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Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:49 pm
by Scott Kirkessner
That is a blatant threat against Mike's health, safety, wellness, etc if I have ever seen one.

The brazeness displayed by VK in this thread is absolutely unacceptable.

I call for an immediate and permanent ban. VK no longer has anything productive to offer this community.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:55 pm
by zero
What are you going to do, go to his house and try and fight him? Geez man, shut up already. You're just digging a bigger hole for yourself and coming off as an ass.

No one here knows who I am and that's fine I don't have a lot of posts under this account, but I read everyday. I used to run a website called "Knight Writers Online" that hosted Knight Rider fan fiction stories. We're talking about 10 years ago. Michael or Neil might be remember, or might not. I mention this for a few reasons, because I don't wish to appear that I'm just coming out of nowhere and arguing with you, and because I'm going to defend KRO and Michael Pajaro based on what I know.

What I know is this. I'm 27 years old. When I was 15 or 16 I got my first taste of the internet, in high school. A friend showed me how to use a search engine. Do you know what the first thing I typed in there was? "Knight Rider" And do you know what came up? Michael Pajaro's Knight Rider site with all the TV guide scans and stuff. I was blown away by that. I've followed it ever since through and everything. I can't think of anyone I've known of ever who is that dedicated to something. So for you to suggest that he (or Neil, or KRO) are in the pocket of NBC or sold out, you are just being insulting. These guys are just fans like us, even more so, and are rightfully excited about a new Knight Rider project. NBC has done all of us a favor by allowing THE Knight Rider fan site to have unprecidented access to the creators, actors, promotional materials, etc.

So that's all I have to say really, stop being an ass.

And since I'm on about it, thanks Mike and Neil for all you've done, and Mike if you still have those TV guide scans and all that stuff from way back, I'd love to see it all online again.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:01 am
by Faithful Car KRO
daroga wrote:Grave consequences" for being a Knight Rider fan and disagreeing with your opinion? Really?
thats what i said.
how does vic have the right to make grave consaquenes to a forum and website which he does not operate?

anyways, back on topic. I just got done showing my friend the first episode, he saw the 2-hour with back in feb and thought it was boring but still good. he wasnt a fan of the original show and i have to respect him that that.
after showing him the episode, he was intrigued with how there going to devolope the AI, he liked the story and had very few complaints. I might have won him over to the new series.

Am glad that this show is here.
I've already stated my opinion of the knight rider movie, and this show makes up for the past 22 year absence of a great Knight rider show!!!

like i said before, keep up the good work KR staff!!!

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:03 am
by Stylez
victor kros wrote:Out of respect for the members of KRO, I'm going to take my response to your PM. I suggest to you not to pursue this coarse of action or there will be grave consequences the likes you can't control.
Wow (©VK)...I'm genuinely scared for you Mike!!! Watch out for the mighty poop bag of fire on your doorstep! lol
Seriously though, when does this stuff stop? I don't think I've ever seen someone in all my time here with such a holier than thou attitude and to be honest it's really stinkin' the joint up! Attacking Mike, Sarfraz and Skav isn't cool especially for just having an opinion and then even furthermore for speaking up about how their opinion isn't liked. Sounds more like a Nazi regime if you ask me. If you're reading this VK, don't respond to it, it's not directed to you, just about you.

Peace! lol

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:46 am
by Sky_Blue_Civic
I caught KR in syndication in the 90's,and I'm 15...It doesn't really make me old...right? :kitt:

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:58 am
by chrisjones
Older than time itself! :wink:

That would make me...... hmm

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:57 am
Haha! OLD MAN! :lol:

I think we need a steel cage... I'll see what I can do. Just don't be surprised when when I run in and lay everyone out. :twisted:

I started watching Knight Rider when I was two, might not have even been two yet and I'm going on 27 (I feel so old), it was one of those things that caught my attention, probably was all the pretty lights and of course the stunts. I doubt any of us when we little were doing all the little nitpicking we do now or as we got older and saw more and paid more attention to things. You know, to a five year old they're not going to nitpick the hell out of why a car can't transform into a truck or anything like that, yeah it is absurd but the original series had a lot of absurdities and goofs too that we didn't pick up on until we got older. We're looking at the original show and the new show in two different ways. I think most of our standards probably got higher as we grew up, yeah the first episode of the new Knight Rider certainly has its low points but one episode does not a show make. We already know that the first 13 episodes aren't really going to be giving us what we want in terms of continuity with the original series since they have to try and get a new audience and can't weigh it down with the "whatever happen to" aside right away.

It did feel like something was missing from that first episode, it probably didn't help that so much was crammed into those 40 minutes that they had to do drama stuff during a scene that should have involved an exciting car chase but they had to get some things taken care of, specifically the "killing" of Mike Traceur and they did succeed in that. I do hope the writers get reigned in a little so they don't go too overboard because yeah, some sense of reality and physics is important.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:58 am
by Skav
victor kros wrote:
my emotional connections to this great show just don't belong on a forum that claims to like "all things Knight Rider" on it.

I think at this point I'm going to detach myself from any emotional attachment to this board, its conflictive members, or its moderators.

I suggest to you not to pursue this coarse of action or there will be grave consequences the likes you can't control
Very clever! Not only did you further insult the community, you made a direct threat to a moderator which is illegal and legal proceedings could be taken against you.

You are not as intelligent as you think you are. I actually feel sorry for Larson for knowing a dodgy character someone as yourself. Actually, does Larson even know how you have behaved on this forum, especially recently?!?

As for you here being only for business at this point, I seriously wouldn't bother. Do you expect people, the same people who have witnessed your behaviour, to give you money out of their own pockets and buy your book?

I will tell you right now, if I end up getting my hands on it, I will be doing so to make sure you never get a cent ie I will purchase a copy on Ebay.

This thread should be a highlight from the rest of your other conflicting threads to show how you really are.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:08 am
by chrisjones
Ok so I'm not a mod, nor do I agree with some of the things that have been said, but Its probably best if this one is left alone for a while to simmer off.

I understand that people are pissed, but we dont wanna start a war over this. :good:

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:57 am
by Judd
Victor Kros=Victor Kennedy discuss :D

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:13 am
by Michael Pajaro
The issue has been resolved.

viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12247" onclick=";return false;

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:21 am
by Nismogtr21
Drift-King wrote:I don't get your "drift" XD

I don't give a duck care about your pointless rants. If you don't like it then tough luck. Soon or later people will talks about new KR to ya and you cannot blame them for actually like it. You need to get some new taste lol.

*join Will and laughs while points at the haters*
I don't mean to make a personal attack, but do you even comprehend what you read? I like the new show, I'm defending it against the people who are picking it apart? :roll: Yeah, think before you type next time, and if you don't give a "duck" about what I have to say, then don't respond, move on to the next thread.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:28 am
by Nismogtr21
Will wrote:*Points and Laughs.*

Dude thinks he can get everything from the first episode.

On the contrary, people who are saying it sucks think they can get everything from one episode, that's why I'm trying to say, and here you are "pointing and laughing". How old are you, 12?

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:58 am
by Knight Rider Archive
My thoughts about the episode, and the issues surrounding some of the criticisms in this thread:

I think there should be a distinction about how people are referring to the writing of the original series. The stories and the writing weren't "simple", but they were "simplistic"... by today's standards. That's not a slight on any of the people who wrote them, or produced them, or put them together -- just a statement of fact. Every episode was told in a linear straight line: a crime is committed, Michael is called in, Michael finds a clue, Michael has a setback, Michael confronts bad guy, Michael eventually wins. That's every episode in a nutshell. Granted, there were some more complicated stories (normally the "closed mystery" episodes, but they were few and far between) and the show did show some maturity and depth of character.

TV has changed a great deal in the last 25 years. Babylon 5 was the frontrunner in introducing the story-arc across multiple episodes, and ultimately entire seasons. This, in turn, has led to far more sophisticated techniques in episodic tv writing. Yes, weekly stories can be viewed stand-alone (as every episode of KRTOS was), or part of a greater whole, where finer details are part of a bigger picture. In many ways, the episodic series is starting to take on elements of the soap opera, where events affecting the lives of the characters have ramifications for weeks afterwards. Take a look at the modern Battlestar Galactica, not just for the situation the characters find themselves in, but also how injuries affect the characters sometimes for a long while after the fact. Michael was shot in the pilot episode, concussed in "Knightmares", and gunned down again in "The Scent of Roses", but these events were forgotten a week later. Everything, every week, was tidied up in time for the closing credits and a big reset for the following week. In fact, there were only four episodes in the series that brought back characters from earlier episodes -- "Goliath Returns", "K.I.T.T. Vs. K.A.R.R.", "Let It Be Me" and "The Scent of Roses". Only four other episodes -- in the entire series -- referred directly back to events of an earlier episode other than the pilot -- "Blind Spot" ("I've heard that before, for instance when we went up against Goliath"), "Knight of the Juggernaut" ("I remind you of your brother Garthe"), "The Wrong Crowd" ("Now I know how Michael felt when K.I.T.T. was destroyed") and "Knight Song" (lots of references to "Juggernaut").

The new Knight Rider will in many ways be the opposite of the old one in terms of how it tells its stories. That doesn't make it "better", or make the original series "worse", just different. As long as it contains the elements that make Knight Rider Knight Rider, it's Knight Rider. It's never going to be the show we have on DVD -- so many of the people associated with that are gone. The people still around have evolved as writers and directors and producers -- as have the audience, as GST has reminded us. As others have pointed out, this spin-off contains the most KR-specific elements of any attempt to bring it back. We have a man who doesn't exist. We've got a car that's black. We've got turbo boost. We've got the scanner. We've got a variation on the old voice speaker box. We're off to a flying start, and we know there'll be more references and threads linking back to the original show and mythology.

A lot of criticism has been leveled in some quarters for the speed at which the new "A Knight In Shining Armor" plays out. I think it could do with a little slowing down, too. But the story is clearly deliberately leaving a lot of threads open: What happened to Jay Hunt? Who is the mysterious woman? What are Torres' motives? If the series is given a chance, we'll get the answers to these questions over time.

Regarding the criticism for the show's sexuality. Take a look at the original series again. Watch "Goliath Returns," and Adrianne and Garthe, or Adrianne and Michael in the dungeon. Rewatch "Give Me Liberty... Or Give Me Death," specifically Liberty's behaviour before and after she spends the night with Michael. The show was pitched on more than one level, and sex was often a very big part of the stories. The "nudity" in "Knight In Shining Armor" may have been more in your face, but really wasn't any worse than, say, Bianca's nudity around the hottub in "Knight In Retreat" (and we all know what she got up to in there).

I for one hope that this show succeeds. I want to see a new spin on my favourite show! I'm hungry for more, I hope I get the chance to see my own heroes back on screen again. Anything is possible. Looking forward to hearing more opinions!

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:11 pm
by Shapeshifter
Knight Rider Archive wrote:My thoughts about the episode, and the issues surrounding some of the criticisms in this thread:

I think there should be a distinction about how people are referring to the writing of the original series. The stories and the writing weren't "simple", but they were "simplistic"... by today's standards. That's not a slight on any of the people who wrote them, or produced them, or put them together -- just a statement of fact. Every episode was told in a linear straight line: a crime is committed, Michael is called in, Michael finds a clue, Michael has a setback, Michael confronts bad guy, Michael eventually wins. That's every episode in a nutshell. Granted, there were some more complicated stories (normally the "closed mystery" episodes, but they were few and far between) and the show did show some maturity and depth of character.

TV has changed a great deal in the last 25 years. Babylon 5 was the frontrunner in introducing the story-arc across multiple episodes, and ultimately entire seasons. This, in turn, has led to far more sophisticated techniques in episodic tv writing. Yes, weekly stories can be viewed stand-alone (as every episode of KRTOS was), or part of a greater whole, where finer details are part of a bigger picture. In many ways, the episodic series is starting to take on elements of the soap opera, where events affecting the lives of the characters have ramifications for weeks afterwards. Take a look at the modern Battlestar Galactica, not just for the situation the characters find themselves in, but also how injuries affect the characters sometimes for a long while after the fact. Michael was shot in the pilot episode, concussed in "Knightmares", and gunned down again in "The Scent of Roses", but these events were forgotten a week later. Everything, every week, was tidied up in time for the closing credits and a big reset for the following week. In fact, there were only four episodes in the series that brought back characters from earlier episodes -- "Goliath Returns", "K.I.T.T. Vs. K.A.R.R.", "Let It Be Me" and "The Scent of Roses". Only four other episodes -- in the entire series -- referred directly back to events of an earlier episode other than the pilot -- "Blind Spot" ("I've heard that before, for instance when we went up against Goliath"), "Knight of the Juggernaut" ("I remind you of your brother Garthe"), "The Wrong Crowd" ("Now I know how Michael felt when K.I.T.T. was destroyed") and "Knight Song" (lots of references to "Juggernaut").

The new Knight Rider will in many ways be the opposite of the old one in terms of how it tells its stories. That doesn't make it "better", or make the original series "worse", just different. As long as it contains the elements that make Knight Rider Knight Rider, it's Knight Rider. It's never going to be the show we have on DVD -- so many of the people associated with that are gone. The people still around have evolved as writers and directors and producers -- as have the audience, as GST has reminded us. As others have pointed out, this spin-off contains the most KR-specific elements of any attempt to bring it back. We have a man who doesn't exist. We've got a car that's black. We've got turbo boost. We've got the scanner. We've got a variation on the old voice speaker box. We're off to a flying start, and we know there'll be more references and threads linking back to the original show and mythology.

A lot of criticism has been leveled in some quarters for the speed at which the new "A Knight In Shining Armor" plays out. I think it could do with a little slowing down, too. But the story is clearly deliberately leaving a lot of threads open: What happened to Jay Hunt? Who is the mysterious woman? What are Torres' motives? If the series is given a chance, we'll get the answers to these questions over time.

Regarding the criticism for the show's sexuality. Take a look at the original series again. Watch "Goliath Returns," and Adrianne and Garthe, or Adrianne and Michael in the dungeon. Rewatch "Give Me Liberty... Or Give Me Death," specifically Liberty's behaviour before and after she spends the night with Michael. The show was pitched on more than one level, and sex was often a very big part of the stories. The "nudity" in "Knight In Shining Armor" may have been more in your face, but really wasn't any worse than, say, Bianca's nudity around the hottub in "Knight In Retreat" (and we all know what she got up to in there).

I for one hope that this show succeeds. I want to see a new spin on my favourite show! I'm hungry for more, I hope I get the chance to see my own heroes back on screen again. Anything is possible. Looking forward to hearing more opinions!
You make a lot of good points here.

One of the areas when KR08 is a throwback to the earlier era is the concept of stand-alone episodes. The producers really want very few multi-episode arcs, to make a show where the episode order is not important. This, as you point out, has not been the case for most TV dramas for many years now, unless you're talking CSI-type procedurals, and even they have a few over-arching storylines. So, when KR does a two parter, as they plan to do later in the season, it really means something.

As for the pace of episode one, they had a lot to get across, and they didn't have the luxury of a 2-hour to do it. So, I guess they can be forgiven for cramming a lot in.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:25 pm
by Stealthwalker
I will honestly say that I have a "love/hate" relationship with the new series due to the fact that I am a "KR O.G." & there's nothing like the original. But I guess the big issue that's been pointed out many times before is everyone has their own idea of how "Knight Rider" should be done. & if anybody does not like the new series, those persons do not have to watch it.......

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:30 pm
by CJaguar442
I call for an immediate and permanent ban. Scott K no longer has anything productive to offer this community. You are a Troll Scott K, you cause nothing but disaster.
What VK was trying to say was that the new knight rider has flaws that need to be improved on. VK has been a devoted, caring, and loyal member to the knight rider community and this is how you treat him as K.I.T.T. would say "you turned this wonderful community into a circus, shame on you, you deserve what you get!!"

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:36 pm
by Nelson B
Can't believe this thread hasn't been locked down. But since I can't respond to the other one. I will do it here. Having Victor Kros or whatever his name is banned from KRO. Is for the better. He can't be trusted. Victor used somthing I sent him in a PM against me. He tried to get me banned from another website. So just be careful what you say to him.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:41 pm
by MJknight
This is why I try not to get involved in these 'sensitive' issues. As Michael Pajaro said 'the issue has been resolved'

Let's just move on.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:27 pm
by davidknightrider
lets be honest

most og knight rider fans are willing to give this new show a chance.
myself included.

but when you see FORD being shoved down our throats every other scene, and have some of the worst acting outside of Sunset beach, then you know the show is more than likely heading for trouble.

we are not even on episode 3 yet, but we can already see what type of show this might be turning into, and its not pleasant.
Too much emphasis on CGI, and not enough on the story.
Pointless characters who are absolutely useless, and too many camp characters in the show.
Cheesy and hammy acting by some of the cast (they know who they are, like the chinese horny girl, and the jimmy olsen lookalike), which makes the original show look like the Godfather in comparison.

None of the actors have the charisma, talent or presence of a Edward mulhare, or Patricia McPherson or even the Hoff.

Cheap and shoddy camera work. What type of camera's are they using for this show? it does not look cinematic like the old show. Something like what they use for CSI Miami would be more appropriate for Knight Rider, not this cheap home camcorder style filming.

its obvious, the producers don't know the meaning of "keep it simple".

Lets see what the show turns out to be like by the end of this 13 episode run, or 22 if it gets extended.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 8:46 pm
by Stylez
CJaguar442 wrote:I call for an immediate and permanent ban. Scott K no longer has anything productive to offer this community. You are a Troll Scott K, you cause nothing but disaster.
What VK was trying to say was that the new knight rider has flaws that need to be improved on. VK has been a devoted, caring, and loyal member to the knight rider community and this is how you treat him as K.I.T.T. would say "you turned this wonderful community into a circus, shame on you, you deserve what you get!!"
Scott is a well respected member of this community for a loooong time bud, he's been here for as long as I can remember. Do you even know the definition of a forum troll? Do your brown nosing elsewhere.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:33 am
I think VK is a respectable member also. We ban him for something many other users are doing, ON THE SAME EXACT POST. Their comments are just plain saying it is no good, while most of VK's comments were constructive critisism. He is just saying what he thinks could be done better. I don't think he should've EVER been banned.
One more thing...if you are going to ban him, I know one specific member who is just plain negative, nothing good to say. Whet drives everyone in the live chat crazy, saying KR is over and we should just see it. He has posted in the boards with this garbage also. So even if you see that VK does not need to come back, see that you are doing something that, in my dictionary, calls you hypocrits. Rules for one, yet does not apply to others.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:49 am
by knightprobe89
i personally think kro should bring victor kros back! he was very helpful with knight rider info and he kept us informed on the motion picture progress.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:51 am
by Faithful Car KRO
KITTANDBILLYLUVER wrote:I think VK is a respectable member also. We ban him for something many other users are doing, ON THE SAME EXACT POST. Their comments are just plain saying it is no good, while most of VK's comments were constructive critisism. He is just saying what he thinks could be done better. I don't think he should've EVER been banned.
One more thing...if you are going to ban him, I know one specific member who is just plain negative, nothing good to say. Whet drives everyone in the live chat crazy, saying KR is over and we should just see it. He has posted in the boards with this garbage also. So even if you see that VK does not need to come back, see that you are doing something that, in my dictionary, calls you hypocrits. Rules for one, yet does not apply to others.
I hardly believe that there is truly no merit in bringing back an extremely dead topic for the reason you had made.
Vic did more than was just in this post, his negativity towards the series was like brush fire, but that's all i will comment on that status.
I feel that if you truly have a problem with members on the board, you should contact one of the mods and express your views. Bringing back a topic that ended for a reason is not the right way to go in my opinion.

Re: Calling all HATERS

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:03 am
by caljediknight
For what It's worth and just my own 2 cents...

VK is a valuble member here and on many KR boards. I truly beleive that he would bring balance and insight to this board once again. Since it is a new year, I honestly call on the mods here to review and give VK the benefit of the doubt.

Again I truly beleive he is a valuble member and has a lot to offer.

Knights Of The West Coast