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Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 8:20 am
by Jeronimo
Hi too,

I'm one of the programmers working on Knight Rider and I'll be around from time to time to see if you guys have any technical questions about the game.

fire away,


Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 8:23 am
by Teunstah
Thanks for having me :P

Before I start off, and this will be become more clear as I answer more questions; keep in mind that we are making a game...
(Secondly I'm Dutch and my English might not be not 100% perfect)

Here it goes.

1)On the scanner 'issue'; we've done a lot of research on Knight Rider when starting on the game. We have zifted throught tons of websites, and footage and pictures of Knight Rider. We've found that The serie itself isn't very consistent, ofcourse there have been numerous changes to KITT over the different seasons. If we 'goofed' up (inspite of our research) here or copied this wrongly I cannot tell you. Let me tell you that once you are in SPM you won't notice it, since you'll be focussing on the road (or crashing KITT).
2) Since the beta lots of things have changed, the looks of the game in particular. We've added real time environment mapping (meaning that KITT's exterior will reflect and show the surroundings). We've also added real time material based specular highlights (which means the road and all other surfaces are lit by the sun, cuases shimmering in the asfalt for example) etc. KITT is really black now instead of the greyish look it had.
3) The dash is something else; as a designer there are two issues here:
A. It should be functional
B. It should be true to KR
In order for it to be functional it needed to contain the most important elements of the 'normal' game overlay (outside camera's) while still be readable and understandable. That last part is the tricky part, if we'd swamped the whole interior with all sorts of lights, it might look cool, and more true to KR, but most players would not be able to find the information they needed. I must admit that we wanted it a *bit* more flashy, but time ran out. When designing the dash we aked several people what they remebered of it and we used that in combination with photographical reference to create our game-dash.
4) There are no levels in the dark in this game, there are however dark part (eg in tunnels) where (K)night vision helps.

Hope this helps, feel free to comment on this.

Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 9:50 am
by neps
as a game designer, what is your approach as far as the game from Europe to America. we have been told that the European game will be out next month, while America will have to wait until next quarter. If problems strangely arise in the European version, I assume they would be corrected for the American one. However, will items that you ran out of time for (ie: the dash) be enhanced for the American version? Is that something that is normally done or is the time deal simply for coding the game for the NTSC platform vs PAL?

Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:19 am
by knightrider_ni
this is great, thanks very much for this great opportunity to ask questions about the game. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

indeed, some people here were indeed right in that KITT's grey look was only an early version until the gameplay itself was sorted out, and it is this i'd like to ask a couple of questions about if that's ok? [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] :

1) can you give us an official rundown of what the gameplay will be like? will it be similar to the spyhunter game on the GBA? and how have you been able to incorporate the "knight rider feel" into an interactive game? (that last bit is just my curiousity and fascination on the game so far)

2) we've heard that the PC and PS2 versions are due out soon, but the videogame press (including actual magazines devoted to these next two platforms) have stated that gamecube and gameboy advance titles are on the way next year. there has been speculation that the wait could be because of one of many reasons... some mentioned in the press have been;
a possible re-jigging of the game to add extra features or better controls or simply to better take advantage of the nintendo machines' newer technology, which of course would take longer than a PS2 version - this is not uncommon with ninty;
there could be plans to include the link-up between the two consoles in some aspect of the game;
the GBA could get a different KR game and the GC one is being held back to coincide with it.

of course, all three of the above have also been stated in the press that they could ALL be true, or all be false. lol.

thanks for your time [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:22 am
by Teunstah
The delay between thre releasedates in Europe and the US are cuased by the fact that when releasing a game for PS2 the game has to pass approval by SONY. This is a proces with guidelines. We've submitted KR for Europe already, but US will take a bit longer.
The fact that we're not waiting until both are approved is because then we'll miss Christmas on both sides of the Atlantic.
NTSC or PAL isn't a problem here.
It might turn out there will be differences between the two versions, but it shouldn't be too much.

Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:27 am
by Teunstah

Sorry 'Newcastle knight' overlooked your question.

1) We've added soundeffects to TB, SPM and ski-mode, aswell as many other soundeffect and speech throughout the game.

2) The voice actors (for the English version)are American voice actors living in the Netherlands. We have tried to get the original actors but that was kinds of a problem, and also very (too) expensive.

We do have some of the original voice actors who did the original dubbing in the German and French version. So we did try...

To asnwer some other questions I saw in another thread:
- Yes, the voicebox in the dashboard works
- Yes, KITT will make remarks when hitting other traffic.

Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:57 am
by neps
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Newcastle knight:
<STRONG>2. Im just curious as to who the voice artists are in the game ? and did you try and get David Hasselhoff, William Daniels etc to do the voices for the game </STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I was reading in a PS2 magazine the other day that in the new James Bond game, the James Bond character has the likeness of Pierce Brosnan. However, since they spent all this money to get his likeness rights, they weren't able to get afford to have him speak the lines. So if a big game giant like EA can't afford to have the real actors voice, it's not surprising that this game does not as well.

But it is very cool for the German and French viewers out there!

Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 11:05 am
by Jeronimo
To expand a little on the soundeffects question:

-there are also sound-effects attached to the type of surface KITT drives on (i.e. tarmac, grass, sand)
-reverb effects influence all soundeffect
-engine sound is generated by mixing several sample (some of which are generated on the fly) and includes the KITT's characteristic jet sound.

all of the stuff above was to my knowledge not including in the beta.

Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 11:15 am
by Newcastle knight
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeronimo:
[QB]-engine sound is generated by mixing several sample (some of which are generated on the fly) and includes the KITT's characteristic jet sound.


Excellent, im really glad to hear that otherwise it wouldnt of been KITT !

and in a few posts up it was said that the Turbo boost and ski mode sound effects have been added in too. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

thanks for that


Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 11:43 am
by Skav
Well, after the complaining and whinging(which some of it was done by myself) I think we can safely say this sounds like its going to be a quality game!

I always did love that 'jet sound' from kitt's engine, lol. glad to have that in there. seems like Davilex really has done their homework and I am sure I can put up with foresaking lack of detail to the dash to have other things put in there.

The scanner in the wrong place when in SPM during the video sequences does irk me a lot but I'll get used to it.

Well done Davilex.


Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 11:53 am
by Sonicfreak
Teunstah, I am also from Holland. I will post this reply in English so that the other peoeple can read it. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
I am very proud that Davilex is producing Knight Rider The Game. I am sure it will make Davilex very famous. This game will show the world that the Dutch can also create great games.
I really can't wait until the game is released in November.

Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 1:01 pm
by K.I.T.T
I just want to eco from what everyone else has said and thank you for coming to the board to talk about the game.
I just want to know, if the game is a success on the market, can we expect a sequel? I know that's a bit hard to say now.
Is the game play just mission work..or is there a cruse mode..i.e being able to drive around a particular level before doing the mission.
Once again thanks you


Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 1:28 pm
by neps
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skav:
<STRONG>no, u dont play a car game looking at it from the front but thats why i mentioned video sequences. i wasnt talking about the actual play in the game but i do hope there are different view mode choices of the car and not just a back and in-seat view.


There are actually three view modes, and I'll post pictures of them later. The behind the car view similar to spyhunter. The the car view, with dash et al. And the birds eye view where you a a couple of hundred feet behind and above the car.

As for a sequal ideas, that should be left for another thread. Although I'm not sure we should start one now before the current game even has a chance of being played.

new kr game news

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 3:33 pm
Will we be able to download a gameplay demo of the game?
it would be a nice idea to give us an idea of what game will be before we buy it.
anyway i just cant wait for 8th november to get my hands on the game i already have 40€ to buy it he he [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img])

Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 3:52 pm
by K.I.T.T
I hear ya Neil sorry.
Ok so is the game based on missions or is there other little things you can do decides them?


new kr game news

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 4:16 pm
by neps
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiago:
<STRONG>Will we be able to download a gameplay demo of the game?
it would be a nice idea to give us an idea of what game will be before we buy it.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If they do a demo, I can't see it happening for a few months after the game is released. If you got the money I would buy the game and sell it back if you are unhappy. But honestly, if you are a fan of the series, it will be hard to disappoint.

While I'm here, I have some more information to report. If you goto you will see that I am updating this section. The first update contains a video to compair with. It's the intro movie from the beta demo and then the intro movie from the much more recent build. They've added more sound effects and voice overs as well as more graphic images. It's a very interesting viewing if you have the time.

new kr game news

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 4:26 pm
by neps
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by K.I.T.T:
<STRONG>i cant work the links???


Strangely I figured out what was wrong from your one comment. In the future please provide a more descriptive question when there is a problem.



new kr game news

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 5:24 pm
by Skav
Neil:"But honestly, if you are a fan of the series, it will be hard to disappoint"

Well, I disagree. You can be a fan of something, buy the game of it, and still be disappointed for a number of reasons, eg, frustration of the controls, difficulty level which will ultimately make you give up or basically just the gameplay in general.

I'll buy the game, i've been a fan of the show since i was a baby and I am 21 now so i caught it in it's original run, but that doesn't mean that I will greatly enjoy it. I might put it down and never decide to play it again. Who knows?

But that doesn't mean that i won't appreciate the game being made. I'll always show my appreciation that a company like Davilex had the thought and courtesy to make it.


new kr game news

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 5:36 pm
by neps
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skav:
<STRONG>Well, I disagree. You can be a fan of something, buy the game of it, and still be disappointed for a number of reasons, eg, frustration of the controls, difficulty level which will ultimately make you give up or basically just the gameplay in general.

I had a feeling someone might. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] These are good points. The game being hard to disappoint someone was more personal than logical. I too was a wee lad when this show first aired, and I caught it in it's original run. (I'm 24 now) I'm a bit nostolgic when it comes to these sort of things, and just having the ability to drive around in kitt, for nothing more than turbo boosting and smashing through walls, pleases the heck out of me. anything else ontop of that is bonus.

we have seen that the graphics are basically gonna kick a bit of ass. (maybe not all of the ass, since haven't seen a final version first hand). your comments on the control are important, but as long as it allows me to go foward and doesn't lock up and make me spin like crazy, i'm still gonna be happy.

new kr game news

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 5:39 pm
by krfan1
Thanks again Neil! It was neat to watch both side by side and see the different scenes they used in the updated verison of the game.


"Do not try to follow me."

new kr game news

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 6:06 pm
is there any oficial Knight Rider game site?
and does anyone knows how much the game will cost in europe?

new kr game news

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 6:18 pm
by Newcastle knight
------------More News--------------

I was checkin out and you can pre-order the game now.

the release dates for the PC and PS2 are different, if you have a PS2 then you can get the game in a couple of weeks ! according to amazon anyway.

18th October for Playstation 2

15th November for the PC

Neps, peeps from Davilex ? anybody wanna confirm that those dates are right ?


new kr game news

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 6:48 pm
by neps
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Newcastle knight:
<STRONG>18th October for Playstation 2

15th November for the PC

Neps, peeps from Davilex ? anybody wanna confirm that those dates are right ?

all the information sheets I have still point to November 8th for the release. I guess it's up to Davilex to disprove it. But as far as I know they are still crunching bugs on the game as of today. I can't see a game that is still being worked on, being sent to press, produced and distributed to market all over europe in 2 weeks. it seems a bit rushed to me.

There is no "official" game site yet. has some info with a press release, and has some more information, unfortuantly it isn't in english. It seems the best place to be is right here for now at least. We got new video clips and posts from the creators and programers of the game. I'm sure once the game is launched fully, there will be a website to complement it somehow.

Pre-order prices on report £16.99 for the PC version and £26.99 for the PS2 version.

[ October 02, 2002: Message edited by: neps ]

Questions KR game?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 7:00 pm
by Teunstah
The game is mission based.
There is a campaign/story mode where you can play through the whole 'episode'.
Each of these missions can be practised and replayed in single missions.

There isn't a real cruise mode, but there are several missions which are not timebased, and leave the player to roam freely in the tracks.

new kr game news

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 9:31 pm
by Skav
Wow, that's quite a cheap game compared to others that have been released but i am guessing that this could be the preorder price.

don't listen to amazon's estimated time of arrival. they've always got it wrong!
