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Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:41 am
by knightprobe89
the show wasn't bad, but i have to say that there was way too much time wasted on everything else and very little of kitt and karr , i was hoping to see karr in his mustang form for a little while before transforming into a robot, and i'm dissapointed that they didn't show karrs voice modulator, the fight scene that was shown was awesome but way too short, nbc edited out way too much of the fight scene, although i have to say that i am very happy with the turbo boost, finally a turbo boost worth watching where kitt crashes through something. and the ski mode was awesome, i hope to see more turbo boosts like the one from this episode in future episodes.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:13 am
by SacValleyDweller
*sigh*After a night of KR and LOST last night and a busy day today, I finally sit down tonight to perform the ritual of reading the ep discussion thread. after sloging through what appeared to be more negative reviews than positive reviews to page 5, I skip to the end to post my thoght

Overall, pretty good episode: 8/10. Looking forward to seeing what the show looks like post-reboot.

Way to go, Ki3t, with putting yourself online!
I liked the ad-hoc, made from spare parts shell for Ki3t's AI


However, I think I too must regrettably succumb to my Darryl Downer side and lodge some complaints, most largely echoing the echos of similar complaints: :(

Making the ep longer ep or a two parter would have given the story room to breathe, build tension better, improve cohesion. This ep had some of the feel of a pre-reboot ep.

Ki3t-KARR interaction and a longer battle would have been nice, but on the other hand, KARR was, in terms of VFX, a Decepticon from the Transformers movie (looking very awesome in that right, BTW :) )! He cost a mint to put on screen for sure, so a short interaction with him in this state was needed to save money. On the third hand, keep KARR in car mode and have him fight Ki3t like that, you save your money there too, but at the expense of WOW factor. So I reckon it's six of one, half a dozen of another here.

And, even as a fan of KR08 largely unfamiliar with TOS, I am beginning to agree with some of the criticisms of this ep, the reboot, and the whole show lacking more firm connections with TOS. I haven't found anymore TOS on TV lately and don't know where to find TOS on video/DVD/online sources of varying degrees of legality, so this show is looking more and more like my only source for KR TOS info in context, of which there is little or none to be found. More and more now, I get the feeling that I should be getting a sensation that KR08 is a building and a continuation of something else. Im not getting that at all. I tend to feel that KR08 is more of a giant retcon or a brand new fictional universe than anything else, which contradicts the feeling that I got from the Feb 08 movie in which The Hoff as Michael Knight (Long) appeared.

One thing that I didnt like that everyone else seemed to have liked was the Ki3t's last bit being in that kid's X-Box. I'd like to think Ki3t did not intentionally did that, but what point did it serve from a story telling perspective? it made no sense.

And now, typing this I feel hypocritical as this kind of thing made me want to leave here in the first place 3 weeks ago *sigh* oy vey :roll:

Moving on...

I echo those whose hopes are that Charles isn't dead.

KARR not dead or otherwise able to return? Im game for that!

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:29 am
by Mike Knight
If it's one thing that I don't get, it's the fans that think the way to fix the show is to turn it into TOS Mark II. The idea of Hasselhoff and Daniels coming back full-time as the stars is not only stupid, fanboyish and a ratings destroyer, but it's completely unrealistic. They've both moved on. A guest appearance? Certainly. But the people who demand "bring back Hasselhoff and Daniels to save the show" are clearly not in-touch with reality. Nobody wants to watch the adventures of a (basically) old man and his car that's voice is even older. A few guest spots would probably bring high ratings on curiosity, but if either were to come back in positions as series regulars (or even the stars), it wouldn't help the show in any way.

But likewise, I cannot understand the fans that are content with what GST is throwing us. Now, in spite of my post earlier, there was a lot that I liked in the episode--it was still much better than any of the first nine--but the disappointment in KARR not being KARR overshadows it all. I truly believe that a lot of people here are content to love anything that has the "Knight Rider" title on it, and that's just sad. I don't think we should nitpick over everything, but I don't think it's unreasonable to be upset over a series touted and treated as a continuation being, well, bad with continuity. Statements like "some people will never be pleased" show that a lot of these people don't even "get" the complaints I and others are lodging. While it's true that people who demand a different car or Hasselhoff to come back full-time are being rediculous, there are some of us that are making real, valid complaints.

I wouldn't bat an eye over a continuity mistake that ignores the TOS episode "Not a Drop to Drink" (for example). But KARR wasn't that. KARR was not only one of the most beloved things about the show, but was one of the only THREE recurring villains. That's pretty damned notable. To slap the name of that very HIGH profile TOS character on something completely unrelated, and to use other elements of it including the same voice actor, and have it NOT be the same character is downright insulting. No KR fan that likes TOS (As any real fan should, really) should be willing to stand for that, or even "applaud" it. I suppose it's fair to just not be bothered by it, but to not even care on some level, that's just mind-blowing. Imagine if they hyped KI2T's return, and when he shows up (in a nice TOS replica and everything), he has the voice and personality of C-3PO, and they didn't explain why it was changed.

The elements of KARR were there, except for one element: it actually being KARR. Like I said before, had they not called it "KARR," I wouldn't have cared, but it set up certain expectations, blah, blah, blah.... I've said it all before.

PheonixZero said (and quite correctly, too) that nobody would name a ship "Titanic" now. Why name a new Knight Industries AI project "KARR?" Kind of bad luck, eh? Theories of how it fits into continuity is dumb. The real answer is this: the writers and GST didn't know/didn't give a damn about what they messed up. It's evident that GST doesn't want the show to be a continuation. But he was bound by the expectations of the pilot, which was a firm continuation. By using material from it (the car, the actors and characters), he was bound to make it so in some way, shape or form, but it's clear he doesn't want to. If he did, he would have made sure that KARR was actually KARR, and not a new character that is KARR-in-name-only. And it's also evident in the fact that Charles Graiman doesn't seem to ever mention KI2T on his list of accomplishments. It ain't down to "GST didn't want to use that part of the pilot's continuity." No, GST and the writers just aren't paying attention to those details.

But also, independant of whether KARR-E was TOS KARR or not, he still was terrible as a villain. Something as cool as an evil doppelganger robot deserved more screen time. The least they could have done (since the cut in episodes came while this ep was underway, clearly) is changed the ending to KARR getting away or leave a shred of hope for his continuance, to try and make up for his lack of prescence on-screen and short fight/easy defeat. I said before that MAsterkey did great work, but another reason why the fight was so worthless and short is because they effects cost too much. Had there been no stupid Transformers-rip-off robot mode, the fight could have been longer and cheaper, what with just two Mustangs and CGI to do Mustangs is probably much cheaper than CGI for giant robots.

About the voice: Peter Cullen was doing his Optimus voice. There's no denying that. Compare the two (TDR KARR and OP), and they're wholly different. KARR was higher in pitch (and character-wise, more innocent), whereas OP (even in the 1984 season) was his deeper, more regal voice. Not really complaining about it (it isn't even the same KARR, after all), but I thought it should be noted that yes, the voices ARE different. KARR-E and OP were exactly the same.

But I mean, I have to make an overview/comparison between "KITT Vs. KARR" and "Knight to King's Pawn."

In terms of pacing, KVK has little to tell beyond the main thrust of KARR returning. KTKP has all this extra exposition crammed in, when it shouldn't have.

But the pacing in this series in general is just too fast. Granted, TOS had 10 more minutes per episode to tell the story, but a good story is paced right anyway. Aside from the recent 2-parter, none of the stories in the 08 series are any good. And GST's style is, well, style-over-substance. There's next-to-nothing meaningful going on in the episodes. I'm not crazy enough to claim that TOS was Shakespere or anything, but compared to 08, it is. Whereas TOS took time to develop characters with actual acting as opposed to half-assed dialogue, 08 rushes everything in an attempt to be of-its-time and in-your-face. Shows like Law and Order are written with actors in-mind. I dunno, it's really hard to describe, but the stories were just of better quality on TOS. Not necessarily in subject matter, but in the quality of the scripting. It does kind of tie into the too-many characters on 08 (something that is obviously being rectified).

Well, I suppose I can lay out the ideas and let you decide for yourselves. In KVK, we are introduced to John and Mandy, Eddie and basically, an all new KARR. Same AI from TDR, all new performance and motivations. Really, he's basically a different character than before. But that in itself was more devlopment right there. The subtext for what he's different can be made up by the viewer. He wants revenge and has been sitting, conked-out on a beach for two years. More than enough time to stew and grow angry. But they didn't have to tell us this. We gathered it from the actors' performance and a few lines, which, when we add it together with the performance, gives us the perception the writer was going for. But back to John, Mandy and Eddie. All new characters, all one-offs, but still, in 48 minutes, we know enough about them when we're given relatively little. We care for them or find them interesting, and it's because the actors are all solid. They're putting that extra meaning behind the script's dictation. You really even get the feel for John as he's becoming possessed by KARR's influence. You grow to care for him.

But there were no new characters in KTKP, aside from KARR-E. And they still couldn't make things compelling. The writing just isn't there. Actors can't turn crap into gold. Not that I think most of the cast are good actors, but still. Some of the core actors could do wonders if given a right script (like Andron's script from last week).

KVK had a compelling sequence of events during the build-up to the final battle. Geniune tension pervaded as KARR manipulated John and KARR even struck the most vulnerable spot for FLAG, the semi itself, and gained a serious edge over KITT and Michael by stealing the laser. KTKP had the chance for this with KITT not being-up-to-par for facing down KARR-E, but they completely ignored it.

The final battle of KVK is a three-way bout of tense action as we get great stunt driving, lasers, captive men in the armored car that KARR uses as bait. John and Mandy must be saved, and Michael and KITT just barely survive by luck (with the deus ex machina of the high-tensile reflectors). The music was integral to how well the episode played as well. Though sort of short, the battle doesn't feel like a rip-off because it was the culmination of the episode's goal, to effectively build up this tension, and then release. Like a theme park ride. The wait gets you pumped and the ride, though only 5 or 6 minutes, releases that pent-up tension. It's basic writing. In the end, you don't feel aware that it's only been 48 minutes. Rather, you've been taken to this other world for a while, not bound by a time limit, because the pacing is perfect. Nothing was rushed, and you feel fulfilled. You didn't feel like you needed KVK to be a two-parter.

The final battle of KTKP was anti-climactic. The proper tension only begun when we first heard KARR-E speak. And that was 10 minutes from the end, almost. If that. The release of the little-bit-of-tension was premature. And even if it had been longer, with the general quality of the writing on KR08, you still wouldn't have been terribly invested in the events. The staff of KR08 is making it about flashy, hollow events and characters. They're interested in trying to be eye-catching or sexy or whatever it is they're trying to go for. I really can't be sure. TOS was interested in telling a fun, fulfilling yarn. TOS may have been one of the cheesiest, plot-holey shows, but it kept the big, important continuity right, and they were only interested in the story working on it's self-contained level. Instead of trying to progress something in the background, it was devoted to telling the main thrust of the episode's particular story. If you don't have good writers, you shouldn't try to juggle a bunch of concepts at once.

That's all there is to it. The writing and acting talent was there behind TOS. Not KR08. There's some talent here, but it's wasted by the bigger influences being hollow.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:35 am
by triran
Without repeating the same thing over and over.

I enjoyed the episode but yes a two parter would of been better.

I enjoyed seeing more of Mikes and Billys serious sides coming out. Zoe a lot less hair brained too!

KARR got destroyed too quickly and too easy. Maybe he should of been damaged and could only go around in car mode?

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:37 am
by trissybabes
I thought there were some great ideas in this ep but will echo almost everyone's sentiment that the fight scene was way too short and it felt like a build up to a 2 parter.

One problem I had with the turbo boost into KARR's chest - wouldn't he, err, kind of ripped straight through Torres?

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:43 am
by tosil
Torres had already been pulled out by KITT... otherwise yeah, he would have ripped right through him.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:43 am
by Garthe Knight
trissybabes wrote:I thought there were some great ideas in this ep but will echo almost everyone's sentiment that the fight scene was way too short and it felt like a build up to a 2 parter.

One problem I had with the turbo boost into KARR's chest - wouldn't he, err, kind of ripped straight through Torres?
Watch closely, KITT uses the grappling hook to pull out Torres before he is turbo boosting through KARR.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:31 am
by trissybabes
Ah - 'my bad' as they say - I didn't spot that until I watched the pre-vis!

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:32 am
by Lynda414
trissybabes wrote:Ah - 'my bad' as they say - I didn't spot that until I watched the pre-vis!
Same here! Then I was like: "Oooohhhh!"

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:41 am
by trissybabes
Lynda414 wrote:
trissybabes wrote:Ah - 'my bad' as they say - I didn't spot that until I watched the pre-vis!
Same here! Then I was like: "Oooohhhh!"
Heh! I was sat there watching KI3T bust KARR's guts open, then suddenly Torres is just sorta lying there in the dirt looking a bit dusty!

I said to the present Mrs Trissybabes that didn't make sense! Guess I was too excited by it all.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:48 am
by Skav
Lost Knight wrote:
Amir wrote:
Skav wrote:Sorry, I have to disagree there. Cullen's voice was way off. Even my friend who was watching it with me immediately mentioned Optimus and he's a KR fan like me.

Watch TDR again and there is a big difference. Perhaps Cullen has just lost the way how to do it or has simply gotten older and cannot do the proper voice anymore.
People's voices change. The Transformers movie Optimus Prime didn't sound exactly like the animated Optimus Prime either. 20+ years have done their bit. The 1982 KARR sounded A LOT like the 1984 Optimus Prime, and the 2009 KARR sounds a lot like the 2007 Transformers movie KARR.
I did mean more in terms of the same actor doing the voice and therefore it had to sound the same. But of course 26 years later we're going to hear differences. William Daniels' voice sounds slightly deeper in the Mio G.P.S. than he did on the show. He even sounds different in Season 3 & 4 episodes than he does in "Knight Of the Phoenix" and most of the first season. The original series also filtered K.I.T.T. and K.A.R.R.'s voices to give them a "tinny" quality, too.

But again, my issue was the personality of the character and his dialogue, not the sound of his voice. And speaking of voices, what the hell is wrong with Val Kilmer's K.I.T.T.? There is no sense of urgency in his voice whatsoever. That really subtly takes some excitement out of the battle. The original K.I.T.T. would say something like, "I can't take another blow like that!" whereas the new K.I.T.T. is more like, "My nanotechnology appears to not be in use" or whatever. Stop sounding like a damn scientist and start feeling concerned!
KITT in season 1 of the original acted in the same manner as KI3T as of this point. If you remember the scene where they are heading toward a cliff in the episode "A Plush Ride", KITT was explaining what would happen once they go over the cliff in a very calm manner. Michael asked him to hit the brakes and KITT says he was hitting the brakes as if he was about to doze off to sleep!!!

KI3T will have more emotion as the series goes on, it's still the beginning for him.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:46 am
Mike Knight wrote:...
Not going to quote your monster post but I pretty much agree with everything you said. I think I've said it too at some point or similar things that have been said by others since the first episode, unfortunately certain powers that be just don't get it and I've give everyone a hint, it isn't NBC for once.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:16 am
by CJaguar442
Mike Knight wrote:If it's one thing that I don't get, it's the fans that think the way to fix the show is to turn it into TOS Mark II. The idea of Hasselhoff and Daniels coming back full-time as the stars is not only stupid, fanboyish and a ratings destroyer, but it's completely unrealistic. They've both moved on. A guest appearance? Certainly. But the people who demand "bring back Hasselhoff and Daniels to save the show" are clearly not in-touch with reality. Nobody wants to watch the adventures of a (basically) old man and his car that's voice is even older. A few guest spots would probably bring high ratings on curiosity, but if either were to come back in positions as series regulars (or even the stars), it wouldn't help the show in any way."
I like the direction the new knight rider is going. But however I never missed an episode but the KARR episode was too short, had too many plot holes and it should of been a two parter, typical NBC six sigma stupidity. All in all it was an awesome episode. Excellent bash David Hasselhoff when he pitched the new knight rider to NBC and NBC stabs him in the back. On a second note, having David Hasselhoff and KI2T fight along side Michael Knight JR and KI3T would help save the series and be a ratings bonanza. But since NBC proved that this is a remake trying to be a sequel to the original series and in league with Ford that would never happen. Even though it’s a 1982 Pontiac Trans Am and Gm has not made the Pontiac Trans AM since 2002.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:18 am
by tmtcnya
You people are crazy with this "its not the original, not enough this, and not enough that, KITT v KARR was better". Why does everyone want to see the same thing over again? Its the first season of the new series. Look at TOS first season episodes, I dont much care for them. The show is really good, not to mention some T&A!!

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:35 am
by CJaguar442
tmtcnya wrote:You people are crazy with this "its not the original, not enough this, and not enough that, KITT v KARR was better". Why does everyone want to see the same thing over again? Its the first season of the new series. Look at TOS first season episodes, I dont much care for them. The show is really good, not to mention some T&A!!
I never said that that I hated the new Knight Rider series or the original KITT vs. KARR was better than the new one ( :kitt: vs. :karr: is better :twisted: ). This version would be ten times better if they made it a two parter it looks the editor took cookie cutter to the episode. NBC takes a good idea and then NBC's stupidity impulses (Six Sigma) take over and screw everything up to the point of no return.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:05 am
by Knight-Armen
Look at TOS first season episodes, I dont much care for them. The show is really good, not to mention some T&A!!
Well maybe you don't care but I most certainly do! The first season of TOS wasn't perhaps as good as three and four but I still enjoyed it to the fullest.

The new show has been progressing in a positive direction but we demand a lot more of what they are doing (i.e. turbo boost, ski mode, karr) and the T&A, if you take it from me it was overrated for about 9 episodes...

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:26 am
by Lost Knight
Skav wrote:KITT in season 1 of the original acted in the same manner as KI3T as of this point. If you remember the scene where they are heading toward a cliff in the episode "A Plush Ride", KITT was explaining what would happen once they go over the cliff in a very calm manner. Michael asked him to hit the brakes and KITT says he was hitting the brakes as if he was about to doze off to sleep!!!

KI3T will have more emotion as the series goes on, it's still the beginning for him.
Thing is I don't think Val Kilmer's K.I.T.T. is going to be doing any real evolving any time soon if it hasn't happened by now. I don't necessarily completely blame Kilmer. I blame the writing as well. These new writers don't get what the character is supposed to be. The amateur way to approach the character would be to immediately think robot/computer and have him learn phrases but with the same lifeless personality. This is the difference between the two K.I.T.T.s. The new K.I.T.T.'s evolution is learning phrases or slang, etc., but never sounding more human or acting like a real person. No matter how much more he learns or evolves, he still sounds like an answering machine.

Even the original K.I.T.T. was intended to act more like a robot (you can notice his voice sounds more robotic in the 20-minute presentation footage in the pilot during some scenes), but it was William Daniels' insistance that he act more human because he didn't want to act like a robot. So perhaps even in the original series they didn't necessarily know the right way to go was to have K.I.T.T. act human either. Yes, the original K.I.T.T.'s personality did evolve throughout the four seasons, but I'm not sure that was ever a conscious plot point as much as it was Daniels feeling more and more comfortable in the role. Either way, it worked out storyline-wise and made perfect sense, but every other character's relationships also followed the same subconscious evolution. Michael and Devon acted more like family in the fourth season whereas Devon treated Michael like an immature stepchild during most of the first season. Michael pursued Bonnie while she turned him down during the first season, but by the fourth season they had a clear mutual respect for each other and were more like family, etc.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:53 am
SacValleyDweller wrote:

One thing that I didnt like that everyone else seemed to have liked was the Ki3t's last bit being in that kid's X-Box. I'd like to think Ki3t did not intentionally did that, but what point did it serve from a story telling perspective? it made no sense.

I enjoyed the XBOX bit.

*ahem* Did someone else sniff out a fully sponsored Knight Rider this last Wednesday?? A couple of featured artists...let's say three major artists. No, it wasn't that?? Could it have been a plug for Microsoft??

I don't know why I'm trying to bring more hate topics.......I'm just being my jerky self this morning, and poking fun towards the (actually behaving) FORD HATERS.

Damn, those CGI clips were top notch for TV standards!!!!!!

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:57 am
by kittxthexcat
Hey, atleast Ford expanded itself and used some Volvo's instead of Fords! (Ford owns most of Volvo btw :P)

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:33 pm
by cazman101
the things i liked fromthe episode were the glimpse of Karr through the curtains I would have played on the reveal a little longer. (still thought it was nice though)

I liked the fact that we got to see kitt getting slammed about a bit more. Most of the time few things are a challenge.

I liked the fact there was some death in the episode a good death helps sell the danger the characters are in.
(thought they could have gone futher with that though not more graphic just shown more)

I liked what there was of the fight. (same as the others wanted longer time with KARR on screen, if only to build the menace of the villain more.)

Things I wasn't keen on.

KARRS extreme Transformation way too much (it only worked in transformers because they were Alien robots with tech hundreds of thousands of years in front of us.)

Wasn't keen on the non leathal weapon approach by mike when he stormed the base he may aswell have gone in and asaulted then with paper-cuts and salt. You'd have thought if he was going to go in with a minimal death count attitude and gassed the compound with knockout gas rockets.

and I realy didn't like the way KITT repaired himself at the end. The car had a battering i would have preferred the final bit to be them picking up a toolbox. I'm not saying KITT shouldn't be able to repair himself but not that quick after that sort of pasting I would have thought it would have taken a while and would have needed some assistance.

Thats pretty much it my other little gripes i've already stated in other threads and i'm happy to leave it at that now.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:45 pm
by Samborghini
I I'm honest I was disappointed by this episode I thought KARR would have been a lot smarter than what he was, and I also thought the fight would last longer than around a minute but however I did enjoy the ending with FLAG now set back up and running long live Wilton Knight's dream!! :karr:

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:53 pm
by Knight2000
Mike Knight wrote:If it's one thing that I don't get, it's the fans that think the way to fix the show is to turn it into TOS Mark II. The idea of Hasselhoff and Daniels coming back full-time as the stars is not only stupid, fanboyish and a ratings destroyer, but it's completely unrealistic.

But likewise, I cannot understand the fans that are content with what GST is throwing us.
I think I understand where you're coming from.

Had the series been well-written and directed from the start, I would have been happy with KI3T + Mike working for the NSA via the SSC. Had all of the eps been done like the last two (DSTK and DTIK), I would have been happy.

I also understand where everyone wants TOS characters to come back. Michael Knight and KITT would have boosted things markedly. Perhaps, had this been a season-wide story arc (or even just an arc stretching 4 or 5 eps), it would have worked well had MK and KITT been drafted in to help the new team. Done well, it could even have stood alone as a "DVD movie".

TOS worked well for its time, but using the same storylines/plots wouldn't have worked now.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:31 am
by Skav
Can anyone explain how Graimen's hologram at the end of the episode knew they would be successful in defeating KARR and went on explaining what they had to do after?

I assume he acted out two different scenario's but I'm not so sure as KITT told the gang that there was a message from Graimen. Could it possibly be his spirit communicating?

If so, how would it be explained how Sarah was able to re-wind his holographic footage earlier?

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:22 pm
by arhskr81
If you go back and watch the holo recording, Dr. G says that it is supposed to play "ONLY" if they succeed. As far as Sara rewinding the holo, all it is is a recording kind of like a tape or dvd. On another note Deanna plays a good drunk. LOL!!!

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:35 pm
by Skav
arhskr81 wrote:If you go back and watch the holo recording, Dr. G says that it is supposed to play "ONLY" if they succeed. As far as Sara rewinding the holo, all it is is a recording kind of like a tape or dvd. On another note Deanna plays a good drunk. LOL!!!
Thanks for the info! :D