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Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:44 am
by KR Arban90
Hi everyone!!

My name is Ashkan and Im from Stockholm Sweden. Im 18 but will turn 19 later this year. Since I was a little boy I always loved to see the first Knight Rider series on television and still today I do liek to watch them. After the original Knight Rider I started to watch Team Knight Rider which I loved too but the original Knight Rider was the better but still TKR was a great show and sadly they only did just one season of it. I liked the 2008 Knight Rider show, it was great.

Im very happy to be a member on this forum and it is great to see other people out there who likes Knight Rider :)

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:35 pm
by KBmodding
Hee, I'am Knight Bob, I'am new 13, in December 14. I like Knight Rider since one year, and I'am a big fan. I like the episode Knight of the Juggernaut. I like too: :kittconv: I have Knight Rider mod for San Andreas from KIM, and new are I working on the Knight Research mod, if you wanna to now something about me, send a message.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:55 pm
by .:!FILDA!:.
Hi all fans Knight Rider 82-86 and 08-09. I am Filip Forst, from Czech Republic and 18 years old (this November). I like Knight Rider from year 2000 when I was 8 or 9 years old and I'm went to 4'th class on the Elementary School. From th period I'm very big fan up to now.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:56 am
by Clarcksupremacy
Hello, I am Claudio, 29 years old and I am Italian, I follow Knight Rider age of 4 years and have always been a fan. I'm building a replica, I also take this opportunity to leave the link to the website:" onclick=";return false;

Hello everyone

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:37 pm
by PiperToo

I'm Virginia Smith in Texas. I watched the original series as a kid in the 80s and started watching it again this year, and then decided recently to give KR 08 a try. I was surprised at a few things - some of the show's content (a little racey in places, plus the omniscience of the SSC), but I was also surprised at how much I liked the show, the new Michael Knight and the new KITT. I think it went in a good direction toward the end of the season and they did a nice job of getting there. I hope for more, but if not, I'll enjoy what we've got.

I've had fun reliving the old memories of the Original and the high-speed action and humor of the new show. I hope I can enjoy talking to you guys about it.

I'm legally blind and work at home and my eyesight is just poor enough that I don't drive (though I have heard that a provisional drivers license for short distances might be possible) But I have been inspired. I hope they really invent KITT in my lifetime, so I can get rides wherever I need to go! I want to seriously look into the technology and start saving up fo my real KITT now!

I look forward to meeting everyone and having some lively discussions.

All the best,

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:09 pm
by xlankyx
hi im new im steve and is only 19 so i wasnt round wen knight rider started but i have seen them all on tv (bravo) and on vcr and have loved every min of it wen i found out there was a new 1 i was hitting the roof with joy its been my fav tv program ever and hop it will never end coz if it do then i will miss it so much c i like it that much i can see them over agean and agean its just the best so plz never mack it end and i think there should be 1 were both michaels and kitts should come togather in a episod that would be great steve KNIGHT RIDER 4 LIFE :good:

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:43 pm
by krrdr2010
I have been Knight Rider fan for 27 years. I am a HUGE Fan of The Original KR, KR2000movie, Team KR, and the most recent incarnation KR2008. I have searched for years to find a website where I could find other fans of KR and to talk about it and its future. Thank God you exist!!! :kitt2: :karr: :dash: :dash4: :kitt:

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:50 am
by Knighttime
Thank you for the opportunity to share a passion with like-minded individuals. I am a lifelong fan, and the have been inspired by the concept through childhood and into my professional life. Live the dream..

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:10 pm
by KARR_Dude
Hi I'm Andy and I love the original Knight Rider series. I like KARR better than KITT :P. I found out about Knight Rider 'caus my dad watched it when he was younger. I have season 1 and 2 on DVD and a KITT model by Joyride. If I was smarter I'd develop a Knight Rider game of my own and share it with you all to see what you thought about it. Nice to be here at KnightRiderOnline!

Re:hii New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:40 am
by davidwilliam
hello everyone,

I am new to this site.I hope this site will help me to understand quickly.
I would like to say "hi" to all members,Welcome to the forum.
I am great fan of this show and i am watching this show from last 5 years...

thank you!!!

Another one joins the ranks...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:17 am
by Ttaskmaster
Hello all,

My name's Woody, from Reading UK. Just joined up and loving the layout already!!

Usual intro stuff - I'll be quick, so we can get straight down to the fun stuff...
Loved KR since it first came out and spent many a happy afternoon watching it on TV. Seen a couple of impressive 1:1 reproductions/customisations at car shows and looking to get back into the scene, chat with you about stuff and generally celebrate the series.

I loved The A-Team, Airwolf and Streethawk too, but none of them have stood the test of time as well as Knight Rider. Watching re-runs on the satellite channels, only Knight Rider still seems as awesomely cool as I remember!!!

So yeah, catch you on the threads!!

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:57 pm
by LCBenson
Hey! My name is Lyndsey and I'm 13 years old, but when I was little, I would watch Knight Rider every time it was on! I still love it, and I have seasons one and two right now, but I'm looking to buy seasons three and four. Anyway, HI!


Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:34 pm
by blackstallion
I watched the new knight rider of 2008, and if i compare the knight rider of 1982 with the new one, the old knight rider was way far better than the new one, and i have certain reasons for that. In knight rider of 1982, one man can make the difference and Mr David Hasselloff was having a pride, honor and respect once he carries out a mission.But if we see the knight rider of 2008, in this Mr Justin Bruening is being humilated a lot of times, Ms Deanna Russo is always running with him to conduct a mission. She is many a times found out proclaming that KITT is her car and not of Mr Justin Bruening. More so three and even four guys are there to conduct a mission where as in old knight rider Mr David Hasselloff was doing every thing himself which looks nice is such kind of TV shows as being a hero, but in new knight rider using Ms Deanna Russo in every mission is not good rather she is being portrayed as she is the owner of the KITT and Mr Justin Bruening is just her driver and nothing else. In some TV shows Ms Deanna Russo acts as she is the mother of Mr Justin which is quite bad and should not be there in season 2 of knight rider 2008. Thanks :kitt2:

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:07 pm
by Zoormagian
Just wanted to say hi, my name is Tim, and I have been lurking on this sites for years, but never registered.

I cannot explain why, LOL.

However, some of the threads here are incredible, a personal favorite is the "Locations" thread. I've really enjoyed reading that, and seeing pictures of now vs then.

About me, I'm an avid auto enthusiast who knows tons about the 3rd Gen Firebird and Camaro, after having several of them, my favorite was a white '82 Trans Am, with tan PMD interior, and custom wheels instead of the bowling balls (don't blame me, it came to me that way).

My '82 was identical to this one....

Yes, I know, it might actually be worth something now, but you live and you learn.

See you guys around, I'm off to post in the what you drive thread.


Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:05 pm
by danny1988
Does anyone no if there will be a season 2????

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:44 pm
by Sir Knight
HI there. Been a massive Knight Rider fan forever ! I am new here so please be gentle with me !! Great Forum.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:58 am
by Radioman
Hello guys...!

My name is Chris, I'm 28 years old and from Munich, Germany. My English is not so good, hope you unterstand me. Since I was a child I love Knight Rider. In 90's David Hasselhof was in Munich on six days, it is a bike event in Munich Olympiahalle. I had backstage tickets from my mom and drove with him and Kitt on stage, he was sining the song I've been looking for freedom. I'll never forget this was great! In 2006 I bought a Pontiac Firebird and build a KI2T Exterior Replica. In 2008 I need money for my self-employment and sold my car. For two weeks ago I bought a 2007 Ford Mustang GT and would like to bulid a new KI3T Exterior Replica.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:43 am
by Lara
Hey my name is Lara and im 14 :) I LOVE knight rider

I have a fansite for Deanna russo" onclick=";return false; she even tweeted about it once!

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:55 am
by Aydann.
Hey, I'm Aydan and I'm 15! I'v also been watching Knight Rider since I was 5-6 Years old.

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:04 pm
by Grivessillus
Hello. I love Knight Rider. I watched every series they made. So sad that the new one got cancelled. It was something on tv that really got my interest. :(

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:41 pm
by DeSiMuNdA
Hi everyone :D

i'm so glad that i came across this site while searching online for all things knight rider :good:

loved the original series...the new one wasn't bad, but could have been better still...waiting for the movie now...

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:19 pm
by iKITT
I've lurked here for some time, and finally decided to join the site. I'm glad there's such a website for Knight Rider. Haha, Knight Rider gave me an obsession for Trans Ams and Pontiacs in general. :lol:

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:39 am
by Jayke
Well, I'm back!! in a manner of speaking! I discovered that I joined this forum seven long years ago. So first of all I'm glad to see you still on here and running better than ever!!

My name is James I'm 29 years old, I'm from the UK and I've been watching KR on and off since I was still in diapers!
My mum often told that I'd squeal with excitement when the KR theme tune started playing! It's been a mainstay in my life and it always will be!

Since I sent that solitary forum message 7 years ago, I have since got the entire collection on DVD, Bought Joe Huth's Knight Rider Legacy book, and seen the 2008/9 version on tv. I'm yet to get the DVD - can't afford it at present! But its definitely on my list for the future!

Thanks again for providing such a service, I'll aim to be a regular user!!

:karr: :kitt: :kittconv: :kittside:

Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:48 pm
by markcasias
hi, my name is mark from california, i watched Knight Rider since I was 8 Years old. I really love Knight Rider i'm glad i found this thread...... :good:


Re: Welcome! New to the Board: Please read

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:37 pm
by d_watson1080
Hey There

My name is Douglas and I am from Phoenix, AZ USA 85032. I am here to beacause I want to build a replica and I need a place to start. I've been reading some of the posts that haven't been replied to since 2003. Can someone direct me to the right spots. I can find the items. I just need a list to make sure I'm not leaving anything out. I want to make my replica the right way. I have been a fan of the show ever since it came out in 1982. I am planning on a season 2 style dash with color monitors and a few unique touches of my own
