wrong with wanting to continually improve something and make it better no matter what it is whether its a tv show or the paintjob on a bedroom wall. KR08 does have all the potential to be magnifisent and the 2 parter showd the show can get better. It still wasn't great but I enjoyed it more and thought it more compelling to watch and by a standard of comparison thought it one of the best story ideas that have been done in any version of Knight Rider. The end of the first part drew me back to watch the second and at the end of it felt optimistic about the show. Last weeks episode did leave me disapointed but i think everything there was to dislike about it has been said and i intend to put it aside and judge next weeks episode on its own merit. The first season of any series normally has a honeymoon period while they find their feet and KR has had a tough time finding theirs but again the shows i have enjoyed have lead me to believe that it could be great and i will look at next week with optimism.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:27 pm
by Stinch
Im always on knight rider online but dont post very often!
I have just seen Knight to king's pawn and loved it! I like the fact that they have had a retool and it is starting to feel very knightrider!!

Im gutted Bruce has gone a perfect Devon figure but nevermind this series is great i love everything about it even the early episode when it was very comic book it was still great fun! Hell it's KITT I don't care as long as he's on screen!!

Ive seen lots of negative feedback and it's a shame cos im from the UK, if it doesn't do well in the states then weve have no hope of it reaching england!!

I hope everyone gets behind this knightrider for the noughties!! and that KITT does lots more crashing through walls!! Love it!!

Keep spreading the word and remember one man can make a difference!!

Stinch :kitt:

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:49 am
by jshorva65
Thoroughly enjoying the new show! Not only is it a continuation of TOS with MK Sr's son in KI3T's driver's seat, but it's clearly the best action/adventure series since TOS. Not only is it the ONLY current-production NBC show worthy of weekly "MUST WATCH" status for me, it's the only current TV show I personally consider worth watching at all on na regular basis on ANY network. If not for KR08 (affectionately called "Knight Rider Jr" by my gf and me due to the father/son link to TOS), my TV would literally not get the one hour of weekly runtime it has gotten since the series started. Other than playing an occasional rented DVD, the pilot and weekly episodes of KR08 were the only other times I bothered to switch the set on at all in the last 12 months. Everything else on TV lately has been a total waste of time.

Many of the campy aspects of KR08 are part of the fun of watching. Even TOS and many other classic action/adventure shows were peppered with campy moments. The teasing between Billy and Zoey hints at their being mutually attracted to each other yet in mutual and juvenile denial, and that's a good example of how campy moments add to the fun.

To the writers, cast, and crew: Keep the new episodes coming! Keep up the character development! The developing personality of KI3T and the cameraderie with Mike is very much reminiscent of that between the Robot and Will in the 60s adventure Lost In Space. It took roughly half to three-fourths of a season back in 1965-66 for its writers, cast, and crew to evolve LIS into the classic that it became, so KR08 is doing well by comparison to other shows in its action/adventure genre. As a fan of TOS, there are a few minor adjustments I'd like to see which would raise KR08 from "excellent show" to "yet another classic" status, but I've already made those suggestions in another thread. Overall, TOS was the best action/adventure show since LIS and KR08 is the next-best since TOS.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:40 pm
by Longun
I really like the new direction of the show, it's now what I would consider to be a good follow on/update to the show we all love.

The ending with them all stood around KITT in Exit Light, Enter Knight, making a bad joke, just like the show we know and love.

The story of helping a random stranger and their family was just perfect

Normal mode, looks stunning, absolutely stunning.

Turbo Boost in normal mode

Ski Mode

I do have a few criticisms, I'll add those to the other thread.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:07 am
by jshorva65
To voice partial disagreement with some who complained about "too much T&A" in other threads, Deanna Russo and Smith Cho are both much too HOT to not be shown scantily-clad occasionally. Besides that, there was plenty of (implied at the very least) sex in TOS more than 25 years ago. Michael Knight Sr. was such a total DAWG in TOS that there has been quite a bit of confusion and speculation as to which of his many romantic encounters resulted in the conception of Mike Jr., although the consensus approximation of Mike Jr.'s age suggests that Jennifer Traceur was part of Mike Sr.'s "rebound" from being declared legally dead as Michael Long and thus unable to fulfill his Engagement to marry Stevie Mason (been down the "rebound" road myself when certain relationships had to end or change drastically due to circumstances beyond either's control and despite mutual desire to continue them unchanged ... including a long-distance on-again/off-again lasting 8 years, of which the Michael/Stevie scenes in TOS were painful reminders). Rebounds can lead to excesses, though, and to paraphrase my now-adult stepson, "Mike Sr. got more butt than a toilet seat back-in-the-day."

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:33 pm
by Knight of Sweden
I haven't been posting very much latly.

As of the show, i think that the last five or six episodes have been really great.

The writing of the episodes are good, and the action is good. I think this series can go far if they continue on this road. I'm really looking forward for the next couple of episodes, and hopefully a season 2 after this one.

Nice to see this forum so active by the way :)

Peace out

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:08 pm
by kwsta25" onclick=";return false; CHECK THAT OUT

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:35 pm
by Handzus' Stupid Fro
Just wanted to drop a quick line and say that the last two episodes I watched, including tonights (2/18) are much better. I think the move to have Mike and KITT support the everyday joe schmo (instead of hunting down and capturing global terrorists) and the dropping of characters is huge. I actually want to watch the show now. Keep it up NBC.

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:14 am
by glyndagoodwitch
Hi guys! This is my first post here so I'm a little nervous lol! Well anyway. I just want to commend whoever chose the music for tonight's episode because they used a song by one of my favorite all time artists in the ending scene as he was driving off. I hope you guys noticed it. They played "Stepping Stone" by AM. I''m so excited! I watched the show because AM mentioned it on his blog In case you guys haven't heard of him, I highly recommend you check out his other songs.

Sorry... total fan moment there... Anyway, I really enjoyed the episode. I used to watch the original show when I was little so it was cool to see it through a new lens. Happy riding all!

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:37 am
by Knight007
Knight Rider is on the right track now. this is the KR we all know. and this is the KR that will live with us. I am just waiting for NBC to give us the good news and say, 2nd season is a go Image :kitt:

Re: The Knight Rider 2008 Positive Feedback Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:09 am
by My_Friend_KITT
OH My Gosh,
Where do I begin?
Tonight's episode was just plain awesome!

The scenes I loved-
Everything I guess...
I just realized that I would be typing out the Whole show.

Mike fighting the seatbelt after saying that KITT's voice modulator was not a snowglobe but a malfunctioning GPS system---*giggle*