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Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:56 pm
by MJknight
Oh, KITT; what have they done to you?!

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:09 pm
by nbcviper
This new knight rider series is like VIPER way to much! At least when VIPER came out and news spread it wasn't like they were trying to literally remake Knight rider!
Jeez, ok NBC needs to get an idea. I will admit in the money making business VIPER made Paramount and NBC take a nose-dive. Knight rider (2008) will do the same!

Ways to fix this turd infested idea stink-hole:
1.CHANGE THE CAR! A Mustang?! Are they nutz!! I personally loved the old Chrysler but even I know that still they should have STUCK WITH CHEVY! Have the damn show sponsored by Chevy! (Something tells me this new knight rider series is made like the purpose of Viper, to boost the sales of a failing auto company!)
2.Change the lead! Make the lead someone we like? Hmm I wouldn't have a problem with Paul Walker, Christian Bale, or Sean William Scott. Problem is they already did something similar with a vehicle(s).
3. Yes as much as I don't care for him, Bring Hasslehoff on as a main guest star the fans still like the guy!
4. William Daniels! He was a great voice for KITT, he probably was asked and probably thought 4 seasons was plenty for him voicing a trans am.
5. Change the idea of KITT transforming! Viper, original Knight rider, Transformers, *cough* *cough* Incredible turbo teen, Battlestar Galactica, Terminator.. etc already transformed! ENOUGH! Hows about something different?
6. Bring KARR back!

Sorry for this childish rant, but come on you guys have to agree they could do way better. I guess will just have to sit and see in February.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:19 pm
by Solid Snake
Michael Pajaro wrote:The two changes I would make:

Lose the cobra insignia.
Black-outs on the rear lights.

I'm sure that the producers were contractually obligated to keep the car as-is, but these are minor points. If the story and action sequences are strong, this car can certainly play the role of KITT for me.

TKR and Knight Rider 2000 did not fail because of the bad cars (and in some ways, they both had some success.) Their problems were the stories.
I could not agree more, the car looks fine... and come on people be realistic except for SPM the original KITT was not much more than just a TA with a (nice) modified nose. I say bring it on, just my 2 cents. Also, to add to the dicussion... don`t forget this is the Knight 3000 and not the 2000, i agree if it was the 2000 that would lead in the series the car should be more TA like, but as this is the 3000 (which means it is NOT the KITT we know and love) I reckon its perfectly fine to go a totally different route with it. I say KI 3000 rocks.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:27 pm
by gold333
I'm sorry, but even a Honda Civic looks more advanced than that car.

KITT was supposed to be the epitome of a hyperadvanced car.
The imaginative thought that has gone into this production is obviously so limited in vision that it's making my stomach turn.

It's obviously been honed to the dollar, make it as cheap as possible, and use something that simple folk will not object to. And your done.

What a gutwrenching, characterless, uninspired, insignificant fiasco that the masses (with ever simplifying expectations) are supposed to be wowed by.

Atleast these fools will be easy to beat.




Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:30 pm
by black knight2000
what about the inside that counts ha the ford looks mean as hell
when they bring K.I.T.T back or is this just an waste of time

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:31 pm
by black knight2000
thats not an honda thats an mazda

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:41 pm
by Michael Pajaro
I don't think it's really accurate to say that NBC is going "cheap" or rushing through the production. They built a remote-controlled Mustang Shelby. That's not taking the cheap and easy way out. They could have gone with the hidden backseat driver, or even CGI removal of a driver. But instead they built something new. Remember, this is for a MADE-FOR-TV movie.

If you hate the look of the car, fine. But I'd hate to trivialize the work people put into the project because a lot of it seems like it's pretty sophisticated.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:53 pm
by neps
Also the car that you're showing is a concept and I don't know if it's even built.

They used 3 Mustangs for the film alone - and they'll need more if it turns into the series. That's why Larson original used Pontiac cause it was a production vehicle.

It's nice to show these images of concept cars, but it's not realistic for a TV series that is shooting right now.

Also - people keep mentioning "it's stock it's all stock". What besides the nose of the original KITT wasn't stock on the exterior?

The hubcaps? Stock.
The tail fin? Stock.
The hump in the hood? Stock.
The PMD seats? Stock.
The T-Tops? Stock.

These are all things that define KITT for me in addition to it's awesome nose. But the majority of KITT was stock. I think the mustang might be a bit too heavy for me (the 3rd gen firebird was more sleek) but even the new Camaro has this chunky feel to it. It's just a return to the american classic motor car that seems to be popular in american automotive right now.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:07 pm
by gold333
The image is of a Honda Advanced Sports Car concept, or the Acura concept as known in the US. It exists right now.

You mention that '82 KITT was almost all stock and that was what made it special to you, fair enough. To me what made it special was that it looked sleek and futuristic, not whether the hubcaps or the tail fin were stock.

I'm just agitated that this production has shown very little imagination or design vision, like that mockup photoshop some fan made with the huge mustang logo and massive red KNIGHTRIDER stickers on the side. Like that this vision looks cheap and ordinary. Hell they could even have used a Cien or a fourtwelve or a Veyron or something.

Right now all this show has in common with Knight Rider is that they have a talking black car. That's it.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:41 pm
by Lost Knight
gold333 wrote:You mention that '82 KITT was almost all stock and that was what made it special to you, fair enough. To me what made it special was that it looked sleek and futuristic, not whether the hubcaps or the tail fin were stock.

I'm just agitated that this production has shown very little imagination or design vision, like that mockup photoshop some fan made with the huge mustang logo and massive red KNIGHTRIDER stickers on the side. Like that this vision looks cheap and ordinary. Hell they could even have used a Cien or a fourtwelve or a Veyron or something.
And that's pretty much exactly my problem, too. Yes, obviously the '82 Trans Am was mostly stock. But, as said, it was a clean looking, sleek car, and it was BRAND NEW at the time, despite it being a production car.

The Mustang is overly aggressive and bulky looking. The scanner is in the HOOD of the car, and it's not even one single strip. It's divided!!! It's also a retro design. And how about the dashboard? If I'm not mistaken, I see old-fashioned meter gauges. They're not even digital! I'm still optimistic that perhaps a mock-up dashboard will be used, but even the original series' car had a real, fully functioning dashboard built into it.

I've read the press release article and the producers' criteria that they were looking for when they were choosing the vehicle. It sounds like they had the overall right idea by choosing an American, 2-door car. I'm convinced that this car was picked because of Ford's relationship with NBCU and their aggressive pushiness to have them choose one of their cars. To me, it feels like a very rushed decision. Victor Kros, for example, is taking the time to speak on Glen Larson's behalf and stresses the importance of fan input to avoid a negative backlash of angry fans, which is exactly what we have here.

The E! article was at least honest enough (to my surprise) to acknowledge that there are fans disappointed with the car of choice, but makes a note that there will be disappointed fans no matter what. And that's true and fair enough. But as far as I'm concerned, nothing can convince me otherwise that this was simply a decision of convenience, and not a whole-hearted effort to find the proper vehicle, as I said in another thread.

The only impressive thing I have seen at all from the car's unveiling is the remote control feature. Other than that, there is no other creativity given into the choice for this car, whatsoever, as far as I can tell. And I see that as a slap in the face to fans of the franchise.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:15 am
by krfan1
Michael Pajaro wrote:The two changes I would make:

Lose the cobra insignia.
Black-outs on the rear lights.
Couldn't agree more!
I'm sure that the producers were contractually obligated to keep the car as-is, but these are minor points. If the story and action sequences are strong, this car can certainly play the role of KITT for me.
I am curious to see how the silver stripe will be handled. The remote KITT, and Attack KITT did not seem to have a silver stripe on it. I will be curious to see if the stripe remains on the hero car in the movie.

Is it what most die-hard fans would've liked? Probably not, but I think people should give it an open mind. The Mustang as a new KITT is growing on me. KR is what got me interested in cars, so the die-hard fan in me is adjusting to the new KITT, but I am open to it. As Michael said, as long as it has a good story line, it should be cool!

And to all the naysayers, at least KITT isn't in an easter egg! (like when he was on TKR)


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:48 am
by Deferranfan1
Maybe I missed it but where is the scanner?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:51 am
by MJJ58

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:44 am
by Kaine
well, what can i say? i'm really a bit torn when it comes to the new KITT.

on the one hand i was disappointed at first as this is definately not what i had hoped for.

on the other hand the car looks great and really has some potential.

unfortunately right now i think most of this potential isn't used (yet).

first of all: the dull rally-stripes have to go!

i really like the rear of the car, but the front end could have used some customization to make it look more sleek and futuristic.

last but not least i would have liked to see a more complex dashboard and interior design.
the original KITT looked like a airplane or space shuttle cockpit when it came to complexity, while this new KITT is almost stock save for the steering wheel.

i understand that we won't see these changes in the Pilot, but maybe if this is picked up as a series they'll take this opportunity and add it to the car.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:06 am
by xlwhellraiser

Those pictures are ridiculous. First of all. A MUSTANG???? WTF??? Are these people even SANE nowadays.

Jesus. If one thing has ruined knight rider its the Mustang. LOL..

Trans am was the flagship of the series. I am sure tha MANY fans, if not MOST OF THE THEM, will be VERY dissapointed with this dumb ass decision to even consider a Mustang as KITT.

Hell, even the new TA could be a good car for this series.

There are a lot of people out there that fell in love with the series just because KITT was a TA. For some reason some dumb asses thought this could be good.


Screw FORD and their Cobra advertising. *?$#, even my TA can kick a cobra ass any day.
FORD??? Enough said.

Is every episode gonna be about fixing KITT, like alternator problems, battery problems. Wiper moto quiting. Kitt leaves Michael on the road???

Very dissapointed.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:12 am
by rhdaussiekitt
I think the hero car looks cool, ie they could loose the badges and have kitt like that..

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:40 am
by 89IROCNDoug
Now that the new KITT is officially a Mustang I will give my 2 cents:

(I will first note that I actually like the new Mustangs, so I am NOT trying to bash Ford)

Why in the world would you use a severely retro-styled car for a car that is supposed to be futuristic!!! While the original KITT looked mostly stock, it was a new design, slick looking, and very aerodynamic.

The '82 Trans Am LOOKED like it could go it's fictional 300 MPH. Does the Mustang LOOK like it could go 300 MPH - NO WAY!!!!! (And yes I know the new Mustang could do circles around the '82 TA, but we're strictly talking fiction - let's say both cars get well over 1,500hp and advanced stabilizing)
This Mustang may of worked for KITT 43 years ago, but NOT today! NBC really messed up on this one!

While the next Camaro is also retro, it has a slicker, more aero look than the Mustang, so the next Camaro would be much more believable as a 300+ MPH KITT.

Will I still watch the show?
YES, but mainly just to see a muscle car doing burnouts in HD! :D

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:58 am
by CB2001
Thank god! I've been saying that KITT should be a Ford Mustang. Why? Because there are thousands out there out on the road, which means that KITT won't stand out (which continues on in the same tradition as KITT being a Trans-Am in the old show, where he was, though advanced, an ordinary vehicle in appearance).

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:17 am
by Victor Kros
Everything about this show has been rushed from day one. The production, the concept art, the casting, the script writing. It was all rushed out to beat the WGA strike and to get their Knight Rider product out before Glen could make/release his feature film.

Yeah I'll give the pilot a chance, I gave Knight Rider 2000 a chance, I even gave TKR a chance but thus far nothing that has been released has given me any reason to change my opinion on just how much of a rush job this concept is.

As a Knight Rider fan I'm pleased to see that this property is coming back in such a profound way and I have to admit NBCU actually went out and did what they said they would do, they made another Knight Rider pilot that could lead to a series but the question will be did they do it right this time or is it another disappointment to add to the three other attempts that failed miserably?

The production value alone should be indication enough that they honestly don't give a damn what the fans think. They didn't do their research, they didn't take the time to make KITT a WORK OF ART like Michael Scheffe did, they just slapped together a car, made some cheap modifications and basically bank on the idea that the fans will "get used to it".

Yes, remote control technology is great and I'm sure that's where a large chunk of their budget went into but for what? To remote control a piece of pre-made garbage that any person could get from a dealership?

Where is the attention to detail? Where is the unique design that sets it apart from any other show out there? They used the Viper font and borrowed concepts, that's blatantly obvious.

If you spray paint a pile of crap gold, what you still have is a pile of golden crap that still stinks.

As far as the scanner light goes, it's there. It's in the air duct scoop just like those badly photoshoped leaked photos that were released. Apparently it's not "turned on" but you can see the red lenses reflecting in some of the shots of the car.

I guarantee you this much, the Knight Rider feature film which is moving forward day by day will not be rushed. Yes it's going to take longer to get to the screen because it's a feature film and thus the production value has to be a higher level but when it finally hits and the marketing machine is in full swing you will see the true spirit of Knight Rider rise from the ashes of the monstracity that's been created thrice a mightly pheonix KITT will rise from the ashes to fight the forces of evil once more.

And his return will come from the man who knows him best, the person who will once again prove that one man can make a difference...

Glen A Larson.

You will hear from the Larson camp soon I assure you. It has taken longer then expected but certain projects are being put together so that the announcements we plan to make are handled in the best way possible.

Expect to see a couple websites launch beginning next year and some other announcements in the trades confirming the progress of the feature film.

"The competition is no competition."


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:37 am
by young-nyc
well like someone mentioned before,
i do like the new mustangs..but man it's a HORRIBLE choice for KITT...

don't know what they were thinking or smoking..but it's all together rushed.
i hope whenever they make the feature film for the silver screen, we can once again see KITT for what it really is..a great sexy machine with personality that we all feel for.

freaking mustang..i can't believe it.
someone said KITT being a mustang is cool because it's the Three thousand and it should be a different kind of car.
well if you want a different car i think KITT should be a SUV, at least this way some fans can understand going that route...completely different car for different times and challenges. just like how the batmobile is a tank with worked at least

not a stang :-(

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:29 am
by veeates
Man, very dissappointed. A mustang??? wtf...hope the pilot sucks. I will watch the old shows...they wont match them...sorry. This car is nice and all, but too much fast and the furious....



Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:51 am
by Lost Knight
The problem with the one and only impressive feature of the Mustang (the remote control feature) is that it's a behind-the-scenes feature. It's cool for real-life. But its purpose is for the series. K.I.T.T. already drove himself in the original series, so this feature brings nothing new to the story. The method of how it's done is irrelevant.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:14 am
by Mango19
Lost Knight wrote:The problem with the one and only impressive feature of the Mustang (the remote control feature) is that it's a behind-the-scenes feature. It's cool for real-life. But its purpose is for the series. K.I.T.T. already drove himself in the original series, so this feature brings nothing new to the story. The method of how it's done is irrelevant.
Except that apparently they get the remote car up to over 90 mph on a winding mountain road during a chase scene. The look of terror you see on the actress's face (in the passenger seat) is not acting. :D

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:06 am
by KITTfan
As much I too would want the '82 KITT back as a one and only KITT I realize it's not practical nor possible so I accept the next best thing.
I can live with the Knight Industries 3000 being a Mustang, since the Knight 2000 is still the '82 TA KITT. The Mustang is even black and powerful, not a red tomato. I just hope it would've been changed more, like a blackoutpanel covering the tail lights & the panel between them and changes in the front & custom dashboard. Or maybe this is like the original series presentation car, not completely finished yet?

This is kind of "Knight Rider explanation" but I think of this that the original '82 KITT was sleek and futuristic because it was the style of those times, aerodynamics, computers, etc. was new and big thing back then and '82 KITT as a brilliantly modified 3rd gen Trans-Am answered very well to those needs.
Now things are different, the retro style in car design is "in", not the futuristic style and FLAG may want to keep up with times making new KITT blend in to these times.

The new KITT might as well be Corvette too but I guess money decides what the car will be, maybe Ford made the best deal and I guess it's very important thing if the show becomes a tv-series. You don't have to use so many cars if you do only a one time movie instead of a tv-series that can run many years. Maybe they at Ford are Knight Rider fans since Ford's were used in Team Knight Rider as well :)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:52 pm
by lucid hysteria

This is really really anticlamactically not excited in the way of KITT news... the original KITT had just about the sleekest and sportiest lines of any car I've ever seen - it was dark, exciting, and stealthy, like an old Batmobile - the kind of cars that all little boys want to drive. This Mustang is more like a Monster truck that has not grown to maturity. Boring (at least, for Knight Rider), and while I know part of the premise of Knight Rider was to have a car that could blend in if you didn't look too closely, but this one takes that idea to the extreme; how many Mustangs do I pass that look more or less like this one in a week?! The great thing about KITT was that his additions (mainly the nose) actually took the design of the factory car and improved it, perfected it - from a design standpoint, that nose is simply beautiful, perfect dimensions and... well, anyway, lest I get carried away, let's just say it was the perfect customization; it set it apart (and above) the factory models (the one-piece tail light blackout was the cherry on top) without looking ridiculous or really conspicuous (like the Knight 4000, or the combo car from TKR).

I hate to say it, but I think Domino even looked better than this Mustang. At least some attempt was made to make her a little more unique (tapered stripes that fit her design, that custom piece that covered the back seat, partial light covers, etc.) than just another suped up homie-g-dawg piece of drag-racing trash like all the little fluorescent Japanese cars you'll find teenagers standing around in the Waffle House parking lot at 3 in the morning, expecting people to be wowed by their coolness.

I wasn't expecting to be that excited about a new series, anyway, but I was hoping they'd at least do a little better than this with the car...

Sorry to be a negative Nancy, heh. But it should be easy to see why I am not excited by ANYTHING that claims to be inspired by the Transformers movie garbage and caters more to contractual obligations not to alter the cars or remove emblems than to an interest in making the car actually half as cool as the original KITT.

Boo. I may be speaking too soon, but with a boring car and potentially equally uninteresting actors/characters, I say add it to the list of KR rip-off flops...

- the lucid hysteria