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Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:24 am
by cgenro
Victor Kros wrote:Another big problem is their shooting order - when you start jumbling up the episode orders like this and you're trying to have a somewhat consistant storyline built around them, things get out of place. Just like the couch moving into the pitch black SSC for the first time and so on. This is one of the flaws of trying to write and shoot episodes under the gun out of sequence. Sometimes it works if the stories are independent enough and sometimes it backfires...especially when you need to fix something that your audience doesn't care for and it's already too late because you've already spent the money on shooting or creating it.
Also when KITT and Michael are talking about the gattling gun and how it will only work for 7 seconds this confused me because in Fly By Knight both gattling guns are working perfectly fine. I guess these could be seen at nitpicks but it definately pulls me out of the story. I hope when the series gets released on DVD they rearrange these episodes in the correct order.

I`ve been a long time fan of TOS and it`s taken me a few episodes to get into KR08 but were finally seing the old formula kicking in. That`s not to say I didn`t enjoy the first half of the season but this to me is definately the prefered format. While this episode wasn`t any spectacular it had it`s moments with the thugs trying to break into KITT and the really cool sideways turbo boost. KITT screaming was very odd and out of character but for some reason it kind of fit and I laughed out loud when it happened.

I have high hopes for this series as the people behind really seem to be trying to recapture the charm that TOS had.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:01 am
by Rockatteer
Milo wrote:not a bad episode, think i prefered the previous one, still not used to the new turbo boost,
one question, I thought they killed off mike tracuer or what ever his last name was and made him michael knight so no one would know, but the last few eps every one still seems to know who he is ?? or is he not to supposed to be top secret now?? im a little confuesed, oh what is the name of the organization now? scc or somehing? is it supposed to be similar to flag was?
SCC is the Satellite Communication Center.. the Kitt cave.

And here's another thing. In TOS Flag seemed to be a fairly public organization, with Devon doing presentations etc at various times and FLAG sponsoring various events. Why then has it suddenly become a big secret in the new series?

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:23 am
by CJaguar442
Rockatteer wrote:
Milo wrote:not a bad episode, think i prefered the previous one, still not used to the new turbo boost,
one question, I thought they killed off mike tracuer or what ever his last name was and made him michael knight so no one would know, but the last few eps every one still seems to know who he is ?? or is he not to supposed to be top secret now?? im a little confuesed, oh what is the name of the organization now? scc or somehing? is it supposed to be similar to flag was?
SCC is the Satellite Communication Center.. the Kitt cave.

And here's another thing. In TOS Flag seemed to be a fairly public organization, with Devon doing presentations etc at various times and FLAG sponsoring various events. Why then has it suddenly become a big secret in the new series?
I agree
Why did they make F.L.A.G. and K.I.T.T. big secret? The world may never know
I blame Gary Scott Thompson lol

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:38 am
by Knight-Armen
SCC is the Satellite Communication Center.. the Kitt cave.

And here's another thing. In TOS Flag seemed to be a fairly public organization, with Devon doing presentations etc at various times and FLAG sponsoring various events. Why then has it suddenly become a big secret in the new series?
You've got the ackronym wrong. It's called the Satellite Surveillance Center or SSC for short.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:58 pm
by ShadowRider
Great episode. The clumsy car thieves really reminded me of TOS, classic moments !

And no transformations :good:

The sideways Turbo Boost was cool.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:11 pm
by pheonix_knight
The Sideways TB was fantastic.

Ki3t "screaming like a girl" was completely wrong.

That was an emotional response, as was his talk of the chase being "auxhilarating..."

When did he start developing emotions or sense of adrenaline? (which relies on a a sense of mortality to work in some cases...)

More curious was why they were running in the first place. The nanotech would have withstood the bullets until they had run out, by which time the police could have arrived and taken the bad guys away. Although Knight Industries was cut off from the government, MK and KI3T are not fugitives or wanted for anything, the police would have no interest in them.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:16 pm
by Drifty
Where would the fun in that be?? If they didn't run Mike wouldn't have done the sideways Turbo Boost (Ski Boost anyone??) & KI3T wouldn't have screamed. I like that they ran. More entertaining too!

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:26 pm
by R.I.T.T.
pheonix_knight wrote:The Sideways TB was fantastic.

Ki3t "screaming like a girl" was completely wrong.

That was an emotional response, as was his talk of the chase being "auxhilarating..."

When did he start developing emotions or sense of adrenaline? (which relies on a a sense of mortality to work in some cases...)

More curious was why they were running in the first place. The nanotech would have withstood the bullets until they had run out, by which time the police could have arrived and taken the bad guys away. Although Knight Industries was cut off from the government, MK and KI3T are not fugitives or wanted for anything, the police would have no interest in them.
No interest? A mustang that can drive away undamaged after being hit by dozens of bullets? I'll bet they'd be interested.

What about the innocent bystanders that could potentially be in danger with bullets flying around?

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:17 pm
by KITT Season 4
Well so far, either you LOVED IT or HATED IT.

my two cent: I, like Vk said, find that the episodes was anticlimactic, the bar fight was too quick, not really epic. And the little scene before the intro didn't really hook us in with a problem, just "i'm going to a bar see ya.
Now onto the good stuff.
-Knight license plates
-Zoe giving Billy a video game (I was tired of the whole i'm better than you thing that has been going on for a while)
-Sideways Turbo Boost -Although it was cool, it seemed more like ski mode while kitt turned letting it up on the bridge
-The Minigun (most people don't like it, but i find it cool)
-the whole "Alex Torres died and put me in charge"
-There was a tos episodes like this, with a ranch.
Other than that, that's it. Pretty Boring episodes, if those thing weren't there, this would have been another "I wanna rock and roll all knight"

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:16 am
by cloudkitt
Well I FINALLY got to see it, a pretty good episode, not my favorite, but good. What not too many people have mentioned but I view as this episode's shining moment, two words: CAR CHASE!

This is only the second REAL chase we've seen (the first would be with the cop car lights). It's still too short with too many camera cuts (as opposed to a fully choreographed chase), but its definitely an improvement. At least you saw KITT racing around corners WITH the other cars rather than a 2 second clip of KITT weaving in front of traffic as the same image loops on the wndscreen. AND no one called him during the chase. The turbo boost was cool, I was skeptical, but especially on the landing, very good effects. (Although, that was rather poor judgement on Mike's part, what if someone had been on the bridge? He didn't really give KITT time to tell him. It doesn't actually bother me, just saying.) The only other nitpicky thing I have about it is I would have liked to see the reaction of the people chasing him, but that's all right. Oh, and I didn't like the scream. I actually didn't hear it the first time and assumed Michael was referring to squealing tires or something, but going back, I didn't like it, why would KITT scream?

Also, I'm a little confused about Billy and Zoe here. Suddenly he's real goofy and she's commanding. Remember in the KARR episode she tried to fool around and Billy yelled at her. I guess you can explain it as they just keep each other in check, but it just seemed to me like they had been setting Billy up as a bit more authoritative at that point. Probably just has to do with this obsession with making "modern" women completely beyond taking any sort of order from the evil men.

But anyway, yeah, I guess the episode was a little mediocre, but i enjoyed it, and kudos on the car chase.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:12 am
by Honeykitt
pheonix_knight wrote: *snip*

Ki3t "screaming like a girl" was completely wrong.

Okay, I'm not one to nitpick as I just watch the shows and enjoy the action and the episodes as a whole, but I very strongly agree with this. I would have rather heard a "MMMMIIIICCCHHHHEEEAAALLLLLL" than that girly scream.

Other than that, I very much enjoyed the show and am really, really loving the re-boot. The TB was awesome! I'm really enjoying all the interaction that KITT and Mike are having now.

I do have a thought though: Does anyone else think that Mike is not that caring for KITT? In TOS Michael really worried about KITT. For example: When Mike had just got KITT from area 51, he didn't show that much concern for KITT just waking up from being "dead" and just told him "You're playing hurt" when he decided to face KARR. Also, they didn't show Mike asking KITT if he was okay after crashing through KARR. Is it me and I just don't remember the first few episodes correctly for TOS and how Michael treated KITT? I need to pull out my season one and two DVD's and watch them again.

Many sorries if this is the wrong thread, just wanted to throw that thought out there and see what anyone thought.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:57 am
by gromia77
Honeykitt wrote:
Okay, I'm not one to nitpick as I just watch the shows and enjoy the action and the episodes as a whole, but I very strongly agree with this. I would have rather heard a "MMMMIIIICCCHHHHEEEAAALLLLLL" than that girly scream.

Other than that, I very much enjoyed the show and am really, really loving the re-boot. The TB was awesome! I'm really enjoying all the interaction that KITT and Mike are having now.

I do have a thought though: Does anyone else think that Mike is not that caring for KITT? In TOS Michael really worried about KITT. For example: When Mike had just got KITT from area 51, he didn't show that much concern for KITT just waking up from being "dead" and just told him "You're playing hurt" when he decided to face KARR. Also, they didn't show Mike asking KITT if he was okay after crashing through KARR. Is it me and I just don't remember the first few episodes correctly for TOS and how Michael treated KITT? I need to pull out my season one and two DVD's and watch them again.

Many sorries if this is the wrong thread, just wanted to throw that thought out there and see what anyone thought.
I do have to agree on both. While the scream was funny it was too OOC for Kitt. But yeah the TB was great!

As for Mike caring for Kitt. In TOS the pair were on the "pal" stage from the end of the pilot. It seems Mike is warming up to Kitt a bit slower than his father. There are times he seems to care and sometimes it's like "meh, whatever". There have been a few "buddy" moments but I wish they'd make it consistent.

Justin seems to follow the script too blindly. It's alright to improvise, right?

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:35 am
by NeoRanger
I've complained about this before. Mike's caring toward KITT is fairly ambiguous or even inconsistent. I liked it that they didn't kick it off as fast as Michael and KITT did in TOS, but I was hoping we'd get a better-rounded relationship as a result.

I don't mind their current relationship, though.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:48 am
by Rainack
NeoRanger wrote:I've complained about this before. Mike's caring toward KITT is fairly ambiguous or even inconsistent. I liked it that they didn't kick it off as fast as Michael and KITT did in TOS, but I was hoping we'd get a better-rounded relationship as a result.

I don't mind their current relationship, though.
I know you're talking from a writing/acting standpoint. Looking at it from the story standpoint, though. KI2T was programmed to compliment MKSr. I think that's why they bonded so quickly. Could it be taking MKJr and KI3T longer because they are having to bond the old fashioned way, through experience? We could perhaps infer that Dr. Graiman programmed KI3T with MKJr in mind to drive him, but we are never truly told that, so perhaps he was not programmed with MKJr in mind for a driver.

I think it goes along with the question of why Mike was sleeping in the passenger seat isntead of the driver seat in Exit Light Enter Knight. Everyone was saying how MKSr slept perfectly well in KI2T's driver seat. Again, KI2T was designed specifically for MKSr. We don't really know if this is the case with KI3T and MKJr.

Just a couple of thoughts. Take them or leave them as you will. :kitt2:

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:31 am
by R.I.T.T.
Also, the episodes have been jumbled up a bit so you're bout to see some inconsistensies. What Rainack says makes a lot of sense though.

I don't know how it's done on the new Knight Rider but whether Justin is allowed to improvise is up to the director as far as I know in most shows/movies. Also depending on whether Val is recording his parts before or after the shooting of the scenes depends on how far you can improvise as the stand in also has those lines.

Just my thoughts though, no profesional knowledge about almost certainly wrong :P

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:05 pm
by FordFilly82
Rainack wrote:
NeoRanger wrote:I've complained about this before. Mike's caring toward KITT is fairly ambiguous or even inconsistent. I liked it that they didn't kick it off as fast as Michael and KITT did in TOS, but I was hoping we'd get a better-rounded relationship as a result.

I don't mind their current relationship, though.
I know you're talking from a writing/acting standpoint. Looking at it from the story standpoint, though. KI2T was programmed to compliment MKSr. I think that's why they bonded so quickly. Could it be taking MKJr and KI3T longer because they are having to bond the old fashioned way, through experience? We could perhaps infer that Dr. Graiman programmed KI3T with MKJr in mind to drive him, but we are never truly told that, so perhaps he was not programmed with MKJr in mind for a driver.
I agree with both of you.
But I wanted to answer (or try) Neoranger's statement.
I think, though not positive, that in "Knight to King's Pawn" it was revealed that MKjr was the driver for Karr, thus Karr may have been programmed for MKjr's needs just like ki2t was designed for snr's. So it *could* be taken that when Graiman created/designed/programmed Ki3t, he was not thinking of Traceur (is what I call him :P) as the original driver. Which could explain the "inconsistencies" with the bonding of Ki3t & MKjr.

Of course the fact that NBC played 52 Card Pick UP with the ep's could have somethingto do with that too! ;) LOL

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:56 pm
by NeoRanger
It's not so much inconsistencies in the bonding, it's inconsistencies (small, mind you) in the interaction itself. I recall, the first time I noticed it was within "Knight of the Living Dead", when Mike was all supportive and "you'll be fine, buddy" to KITT at first and later he couldn't get off that plane fast enough.

It's a really small thing, really, it just could be better. That's all.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:12 pm
by Stealthwalker
Another decent episode :good:!!!!! And I look forward to this next episode.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight and the City

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:57 am
by AndrewGTR
do any of you guys realize that KITT is no longer morph xcept in pilot movie??i really wana c him morph than 'transform'...anyhow i missed the HAWKmode which also only appears in pilot movie... :roll: i wonder why??is the morphing CGI that hard to do..please let me know why...